Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Between Built to Last, Reliable Invention, and Robust Engineering, Projected items straight up shouldn't decay on an easily observable timescale. These are abilities that make creations last longer and be more resistant to time and wear, so they should also be substantially more resistant to the normal decay of Projected items over time.
Honestly, I'm kinda wanting to see the absolute breakdown Armsmaster would have, once he theoretically found out just how Joe's power works, as well as explores Joe's workshop
There are plenty of other people Armsmaster will never be better than that he doesn't have breakdowns over. I feel like learning Joe's true ridiculousness would be freeing for him. If Joe publicly exists in a class that Armsmaster will never even be compared to, then Joe will never really overshadow Armsmaster in his own domain. It'd be like a mayor complaining that they aren't respected because they aren't the president.
This will almost definitely work better if he were projecting things he's already made with those effects, instead he's projecting stuff he's never made or are completely original which means it has no history to include. What I want to see is him using reinforcement on some tinker tech.

If I'm remembering correctly, a step in reinforcement lets him read the history of his target and that sounds like the last piece he needs to finally break the black-boxing on regular tinker tech.

That is one power that has a unique benefit, he doesn't have very many reverse engineering

UBW functions by not only Projecting the material properties of the weapons, but also their history. This implies that Unlimited Forge Works may be able to Project crafting methods, which should allow at least gimped versions of Skyforge, Secret of Steel and possibly even Master Craftsman. I'm curious if Thaumaturgical Focus: Transmutation contains enough information to imply that possibility.

Do you think that he could summon noble phantasms if they were too different from the fate franchise, like if they made Morgan yellow instead of red
While I'm being anal-retentive:

F/SN is really vague about this because all of the magical lore is explicated by characters with various misconceptions about what they're doing, but projection is at least theoretically capable of producing permanent "real" objects (as observed with Shirou's completely persistent conjurations, and the fact that he had to be told that objects created via gradation air were supposed to dissipate).

However, I think it's an open question as to whether Shirou's projection magic is merely a hyperspecialized extension of ordinary projection, in the same way that all Mysteries can be explored in depth, or if Shirou's applications of Projection are completely unique to him on account of his Element and associated Reality Marble.

In the former case, sufficiently advanced visualization techniques and spellcasting methods (realized in Shirou's case through the aid of his RM, and in Joe's case by the fact that he's not baseline human) are probably sufficient to advance projection magic to that new plateau of creating permanent projections, falsifying histories, etc. In the latter case, Joe is completely out of luck on account of his not having Unlimited Blade Works, though he might be able to do some novel research work and fill in the blanks by using his demigod nature and descent from Hephaestus or somesuch.

Either way, though, projection magecraft is fundamentally about falsifying objects which "already exist" in some sense; the transient replication of existing objects not at hand is given as the primary (only) use case for ordinary projection, and Shirou himself is seemingly unable to visualize and project novel creations, even with access to an arbitrary amount of blueprints to recombine or crib from.

So I think that it might fit for Joe to be able to copy effects like Master Craftsman and the Secret of Steel, but only when replicating items to which those effects had already been applied normally. He could project a copy of a sword forged with the Secret of Steel, but not project such a sword from scratch.

But that's just, like, my opinion, man.
If he can make permanent projections of things he's already made, he could seriously boost Matrix.
Do you think that he could summon noble phantasms if they were too different from the fate franchise, like if they made Morgan yellow instead of red
No. Shirou was able to copy noble phantasms because he was able to comprehend their histories at a glance due to his double element/origin. Joe can probably pull some similar bullshit with his own understanding of craftsmanship but without actual noble phantasms to study, he'd just be making knockoff bullshit.
If he can make permanent projections of things he's already made, he could seriously boost Matrix.

No. Shirou was able to copy noble phantasms because he was able to comprehend their histories at a glance due to his double element/origin. Joe can probably pull some similar bullshit with his own understanding of craftsmanship but without actual noble phantasms to study, he'd just be making knockoff bullshit.
You know I think he has a perk that lets him turn spells into code/technology. If he were to convert Structural Analysis into a physical sensor, he could apply his perks to make it a divine grade history sensor and hybridize it with the Adventure Time sensors to do the same as Shiro.
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Between Built to Last, Reliable Invention, and Robust Engineering, Projected items straight up shouldn't decay on an easily observable timescale. These are abilities that make creations last longer and be more resistant to time and wear, so they should also be substantially more resistant to the normal decay of Projected items over time.
this isn't exactly 'normal' wear, the world actively erodes magecraft so it's more equivalent to something being bathed in something caustic to it.
this isn't exactly 'normal' wear, the world actively erodes magecraft so it's more equivalent to something being bathed in something caustic to it.
Ontop of that, he's putting like the absolute minimum into the spell. Without all his perks they'd probably last a seconds. Maybe.
this isn't exactly 'normal' wear, the world actively erodes magecraft so it's more equivalent to something being bathed in something caustic to it.
Oxygen is supposed to be caustic to metal and Undersider's nano-edge knifes are supposed to be eaten up by atmosphere very fast. Those knifes are just fiat backed against such effects.

But I still think that atmosphere eating something up and Alaya's 'deliberate' erasure are two different things. Even if there are no proper Gaia or Alaya, the world deliberately targeting objects is not just 'environmental' effect and that particular fiat protection might not even apply to thing created and not crafted.

P.S. I fully expect Aisha to collaborate with Survey and clones to try and make a grail substitute plus Fate's summoning ritual, to saddle Joe with perfect companion (or more likely to get to magic one way or another, likely via safer wish granting machine).

Edit: And now I realized that fate magic is the only thing in Joe's arsenal potentially capable of dimensional travel. CF has very little of those.
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If he can make permanent projections of things he's already made, he could seriously boost Matrix.

No. Shirou was able to copy noble phantasms because he was able to comprehend their histories at a glance due to his double element/origin. Joe can probably pull some similar bullshit with his own understanding of craftsmanship but without actual noble phantasms to study, he'd just be making knockoff bullshit.

so could he create an item, then make it better, then better and better untill he gets a copy of the noble phantasm, probably a twice rank down version

there is a masamuna sword and I'm sure that even with Kyushu sinking there would be pictures of them, if he tries to cop them would he create a NP?

a perfect copy of the original weapon is supposedly as good as the NP
so could he create an item, then make it better, then better and better untill he gets a copy of the noble phantasm, probably a twice rank down version

there is a masamuna sword and I'm sure that even with Kyushu sinking there would be pictures of them, if he tries to cop them would he create a NP?

a perfect copy of the original weapon is supposedly as good as the NP
He doesn't make a copy exactly, think of it like this, if Merlin made 2 Excalibur's and Artoria only wielded one while the other never appeared in any legend. then Apeiron projected Excalibur his projection would be closer to the one that was never wielded as his projection currently doesn't take into account mythopeic history of the item possessed.

thus he can't project a noble phantasm, all he can do is 'merely' project an age of gods era mystic code.
Oxygen is supposed to be caustic to metal and Undersider's nano-edge knifes are supposed to be eaten up by atmosphere very fast. Those knifes are just fiat backed against such effects.

But I still think that atmosphere eating something up and Alaya's 'deliberate' erasure are two different things. Even if there are no proper Gaia or Alaya, the world deliberately targeting objects is not just 'environmental' effect and that particular fiat protection might not even apply to thing created and not crafted.

P.S. I fully expect Aisha to collaborate with Survey and clones to try and make a grail substitute plus Fate's summoning ritual, to saddle Joe with perfect companion (or more likely to get to magic one way or another).
Except the air being caustic on metal would count as "normal wear" because it's, you know, normally how things are
People were talking about how Jozef should not trust the Undersiders, should not bring them further into his confidence, and that if it wasn't for his belief in Taylor's importance he would dump them altogether, and that would be a good thing.

I think this is just exactly the opposite of what should happen. When Jozef was appalled at the Aegislash, instead of deciding to stop giving the Undersiders the good tech, and distance himself from them, he should have decided that teenagers with superpowers need closer supervision. Duh. And since obviously their boss isn't providing such, he needs to just commandeer them for himself. Esp. after he had already rescued them once. That he did not to me is just further evidence of his Harry Potteresque passivity syndrome. This would neatly keep the omni-important Taylor safer, and the city as well without such loose cannons running around. If Lisa didn't want to come along, since her fear of Coil seems greater than her trust/awe in Joe, just loot the others and form a new group. Once Aisha does her big reveal this would become even more logical. Sadly, this does not seem likely due to Jozef aforementioned passivity, so who knows how long it will be before Jozef expands his superteam to include more than one other actual human in it.
With a combat resumé like that I should be one of the deadliest fighters on the planet, but until I could actually get the styles to work together I just counted as functional.
I mean I don't see how a more balanced combat style would help enough to be worth the time investment. While your style is a scatter shot any new style will run into the issue of having too many bells and whistles and by the time you explain it to us you will have something that renders your style irrelevant. Better to either go out and do stuff or build stuff. You fought Lung in a mid air fight and your only issue was dying (kung fu would not have helped) and not having a way to end Lung (kung fu would not have helped). I don't recall many times where your martial skill was lacking enough to justify the time loss.

I mean most capes don't learn martial arts and they don't have the issue of having to rewrite the rulebook every day.

Lol Coil tries to threaten Tattletale and the watch nopes whatever he tries. Hilarious! :rofl:
It would just take him more time. He has the people to get through those shields eventually.

Colin: Ring-Ring. Ring-Ring.
I chose to believe Halbeard has something to make that in his helmet just for this occasion.

whilst not very present in the story of Worm its probably safe to assume that the machine army is considered just as lethal, dangerous and most importantly scary as Nilbog and his kingdom, so imagine that he creates an army of say... giant ants to fix the city, that will probably have the same official PRT response.
They are in Ward and they are scarier. Nilbog stopped when the walls went up. The threat of the machine army continued even during and after Armageddon(s).

If the phone call to Weld isn't interrupted by Leviathan, then I'll be incredibly disappointed. It's the perfect time for him:
The best time for him to show up is always now if only because there is no better time short of time travel. If Levi wanted to make the biggest splash he should have done it before Apeiron got a dust wall blocking off the city from the ocean and multiple giant fighting mechs. The situation will only get more problematic for Levi as it develops.

Well, Joe has definitely crossed the Navel Gazing threshold: Sit there and contemplate how his powers combine together until he rolls a game-changer, sit there and contemplate how the game-changer combines with his powers until he rolls another game-changer, sit there and contemplate . . .
And thus he achieves enlightenment.
People were talking about how Jozef should not trust the Undersiders, should not bring them further into his confidence, and that if it wasn't for his belief in Taylor's importance he would dump them altogether, and that would be a good thing.

I think this is just exactly the opposite of what should happen. When Jozef was appalled at the Aegislash, instead of deciding to stop giving the Undersiders the good tech, and distance himself from them, he should have decided that teenagers with superpowers need closer supervision. Duh. And since obviously their boss isn't providing such, he needs to just commandeer them for himself. Esp. after he had already rescued them once. That he did not to me is just further evidence of his Harry Potteresque passivity syndrome. This would neatly keep the omni-important Taylor safer, and the city as well without such loose cannons running around. If Lisa didn't want to come along, since her fear of Coil seems greater than her trust/awe in Joe, just loot the others and form a new group. Once Aisha does her big reveal this would become even more logical. Sadly, this does not seem likely due to Jozef aforementioned passivity, so who knows how long it will be before Jozef expands his superteam to include more than one other actual human in it.
But it isn't his responsibility. Imagine that you know for a fact that your only going to get stronger until you could 1 punch Endbringers. Are you telling me you would risk dying before you reach that power level? You could do so much good if you just waited a bit. Instead, Joe feels like he has to tell people about his power. You know, the same power that the Simurgh would kill him for having? That any villain would try to kill or manipulate him for having? That is just stupid on so many levels, he owes them literally nothing when it comes to the specifics of his powers. Plus, the Undersiders themselves are villains and work for a secret boss that makes his shard cautious. This is Worm, where Thinkers can get info about you from you saying something when they are on the opposite end of the fucking world from you. And, Taylor isn't even as important as his shard seems to think she is. There are so many ways to kill Scion that doesn't involve Taylor at all, just because she was involved in cannon means nothing now. Joe has made so many waves that realistically Taylor won't end up in the same situation where she becomes Khepri anyway. It's called the butterfly effect. Taylor is useless unless she becomes Khepri, which is astronomically low at this point. Insects won't do shit to Endbringers and Scion. The Undersiders aren't his fucking team, there customers, and he will likely get different customers from all around the world in the future. We care about the Undersiders because of cannon, but there is a whole world out there for Joe that doesn't involve the Undersiders.
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Even if they could get through her shield eventually, him trying to would alert Joe and thus he would go to save her. And Coil wouldn't have his timeline up to simulate Joe, because Joe is in his thinker proof base. So he'd be invisible to Coil while his body is puppeted by the Shard.
Joe should have just gone to sleep.

Aisha ragged on him for the 3 am thinking, well he is sleepy so he needs to actually sleep.

The Undersiders don't need more equipment. They are fine with their watches. It's odd that the only one of them that he'd really want to give anything to Taylor is also the main reason he wouldn't. Taylor is the most likely one to jump into something.

Oddly, the other Undersiders are a bit saner and would love to go back a few weeks where their stress levels weren't so high.

The only reason that the Undersiders might need new equipment is a raid on Coil or the S9 coming to town. They just don't need it otherwise. They aren't Joe's team. They are his first and only known customers.

I actually want the scene where Grue finds out about Joe providing Aisha her power armor and other tools. Hell, I'd love for things to die down and focus around the slice of life stuff at Garment's shop, Aisha the sale's girl, and Joe there doing odd jobs.

Joe has personal reasons for not cleaning up the city and all that. Sighs. Aisha's stealth healing was likely the best he could do or thinks that he could do.

O.k. he might need to make a water bomb or something that will cause it to rain. Surely, he has the tech to make a thunderstorm for the next 2-3 days.

I couldn't get into the testing of the new stuff. I wanted him out there fixing stuff. I think most of us want to see Joe rebuild a major part of the city. I can handle him not doing it. Have a damn clone knock him out already. Those two phone calls aren't remotely important.

Taylor could have had a minor text message that Joe is alive and can mainly pass for human again. That's all she needs to know other than he is rather tired and is going to sleep himself.

I can almost see his chat with Weld able to pass within 3-4 sentences. He just needs to tell them the I field will last due to weather features. In space, it would take a month. In dry conditions, it would last a month. In a thunder storm, it would be gone within hours. Heck, the PRT might be able to arrange a thunderstorm.

The other thing is expecting most of the effects to fade within 48 hours. If the effects remain past that window, he will need to more direct action actually cleaning up.

That's actually all he needs to communicate to the PRT.

No one has been talking about the most important perk that he got. The one that let him actually talk and understand Garment! I could care less about everything else he got here. That's the only one that actually mattered.

I liked the tinkering early on. Lately, it's the character interactions that have been bringing me back. Their interview points are usually rather nice. Joe needs more actual human interaction. He has been doing great raising his kids, but they are all basically newborns. Actually, Garment is included in that.

Joe did great thanking Aisha for doing her part. Heck, he has been doing good keeping the peace between his kids.
Am I the only one happy about Build Rome in a Day? Not just for how much he can develop and this get done equipment and research wise, but for one major thing. The base. He can finally fix up the tenure base with all the best materials and crafting components, while also tying it all together in style and aesthetics... hell finally have his equipment up to par alongside everything looking like it belongs and not just a hazard mish mash of different things.
so could he create an item, then make it better, then better and better untill he gets a copy of the noble phantasm, probably a twice rank down version

there is a masamuna sword and I'm sure that even with Kyushu sinking there would be pictures of them, if he tries to cop them would he create a NP?

a perfect copy of the original weapon is supposedly as good as the NP
I mean, technically I guess. But he'd just be making an original item inspired by a noble phantasm then. Unless he has an actual noble phantasm to replicate, he won't be able to replicate them.
After a while I was thinking if nothing happens to advance the plot again I'm gonna scream.

would telling anyone even really change anything? not like they can help or obstruct the process?
Honestly, I'm kinda wanting to see the absolute breakdown Armsmaster would have, once he theoretically found out just how Joe's power works, as well as explores Joe's workshop
The appeal for me is the resulting change in tone. A story like this where he's put so much effort into maintaining his privacy and keeping the extent of his abilities under wraps... and then suddenly something happens that blows it all wide open and changes everything.
I just think we're at the tipping point where things should start to get better overall more than complications make things worse without it coming off as a little contrived. Like we reached that 50/50 point, now each consecutive event and scenario should end up progressively more in Joe's favor. Kinda like the idea behind the spiral.

Also, is it just me or would it be hilarious if somehow Armsy collaborated on some Tinkertech with Joe, and slowly becoming a fanboy over his ideas, skill, and efficiency? The surly Armsmaster becomes a fan.
How to un-trigger a Thinker (FirstPhilosopher)
It's been a long time due to work/life struggles, but I am still here and still loving your story. I might even start writing my own fanfic (maybe a Jumpchain?) even though I really hate writing. Thanks for continuing writing even with your own hardships. So here is another Mini-Omake!

How to un-trigger a Thinker

"... and over here is the ice rink, Fleet loves to drive his Zambonis on it, but feel free to give it a go. You can't fall down while using the ice-skates even if you try." Continued Joe as he showed the Undersiders his base.

"What's through that door? The one hidden by that curtain?" Asked Tattletale, pointing while smiling a smuggy smirk.

"Wh-n-nothing, also if there was something there you definitely wouldn't want to go there or even know what's there." The Tinker lied badly.

Oh, Lisa want.


Several hours later Joe was contacted by Survey. "I believe this situation needs your oversight, Apeiron." She said formally and showed an image of Tattletale in the Colour Laboratory staring blankly at something and sitting in a large and growing puddle of clear liquid, actually it looked like something was coming out of her eyes and ears. "Well that certainly can't be healthy." He said too shocked to actually react. "What color is she looking at?" At his question the AI replied "That is classified as Irrigo. She appears to be trying to analyze it with her Thinker powers, however the Colour is most likely preventing the analysis. The pool of liquefied crystal appears to be coming from a spatial distortion connected to her Corona Pollentia."

... This was going to be another long night. Joe just sighed, duplicated and got to work.
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