Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Wait, Joe is 25? I thought he was 21. Also, I still don't see how Joe owes the Undersiders any explanation. He does and will get contracts from all over the world, the Undersiders are literally nothing. There only "big" to us because of canon. Imagine how much good Joe can do when working just with Accord and Uppercrust. The Undersiders are street level, Joe is just in an entirely different league and is being dragged down by the Undersiders. Joe already suspects that his shard isn't always accurate, so I am not sure why he always takes that as face value. His shard also seems dumb, has it ever heard of the butterfly effect lol? The chances of Taylor ever becoming Khepri is almost 0 now, and although her power is strong, it is mostly strong for street level stuff. Insects won't do shit to the Endbringers and Scion.
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He has combat capable drones. Aviation should not be zero.
Forgot about that ill add it as a Barrage then

So is Joe a Shikkikan/Commander or an actual Kansen (just genderbent like the Strike Witches!alt-Joe)?

Either way, Joe would be channeling the power of anime more than usual.
He is a Shipgirl

Funny thought! Joe is the creator of the Sirens and while they act like perfect angels in front of him (daddy girls one and all), beyond his rather impressive sight they behave just like in canon while trying to reach his level since they want to make him proud and become equals or at least peers with their creator/father.
Can Joe even make such AIs as they arent near perfect from the get go
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Can Joe even make such AIs as they arent near perfect from the get go
Sirens could be the early Shipgirl prototypes that he went all in on integrating his advanced tech. But 'Perfect' is a misnomer. Perfect by what standards? In this case, he made them 'Perfect' machines with Human(oid) bodies. They do have he potential to grow as 'People' but they are still rather monofocused on serving their creator and have a one-track mind. This is shown in canon with how they keep trying to railroad their scenarios to make more Metas.

Kansen on the other hand are 'People' from the get-go and can tell him to fuck off if they felt like it. They also come across as far more natural/Human than the Sirens do. Kansen might be the (superior) final product due to them growing and changing beyond their original purpose. Exactly how Joe would like it.
You know, with him having a different body build and efficiency letting him cool it on the style perks, some people might just think there's a different person in the Apeiron costume, or that his power might work like the butcher's.
You know, with him having a different body build and efficiency letting him cool it on the style perks, some people might just think there's a different person in the Apeiron costume, or that his power might work like the butcher's.
He has different combat styles, if he puts in effort, he can play a role of multiple people on that alone - use one style per disguise, lean more onto his posing power in one of the disguises (aka leacherous golden boy), onto efficiency and ME training in another (wizened military dad that got deaged by miraculous healing) and people will be sold on the idea that Apeiron is a cape family that tries to confuse everyone that they are one cape. Add somewhat different loadouts on top of that and craft something to channel some of his powers in different ways...
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New Cape Roundup - Post-Lung (PHO - SoulShdw)
Written with the help of CorEagle's PHO Blacksmithery - Brockton's Celestial Forge and the users who frequent the thread. Note, some responses were altered/removed for the sake of brevity. You can find whole exchange threadmarked there.


♦ Topic: New Cape Roundup - Post-Lung
In: Boards ► Places ► America ► Brockton Bay
(Original Poster) (Unverified Ungulate)
Posted On Apr 27th 2011:
Alright everyone. We've had some time to recover from the night of hell, or at least a lot of us have. Not going to touch on the 'Dark Zone' or any of the BS effects still going on in the city. My side of town only got reliable power back a few days ago. I think by now most of us have seen the videos the ABB broadcasted during their fight against Brockton Bay's newest Tinker. Discussions of that fight can be found here, and isn't the purpose of this thread.

What I am curious about is the rumors about some new capes that showed up in town. Not sure if they're new, or just coming in from out of town, but was hoping to see if anyone else had the data. From what I can tell, we have the following:

1. Big Case 53, said to have been seen working with Manpower of New Wave and rescue services. Some kind of Terrakinetic? (Edit: This has been confirmed to be Gully of the Los Angeles Wards, apparently in town on vacation? See her wiki page here.)

2. Someone new supposedly working with Whirleygig of the Merchants. Some sort of blaster?

3. A man with some sort of multi-type weapon, or carrying multiple weapons. Was seen attacking and knocking out ABB members during the attack. Apparently resembled something out of a Kung-fu film. Weapon can apparently shift between a sword and gun (Apeiron-tech?)

4. The last one is very shakey. Some people who had serious injuries have reported being helped by someone, but they couldn't remember who, how, or when. Potential stranger, or just trauma talking?

What do people think?
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► Mooring you're face
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:​
More fucking capes!​
Why! We don't need more of that shit right now!!!!​
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:​
Come off it, there's always more and new capes flighting around here.​
Now for what OP actually wanted​
1. Big Case 53, said to have been seen working with Manpower of New Wave and rescue services. Some kind of Terrakinetic? (Edit: This has been confirmed to be Gully of the San Diego Wards, apparently in town on vacation? See her wiki page here.)​
Hellova time to come vacationing. Good on her for lending a hand.​
2. Someone new supposedly working with Whirleygig of the Merchants. Some sort of blaster?​
Ain't heard anything bout that, but I guess there's a brain in there somewhere in that roadkill's skull.​
3. A man with some sort of multi-type weapon, or carrying multiple weapons. Was seen attacking and knocking out ABB members during the attack. Apparently resembled something out of a Kung-fu film. Weapon can apparently shift between a sword and gun (Apeiron-tech?)​
Probably some sorta Tinker if yer askin me. The On Pear's been making lotsa noise so someone aping his stylin ain't outta the question.​
I think I heard somethin bout Tinkers inspirin other Tinkers anyway, so I'm only surprised it's taken so long for the copy cats to get about ya hear?​
4. The last one is very shakey. Some people who had serious injuries have reported being helped by someone, but they couldn't remember who, how, or when. Potential stranger, or just trauma talking?​
Sounds like three or four folk if yer askin me. Some sorta Healer, however they go about it, a Stranger to keep things hush, and a Mover to bandy them about so the Stranger don't stop workin so soon and the get caught. Maybe a Thinker ta guide em if they got some goal beyond tryin ta lend a hand in the midsta all this.​
►Facetime (Verified Cape) (San Diego Wards)​
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:​
#1 is our girl Gully! And she's from San Diego, not L.A. She's no Angeleno!​
But seriously, I've been in communication with her and she's doing fine. Her powers let her remold Earth, so she's been helping out with search, rescue, and recovery. Getting info out of that Dark Zone has been tough, but I can confirm that she and Manpower are doing what they can. And the phone I built for Gully has been allowing us (The Tinker-folk) to examine what the effects of that 'Dark Zone' are doing.​
And can I just say that Manpower is jacked? I've seen bodybuilders out there that would be ashamed after seeing that hunk of-​
Mod Edit: Enough of that. You may be a Ward but we still discourage that kind of talk. Hell, are you even old enough to start talking about that stuff?​
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:​
Unlikely that the mystery cape going around is a healer type and a stranger. I say this mostly because healing and staying unnoticed don't really fold into the same power, if it was a particularly crafter changer(possibly with a stranger subtype) I'd definitely believe that they're running around unnoticed healing folks. The kungfu guy is 100% new but his weapon def looks too stylish for a newbie to have made themselves, like some people will point to Apeiron or even L33t but honestly both are outliers. Most early tinker work done without someone backing you looks closer to Sqealer tech of only way less rusted and possibly with a decent paint job. So either this is someone else's tinkertech and this newbie isnt a tinker, or they are a new tinker to the scene that has a backer that is way more subtle. I for one cant be sure which so I just flipped a coin and said not a tinker. What I'm more interested in is his scarf, who made that cause damn does it took good!​
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:​
@ DrowningInTheBay mayhaps the scarf is Apeiron or Garment made? We all know Garment is practically a goddess of fashion (barring Apeiron) and that her shop is legit. Maybe she's also open to designing costumes for all capes, unlike Parian.​
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:​
@ DrowningInTheBay You.... are you being serious right now? Transforming weapon too cool to be real, uniform that was seen being shoot at (here) an nothing happen, that somehow staid immaculate after the fight was over (here and here)?​
@ Sototh I seriously wouldn't be surprised if it was a colab.​
Thought the question is, would the iron ape man be giving away his tech to just anyone?​
EDIT: Also, yeah, that scarf is so freaking cool!...Just like a certain someone's cape, amiright?​
►Theological Thrasher
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:​
I'm out in Boston, and we only had to deal with that power outage and then a bunch of gangs muscling, but shit died down quickly. What in the fuck is Brockton anymore? Dino C53 Super-Tinkers?! PRT Bases destroyed?! MASSIVE Bombing Sprees?! 50' DRAGON MAN?! 50' MECHA?!​
Just... God help y'all out...​
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:​
There was a shaky recording posted; Traderby posted some screenshots of it (good idea, I've seen it, and it's not very clear), and it's clearly some sort of proximity stranger ability, considering the ABB thugs that just ran past him and looked around confused. Heck, the poster wildly swings their camera about while the man is recorded casually running down the road.​
As for the grandpa? It's hard to tell but he doesn't seem to have much technique? He seems to have a low brute rating, and is just relying on that. Then again, the sword seemed to blur into a pistol. A relative of Miss Militia? Maybe the weapon holds the brute rating? Interesting to see both Swords and Guns... Seems Grandpa is Miss Militia++. The style of the weapon is vague, personally. If it's overly detailed, might just be due to this guy gaining powers due to action around/because of Apeiron. I will fight all the power-tinker fuckers who try to use this guy as evidence.​
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:​
Cape 3 ran into me on hell night, literally. He tried to jump over me and ended up kicking me in the head. He stuck the landing anyway and ran off before I got to my feet. He's certainly a minor Mover and major asshole.​
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:​
HaiFuPP are you the asshole that was trying to mug me? How'd you get out of police custody so fast?​
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:​
That must've been someone else.​
►HoldMyFoam (Verified PRT Agent)​
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:​
In regards to #2, we've been given permission to give out information on him (As always, please view the normal press briefings for more complete information.) According to reports, he goes by the name of Scrub, and seems to be pretty young and not... all there. However, his power is serious business. Without testing we can't give a perfect rating on it, but it seems to just erase stuff it comes into contact with, and it's clear the kid either doesn't have good control over it, or is just shitty at aiming it. Either it just appears on it's own, or the blast moves faster than the eye can see, but the few videos we have of it make it look like it's not a true 'blaster' effect (as there is no trajectory from Scrub in that sense.) Functionally, it's essentially an odd form of Shaker ability but considering how dangerous it seems to be, the difference is for the eggheads to work out. He does seem to need line of sight, which is at least one thing useful to know.​
It's advised that anyone who sees this cape evacuate the area immediately and contact the PRT as quickly as possible. The seemingly lack of accuracy/control might make Scrub more dangerous than expected due to it's volitivity.​
In regards to 'Kung-Fu' (Really guys? Y'all are cape geeks and that's the best you can come up with?), the PRT has him marked down as a vigilante. The reports of him have been mostly in regards to disabling ABB members non-lethally and helping evacuate the injured to fallback positions. Unfortunately, no one has been able to speak to him as of yet, but I think his actions speak for himself. No preliminary name yet as outside of the few screenshots and videos posted, we really don't have a lot of reliable information on his abilities.​
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:​
Glad we haven't discussed 4; those are rumors, and from what I've heard none of those people were on Apeiron's map. They just claimed they got injured; we have no proof. Obvious fucking hoax, made for attention.​
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►InsertUsername (Verified User)​
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:​
My first thought after I've read that:​
Weapon can apparently shift between a sword and gun (Apeiron-tech?)​
was "Yeah, I get that you, guys, got a shiny new Tinker, but why the fuck attribute to him any tinkertech appearing around? Like "sword that also a gun" isn't that big of a deal. Armsmaster's halbeard can be:​
Hallbeard (duh), Gun (link), Taser (link), Grappling-hook launcher / harpoon (link), Grenade launcher (link), Multitool (link), I dunno what but looks cool as hell (link) and, I bet, a dozen other things, coffee machine included... Well, unless he built a coffee machine into his bike, that is.​
Hell, Chevalier have his cannon-sword, and he isn't a Tinker."​
But then, after that vid, I get what did you meant. Yes, that thing looks way too professional for a fresh Tinker, even with a lot of resources to play with. That must be made by someone at least somehow comparable to Armsmaster.​
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:​
But then, after that vid, I get what did you meant. Yes, that thing looks way too professional for a fresh Tinker, even with a lot of resources to play with. That must be made by someone at least somehow comparable to Armsmaster.
I don't know why we're jumping to this? Miss Militia IS IN THIS CITY. Someone with a similar power appearing is not that insane? Considering the fact that all you see is the sword blurring into a pistol thru a shaky camera, I'm gonna say it's a projection. The only visible design seems to be a bunch of lines on the weapon, but who knows what it looks like up close? Is it even that detailed? @ HaiFuPP, what's your opinion? Did you see what the weapon looks like?​
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:​
@ MemeticLectern Um, I am a volunteer for the local hospital and we're swamped with work. I can confirm that most of our patients suddenly got healed with no explanation whatsoever. I don't know if it was a Stranger or just some strange long-range Tinkertech, but I'm really grateful that they got healed.​
►InsertUsername (Verified User)​
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:​
I don't know why we're jumping to this? Miss Militia IS IN THIS CITY. Someone with a similar power appearing is not that insane?
Not insane, but not likely either. Look, I know some capes (not much) that can project a weapon. One exact weapon, without any options. Sometimes, they can project multiple copies of that weapon, but that it. Miss Militia's power is kinda unique in that matter.​
And his weapon looks too material for me to be a projection. Like, Miss Militia's weapons all that glowy and green. If that's not a tinkertech, my bet on a hammer space. Like, that's not a sword-gun thing, but a sword and a gun, and he just swapping it when need to. Wait, actually, sword can still be a tinkertech. And hammerspace can be tinkertech based too. But if so, that's definitely someone seasoned.​
Also, I think on 0:34 in the video he used something like a staff, or maybe spear. That swithed back to sword too fast, and with a meh quality of the video, even frame-by-frame view not helping.​
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:​
I can confirm that most of our patients suddenly got healed with no explanation whatsoever.
That is... Concerning... When it comes to healers available in the bay, first that comes to mind is Apeiron, but he wouldn't just be healing people for free, esp in such an inconspicuous way... Considering Kung Fu had a minor stranger ability, we might be talking a couple grabbag capes? Stranger, Physical Enhancement, Hammerspace, and Healer. Actually might just be Stranger, Hammerspace, and Healer. Self-healing could allow one to push themselves to Kung Fu's strength, no?​
@ InsertUsername, you have a point. I think that's either some sort of club on a stick, or a spear, but yeah not enough glow and shit. If those are tinkertech weapons, that might just add to my Grabbag theory. If they are all working together, the weird shit were seeing would make sense. More capes, but more heroes. Or I suppose Vigilantes. Same thing, really.​
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:​
Yeah, may have jumped the gun a little too fast with the gunbladestaffwhatever being Apetech, is just that even with all the blur it looks cool, somehow. And we all know ApeManIron specialty is "make it look cool":D
@ MemeticLectern It could be grab bags, for what I know they seem to have similar or same-ish enough powers to Capes in the same city, so if the rumored maybe Cape maybe ghost rescuing people is real, we could have two new strangers in the city...... Which would be scary, ngl.​
@ Theological Trasher We call it afternoon.​
►ScienceHippo (Original Poster) (Unverified Ungulate)​
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:​
@ TraderbyTrade See, you're making a joke, but that's surprisingly accurate for the Bay. But even for the Bay, this was pretty rough. I was talking with my wife and her parents last night and this might be the worst it's been since the Nine last came through. My wife and I were practically kids when that happened and even we remember how rough that was.​
I've always wondered what kind of horror show our town seems like to the outside. I imagine most people on PHO who hear about the Bay think we're all full of crap.​
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:​
@ ScienceHippo It wasn't a joke. I swear every fucking time this city get worse and worse just when things seems to calm down or plateau a little. And don't bring the fucking 9 up again. Please.​
Anyway, we got confirmation of the Merchant Cape, we got confirmation of the Kung Fu guy (as little as we still know about him), a possible maybe Cape, maybe hoax, that seems to be helping on the rescue efforts, another maybe new Cape apparently going to the hospitals and healing people.​
With how this city works I'm actually surprised we only got one villain out of 3-maybe-4 Capes....​
►Crucifix Gravitas
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:​
Maybe the mystery healer wasn't a cape, but a guardian angel?​
►InsertUsername (Verified User)​
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:​
@ TraderbyTrade, that still can be Apetech. I doubt it, because afaik he's not willing to sell anything currently. Though, maybe that's just because one need to approach him in person?..​
Anyway, I just said that we shouldn't focus on one option from many.​
I've always wondered what kind of horror show our town seems like to the outside. I imagine most people on PHO who hear about the Bay think we're all full of crap.
Can confirm that. ;P​
Seriously, tho - more likely "Thanks God I'm not living there."​
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:​
Well, one is a Ward on vacation from the other side of the country (btw, does that look suspicious only to me?), so she won't stay for long, and not really counts as a Bay cape, I think. But still - good for you.
I mean the Merchant guy, Kung Fu guy, whoever is healing people, and that rumored Cape rescuing people. 1 villain, 3 at least vigilantes.​
@ Crucifix Gravitas We already have one, and is with the PRT doing who knows what. #ReleasePanacea​
So, some people over this thread have been cleaning some of Kung Fu guy's footage at nest they could (compilation here). Admitably, it's still pretty aweful quality, phone cameras aren't that good to begin with, but this one here shows that his gunbladestaff mid transformation.​
Doesn't really clarifies if it's tech, power or a combination of both though.​
Damn, does that scarf look cool though​
►Crucifix Gravitas
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:​
@ TraderbyTrade you're talking about Panacea, right? And whats with the hashtag? I haven't been able to keep up with all the news, been distracted by fighting near where I live.​
@ InsertUsername​
Well, one is a Ward on vacation from the other side of the country (btw, does that look suspicious only to me?)
Apeiron is rumored to have healing tech that can help monstrous capes. Perhaps she came here on the off chance she could get help?​
►InsertUsername (Verified User)​
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:​
Apeiron is rumored to have healing tech that can help monstrous capes.
Well, on the one hand, running in the "Blighted Bay" in the pursuit of the rumors seems desperate.​
On the other - I can see why monster capes could be desperate. After all, most healers can't do shit for them, afaik (like, "sorry, but that's not an injury or disease, so kindly fuck off"). And I can't name any biotinker or biokinetic whose power possibly can help, and who friendly enough to ask for that. Like, there's some people who somewhat friendly, like Booboost from Texas, but that guy only can enhance someone's physique for a short time, and enlarge boobs. Not someone you will ask for a complete remodeling one's body. On the other side we have "Oh Fuck" kind of people, like Bonesaw, who maybe can help, but I doubt anyone can be desperate enough to ask her.​
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Replied On Apr 27th 2011:​
@ Crucifix Gravitas Here is the thread over that whole...... ordeal, let's say.​
So, first? Please don't call them "monstrous". I know some are pretty..... out there, but that doesn't mean they should be called that. Second, *sigh* how to say this, when people are desperate enough, any kind of hint or hope will be held as tightly as one can. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and all that. If the IronManApe is said to be able to Apetech away whatever make the C53 C53s, them expect them to come by the truckload. Let's just hope they don't add more numbers to the criminals.​
And this isn't a thread to discuss that anyway, just what we know about the 2 maybe 3 maybe 4 new Capes.​
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:​
maybe one of the new Capes have or already join Apeiron team?​
►InsertUsername (Verified User)​
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:​
He's hiring? O_O​
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:​
Kung Fu guy and the mystery healer probably got their hands on some three day old Apeiron technology. Who knows what you can find in his trash?​
►ScienceHippo (Original Poster) (Unverified Ungulate)​
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:​
@ LethalPainter There's an idea...​
►InsertUsername (Verified User)​
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:​
three day old Apeiron tech
I, for one, still think that he bluffed. Maybe not about the speed of his improvement, but at least about his willingness to throw away his tech. Because no matter how fast one can work, that's easier and faster, usually, to upgrade something instead of building new. And also there's materials. Unless my guess is true, he can't have unlimited resources.​
►Chupacabras (Verified Cape)​
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:​
You bet your colective asses we Case 53 are desperate enought to go all the way to Nazi central if that means help.​
I can't make contact with Apeiron but i am on rute.​
I left a picture of myself here please don't shoot first and ask cuestions after (i have enoght of that in Texas thanks)​
In my country i have a transport bussines can make temporal interconected portals so if someone wants out of the Bay i intent to talk with Boston PRT to left one end there and conect it to PRT BB for transport of relief supplies and evacuate people.​
►InsertUsername (Verified User)​
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:​
@ Chupacabras... First thing first - thanks for warning.​
Second thing second - you have my sincere wishes for success in your search.​
Anyway, to not derail the thread even further, does someone know about the patients the "mysterious healer" healed? Was there anyone among them with genetic diseases? If so, maybe that's another option to look for for people like Gully and Chupacabras.​
►ScienceHippo (Original Poster) (Unverified Ungulate)​
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:​
I haven't heard anything about that, and I doubt anyone would have thought to check with all the chaos. Most I've heard was for things like broken bones and such, and again, a lot of that is hearsay. @ CorEagle's response about the local hospital being cleared out is the first real indicator of real healing and not just trauma talking. Not to doubt them, but 'Verify, then Trust', ya know?​
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:​
@ MemeticLectern I saw it when he knocked out @ HaiFuPP for being an ABB member waving a gun around. It looked kinda like some other tinker copying Apeiron's transformers copy. Like… work of art, one thing turning into another, but totally different style.​
—Mod Edit: Let's not accuse each other of being gang members without proof.​
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:​
Speaking of Kung Fu guy... I saw him get shot at and I swear I saw a weird shimmer around him before the bullets fell. Brute/Shaker hybrid?​
►InsertUsername (Verified User)​
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:​
@ Sothoth, I'd suspect a forcefield of some sort, i.e. either Brute, of tinkertech.​
Another option, if that guy is really have Hammerspace power, he might be able to "catch" everything in contact with him, of near enough. So, Striker. Though, one need a really fucking impressive reaction time to catch a bullet, so either Thinker power, or automatic response from his power, without his control.​
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Replied On Apr 27th 2011:​
@ InsertUsername I can confirm the guy is using a Force-Field, a pair of skinheads showered him with lead and it only get a little ligth show. Picture here, here and here.​
►InsertUsername (Verified User)​
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:​
@ SeekerOfStars, thanks for photos and info.​
Damn, that guy FAST. Like, look at the second photo - he blurring like some movie character! I know that's partly because of the camera quality, but not only.​
Mover for sure.​
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:​
......Am I the only one who gets some weird dejavu over Kung Fu Master's (can't call that just Guy now can we:V) force field? I swear I have seen it before.​
►InsertUsername (Verified User)​
Replied On Apr 27th 2011:​
@ TraderbyTrade, that's possible. Personal forcefields, while not common, not that rare. So maybe there was some Cape with similar power.​
Also, as I said, he might be someone who decided to rebrand and start anew. I can't remember anyone close enough, though. But that's a point of rebranding, after all.​
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Oh please, they didn't give a shit about Empire, or ABB, or any other villains who holds territory. That isn't even a BB thing - there's Accord's, Blasto's and Teeths's territories in Boston, for example. The key word here - unofficial. So long as they don't officially state in the media "that's our/my territory", PRT will pretend that nothing happened.
Unless they'll look for a cause to attack him, that is, and in that case they can find or even make something that have more weight in public eyes.
I'm not afraid that they will storm his house publicly nor that they will call artillary on him outside of normal cape activity. But his unnessecary crime sheet gets longer. He has parahuman assault(amy), massive amount of property damage and the latest addition a kill on Lung. Unsure if it would be murder or homocide on this.

Its just one more thing that gets in the way when he bargain with the PRT for clemancy, pardons or trade. Other villians like Kaiser, Lung, Blasto and Butcher isn't likely to seek out the PRT about that. So it doesn't matter if their rapsheet gets smattered with lots of crimes. Accord probably already has an understanding with director Armstrong in certain matters.

He need to interact with the Undersiders too. He already associating with them. And it will much harder to prove to the public that he broke off all relations with them, than to lead them and direct to something productive.
He can even rebrand them, eventually: "That's my sidekicks and totally not minions, Totally-Not-Grue, Totally-Not-Reagent, Totally-Not-Bitch and Totally-Not-Tattletale. Also, let me introduce We-Both-Suck-At-Names-Khepri, who obwiously not the infamous villainess Lady Khepri. Not at all, I promise!". And with how powerful he is, everyone will nod and pretend to believe.
I agree its good to direct them to do something productive if he must take hold of them. However their boss is still there so he cannot rebrand them yet. After all they still have the same powers and it wouldn't be wise to let out that he can modify powers to some extent. Hence the problem remains.

I disagree on how long of a distance he should keep them on. They are also now riding Apeiron Tiger Express outside their weight class. They are dragging him down because he needs to make sure they doesn't do short sighted decisions. So I think it would be better if they could be 'let down' in a rebranded team away from him in a different cell as soon as Coil is dealt with.
There's also the problem if they even accept him as an adultfigure in their life. Right now their relationship with him is only a mighty cape that has some fondness for their teammate, a weapon dealer and a person they are in debt to.

I wonder how Joe can get Taylor to talk to her dad about her triggering. I mean he literally got the news from the PRT in canon. If Joe can stop Danny from doing fanon stuff like immediately sign her up to wards, so can Taylor get the well deserved wake up talk. Joe couldn't confront Taylor regarding her villiany decisions and couldn't know about her undercover mission so he needs someone else that can do that for him. He probably needs to unmask also if so but it might be worth it to stop the escalation train.

Also, I still don't see how Joe owes the Undersiders any explanation. He does and will get contracts from all over the world, the Undersiders are literally nothing. There only "big" to us because of canon. Imagine how much good Joe can do when working just with Accord and Uppercrust. The Undersiders are street level, Joe is just in an entirely different league and is being dragged down by the Undersiders.
I think he can distance himself from Undersiders if he takes up requests so his trade circle isn't so small.

Joe already suspects that his shard isn't always accurate, so I am not sure why he always takes that as face value. His shard also seems dumb, has it ever heard of the butterfly effect lol? The chances of Taylor ever becoming Khepri is almost 0 now, and although her power is strong, it is mostly strong for street level stuff. Insects won't do shit to the Endbringers and Scion.
I think that as soon as Joe makes the mental leap of 'a single timeline of knowledge from I triggered', and 'how much someone is needed in the End of the World' and combines them to 'how much someone did in THAT particular timeline.' When he gets that then he probably understands that future events and capes' future situations are no longer garranteed. Especially with March being in BB to give that credit. Bonus points if he discovers Ouija to talk to his passanger.

I hope his passanger isn't a static shard. I hope his passanger is a dynamic shard that can realise that events are no longer 100% accurate and thus can learn from it. I don't mean that it updates itself with knowledge but that it realizes that endgame Khepri is as good as gone thus drops her importance.
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Joe didn't use that much effort to make his projections and your completely forgetting that he intentionally dissipated it. Also with it being actively eroded, there's also the fact that it's a single use projection not a crafted item. I mean his talisman don't just reappear after 48 hours.
I honestly don't think mind readers and tinkers in general can get any sort of accurate reading on Joe at this point, that's also not counting all the tech he can make the perks he gets ECT. So making assumptions that any thinker would just instantly know what to do to counter him without some overly specifically geared power that just knows like coil's doesn't make sense at this point.
26k words? That's a chapter.
I know right? How dare he not make it at least 40k with an additional 10k in preamble and addendum! For shame. ;)

But in all seriousness, I'm still impressed at how much work is put into this story by one guy in such a short amount of time.

Wait, does the pin that stops mind reading prevent emotion sensing as well? If so Cherish is fucked.
Good point. @LordRoustabout just how useful is that pendant, specifically?
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Same. I mean, doesn't the Player Pin also enable the wielder to also read and influence minds to some degree?
I think that function is specified by the Perk to only affect RG players. It doesn't work outside of a virtual reality. That said, maybe that means it'll work in Leet's game world??

I suspect, given the "similar terms are the same thing" rule enforced by the Forge (i.e. mana and magicka are the same thing, even if they work differently per setting) perhaps any ESP which could be reasonably construed as mind-reading (not strictly telepathy, which for some reason "isn't a thing" in the Wormverse) would be determined by the Forge to be classified as such.
I think that function is specified by the Perk to only affect RG players. It doesn't work outside of a virtual reality.
Slight mixup there: RG, or "Realground" is the real world. UG, or "Underground" is a higher-layer, where Players and Reapers interact (Since Players are dead, and the prize for winning the game is a chance to be resurrected, the UG is an afterlife — which might have interesting interactions with other perks). So, the perk specifies that people in the Real World can be read — which means it might not work on people in a virtual reality.

Plus, on Week 2: Day 5, Joshua heavily implies that the Player Pin might still work for Neku after he wins the game and returns to the RG. (Specifically, he suggests that using the Mind Reading function could allow Neku to make art that people will connect with & see themselves in.)
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Hopping on the Player Pin talk, I'm not familiar with TWEWY so I can't dissect the angle or interpretation he's going with, but here's the latest WoG on that:
Giving the player pin to a parahuman would prevent their passenger from reading their thoughts. This could disrupt the shards ability to store copies of their mind and might make the conflict drive harder to use. Ziz is apparently psychic, but there's no clear details on what that means. It wouldn't affect her past or future sight, but it might make it harder for her to influence someone's mind. If Joe ends up with reaper abilities instead of Mental Fortress the pin would let him read surface thoughts as long as he is attuned to the Underground. Unfortunatly, that feature only works to read people's minds in the Realground, so Joe won't be able to use it unless he becomes a reaper.

Exactly how much mind reading vs future/past reading Ziz does is up for depate, but the pin should obscure things enough to block those effects. Pre-cog blocking would totally shut her down since she wouldn't even be able to perceive Joe in the future, and anything he does would obscure her future sight.
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I'm still just waiting for the moment when Joe starts to truly make a difference. Like healing those without hope, like Crust and the Case 53s. God, I'd love if for once Noelle was healed and didn't go batshit crazy. Also would just love if Joe could manage to heal those affected by the Simurgh eventually if not now.

Crafting wise, I'm hoping to see some really cool composite stuff soon. Like a total update of Aperion's armor, and style. That is after getting the spiral and what happened, alongside another Therapy Session... I think it might become less edgy including the shield. Not a lot, but 10-20% less edge.

Man, Efficiency is gonna let Joe really do some crazy shit tech wise and fitting things on his armor. Like maybe he can finally have some repulsors as well(They + sudden Self Mass lightening/removal with biotics would have allowed him to not be hit by Oni Lee) on his costume.
I'm still just waiting for the moment when Joe starts to truly make a difference. Like healing those without hope, like Crust and the Case 53s. God, I'd love if for once Noelle was healed and didn't go batshit crazy. Also would just love if Joe could manage to heal those affected by the Simurgh eventually if not now.

Crafting wise, I'm hoping to see some really cool composite stuff soon. Like a total update of Aperion's armor, and style. That is after getting the spiral and what happened, alongside another Therapy Session... I think it might become less edgy including the shield. Not a lot, but 10-20% less edge.

Man, Efficiency is gonna let Joe really do some crazy shit tech wise and fitting things on his armor. Like maybe he can finally have some repulsors as well(They + sudden Self Mass lightening/removal with biotics would have allowed him to not be hit by Oni Lee) on his costume.

I'm sorry, less edgy?! Do you know who the hell he is?! Spiral is all about edge! The sheer anime awesomeness of Spiral energy cannot be contained within normal realms of fashion, it is the cutting edge of style! More spikes, more red and black! The red is the burning passion of youth! The black is the boundless realms of space where humanity is destined to conquer! Spikes are the eternal upwards struggle of humanity, forever climbing to the summit of potential!!!
Its just one more thing that gets in the way when he bargain with the PRT for clemancy, pardons or trade.

I agree its good to direct them to do something productive if he must take hold of them.
Direct someone to do something productive is almost always a good thing to do. But my point was that it easier to change their image than to convince public that he doesn't have anything with their actions.

However their boss is still there so he cannot rebrand them yet.
That's why I said "eventually".

After all they still have the same powers
So what? They may even keep the same costumes. That's like a meme about Lung "you're asian now".
No one will confront Apeiron about that.

I disagree on how long of a distance he should keep them on.
Actually, I think Joe, currently, don't know how long of a distance he should keep them on.

They are also now riding Apeiron Tiger Express outside their weight class
That's exactly why he thinks they need more protection. I, for one, think that more "customers" who publicly known to have an Apeiron tech, would protect them better. Yet, that's his choice.

They are dragging him down because he needs to make sure they doesn't do short sighted decisions
So as Aisha. Who, I have to remind you, canonically, was an epitome of impulsiveness. And I remember people whined about her at first too.
Yet, she now have many fans, who greatly enjoing their interactions, and her help, quite possible, saved his life after the last fight.

Written with the help of CorEagle's PHO Blacksmithery - Brockton's Celestial Forge and the users who frequent the thread. Note, some responses were altered/removed for the sake of brevity. You can find whole exchange threadmarked there.
For some reason all the "links" that was blue colored missing in the post (not only coloration, but even underlining). Some quirk of PHO Wizard?
Can someone tell me if it's been explained why Shard powers are somehow capable of beating literal magic, something they have no understanding of or connection to? An example being the so-called "all or nothing/annihilator" effects being able to overwhelm magical protections that should be out-of-context/running on separate physics and thus safe? Or is this a case of AU where magic actually exists in Worm and Shards are tapping into it? But if that's the case, how are they beating divine powers? Are the Entities actually gods and thus their Shards are divine as well? Or is it just a case of creating a vulnerability to something so the story won't be a complete stomp and still has some danger?
Spikes are the eternal upwards struggle of humanity, forever climbing to the summit of potential!!!
And his spikes now will have the drill shape!

Also, for those who read the last PHO omake and wondering what that was about:
Unless my guess is true, he can't have unlimited resources.
There was a fake link and the spoiler:
InsertUsername (Verified User) said:
Guys, I get it! I know the Apeiron's power, and that's explains everything!

He's a Tinker with "Hacking" specialty, who hacked the reality to summon a console and used cheats (workspeed x1000, unlimited resources, and so on)! :V
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Can someone tell me if it's been explained why Shard powers are somehow capable of beating literal magic, something they have no understanding of or connection to? An example being the so-called "all or nothing/annihilator" effects being able to overwhelm magical protections that should be out-of-context/running on separate physics and thus safe? Or is this a case of AU where magic actually exists in Worm and Shards are tapping into it? But if that's the case, how are they beating divine powers? Are the Entities actually gods and thus their Shards are divine as well? Or is it just a case of creating a vulnerability to something so the story won't be a complete stomp and still has some danger?
It has been explained (in Word of God, so if you've just been reading the story then you wouldn't know) that due to Forge fiat, magic = parahuman powers.
Edit: This is, I think, partially to prevent stomping, and partially to allow for interesting interactions. For example, I don't think Joe would've found enhancing Aisha's power so easy if not for this.
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It has been explained (in Word of God, so if you've just been reading the story then you wouldn't know) that due to Forge fiat, magic = parahuman powers.
That. And also:
An example being the so-called "all or nothing/annihilator" effects being able to overwhelm magical protections that should be out-of-context
You don't need to understand something to break it. Just use enough force. Caveman perfectly capable to break the smartphone with their club.

Joe, currently, doesn't have conceptual based tech. Magic that say "user will be invulnerable, without any exceptions, for a (insert duration)" - I doubt Shards can break. But currently all his defenses have only almost unlimited capabilities (there's one alchemic trick that gave him invincibility against one attack, though). So, through that "almost" some annihilators can affect him.