Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

That. And also:

You don't need to understand something to break it. Just use enough force. Caveman perfectly capable to break the smartphone with their club.

Joe, currently, doesn't have conceptual based tech. Magic that say "user will be invulnerable, without any exceptions, for a (insert duration)" - I doubt Shards can break. But currently all his defenses have only almost unlimited capabilities (there's one alchemic trick that gave him invincibility against one attack, though). So, through that "almost" some annihilators can affect him.
Didn't that invincibility against one attack last for awhile too? Why doesn't he have that running more often as a cape?
I'm excited to see Joe actually doing something instead of just getting lost inside his own head. his ability to be Not!Emiya and launch swords better than Gilgamesh is awesome and his ability to properly understand Garment was heartwarming. And Tetra as a giant fuzzy mink sounds adorafying.
Didn't that invincibility against one attack last for awhile too? Why doesn't he have that running more often as a cape?

Same way Glory Girl's Defensive Shield can block machine gun fire. A sustained barrage is still considered 'one' attack, and thus can block it. For a time at least. Which is what happened.

Or did you mean when he activates it, it stays on till the time limit goes up or it gets hit? If that, then no clue. One of those 'forgots cause I'm basically invincible anyways' moments perhaps?
Same way Glory Girl's Defensive Shield can block machine gun fire. A sustained barrage is still considered 'one' attack, and thus can block it. For a time at least. Which is what happened.

Or did you mean when he activates it, it stays on till the time limit goes up or it gets hit? If that, then no clue. One of those 'forgots cause I'm basically invincible anyways' moments perhaps?
Just feels like when you worry about Annihilator Capes, and have a defense that blocks everything once, you'd remember it.
Same way Glory Girl's Defensive Shield can block machine gun fire. A sustained barrage is still considered 'one' attack, and thus can block it. For a time at least. Which is what happened.

Or did you mean when he activates it, it stays on till the time limit goes up or it gets hit? If that, then no clue. One of those 'forgots cause I'm basically invincible anyways' moments perhaps?
Since the storage yard fight he hasn't been in a fight that would warrant the Shield. He didn't need it for any Uber and Leet fight and the mooks can't do shit to him. The only other fight he would need a shield, he's fighting someone that could pierce it. After the Death by a thousand Sting his materials were shot.
Just feels like when you worry about Annihilator Capes, and have a defense that blocks everything once, you'd remember it.
If we're talking about that one potion that provides invincibility for a single attack in regards to Sting, WOG is that Sting would trump it due to the potion being magic. It's less that Joe forgot about it and more that it wouldn't have helped in that scenario.
Can someone tell me if it's been explained why Shard powers are somehow capable of beating literal magic, something they have no understanding of or connection to? An example being the so-called "all or nothing/annihilator" effects being able to overwhelm magical protections that should be out-of-context/running on separate physics and thus safe? Or is this a case of AU where magic actually exists in Worm and Shards are tapping into it? But if that's the case, how are they beating divine powers? Are the Entities actually gods and thus their Shards are divine as well? Or is it just a case of creating a vulnerability to something so the story won't be a complete stomp and still has some danger?
LordR has made, for the purposes of the Forge and it's abilities, Magic and parahuman powers equivalent. Meaning that Annihilator capes are effective against magic defences. There are many reasons for this change in regards to the local metaphysics but I personally believe that two are most prominent.

Firstly, without the equivalence, Joe's abilities to copy magic powers would be neutered, and there are a fair few other abilities like Arcane Craft which would serve no purpose, as would most of the Magitech constellation. The way I see it, the change was to ensure that as many perks had viable means of being expressed throughout the story without having them feel like dead weight.

Secondly, and this is more speculation on my part than anything else, it was to remove the "He Hoo, I cast barrier and win," button that most Magic vs Shard stories have. Let's face it, if Joe can block any attack thrown his way just by drinking a small bottle's worth of liquid, the story wouldn't be anywhere near as fun as it is.

That being said, not everything is in context for the Entities. For example, Psychic powers, Psi, Psionics, whatever you want to call them, are considered OCP for Entities. I believe Lord mentioned somewhere he was following some DnD interpretation of the concept with the whole "They're different" thing when looking between Psi and Magic. While Psi abilities might not always triumph over Magic abilities, they are unprecogable and most of them can be quite ridiculous.

Joe, currently, doesn't have conceptual based tech. Magic that say "user will be invulnerable, without any exceptions, for a (insert duration)" - I doubt Shards can break. But currently all his defenses have only almost unlimited capabilities (there's one alchemic trick that gave him invincibility against one attack, though). So, through that "almost" some annihilators can affect him.
As stated above, Shard like Sting can break the Alchemic Invincibility magic potion due to the Shard/Magic equivalency imposed by the Forge. Unless the effect is something like Fiat-backed indestructibility like the Minecraft perk provides with its indestructible armour, Sting will most likely be able to pierce it.
This is a thing I love. What can be used as SSS tech and such. How absolute it is when it works and then PRT gets headaches because of that bullshit. I remember that Facetime gushed over how good his website.

Unsure if his 'basic' website is SSS tech all the way or if its his original website programming code there too. That said, PRT already has a headache with what he has showed. With him now showing that he can manage a traceless website with all that implies. Dragon said he was good with computers but this is on another level again. With his website able to withstand Dragon's multiple attempts on it.

Regarding more gear to Undersiders and why he should or shouldn't explain himself. I just hope that its a decision he makes when he's fully rested and has ample time to stew on it.
I'm pretty sure that the lack of bloat was because of how he has Perks that let him remove excess complexity. Realistically he'd never be able to do that and end up with a functional program without other Perks like the modularity one or the scrap-salvaging one. It'd be so rigid that imperfections in substrate stability would tear it apart. It'd fall apart the second that a bit was out of its expected location.
Orphans should be responsibility of any adult. And Undersiders, basically, is a group of orphans.
Rachel - literally orphan. Alek - should be made an orhpan asap for the sake of him and society. Lisa - psychologically abusive parents, abusive "foster father" (Coil). Taylor - absent father and no mother figure at all.
Only one who have somewhat functional parental figure (one) is Brian.
Joe seems to lack a sense of Agape when you get down to it. It makes sense when you understand the that the concept of love as a obligation was inflicted upon him.
This requires that Joe can take a firm stance against the Undersiders. He needs to be able to argue his position and not buckle over it. He has already started to resent his association with them. In his mind only Taylor is important among them because of End of the World and her status as professors Hebert's daughter.

Neil already thinks Khepri is taking territory. It shouldn't take long until the PRT also thinks that. Then if Khepri and Apeiron acts together then will the PRT probably think its his unofficial territory. Bam. He gets a treason felony along with Khepri if they think Undersiders & Apeiron is taking over BB.
Do you have a solution to how Joe won't get dragged into this especially if he decides to be the adult one and take charge of them?
This is the sort of thinking that Lisa would have. Very much a "Burn those bridges, fuck anyone but me and mine, and let them lay in the grave they dug" sort'a theme.
As stated above, Shard like Sting can break the Alchemic Invincibility magic potion due to the Shard/Magic equivalency imposed by the Forge. Unless the effect is something like Fiat-backed indestructibility like the Minecraft perk provides with its indestructible armour, Sting will most likely be able to pierce it.
I brought up using that to destroy the manifested possibility of him being in a given location, destroying a part of a super-position, as a defense against it. Your thoughts?
I brought up using that to destroy the manifested possibility of him being in a given location, destroying a part of a super-position, as a defense against it. Your thoughts?
I genuinely have no idea if that would work. Being in a state of superposition effectively means you are both present and not present and are only confirmed to be one or the other when interacted with by an outside force. The issue is that I think Sting would still interact with both potentialities, both hitting you and missing you at the same time.

In short, I don't think superposition would be a valid defence against String, mainly because of Sting's multiversal nature. In regards to something like Siberian or other annihilator capes, it might work.
Probably somehow setting a defense that stations us in a single dimension only to be effected there, and thus can't be reached through other dimensions would work against multi-dimensional attacks. Like a I am only here and to get to here you have to be within the same plane, you cannot reach me through other ones. And then at that point you merely have to block against the one attack on said plane.

Not sure if that's possible tho.
I genuinely have no idea if that would work. Being in a state of superposition effectively means you are both present and not present and are only confirmed to be one or the other when interacted with by an outside force. The issue is that I think Sting would still interact with both potentialities, both hitting you and missing you at the same time.

In short, I don't think superposition would be a valid defence against String, mainly because of Sting's multiversal nature. In regards to something like Siberian or other annihilator capes, it might work.
That would probably depend on things like whether Sting can destroy a part of a thing, such as a part of the wave-function that represents the potential/existence of a thing near it, and whether it would destroy a wave-function/super-position or contribute to it in the form of adding destroyed states of a thing to its super-position. Also probably depends on whether a super-position counts as a structure.

On the bright side though destroying a part of a part of a super-position*, destroying a part of the positioning/configuration of a object that constituted that particular part of the super-position, could allow one to manifest the damage of lacking a part of ones-self by entering that particular configuration/position. That'd be straight up causality manipulation. Though thinking about it I'm not sure if that would be better or worse then destroying a possibility outright...Probably better if one could repair ones damaged sub-super-position.

Superpositions are fun to theorize about. Especially when applied to macro-scale objects like this.

* that isn't a typo in case you were wondering.
I think Joe would have an easier time making a body that can be partially destroyed and then regenerated without obvious weak spots like a heart or brain. He is already part immortal demigod alien.
I think Joe would have an easier time making a body that can be partially destroyed and then regenerated without obvious weak spots like a heart or brain. He is already part immortal demigod alien.
At this point his body is already like that, he just needs something that will auto activate the healing nanites when he can't.

Maybe convert whatever the clone were using when he was fused with Tetra into a spell he can put on himself.
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I kinda want the forge to have some power that makes things better every time you make them. Like - "Red Anvils Ringing, every project you work on is improved in all respects by 1% for every project you completed before it." Or - "Practice Makes - every time you remake an old project it is at minimum better in all operational parameters than previous attempts, by 1%"

Red Anvils Ringing is based on crafting in exalted 3e, where each completed project gives you a resource you spend to make future projects as a model for being inspired.

Practice Makes is just based on the phrase. Are least 1% better means it won't do much, given the next time Joe remakes his outfit it will be a hundred or more than better. But what about projects he remakes thousands of millions of times, like matrix's 'sacred' tier nanites?
I think that as soon as Joe makes the mental leap of 'a single timeline of knowledge from I triggered', and 'how much someone is needed in the End of the World' and combines them to 'how much someone did in THAT particular timeline.' When he gets that then he probably understands that future events and capes' future situations are no longer garranteed. Especially with March being in BB to give that credit. Bonus points if he discovers Ouija to talk to his passanger.

Joe won't abandon Professor Hebert's daughter.

Taylor's power still does have a use. Taylor's Administrator Shard could become the new central hub and manager of the Shard network. I don't expect Joe to slot Taylor's power as the new Super Administrator of the Shard Network, but it would provide valuable research data towards shard management technology. I'm not sure what it would take for Joe to realize that.
Joe won't abandon Professor Hebert's daughter.

Taylor's power still does have a use. Taylor's Administrator Shard could become the new central hub and manager of the Shard network. I don't expect Joe to slot Taylor's power as the new Super Administrator of the Shard Network, but it would provide valuable research data towards shard management technology. I'm not sure what it would take for Joe to realize that.
Probably after his shard gives him some insight on what happens after Zion dies.
Taylor's power still does have a use. Taylor's Administrator Shard could become the new central hub and manager of the Shard network. I don't expect Joe to slot Taylor's power as the new Super Administrator of the Shard Network, but it would provide valuable research data towards shard management technology. I'm not sure what it would take for Joe to realize that.
Yeah, this is kinda what I've been thinking too. Just killing Scion leaves everything screwed up, so knowing where the 'Admin' shard is would help out tremendously.
Wait, but we know Sting isn't perfect. Narwhal's forcefields somehow block it. Can someone tell me how that works? Also, healing tech for Joe will really only be needed when fighting Annihilation capes, nothing else can hurt him.
I'm not 100% sure, but I think some potions can't be used while others are in effect, or within a certain timeframe of taking the first potion.
Yeah, the Kazooie potions are incompatible with each other. The invincibility potion is one of them, and the other two are the invisibility potion and the duplication potion.

For Apeiron, it's almost always more useful to have a pair of duplicants running around than to have the extra defense up (which only even works if he's standing still, iirc).
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Wait, but we know Sting isn't perfect. Narwhal's forcefields somehow block it. Can someone tell me how that works? Also, healing tech for Joe will really only be needed when fighting Annihilation capes, nothing else can hurt him.
LordR explained it in a WoG:
Okay, I've gotten into this before, but I'll lay it out again. This interaction is specifically related to the nature of Narwhale's force fields. Narwhale fields are composites, masses of crystalline structures working together. With a normal forcefield user if you breach the field it pops like a soap bubble, often with some kind of feedback. You just need a shred of damage and it brings the whole thing down. With Narwhale taking out part of the field only takes out part of the field.

Narwhale is a second trigger non-Manton limited field user with immense experience and control. You just need to look at her 'costume' to see that. The scene in question had March test a tiny display of her power on Narwhale's forcefields. Normally that's all it takes, but with Narwhale it just broke a small section. The entire field was too tough to be broken with one breach. March would have needed to use huge expressions of her power to blast holes in the field, and she didn't have time for that.

As an analogy, consider most forcefields as a sheet of glass and Narwhale's as a sandbank. You can 'damage' a sandbank, but you're not going to bring the whole thing down just from the first bit you destroy.