With the Imperium databases in his brain, all of the efficiency upgrades, and now projection - could Apeiron Project, say, an Imperator Titan next time he has to fight something with the dials set all the way to 'big'?
And should he be redesigning his Gundams with improvements from all his other tech, including Imperium armaments, in case of Simmy showing up?
His database is from Necromunda specifically, which does not have a branch of the Legio Titanica/Collegia Titanica, so titans are out, he doesn't want big mechs anyway despite his power begging him for it
he could however build DAOT shit like an STC fabricator, which is essentially a 3D printer with instructions to build anything that humanity ever has in 25 millennia, however it may be slow, require ridiculously rare ingredients, just a ridiculous amount of energy beyond what even he can provide or all 3 at the same time
@LordRoustabout, he should also be able to make zero gravity with 40k tech incredibly easily since they can create artificial gravity and therefore antigravity, at least as much as a mass effect field would
heck, he could probably prototype the vortex grenade with projection, or at least consider so, which is rare and difficult to make because of its small size, not the fact it creates a hole in the immaterial since every ship does that its just that you can't make a city block size machine a practical weapon of war (sad Gustav gun noises)
he also has a lot of interesting stuff, like volkite guns, conversion beamers and neutron lasers (touches fingers evilly)
Edit: so the sword had a power field. by bad
That seems like a particularly silly fear. Why would the wall off the city against an extremely fast flying super-Tinker suspected of having teleportation tech? That seems like a measure to inconvenience everyone but him. And this is aside from the fact that he has amply demonstrated how easily he could breach any walls they put up.
I'm just imagining if every projection it creates in the workshop were to suddenly reappear every 48 hours, but he doesn't figure that out until it is too late. All over the workshop, swords and other objects tend to occasionally manifest (with accompanying explosion)
whilst not very present in the story of Worm its probably safe to assume that the machine army is considered just as lethal, dangerous and most importantly scary as Nilbog and his kingdom, so imagine that he creates an army of say... giant ants to fix the city, that will probably have the same official PRT response.