Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

I got everything I wanted from this chapter. Joe got a PR statement out, he learned more about magic, got TWEWY powers, and had some honest communication with others. I was worried for a bit that Joe got Armsmaster's power without realizing it, but seeing it's just a Lego power made me relieved (how those two are going to stack will be insane) In summary this was a superb chapter, just all around 10/10.
Efficiency (Lego: Ninjango) 400:
Waste not, want not! Not with this, anyway – whether building machines or making quick moves in combat, you'll never unintentionally use more energy, materials, or flourish than you need to.
An aesthetic control power? You mean he'll finally be able to not be ridiculously over the top in style, if not power levels? That'll be a game changer for sure.

I look forward to (probably) Weld's Interlude.
So, if Tattletale's watch is on dummy safe mode when she is meeting Coil, will it be as effective in blocking all of his interrogation attempts in his alternate timelines? I suspect it might be, but it might be more obvious about it. I'm winding if he may get a false impression of what the watches can do because it is operating in safe mode when he does whatever it is he does during the meeting.
And now Joe became an even bigger bastard against Endbringer. Their durability is what protects them more than anything losing it would be what most will hurt them.
Dammit, wrong Efficiency. Still a good thing, since it's essentially a fiat-backed way for Joe to be able to avoid overdoing things, but it would've been nice if he got M/E and decided to go ahead on the city fixing after all.
Thanks for the chapter!
Perfect efficiency in every action.
Somewhere, somehow, Armsmaster was suddenly and inexplicably jealous.

I think they were generally happy with the idea that I would eventually stumble on to their work and be shocked or impressed, but still enjoyed a spectating first hand when they got the chance.
That room seemed to have been constructed for the purposes of the sea snail tank first with everything else added to compliment complement it
And I was proud she was still on her feet.
To Two big blinking eyes that looked like the gates of hell took in the room with a sense of wonder.
For instance, despite the familiar feeling of drain and the clear bloom of energy radiating from Tetra as a result, I barely felt it.

"I think so." The words were still directed inaudibly towards me and my duplicates.
For Tetra's inaudible communication, I think it would be good to indicate it visually, like so: "I think so.". Just makes it easier to note that something special is happening, without having to say 'Tetra spoke, inaudible to all but..' or 'unheard by all but me' every time.
A wonderful relatively laid back chapter of sorting through craziness and overcoming personal difficulties.

Tetra becomes more adorable, Garment becomes more understandable, and Aisha recognizes that Joe is now an animal boy and his cuteness levels have reached new heights.

Meanwhile Joe is due for a costume and motorcycle upgrade. The designs will be things of such beauty and efficiency that lesser Tinkers shall weep in shame.

Also how long before Accord starts coming up with plans to Marry Apeiron? Joe just got a power that gives him absolute efficiency in movement. I don't think Joe is capable of offending Accord's sensibilities at this point.
So, if Tattletale's watch is on dummy safe mode when she is meeting Coil, will it be as effective in blocking all of his interrogation attempts in his alternate timelines? I suspect it might be, but it might be more obvious about it. I'm winding if he may get a false impression of what the watches can do because it is operating in safe mode when he does whatever it is he does during the meeting.

Lol Coil tries to threaten Tattletale and the watch nopes whatever he tries. Hilarious! :rofl:
@LordRoustabout, first of all, this was an amazing chapter and I loved how you went into detail about Joe's powers and his ability to use them.

One thing I wanted to mention was the potential applications of the perk "Efficiency (Lego: Ninjango)" with Joe's Magecraft abilities from Fate, specifically, the ability called "The Proper Way of Breathing and Walking".

On the Type Moon wiki, it is mentioned that those that have mastered "The Proper Way of Breathing and Walking" can have their body act as a single pure circuit and can produce greater Mysteries than Magi, even without knowing anything about Magecraft.

Since Joe now essentially possesses the ideal form of "Breathing and Walking", will he be able to utilize his abilities in this manner (assuming he trains himself to utilize it)?

Here is the link to the wiki: Magecraft
@LordRoustabout, first of all, this was an amazing chapter and I loved how you went into detail about Joe's powers and his ability to use them.

One thing I wanted to mention was the potential applications of the perk "Efficiency (Lego: Ninjango)" with Joe's Magecraft abilities from Fate, specifically, the ability called "The Proper Way of Breathing and Walking".

On the Type Moon wiki, it is mentioned that those that have mastered "The Proper Way of Breathing and Walking" can have their body act as a single pure circuit and can produce greater Mysteries than Magi, even without knowing anything about Magecraft.

Since Joe now essentially possesses the ideal form of "Breathing and Walking", will he be able to utilize his abilities in this manner (assuming he trains himself to utilize it)?

Here is the link to the wiki: Magecraft

I'm pretty sure Breathing and Walking is about cultivation and spirituality rather than merely mechanical motions.

It's sage techniques, and that's moot because Joe is already capable of using ki.
On closer examination, feeling the magic that composed the blade, I could identify even more shortcomings. It was a 'good' projection in that it actually held the properties of the material and form it was emulating, but it didn't emulate perfectly. The blade wasn't actually adamantium, it was magic pretending to be adamantium. Formed into a shape that matched the characteristics as closely as possible, but not perfectly. Likewise, the celestial bronze binding the flame runes was just magic trying to do the same thing as that divine metal. The entire assembly was a fake, a good fake, a largely functional fake, but still weaker than a true creation.
You know what this reminds me of? Fulgrim from 40k.
'There is such a thing as perfection and our purpose for living is to find that perfection and show it forth. Everything that limits us we have to put aside.'
- Fulgrim

Joe better be careful here. He might become too Slaneeshi soon if he keeps this up.
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Sooo, remember way back when Weld first came to town?
Armsmaster got all smug when the piece of Brian's Knife vanished and "confirmed" his theory of the weapons being projections.
Well, and then he got blown up, but do you guys remember that?
The theory which was disproven moments later when Apeiron bursts through a wall on a transforming motorcycle, starting his Tinker Legend.

Want to bet, that the first time Apeiron uses Projection to make something in public, Armsy is gonna say this.

Colin: Ring-Ring. Ring-Ring.

Dragon: Colin? What are you doing?

Colin: It's a phone, Dragon. You might want to pick it up.

Dragon: Really? That is sill-

Colin: Cause I fucking CALLED IT!

Dragon: done?

Colin: Yes.

Dragon: Good. I will recommend that your nurse increase your morphine. You are obviously in too much agony to be mature about this.
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... projection counted as an act of creation. Mana was being formed into a physical object ... Exposure to the natural energies of the world would eventually break it down, but that was an active force working against a very real object. And since it was a creation, all my crafting powers applied, starting with the resource conservation ones.
You just created something in your workshop. Doesn't that mean it is Fiat backed and will appear in your workshop 48 hours after it finishes degrading?
Right, he's still involved with the Undersiders. They just seem like such irrelevant players compared to everyone else he has to deal with it was quite jarring to remember that he cares a lot about them.
In its truncated form this feels like something of a housekeeping chapter, but I felt it was necessary to review the current state of Joe's abilities, options, workshop, and allies.
Eh, about a third of it was critical character development for Joe and/or Tetra. For the rest... well, it's been over two hundred thousand words since the last time we saw Joe doing housekeeping around his workshop, we were overdue for a chapter of that.

I believe this is supposed to be "army of robots".
"army or robots" is a correct assessment of his abilities, whether or not it was intended.
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Wow just read the chapter and I cracked up at the part where he realizes that he could just use a projection instead of crafting a background.

I loved the Tetra zooanthrope from too! Wasn't expecting it, even though it seems obvious.

So when is Joe going to attomic breath someone?
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With the Imperium databases in his brain, all of the efficiency upgrades, and now projection - could Apeiron Project, say, an Imperator Titan next time he has to fight something with the dials set all the way to 'big'?

And should he be redesigning his Gundams with improvements from all his other tech, including Imperium armaments, in case of Simmy showing up?
"Then watch them wall off the city and wait for the Simurgh to show up." The first duplicate concluded.
That seems like a particularly silly fear. Why would the wall off the city against an extremely fast flying super-Tinker suspected of having teleportation tech? That seems like a measure to inconvenience everyone but him. And this is aside from the fact that he has amply demonstrated how easily he could breach any walls they put up.
You just created something in your workshop. Doesn't that mean it is Fiat backed and will appear in your workshop 48 hours after it finishes degrading?
I'm just imagining if every projection it creates in the workshop were to suddenly reappear every 48 hours, but he doesn't figure that out until it is too late. All over the workshop, swords and other objects tend to occasionally manifest (with accompanying explosion).
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Thank you Roust for the chapter.

I especially enjoyed Joe's thoughts regarding fate magic, city's situation and his progressive better way of thinking. It was gold. Aisha being updated on the dangers of 3am thinking is hiliarious.

I'm unsure if better gear will better Undersiders situation or if they will just get a higher priority. They are not in a good situation that's for sure. I wonder if Joe understands that being only for sure contacted via Undersiders puts even more spotlight on them.