Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

It's worth remembering that while processing Tetra into a Kamui won't kill her like if she was made into a Goku Uniform, it still involves some form of damage on her so Joe probably wouldn't go for that. On the other hand, there's no actual reason to turn her into a Kamui - in the first place, the only reason why Life Fibers are turned into uniforms is because it is to control their growth. But to Joe, who has no problems with trusting Tetra with her powers and working with her as she is, turning Tetra into a Kamui is largely unnecessary.
True. On the other hand, can Tetra transform herself to be more like Garment so she can go out into the world and interact with people on her own power?
The Quill Blaster is a type of Human Archaeotech weapon.[1] Unlike most other solid projectile weapons, this device fires thin needles of liquefied metal. It can operate with almost any raw material; the user simply feeds metallic chunks or pellets into a large hopper at the rear of the gun. Its internal batteries melt them into ammunition which is then discharged. When fired the weapons accelerates a thin beam along the barrel, firing short lances of super-hot, super-sharp metal in bursts of 4-6 spines.
This tech seems to be the most broken if the production of these quills counts as an act of crafting and if it allows Jo to combine some of his more bizarre metamaterials into something that makes even chlorine trifluoride look like chocolate cake.
Does anyone else get the impression that this is basically a hand-held Thanix Cannon from Mass Effect? Just add some Eezo to make it extra bullshit.
I'll find it very hilarious/ironic if Trauma the Shield as a person develops to become Joe's second therapist and all-around emotional support.

Trauma: "Look, I know that I was made to express your angst to the world, but I would like my appearance to be less Hot Topic sometime this decade."
Less therapist more that friend who makes it their mission to call you on your bullshit. If Trauma was a person they would have immediately called on him avoiding Kephririon, or any of his 3am ideas.
I'll find it very hilarious/ironic if Trauma the Shield as a person develops to become Joe's second therapist and all-around emotional support.

Trauma: "Look, I know that I was made to express your angst to the world, but I would like my appearance to be less Hot Topic sometime this decade."
Would Trauma be one of those sarcastic sentient weapons or those equipment with dramatic obligations? A "Yeah, right" sword or a "You fool" blade?
I looked into the whole thing about the Necromundan tech and let me tell you there is some ridiculous stuff in there

here are a few examples of archeotech:
Yes, there are many doomsday technicians and intricate guns. At least the same radiation weapon from the category "Behemoth Aura? Guys, hold my beer ". The next thing is very interesting - is there any documentation on the vortex weapon or in the remaining 40k perks. Given the ability to apply the full power of Joe to him, this will prove to be an excellent "Ultima ratio regum" against fans of invulnerability and and cunning ones who hide their bodies in all kinds of parallel dimensions and multidimensionality.
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Alright is there any power the PRT said Apeirion had that he still doesn't have?
I think at this point Apeiron has shown many different abilities, tech and theres thousand of theories and speculations that prt has essentially went fuck it and are treating him like the tinker equivalent of eidolon
Considering the popular theory in story currently is that he is Tinkering with powers, yes, they do believe that he is the Tinker equivalent of Eidolon. Except, of course, due to the offhand mention Joe had about Mad Scientist Tinkers, they think that he too is a Mad Scientist Tinker, which does not make anybody less concerned to put Mad Scientist and Plays With Powers together.
I think at this point Apeiron has shown many different abilities, tech and theres thousand of theories and speculations that prt has essentially went fuck it and are treating him like the tinker equivalent of eidolon
That's not too far off, if you add Dauntless's powers into the mix; He builds up a charge (Dauntless) and, when it reaches a "unit" level, his power grabs a random ability (Eidolon). If he has enough charge, then he spends that charge (Dauntless) to imbue himself with the ability.

Of course, Apeiron was originally a Shaker/Trump, not a Tinker/Trump: he started with the Workshop, and unlimited wood metal & basic woodworking metalworking tools to craft with, but no actual carpentry smithing skills.

{EDIT} Corrected the first workshop from Wood to Metal, as pointed out by AntaeusTheGiant. Apologies for the mix-up!
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Of course, Apeiron was originally a Shaker/Trump, not a Tinker/Trump: he started with the Workshop, and unlimited wood & basic woodworking tools to craft with, but no actual carpentry skills.

Hate to be a nitpicker, but the first Workshop was the metal one, the woodworking one came much later, during the march/lung fight in fact. And while he had no tinkering skills at that point, he did have the mundane metalworking skills that a person who had taken shop in middle and high school and was an engineering school dropout would have. So not much.
New WoG up on Ao3 that answers a lot of questions
"Chimeric fission in the form conducted in this chapter heavily violated equivalent exchange on a lot of levels. The Law of Conservation of Mass was violated thanks to the weird type of fusion that had formed between Tetra's physics defying life fibers and Joe's ridiculously reinforced body. The Law of Natural Providence was also out thanks to the complexity at work. They were dealing with not just a material as fundamentally insane as life fibers, but every trace of exotic material in Joe's body, and that's not even getting into the implications of performing alchemy on the divine ichor in his blood. The fusion between Joe and Tetra was also such that it could count as creating a new lifeform. This was human transmutation, even if it wasn't resurrection. It was a dangerous and expensive form of alchemy and there was a cost associated with it."
Does anyone else get the impression that this is basically a hand-held Thanix Cannon from Mass Effect? Just add some Eezo to make it extra bullshit.

more or less yes, which isnt surprising since they also have atomic pistol munitions, single bullets that can explode houses

a lot of archeotech weapons in 40k are miniaturized versions of tank/titan weaponry, it wouldnt surprise me to see disintegrators and conversion beamers as pistols

What Joe has is also a lot of tech that people didn't understand the principle behind

Standard Template Constructors are basically automated fabricators alongside a virtual intelligence. It will give you a list of ingredients to build what you need, though it may not be practical due to energy and material availability

Since Lord specified that it was Necromundan tech, it may exclude tech from before the planet was named Necromunda, or that the STC in Necromunda has always been corrupted/damaged before it even arrived in the planet

ships in 40k can move at significant fractions of C in real-space, its possible that Apeiron could make one of those, its not even close to the bulshit the imperium has, it may be too expensive materialy tho

I think Teleportation here the most useful for Apeiron right now. Teleportation was one of the few things he didn't have before.

Yes and he will probably be better at it than any human ever could since he is part Immaterial due to being a magical god, i don't think other people will be able to, and I think para-humans will especially dislike it, since they always seemed more C'tan-ish

this may begin Apeirons experimentation with the warp, a vortex grenade is difficult to make due to the compactness of it, but apeiron can absolutly build a warp engine as a bomb, even though it would be the size of a 3-story building at least.

the entities have always followed the laws of physics, and they follow the laws of physics to a much higher degree than a human would, so if you throw then in an environment where those laws are suspended there is no way for them to do anything

if the warp can fuck hums bodies with seconds of exposure it would maime anything shard related

mistake there, bud
It's worth remembering that while processing Tetra into a Kamui won't kill her like if she was made into a Goku Uniform, it still involves some form of damage on her so Joe probably wouldn't go for that. On the other hand, there's no actual reason to turn her into a Kamui - in the first place, the only reason why Life Fibers are turned into uniforms is because it is to control their growth. But to Joe, who has no problems with trusting Tetra with her powers and working with her as she is, turning Tetra into a Kamui is largely unnecessary.

Well, it would also allow Tetra to benefit from Joe's crafting abilities, and that's obviously no small thing. But you're right that Joe could keep handling Tetra as she is.

If anything, it might be Tetra who asks for the big upgrade - if not out of a misplaced sense of guilt, then at least to keep up with Survey and prove Life Fibers supreme! :V
You know who's been missing the last few chapters? Joe' passenger. What's it been doing anyways? Maybe jts doing something in shardspace cause of March? Thought that it would have at least some reaction to meeting Truth...
Speaking of Hells, I wonder if Worth the Candle has a jump document. Aerth has 9000 Hells, each worse than the last, which feed on human suffering. If those popped into exitence, Joe would definitely try to do something about them.

(Rereading the thread when this caught my eye a few months too late.)

Worth the Candle isn't in the Forge, but it doesn't have a jumpdoc, either, and I'm not sure what a WTC jump would even look like.

Like, WTC is a deeply personal psychodrama about a young man who wakes up in a fantasy world built out of the fictional settings he created to try and deal with the grief of losing his best friend. It's a Neverending Story/Chronicles of Thomas Covenant situation where the world of the story isn't even real in-universe.

But then, we actually do have a jump for the Neverending Story, so nothing is impossible.