Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Nice work. Seems like r63 pictures is on an uprise.
Given his potions, Joe can probably r63 with pretty much any body shape he likes.

Survey says it's optimal for public interaction, and since Apeiron needs all the help he can get when it comes to improving his public image, his course is clear: Full Anime Waifu. Win the public over with the power of being a cute, violent, tiny tsundere! (pink hair optional)
tiny tsundere! (pink hair optional)

So you want Joe to look more like Sakura. tsundere is fine, I want that to but more a magical girl type or if not may be Power Rangers(super sentai) would be better he already has Giant Mechs that appears from nowhere like zords he just need to shape them to animals

In the universe of Power Rangers the Zords are colossal (bio-)mechanical robots. Some are sentient while others are just piloted machines. When monsters grow to incredible sizes the only way the Power Rangers can fight them is by summoning and piloting these enormous war machines.
I was thinking more like Taiga from Toradora!. Or maybe Louise from ZnT, if pink hair is required. (Joe does, after all, have a wand.)

Or, heck, mix it up. Show up as a different style of waifu in each appearance.

If you want to get ambitious, convince the Undersiders to cosplay as your band of magical girl sidekicks, with Aisha prowling nearby to get photos of r63!Grue. I mean, I'm sure Joe has the ability to make potions with the required side effects of 'turn into live-action version of cute magical anime waifu'. And his Strike Witches technology is just sitting there . . .

Also, we all know that Alec would ham it up for all he's worth.

New idea: Rebrand as a team of heroes, via potions. No one has seen Apeiron's Strike Witches gear, so if he's careful how he designs it, no one need connect the teenage girls showing off their legs like tik-tok models with Apeiron, Lord of the Edge.
why don't we just go with Power Rangers(super sentai) for more Giant Mechs people love Giant Mechs there like transformers we can give Taylor a giant mecha scarab beetle. More Giant Mechs make fleet happy and we could call them celestial Rangers
So, over to the Discord server there is a lot of speculation about which perk Joe may have gotten next chapter that required a lot of explanation to assure we understood its impact. There seems to be a consensus that it probably wasn't a 600 pt perk as those would automatically be seen as very serious. I'm not so sure...some are way more impactful than others. However, I think it might be the 400 pt perk Technomancy from Mage: The Awakening. He was already worried about how he would present that, and some of the free perks that go with it. So it might be one that logically he would need more space to explain.

Edit: Here is the WOG on some of the problems with this perk:

Integrating Mage The Awaking mechanics to this story is such a clusterfuck that I half wish I had excluded the Technomacy perk. Still, I've committed, so that means stretching my limited experience with extensive research to somehow make the magic system work properly with the Jenga tower of abilities already in play (and that's not even getting into the parahuman/magic equivalence).

Soul Stones are used to create a demise once you reach mastery in an Arcana. Joe will only start with the free abilities from the jump, one rank in Gnosis, two ranks in his ruling arcana and one rank in any other arcanum. He would need to train up to mastery before he could create a demise, and training is specifically half as effective outside the jump. The Advantage of a demise is the ability to cast vulgar magic without inducing paradox. Paradox is bad and something that doesn't go away even post jump (at least disbelief of sleepers stops being a factor). The soul stone is also a point of vulnerability, particularly with parahuman abilities counting as magic, and by the wording it's return isn't fiat backed. Essentially, messing around with a soul stone would be dangerous and not have any benefits until Joe reaches a serious level of power with that system of magic (of course, that is a SERIOUS level of power).

Paradox can also be avoided by using mana. Normally that would be highly limited, but with the merging of energy pools Joe already has access to a regular and reliable mana as well as other potential sources. Generally, he could probably get by without needing to mess with soul stones and a demise. The soul stone is an optional free item, so depending on how I end up handling this system of magic I might just leave it out.

[7:02 PM]
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Technomancy from Mage: The Awakening.

Well that promises to be interesting.

Pretty much all the WoD settings play pretty well together.... except Mage.

Mage is utter bullshit, ultra powered 'reality is my bitch', levels of ass kicking. It's even got self enforcing masquerade, normals are incapable of understanding what's going on.

It's also got the biggest downside. Reality will eventually get tired of getting slapped around and slap you back. Cuthulu reaching through a hole in space/time to kick you in the face is on the table.

Which makes Luck mages utter BS, because all their powers come with plausible deniability, so they get away with way more.
I think someone (namely RegiDelta) forgot that's not a quest.
It's not a quest, but Joe has already admitted that he's prone to 3am thinking when he's off his center. And LordRoustabout welcomes acts of omake. One line about staying up late trying to clean up the city, while constantly thinking, "never again," about whatever the clones did to separate him and Tetra . . . and instead of going to bed, he whips up an alertness potion, so that he can stay awake while he implements his 'genius' idea.

Scene cut to whatever act of utter nucking futtery you want to play for cheap laughs. "I-it's not l-like I w-want to be a v-villain, b-baka!" or what-have-you.

Alternately, he asks Garment to take the lead on designing outfits for the Magical Soldiers of Peace and Justice, i.e. what he's going to make the Undersider rebrand to, and when she designs 'scouting leotards' they of course have banners and crests (i.e. miniskirts and other frills). No r63!Grue, just Soldier Shade (who happens to refuse to lower the cloud of darkness covering him from neck to boots). Alec can be General Chaos, with a Lathe of Heaven chain that is really good at entangling. Taylor can be Major Terror, a kawaii spider-girl leading her Swarm (thanks to a really good costume/mecha-prosthetic). Give Lisa flight and rebrand her as the Good Idea Fairy. Rachel . . . I dunno. Captain Hound? Not feeling it.