Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Read Worm again sometime... it wasn't possible for Taylor to do anything against Alexandria or the Nine either, yet somehow she (ruthlessly and with escalation!) managed to pull thru anyway...
it was luck(plot armor), team work, Coil, the villains underestimating the undersiders,(possible Ziz plot and maybe PTV), and tactics. Plus the Alexandria was luck more than you think(tho it doesn't make sense why she need to breath when in stasis body, or how she ended up brain dead when her mind is basically being shunted to the shard). Did you know Alexandria and Taylor weren't even the same room when it happened They were separate by walls of concrete and people, Alex could have made the choice of just plowing through all those people and kill them in order to snap Taylor's neck and it wouldn't had take more than a few seconds, but that didn't happen so Alex instead did the opposite and try to go the opposite direction and get out of Taylor range and avoid casualties, because of that decision Alex die, instead of Taylor(tho it was doubtful Alex would have aim to kill Taylor). Taylor basically took advantage of the circumstances, in any other situation 9/10 Alex would have won any encounter with Taylor. About the S9 come on you're serious on that one Jack was playing around most of the time and didn't care if members got killed if he had it would have been a different story, heck I wouldn't call that even a win Jack cause Golden Morning still that was a failure, how's that a victory

And About the undersiders getting involved, they maybe can now since Lung, Oni lee and March got dealt with. so now is possible to deal with Bakuda but then again do seriously think that insane women will go down easily, they will need people that can counter her Bombs and in canon it was Clock and vista.
LordR said that March is now dead and that her Shard was puppeting her body, using the data that it had of Match's personality. He also said that such an emulation would mean that "March" would never be able to work on such a large scale again, and would be stuck to individual-levels, if at all.

I'd say that March is out of the story's narrative.

No! After you defeat the beastie you just need to throw a magic sphere at it to make it your new Pokémon friend!
For having had such a badass debut, BrocktonForge! Taylor has been pretty meek ever since...

I mean, when you compare her to Apherion, sure. On the other hand, people know he has a connection to the Undersiders, which makes them a lot more dangerous in people's eyes.

Oh! Y'know what would be really badass? If the Undersiders took care of Coil by themselves. Because Apherion messes with his powers, but he's still got his plans and resources. Poor Dinah, too... (c'mon, your escalationship! I believe in you!)

Then Apherion would still have to deal with Noelle. Really, so much interesting stuff has been set up!
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it would be awesome to get another Taylor interlude after Joe showed how badass he is and her feelings on it please lord I need to know what the bug queen thinks I MUST KNOWWWWWWWW
Or, or --and, here me out here --we use that pokeball to catch a Shard!

I'm too lazy to go back and look it up.

Didn't Joe recently gain the ability to forge/work with any material as if it was metal?

I've been assuming that Joe would need to hack/convert shards via computer skillz, bio-alchemical-magical transmutation, or similar high-level finesse.

If he could access shard space could he hypothetically covert those ginormous crystalline meat computers into disproportionately small yet still effective magical items?

Cause I'd love to see Taylor forced to wave a sparkly magic wand which gifts her the offensive powers of March while wearing a gauzy puffy skirt of Lung defense/regeneration!
So avesome that I'm not even complain about Lung's appearance.

Yep. And his maw splits in four jaws (or, maybe, "half-jaws"?) rather than two.

Sorry for Lung 's appearance, i really did not know lungs apperance nor have time to research for a reference, as for the color i choose green as it complements and creates a contrast for the color red.
I'm too lazy to go back and look it up.

Didn't Joe recently gain the ability to forge/work with any material as if it was metal?

I've been assuming that Joe would need to hack/convert shards via computer skillz, bio-alchemical-magical transmutation, or similar high-level finesse.

If he could access shard space could he hypothetically covert those ginormous crystalline meat computers into disproportionately small yet still effective magical items?

Cause I'd love to see Taylor forced to wave a sparkly magic wand which gifts her the offensive powers of March while wearing a gauzy puffy skirt of Lung defense/regeneration!
close he can treat anything like iron which means he can probably forge weapons out of shards or maybe armor master with an efficiency halbert parahumans wielding para weapons
"Apeiron" he let slip (Chronocidal)
... Even though I know that "Apeiron" is pronounced as "Ah-pea-ron", and not as "Ape-Iron", my mind still comes back to the latter when I write it.

As such:
To the town of Brockton Bay
Rode a tinker one fine day
Hardly spoke to folks around him
Didn't have too much to say
People tried to guess his business
He didn't register a blip
The tinker there among them,
Named "Apeiron" he let slip
"Apeiron" he let slip

It was late in the evening
when ABB made their move
They sent a taunting message
In the hopes he would behoove
To let them save some face
And not to give them lip
"Who is the greatest cape?" they asked
But "Apeiron" he let slip
"Apeiron" he let slip

In this town there lived an outlaw
And they called this dragon "Lung"
Many capes had tried to take him
Now that cause was seen as dumb
He was vicious and a killer
and he tanked Leviathan
But when he fought Apeiron
Well, that tinker had a plan
That tinker had a plan

Now those capes they started fighting
In the air above the bay
At first old Lung was winning
But it wouldn't stay that way
For though he grew forever stronger
And could wield the fires of hell
He was thrown up into orbit
And got hit at FTL
Hit at FTL
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It is finished.

Aperion giving a hand, specifically to Chen. I thought it would look more heroic lol.
Looks amazing! Definitely heroic.

Not sure if you should edit and change the threadmarked post to the finished or wait for Lord to threadmark it. Either way, spectacular job!

Apeiron v Lung

Hi Everyone and @LordRoustabout

Heres my take on the Apeiron and Lung fight.

Hoping everyones having a good day.
Looks really epic! I love the lighting and the grapel of Trauma shot at Lung.
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