Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Thanks for the omake. Additionally, a ruling I've made regarding how the duplication potions stack through Mixing Mixtures: each additional potion adds a different factor to the potion effect, in a cycle. First potion (normal) allows two duplicates (4 total). Second doubles the amount of damage they can take before disappearing, third doubles duration, forth adds two more duplicates. Fifth increases the durability to triple the base level. Sixth increases the duration to triple the base amount. Seventh increased the number of duplicates to six, and so on.

If 12 potions are combined you get 8 duplicates lasting for 5 hours, able to handle 5 times as much damage without disappearing. It is a slight nerf from the most powerful interpretation, but still powerful, and personally I can handle writing 8 duplicates a lot more easily than 24.
Personally, the thing that caught my attention about the duplication potion was that every single time you actually have Joe focus on what happens when he drinks one, you emphasize that it isn't just "drink potion then clones come out" but more "swallow, clone, swallow, clone". The amount of focus you were applying to this point made me think it was a Chekhov's Gun you were setting up for later or something, and that if he used [Workaholic] to multiply the volume rather than the quantity of the duplication potion, then the number of clones produced would remain equal to the number of swallows, giving him about 50 clones without needing any new perks.

Given your above comments about how you'd handle upgrading the dupe potion, I guess this is not how you're handling it, but this feels to me like a lot of setup for no payoff.

Also, I may just be forgetting it, but I don't recall any time that Joe actually tested what would happen if he used the volume-increased potion? A small scene for that would somewhat keep anyone else from thinking this would work and complaining that he isn't using this. At least until people forget that scene again, but I'm sure other people could keep pointing at the relevant scene to remind people.
In all honesty, I could see Joe telling Gully to go to therapy as payment. Something something "need more sane parahumans" something something "Less Bakudas and more Heroes."
Nah. If his persona were some goody two shoes maybe, but he's still attached to his cold but principled mercenary persona at the moment. Saying that would very quickly "blow his cover" so to speak.

Besides, Gully is a Case 53 with the PRT. I'm sure she's been to a therapist before.
Edit: also, with Joe's new perk, I could see him flirting with Gully. I wonder how she'll handle it?
Ew. Not because Gully looks gross, but because she's a Ward. I would rather not see that please. Ever single time an underage person shows up in this story, I swear to god...
Doesn't seem that convincing to be honest. I'm not sure exactly sure what Gully could offer Apeiron through a favor that Apeiron couldn't just do himself. Even if we're only looking at this from the limited perspective of what others assume he is capable of.
Apeiron has consistently shown that he cares less about payments. He seemed to use the Undersiders debt to him as more of a joke than a binding contract. Hence suppose 'favors' as he knows no one could actually pay him back through monetary means.
Ew. Not because Gully looks gross, but because she's a Ward. I would rather not see that please. Ever single time an underage person shows up in this story, I swear to god...

What are the chances that power won't actually come into play specifically because the person is a minor? I'd accept that as it would make things less... squicky. Wouldn't stop in universe people from questioning though.

Actually how many people in universe are aware that Khepri is a minor and Joe isn't? The Undersiders are all late teens and that's a known thing about them isn't it? Or is it assumed they're all young adults?
Apeiron has consistently shown that he cares less about payments. He seemed to use the Undersiders debt to him as more of a joke than a binding contract. Hence suppose 'favors' as he knows no one could actually pay him back through monetary means.

Does he even have need of payment at this point? Is there anything anyone could possibly get him that he couldn't make better, faster, cheaper, and in greater quantity? As a civilian Joe needs something approaching a legal paper trail, but every cape needs that and means nothing to payment for Apeiron's services.
Also, I may just be forgetting it, but I don't recall any time that Joe actually tested what would happen if he used the volume-increased potion? A small scene for that would somewhat keep anyone else from thinking this would work and complaining that he isn't using this. At least until people forget that scene again, but I'm sure other people could keep pointing at the relevant scene to remind people.
It was mentioned(Chapter 23 Renovation):
It turned out potion brewing was another thing that triggered Workaholic. I had the choice of five potions or a potion with twenty five times the volume. The higher volume potion was something of a weird outlier. It didn't have a stronger effect, it just had a lot more liquid to drink. That kind of effect would be seriously useful in most kinds of alchemical production, but not when dealing with potions that had discrete effects. I set it for five copies and left it to brew.

So basicly it goes from "swallow, clone, swallow, clone" to "swallow, swallow, swallow,... clone, swallow, swallow, swallow,... clone".
While I feel that the pacing is a bit slow(read: a tenth of a vast majority of fics) I have to admit I love this fiction =) all the errors in it some how make it more enjoyable.
He could just help Gully in exchange for the freedom/right to use the stuff he learns from her biology in his own stuff. Profiting off a patient's medical information is a bit skeevy but people are unlikely to care very much unless he does something terrible with it.
Apeiron has consistently shown that he cares less about payments. He seemed to use the Undersiders debt to him as more of a joke than a binding contract. Hence suppose 'favors' as he knows no one could actually pay him back through monetary means.
Of course, the undersiders aren't exactly spreading that information to the press are they? The PRT knows he sold weapons to and rescued a team of villains he isn't otherwise seen with, that he de-bombed a bunch of Bakuda victims and then took the bombs for himself, and that he extracted some unknown payment from Weld while in the process of recovering him. From the perspective of the PRT, and I imagine to a lesser extent of knowledge the public, Apeiron mainly seems to be fighting the ABB because they hold a grudge against him, are destroying the city he lives in, and their continued existence is a threat to his associates (I.E. the attack on the undersiders). The fact that he only really has one ongoing "contract," and that it only exists to keep control of the undersiders, isn't known to them. For all they know Apeiron has a shit ton of side deals for who knows what; he certainly seems well supplied enough to imply a lot of wealth and/or backing.

Even if you take the most generous interpretation of his actions in costume, he's still always taken something for himself, acted supernaturally well as his cold mercenary persona, and kept himself distanced from actual heroes. Gully's perspective as an outsider without the privilege of much in depth information speaks for itself: the general view people have of Joe is as a mysterious and aloof mercenary whom no one not "in the know" can actually contact for services.
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Nah. If his persona were some goody two shoes maybe, but he's still attached to his cold but principled mercenary persona at the moment. Saying that would very quickly "blow his cover" so to speak.

Besides, Gully is a Case 53 with the PRT. I'm sure she's been to a therapist before.

Ew. Not because Gully looks gross, but because she's a Ward. I would rather not see that please. Ever single time an underage person shows up in this story, I swear to god...

Hm. I don't know. Rereading the Weld scene where Aperion is like "oh, shit. Gotta ask for payment... Uh, how about the equivalent of some dead skin cells?" I get the feeling that Weld is very much in on the joke that Joe isn't nearly as mercenary as he has to pretend to be. Secondarily, rereading Dragon's Interlude where Joe and Weld have a friendly chat, I get the feeling that Weld genuinely become friends --which further compounds the notion that Weld is aware of Joe's true benevolent nature. Not to mention the fact that Weld feels compelled to spread word about Aperion's healing tech to the other c53s is further proof that Weld feels that Joe is a fundamentally good/moral person --and not the hardened mercenary that Joe styles himself. If Weld were truly convinced by such a facade, then Gully's pov would've included Weld delivering his news with a subtle warning, in addition to the news.

I think that Joe could safely drop the mercenary mask around the Case 53 community and trust that they wouldn't spread the information around.

As for the therapy part... well, while LordR's take on the Wormverse is a far more rational/realistic take (thank fuck for that, honestly), it never hurts to be sure.

(also, please read below for clarification on the last part... Probably should've realized that my username would color the intent of my post, and that I should add additional context to clarify the statement... Sorry about that!)

Edit 2: For clarification (because my username --being what it is --I can understand the misunderstanding), I don't see Joe actually flirting with Gully. I imagine he would strictly monitor his behavior (too keep the flirtation perk from unconsciously slipping through) so as to help reassure Gully and put her at ease. Joe has a hyperawareness of the power dynamics between himself and other people, so I fully expect him to be equally cognizant of such things with Gully. The "I could see Joe flirting with Gully" was meant more in that "I could imagine a scene in which the perk slips through, causing a brief moment of schadenfreude for the readers of this fic."

Further, I meant "how will Gully react to Joe's accidental-flirtation" not in a "yay, let's ship them sense," but rather, how would Gully (someone with extreme insecurities and body image problems, who has an immense amount of difficulty with interpersonal relationships due to her nature as a c53) react to someone flirting with/at her. As a cape, I imagine that she gets her own share of cape idiots idolizing her, or that there are those who would picture Gully as some sort of broken-hearted princess in need of "fixing." And that's not even getting into the possibility of ambitious parents trying to set their children up with an "obviously vulnerable" Ward as a way to climb up the social ladder. Or perhaps she hasn't had to deal with any of the aforementioned situations. Point being, I wasn't trying to pair Joe off with Gully, but more trying to explore this iteration/depiction of Gully's character. Specifically, I was musing on how she would react to such a situation, since that would give tell us a great deal about her characterization within this fic.
Does he even have need of payment at this point? Is there anything anyone could possibly get him that he couldn't make better, faster, cheaper, and in greater quantity? As a civilian Joe needs something approaching a legal paper trail, but every cape needs that and means nothing to payment for Apeiron's services.
Does he actually need payment? No. Does he need it for his reputation? Very much so. He's passed himself off as a mercenary, and doing things for free is more of a heroes work.
*Yes I know that's not the way the author is spelling it. I would rather be correct though then too lazy to have done a find an replace many chapters ago to fix a mistake. Yes I'm still salty about this.:p
Your rudeness in saying that Lord, the author who writes at least 20k word weekly, "too lazy" eclipse funny and becomes hilarious by you being too lazy to fact check.

There was an old WoG on this, but i failed to find it so let's just look at wiki.

There's no such thing as Cybertronium...
But hey look - a Cybertonium!
And Cybernite!
And Cybertite!
Still no Cybertronium in sight...
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How Gully Became A Disney Princess (readerdreamer)
Omake: How Gully Became A Disney Princess

To Gully's relief, when she met Apeiron, he had been more reasonable than she expected. Almost too reasonable, in fact, and were it not for Weld pulling her aside earlier and telling her that Apeiron's mercenary attitude was more fiction than fact, she would've wondered about whether all of this help had strings attached.

But as it was, not only did Apeiron treated her politely, he also welcomed her into his own base as well as fed her a feast. And by a feast, it was truly a feast, a table full of the most wondrous foods Gully had ever tasted to her known memory, beating out even five-star restaurants with the quality of his cooking.

And once that was done, Apeiron led her to be scanned by his equipment. Shortly after, she was sitting not-so-patiently as Apeiron studied something on his screen.

"How is it, Apeiron? D-Do you think you could cure me?"

Gully wished that Apeiron didn't wear a full mask, because she had no idea what his expression was at that moment. "Just studying the results of your scan. Before I do anything though, I'd like to give you my condolences for your condition. Seeing all this... Surely, it wasn't easy."

Gully could barely hide her own bitterness at that. "At least I have it better than some of my fellow Case 53s."

"I understand. Know that I have no issues with Case 53s, and will be willing to help whoever else comes my way." Apeiron's voice was compassionate, and soon the scanners were turned off. "As for your condition though... I have some good news and bad news. Where do you want to start?"

Gully gulped. "How about the good news?"

"Good news is, I can easily cure you." Her heart jumped at that. For Apeiron so say it so casually, truly the man before her was the real World's Greatest Tinker. "If you haven't heard it from Weld, one of my healing technologies is based on countering mutations such as this. And while your internals are a mess, you are still one of the more humanoid Case 53s and unlike Weld, I don't have the issue of your body being made out of living metal. It helps that I've improved since then too."

It has only been a few days since he helped Weld. Surely the Tinker was joking?

Looking at him now though, Gully couldn't help but reconcile the idea of someone already powerful enough to partially fix a Case 53 getting that much better to properly heal one in a period of few days, all the while juggling a gang war and whatever else Apeiron did in his spare time.

"What's the bad news then?"

Apeiron was far grimmer this time. "Weld probably haven't told you about it, but my Thinker power warns me that this?" He waved a hand, as though gesturing all of Gully. "What it is that is behind Case 53s? It tells me that there is a great big threat on the scale of the Endbringers behind it. If I just heal you, it might put you at risk of being targeted as soon as you leave this base of mine."

Gully froze at that. At the scale of the Endbringers? Shakily, she ended up saying the first thing on her mind, "A-And are you implying this base is enough to block the Endbringers?"

"Oh no, this base is not enough." Apeiron responded all too dryly as Gully tried to recover herself from the shock of his words. "After all, this base is just a temporary slapdash thing I made for the sake of receiving you. It's closer to a field camp than a base to me, really. As for my real base, while it can't fend off an Endbringer easily, it has a good chance to and precogs don't work in there."

Gully blinked as she studied the base, no, "camp" around her again. Everything about it screamed "Tinker Secret Hideout" to her, on the scale of the Toybox since the last time she visited them, and to Apeiron this was just... a disposable thing? And what was that about his base fending off Endbringers? And precogs?

Just how ridiculous was his actual base!?

"Does this mean that you won't cure me?"

Because Gully might just take his offer, even if it meant being targeted. If it was the cost of looking normal, then...

"Oh, I will cure you, no doubt about that. It's just that this means I'm also giving you the protection you need to remain safe without my help." Apeiron said it so easily that Gully could be even made to believe that what he was saying was easy, not impossible. "Fair warning though, the protection? It involves some... really weird tinker tech, with some awkward requirements. Don't overreact, alright?"

And before Gully knew it, Apeiron was already taking her hand. Just like with all the other times he healed people, immediately his skin lit in an array of blue lines, lines of which spread towards the rest of Gully's body. Gully gasped as she felt her body change its shape before her very eyes, but even that was soon overshadowed once Apeiron opened his mouth and the most melodious voice she had ever heard came out.

May you be blessed
Of happiness and joy
May you be blessed
Of calm and peace
May you be blessed
With safety and protection

Today the Unseen will know
You are protected by Apeiron.

When Gully looked at herself in the mirror after, she almost couldn't recognize the beautiful girl that looked back at her. But as she waved her flawless hands, as she stretched her shapely legs and finally let herself make an earnest, if tearful smile, soon she came to accept that her best dreams had in fact, come true.

Behind her, Joe's cheeks burned in embarrassment. Not only did he need to Sing to the Unseen for Gully's protection charm, the spell also involved putting a blessing on her through a physical medium.

At least, the kiss was just on her hand, Joe thought, not having an idea of what he would unleash on himself later once the world heard of Gully's story. But at that point, the Cinderella comparisons were on-point, and Garment had a very fun time designing a costume for the newly renamed Cendrillon before she left Brockton Bay.
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Omake: How Gully Became A Disney Princess
Wonderful omake, although I think a detail you could add is that Joe would probably be using his enhanced super nanites to give the healing, and I swore that they glow golden/yellow.

As for the Endbringer invading his base part, you might want to change that probably to definitely. Seeing as how home defense is very much something that falls within SSS. It'll only stop working if Joe abuses it by trying to shove an Endbringer into the base or always running back and forth as a hit and run thing. A genuine attack from an Endbringer and he doesn't want coming in would certainly activate the defenses.
Wonderful omake, although I think a detail you could add is that Joe would probably be using his enhanced super nanites to give the healing, and I swore that they glow golden/yellow.
It's already there, when he held her hand and had blue glowing lines. That's the color of his nanites.

As for the whole Endbringer thing, it was him downplaying it because to claim 100% certainty against Endbringers is just a no-no.
If 12 potions are combined you get 8 duplicates lasting for 5 hours, able to handle 5 times as much damage without disappearing. It is a slight nerf from the most powerful interpretation, but still powerful, and personally I can handle writing 8 duplicates a lot more easily than 24.
Fair enough, writing that Omake was mindboggling, I kept thinking "Fucking hell this would be so broken"
I honestly wouldn't have blamed you had you just outright removed the perk lol.
Your rudeness in saying that Lord, the author who writes at least 20k word weekly, "too lazy" eclipse funny and becomes hilarious by you being too lazy to fact check.

There was an old WoG on this, but i failed to find it so let's just look at wiki.

There's no such thing as Cybertronium...
But hey look - a Cybertonium!
And Cybernite!
And Cybertite!
Still no Cybertronium in sight...
You should look harder for that old WoG post then, since it's absolutely Lord admitting to both being wrong about the spelling they're using and about why they aren't bothering to correct it.
I would have thought that the emoji I included would have been evidence enough that my complaint was mostly joking at this point, but I suppose some people are just incapable of reading subtext. Additionally it's not my responsibility to educate you on the lore of the Transformers franchise, but in the future I would advise you to dig a bit deeper than a notoriously poorly put together wiki, if only to reduce how embarassing it might look to try and quote then with such assumed authority.
It was mentioned(Chapter 23 Renovation):

So basicly it goes from "swallow, clone, swallow, clone" to "swallow, swallow, swallow,... clone, swallow, swallow, swallow,... clone".
Yeah, I thought that might be the case, but it's such a subtle mention that it's not obvious that he actually drank it to test it. Still, thanks for pointing me at the bit i missed/forgot.
It's already there, when he held her hand and had blue glowing lines. That's the color of his nanites.

As for the whole Endbringer thing, it was him downplaying it because to claim 100% certainty against Endbringers is just a no-no.
There are nanites and Nanites. The blue version is from a perk. Relatively mundane, generated internally and what he used on Weld and The Undersiders. The gold would be related to his divine hand-crafted nanites he spent so much time building up.
There are nanites and Nanites. The blue version is from a perk. Relatively mundane, generated internally and what he used on Weld and The Undersiders. The gold would be related to his divine hand-crafted nanites he spent so much time building up.
Except those divine nanites aren't programmed to automatically counter mutations ala-Generator Rex while also outright ignoring Conservation of Mass. I imagine that with some effort from Joe, they could emulate the meta-nanites with medical programming combined with the use of a subspace pocket to emulate the mass-ignoring capabilities of his Generator Rex perk, but until Joe does so in the story I'm working on that assumption. It helps that he did his brain surgery with them, but this is not quite brain surgery. More like, overall body replacement.
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