Fundamentally, that still raises the issue of Joe letting lots of people die because he doesn't want to look creepy.
He doesn't need to set up a police state, just scale up his use of clones and proactive search efforts in order to track down March. Instead of personally responding, just send out more than 2 clones at once.
He doesn't need to be a mindless efficiency machine, he just needs to not misapply his abilities so much.
Holding back against a threat worse than the Endbringers (his thoughts) because he doesn't want to look creepy is insane.
okay, maybe not the best word choice, but I didn't mean "look" creepy. I put PR concerns aside in my previous statements. I meant "be" creepy. I meant that Joe naturally doesn't want to be the sort of person who would violate the privacy of an entire city because he "has to." Which isn't to say he would never do it, or that in every situation I would decry him for doing so, but like I said: When it comes to secretly hacking people, any temptation is currently mitigated by Dragon, and when it comes to mass drone surveillance/warfare, there are a variety of things quelling that temptation (Simurgh, tech thievery, PR, yada yada), one of which certainly at least ought to be the thought, "do I really want to go full drone army? If I don't technically need to, is it really right for me to do that?"
Jumping into any of that without hesitation would make Joe a full blown creepazoid in the making, like jeez, get out of dodge, a man who should not have any sort of power has been given all of it. Unfortunately for Joe, he's an inexperienced, withdrawn, passive random nobody who just happened to be given great power and responsibility like a week ago or something. Every great feat under pressure he's managed so far has been totally facilitated by perks stapling such skills onto his actual personality, leaving him ill prepared to actually act in the grandiose role he has presented himself as occupying. Joe has hesitated like any decent person with reservations about deploying great power in a shaky global situation should, and the situation has sadly continued to spiral in the meantime. Maybe Joe does bare a lot of the responsibility for the people who die at the ABB's hands here today, for the trauma the conscripts will suffer after the fact, but to have taken the full amount of measures I've seen suggested here I think Joe would have had to have been much less concerned with such responsibility to begin with.