Hands the size of microwaves, the tangled mass of scar tissue that served as her skin, obvious deformities in bone structure, proportions and symmetry. And those were just the surface level differences.
She always had to look down to speak to people, but this was an exceptional amount of down. The speaker was a child, maybe four or five with a gleam of wonder in his eyes
She quickly remembered that genuine smiles tended to do horrible things to the placement of the skin on the left side of her face and immediately shifted to the more subdued expression she had developed with the help of a California PRT publicist.
But it was a chance. A real chance, the first she had. Weld's call had required all of her control, all the lessons in comportment and public perception that until then had mostly been a formality. She had drawn on all of them to keep herself from giving things away.
Man... This POV really hits home how shitty the C53s lot in life are like. The fact that there really is no investment from the government in finding a goddamn cure for their condition.
The PRT publicist really highlights the problem that for the C53s the only investment the Public Relation Team/ Protectorate will do is try to market you as a product rather than help them.
I hope that she gets Aperion's attention at the very least so that she can finally get the promotion to Team Captain she wants.
Though to be blunt the C53s tend to be more of a holding cell rather any attempt to integrate them into society as there are really no attempts to integrate parahumans in society.
Protectorate forces have been marshaled to move against elements of the expanding conflict. Ward forces remain on standby, and expanded deployment of PRT troops and National Guard forces is being prepared
The Guild hero dragon has announced that she will be accelerating the deployment of her Cetus response suit, and is expected to deploy it upon arrival to the city, estimated at 40-65 minutes
Man... The response time of the Heroes really suck in this case. Earth-Bet Government forces are screwed, and the non-government forces are disorganized
The Protectorate is gutted due to injuries, Wards are not able to be deployed for obvious reasons that sending child capes in this situation would result in backlash if they get damaged.
The PRT is useless by design and Coil subversion.
The National Guard are probably way over their heads if they actually get in considering how underfunded conventional military forces are.
The Police are non-existent in this scale of conflict.
New-wave is disorganized and scattershot.
Dragon would take almost an hour just to arrive.
It's time for Apeirion to make them look useless as he saves more slave conscripts and single handedly saves the city from the ABB

I feel like if that was the case we would have seen it in the Leet interlude too. Also it seems not-exactly-up-her-alley; in the same way her rapid-regeneration bombs cause cancer as a side effect. I'm not saying it is impossible, but it seems unlikely.
She is probably jury rigging Leet's old warehouses for stuff as implied during the Leet interlude. Also her tinkering apparently is slanted towards quickly produced explosives in comparison to other tinkers.
Wouldn't be surprised if a majority of the new bombs are simply Leet tech jury-rigged to explode as bombs. They would not be as good as her regular bombs she can make now if she focuses but she simply needs quantity.