Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Answer March, she has Leet on a alternative sleep schedule, so maybe she has Bakuda on one to and March probably min maxs the her craft time a lot, Bakuda may built in large batches and has more liquid resources to build with probably helps.

She's probably been tinkering nonstop after growing her limbs. Also she has another tinker (Leet tech to prefab bomb parts maybe) and a timing thinker to help her as well as conscripts to do any non tinker parts.

Great chapter as always but it still feels like joe repeats how awesome his tech is a lot,and he feels like he is always flying by the seat of his pants not thinking at all

Well we only see a fraction of what Joe is actually doing. His clones are doing a lot of stuff offscreen that we only find out later.

I get that he's sandbagging coz simurgh but Joe has a lot of tech trees that he can afford to use against ABB that won't work on Endbringers. Like the more mundane stuff Bond tech? So he's a bit stupid not to take full advantage of them.
Just realized Taylor got pushed into supermodel levels of looks with her association to Apeiron.

"Supermodel figure" which actually plays to Taylor's strengths as it has a focus on being tall with long legs and thin body to properly showcase whatever they are wearing.

Given that she is playing the royalty angle that PHO is giving her in combination with her powers making her confident of where everybody is and Aperion giving aesthetic assistance?
People probably assume she is smoking hot under the costume and not an underage teenage cape with a lot issues.
Joe only has protected his workshop so anything he takes out of it the Simurg knows ,so she know about his armor,his drones,his scanner ,tetra ,fleet,aura,his aura weapon ,that he can manipulate powers,alchemy,his implant ,mega lazer,his armor,dust casting,healing,his potions,partially curing case 53's,bragging about 3 day old tech , mid fight reclamation of tinkertech and fighting dragon is totally hidding his potential yeah sure.
Joe was twice beating in his hacking skills all the while saying he was not prepared and he literally keeps building body armor instead of trying to git gud at hacking ,numberman handles banking not all the logistics of supervillians even if he did joe could track the movement of materials in the city with stealth drones ,and what if dragon is in the city? I seriously doubt she could be any kind of problem with just 3 days to move to the bay,Joe can also make drones no tinker could find even if they tried for years.saying he can't show his tech or build an army of drones because of public opinion is bullshit yeah people are gonna get scared but does joe think that's more important than stopping a threat that he thinks is worse than endbringers?
All the things he is doing right now just show his hand and prolong the fight with the abb while giving march more chances to beat him
On the numberman point, I was saying that various fronts grabbing materials for bakuda means "tracking resources" is not viable, and that trying to dig into the finances of fronts would not be that easy when numberman is guarding those. Also, in this post you:
  1. Underestimate how much can be REed from what Joe makes (whether grabbed by a Bakuda RE bomb or REed by Dragon)
  2. Overestimate How much time Joe has to do stuff
  3. Overerestimate the ease of certain tasks and how easy it would be to do some things
  4. Overestimate how easy it is to "git gud at hacking"
  5. Underestimate Dragon's capabilities
  6. Misunderstand why he can't build an army of drones (it's because of the fact he doesn't want the triumvative sicked on him because he's designated a tinker 15, and because he can't afford a single one stolen, because then a tinker gets access to his materials. Like do you really want a worm tinker with access to eezo or mithril? Or design principles or mechanisms from any of his perks?)
  7. Overestimate & Underestimate Ziz, acting like she sees literally everything (she does not, read Interlude 28 to get a better sense of her senses) on earth, but also act like her knowing is not a big deal
Given that she is playing the royalty angle that PHO is giving her in combination with her powers making her confident of where everybody is and Aperion giving aesthetic assistance?
The funny thing is, she isn't playing up an angle. It's just her natural Intimidation perks giving her absurd rolls on Charisma checks, so much that even without her own input, people gave her a divine name online.
One thing I haven't really seen people spend much thought on, is the reaction everyone else will have to Aperion sending one of his duplicates to storm a bomb tinkers lair while she is waging a scorched earth defense with every Bomb she can lay hands on.

That is either a sign that he is confident enough to blast his way in knowing that he can overcome all defenses, or he isn't concerned about losing a suit. Maybe both...

That right there is a statement in of itself.

Also I cannot wait to see the endgame, because I get the feeling Aperion is going to unload enough ordnance to make an Endbringer fight look undergunned.

That's assuming that people think that it was a duplicate who was sent after them at first.

Up until Joe hopped out of his motoroid I was expecting a later surprised moment from the public that Joe was actually not personally off to fight the Main Villians.

And then I figured that Bakuda and March would get that moment, but then it turns out the entire set up was a trap for Joe to end up in a 2 v 1 against Oni and Lung without duplicate support.

Lung on Leet tech combined with Oni Bombs are going to suck for Joe.
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No Joe is holding back. He even says so.

No I mean even moreso than he is directly mentioning. This generally just comes back to Joe's perceptions of himself and the worries he has, which others have mentioned.

It just boggles my mind that Joe literally cannot simply deal with the problems he has with his literally Divine level constructions and mass-producible drones.

Like yeah Joe has to deal with an entire city, but the surveillance tech and sheer breadth of design philosophies and materials he has to draw from make any non-regional threats an afterthought. Or they should.

I mean, he literally has to limit his weapon outputs so as to not kill everyone he attacks.

The tech he has not only far outstrips any relatively modern system of weaponry or communication, but his abilities also make circumventing any kind of threat.

With Alchemy he could easily phycislly transmute every bomb he notices into inert material. He could carry weapons deep into the ground and detonate them far away from the city if need be. The fact that he has subatomic tech for a while now and hasn't simply gone around seeding fist sized relay beads across the city to foment mass communication for himself and allies also seems like an oversight. He has the tech and abilities to deal with problems effectively outside of March. March is basically the only reason the ABB wasn't ground beneath his overly fashionable boots.

If he was really serious he could just kamikaze each problem sector with disposable drones (after moving all the combatants that aren't capes out) and have a completely struggle free win.

Unfortunately, it seems that Joe's impetus to get directly involved has also clouded his mind in terms of effective solutions to problems that could be dealt with from inside his workshop.

The fact that he's even more effective outside of his motoroids only sealed the deal for me.

Joe isn't just being held back subconsciously and consciously, but his entire existence is subordinate to the true villain of the story.

Who keeps saddling him with item descriptions and powers that slowly strip his humanity? Who continuously treats the world like an interesting story to be told, rather than a world with real loving people?

Well....Lord of course, and by proxy the very mechanics of the Celestial Forge.

The ultimate goal of the forge is not to save the world. The ultimate goal of the Forge is to become complete, and from a meta perspective, the Forge will drag things out as long as possible to get what it wants.
And then I figured that Bakuda and March would get that moment, but then it turns out the entire set up was a trap for Joe to end up in a 2 v 1 against Oni and Lung without duplicate support.

Lung on Leet tech combined with Oni Bombs are going to suck for Joe.
Ok but can you imagine he rolls Mixing Mixtures (Banjo Kazooie) and just like, chugs a second dupli potion because he can do that now?
How embarrassing for the PRT that Joe is yet again the first responder to this disaster, especially since it seems like they haven't even deployed yet while Joe is moving at a ridiculous pace to help everyone he can. He's Literally become a one man army and is protecting the civilians far better than the Protectorate are.

Did anybody else catch the bit in the alert about the public thinking he has 'seven' big robots deployed, when there are only three (and thus it's just the speed of movement making people think there obviously must be more of them than there are)?
Here, she's actually high profile, and people are seemingly latching onto the "beautiful people" angle because of Apeiron's stylistic choices and showmanship. To be fair, though, Taylor did work out after getting her powers, and she's got legs for days...
It's also not a unreasonable assumption to make when all you have to go off is her hair and figure. Add that with Apeiron's beautiful creations? People will fill in the blanks with their own ideas.
PRT: "ok, so we have on March's files that she investigated cluster triggers, she may be doing the same with garment gloves and Aperion but i think there may be some weird interaction, either she was near them when she triggered and something was exchanged later then it was supposed to, like a delay-second-trigger-cluster type thing, her recent show of bakudas costume may be proof of that"
No I mean even moreso than he is directly mentioning. This generally just comes back to Joe's perceptions of himself and the worries he has, which others have mentioned.

It just boggles my mind that Joe literally cannot simply deal with the problems he has with his literally Divine level constructions and mass-producible drones.

Like yeah Joe has to deal with an entire city, but the surveillance tech and sheer breadth of design philosophies and materials he has to draw from make any non-regional threats an afterthought. Or they should.

I mean, he literally has to limit his weapon outputs so as to not kill everyone he attacks.

The tech he has not only far outstrips any relatively modern system of weaponry or communication, but his abilities also make circumventing any kind of threat.

With Alchemy he could easily phycislly transmute every bomb he notices into inert material. He could carry weapons deep into the ground and detonate them far away from the city if need be. The fact that he has subatomic tech for a while now and hasn't simply gone around seeding fist sized relay beads across the city to foment mass communication for himself and allies also seems like an oversight. He has the tech and abilities to deal with problems effectively outside of March. March is basically the only reason the ABB wasn't ground beneath his overly fashionable boots.

If he was really serious he could just kamikaze each problem sector with disposable drones (after moving all the combatants that aren't capes out) and have a completely struggle free win.

Unfortunately, it seems that Joe's impetus to get directly involved has also clouded his mind in terms of effective solutions to problems that could be dealt with from inside his workshop.

The fact that he's even more effective outside of his motoroids only sealed the deal for me.

Joe isn't just being held back subconsciously and consciously, but his entire existence is subordinate to the true villain of the story.

Who keeps saddling him with item descriptions and powers that slowly strip his humanity? Who continuously treats the world like an interesting story to be told, rather than a world with real loving people?

Well....Lord of course, and by proxy the very mechanics of the Celestial Forge.

The ultimate goal of the forge is not to save the world. The ultimate goal of the Forge is to become complete, and from a meta perspective, the Forge will drag things out as long as possible to get what it wants.
I mean, he is holding back a little bit more than necessary, and he is a little lost, but I think that's kinda one of his character flaws. It's obvious his character arc is moving slowly, it took Aisha for him to realize he didn't need to keep upgrading everything. Even now he is not properly prioritizing the situation, since he still is a perfectionist who needs to be working with the best tools. He could be doing more, but he's a little bit lost as to what to do it seems, so just keeps upgrading his tools and whatnot.
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I haven't been able to look up v1 of the Forge, so while that's a funny image I would appreciate if you could link me.
Mixing Mixtures (Banjo-Kazooie) (200CP)
Your created potions can bestow multiple effects you know, however mixing too many might cause surprises. You can Reliably mix up to a dozen elixirs without them interfering with the effects of each other.
I feel like this would allow him to chug multiple Dupli potions since they would mix fine in his gut, no? Esp since his clones come from Kazooie Alchemy.
I'm actually writing an omake where instead of Tailor, Joe rolled Mixing Mixtures as he joined the meeting.
I mean, he is holding back a little bit more than necessary, and he is a little lost, but I think that's kinda one of his character flaws. It's obvious his character arc is moving slowly, it took Aisha for him to realize he didn't need to keep upgrading everything. Even now he is not properly prioritizing the situation, since he still is a perfectionist who needs to be working with the best tools. He could be doing more, but he's a little bit lost as to what to do it seems, so just keeps upgrading his tools and whatnot.

Yeah basically. This isn't a gripe or anything. It just feels like the Forge has really skewed his thinking in a way that even he hasn't entirely noticed. Eh, it'll probably come up at somepoint. Or not. I don't know how Lord is gonna play things obviously lol.
Yeah basically. This isn't a gripe or anything. It just feels like the Forge has really skewed his thinking in a way that even he hasn't entirely noticed. Eh, it'll probably come up at somepoint. Or not. I don't know how Lord is gonna play things obviously lol.
I'm of the opinion its a slow character arc, a real slow-burn. It seems to me Lord is aware of these behaviors of Joe. Aisha only talked him down from upgrading all tools, someone will give him a lecture on prioritization soon. Would love it if that was Chen tho.
I can't tell if you're serious or not. Just because he has amazing tech doesn't mean he can be everywhere at once. And no, no machine army or surveillance everywhere because Ziz and Dragon are watching. Also your suggestions for how to do stuff makes little sense to me, Joe is speed running and steam rolling groups he just drive-bys, it's not a problem of handling fights, it's a problem of managing a war. So yeah, I don't really much understand your position here.
I very much enjoyed the chapter, good to see things finally ramping up.

I will say though that I will be very disappointed if Joe doesn't do serious harm to the ABB if not outright destroy them in this arc. By this point I do feel like Joe can do anything other than actually win, since every time he intervenes in things like this the story ends up with the overall situation somehow getting worse. I really feel like he needs an out and out win, no ifs and or buts, a straight "Joe wins". This is because:
  1. Narrative reasons. Lord has spent countless words by now building up to this, including multiple times where Joe has intervened to help and only made everything worse. This all needs a payoff.
  2. Constant escalation with no actual payoffs are very frustrating to read, and only get more frustrating as the payoffs are teased then yanked away by the author.
  3. It would allow a pivot to some other topics, which the ABB plot is preventing by taking up so much of the narrative. How many words have been dedicated to them by now? 300k?
  4. The longer it goes on the more it strains SOD that Joe wouldn't stomp all over them. It's not hard to notice that the narrative has started to come up with excuse after excuse why he never actually solves his problems. Those can only last so long.
I will absolutely keep reading, since the story remains amazing, but I wanted to get my feelings across on this issue in the hopes that Lord takes my arguments into account when planning the story.
As if the situation could be anymore of a stomp, if the antagonists fell over like a pile of cordwood in a stiff breeze, there'd be little to no conflict.

It takes little to realize the real conflict of this story is stemming not from external factors, but internal ones, and also misunderstanding comedy.
Will any of those Aperion knows use his Body Workout technique in combo with Time Compression like a DBZ Time Chamber?

Although.. how will they be fed?
For people who haven't joined the discord server, here are some random out of context comments from the discord server:


An aircraft carrier using a giant Christmas sweater, with earmuffs in the control tower


you can hear the conscripts making a mental to go to the doctor

like she just killed you anyways, why not die in glory shooting her?

like "fuck her deadmen switch, i am already a dead man"


(wog about the fairy queen) "she would probably get very passionate about it."

Glastig: "you are my new paramour!"

Joe: "ehh??"


Hey what Hogwarts house do you guys think coil belongs to?


tried to read worm but it was too long and depressing


I shall predict what will happen with 100% accuracy
:A cluster fuck


*Free: Brown school uniform A simple, brown and rather drab school uniform. This is the default avatar clothing and most Masters change it. But hey, why change what works?*

Garment : moves hands nervously pointing at uniform, as if its suppose to prove a point


thought he was just pushing the signals in his nerves faster


capsule corp would make scary as fuck ammunition


do not dispair brother everyone shall come to brasil!! ahahahaha!


Use Behemoth as a tectonic energy battery, weponize the enemy against themselves


behemoth is in the inside of the earth already, and you risk him turning any kinda beam you fire back at him, the simurg can dodge it levi would probably hold onto all the water in the bay, making hole tens of miles wide, the seawater would rush in and be evaporated by the magma creating a mass of steam that would kill all of the east coast followed by a nuclear winter , levi would still not be dead


its quite slow, and will cause massive damage if you miss, levi is too fast, YOU DO NOT WANT TO SHOOT ANTIMATTER AT BAHEMOTH FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, and the simurgh would never be hit by it


it is their internal conflict, where Joe internally monologs for 10000+ words


[...Alexandria...] is a total boomer, she will be told what she thinks of shipping and think its about boats


yeah but how do you make shadow tentacles
unless Joe extracts his own pride and inserts into grue


brabarian chic meets the iron sheik


couldron: how did we miss?


all grass bows to the new avatar of the green


it has to be a:
skitish animal
that doesnt live in packs(family)
builds nests
uses tools

ergo , Joe is an octopus


bahemoth is on current Godzillas belly button level, he could give him headpets whilest standing up


was talking about her sense of fashion, which every other female in the series close to her has criticized




Despicable Me × Worm
Grue steals the moon just to flex on mannequin
