Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

I still don't understand how I can read a 30k update every week and still feel like I need more of this in my life. I swear, I could read 30k updates every day for this story.
But Joe himself pointed out that it was a high-risk decision. By playing himself as uncaring of hostages, even as he works to save Chen, he could throw off March and Bakuda. And as one of his duplicates pointed out, they actually already found him as well as most of the ABB populace.

The bigger problem is what it might mean for his reputation in the long-run. It's a good thing he finally put his hand forward in actively curtailing his own online presence, because once all of this is said and done, he'll need it. Played badly, he could come off as some kind of uncaring warlord and mercenary that would outright burn all future ventures with the PRT. Played right, like if he does pull it off and manages to get it out there, it would effectively overturn any of his past failings as people would start wondering if he was making well-intentioned long-term plans all this time.

Apeiron: You think you can blackmail me with their lives? Me? Even if I weren't a black-hearted mercenary gunning for your heads, I would decline to negotiate with terrorists, as anyone with sense would.
Also Apeiron: What do you mean, 'trolley problem'? I spin off disposable drones to evacuate all of the victims and then throw one of my own clones in front of the trolley just to be sure, obviously.
I don't think he is, even with all of his powers and tech, I'm pretty sure he's still emotionally and socially... stunted? I'm not sure what the best word would be.
Oh, he is aware. He himself wondered how the hell his reputation got so bad that even Tattletale was terrified he'd go full guns-blazing at Lung way back after he rescued Aisha.

The thing is, at his level, every encounter with him feels like he's throwing everything he has at the forefront. This is not helped by the inherent showiness of his powers. With that kind of perspective, you would be worried of a Tinker who seems both insane and insanely fast in getting better.
Honestly can't wait for someone to go for Joe's frozen clones and then have them pop in their face. Obviously they're not going to think the motoroid are kage bushin so they're going to think Apeiron has space manipulating tech.
"He's in." Bakuda's voice was exceptionally robotic as she spoke, one hand to the side of her mask while staring off into space.

March whipped around to face the gas-masked tinker. "What?"

"He finished the trace. All of this, we were just watching a diversion. He has the location." I could see tension build in her body and smiled behind my mask. Out of curiosity I found the little strand of code that had alerted her to my infiltration.
It's so fucking satisfying seeing a Thinker's plot fall out from under them. Doubly so for March, who I don't think has ever dealt with disruptions quite this large. The blindspots the Celestial Forge and Joe's curtain inflict on her do wonders for keeping her away from Contessa levels of BS.
Unrelated to the new chapter but I've been wondering, how hard would it be for Joe to make something as close to worthless as he could manage? Like, pretty much everything he puts any thought into is better tech than 99% of all Tinkers make, even in their own specialization, so I had the idle thought, "Is he even capable of making something poorly, or ineffective?"

Skill and knowledge based powers he can ignore, same thing with a lot of the powers that grant access to or revolve around exotic materials/science, which would probably need to be avoided as well, but that still leaves so many aesthetics powers and powers that are meant to turn garbage into gold. What sort of object doesn't have a valuable function and wouldn't be particularly valuable if it were pretty? Does such a thing exist or is Apeiron incapable of producing something that is, at the very least, art?
It was one of the biggest pleasures, every perk working at the same intent of ruin the day and plans of the asinine duo. It was also working in character for Apeiron as his 'nature' is one up anyone's against him.

The unintended use of Innuendo was absolutely perfect. Just picturing Bakuda's expression as her brain froze up is an absolute delight.
Unrelated to the new chapter but I've been wondering, how hard would it be for Joe to make something as close to worthless as he could manage? Like, pretty much everything he puts any thought into is better tech than 99% of all Tinkers make, even in their own specialization, so I had the idle thought, "Is he even capable of making something poorly, or ineffective?"

Skill and knowledge based powers he can ignore, same thing with a lot of the powers that grant access to or revolve around exotic materials/science, which would probably need to be avoided as well, but that still leaves so many aesthetics powers and powers that are meant to turn garbage into gold. What sort of object doesn't have a valuable function and wouldn't be particularly valuable if it were pretty? Does such a thing exist or is Apeiron incapable of producing something that is, at the very least, art?

He is a tinker. He could probably build a masterwork machine designed specifically to downgrade other devices into worthless junk.
He is a tinker. He could probably build a masterwork machine designed specifically to downgrade other devices into worthless junk.
It has been invented a long time ago. The ancient invention that works to this day, innovating the way of turning priceless treasures into nothing more than trash. There is no training needed, no technological mastery necessary to wield this tool.

It's called a hammer. Just smash until it is done. :D
I thought he specifically didn't have enough Life Fibre to make more than a 3 star Goku uniform
That was the amount given to him from the power. Joe has been feeding Tetra every time they interact, and Tetra has been growing quite substantially, Lord hasn't given us numbers recently, but Tetra nearly doubled in size from his day of training as a normal human. Given how invigorating Joe is to snack on now. I imagine Tetra has at least quadrupled from it's original size, but probably closer to 10x the original amount.
Another great update.

Poor Joe so misunderstood. Even Gully thinks he's some snobby Accord-like tinker obsessed with beauty or someone who can't stand the ugly. Now I really want Joe and Gully to bond over his divine food before or after he cures her.

'in' I suspect.
. And you thought this childish would stay my hand against you?"
Childish what? Childish play? Pretty sure you're missing a word here.
and equipment from my storage pocked
I responded in dark humor. "
personal preference here, but I would use 'with' instead of 'in.'
altercation near empire territory
capital 'e' 'Empire'
discretion at those sights
'sites' I think
Bruh Imagine getting a perk for 200 when it, as a side effect, literally renders warfare not based on parahumans obsolete
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Gets Wreck-It-Ralph flashbacks

"Why do I fix everything I touch?!"
And now you've got me imagining Joe actually trying to use a hammer to wreck something enough that it would look bad, and the result turns out to be some high quality postmodern art that both the snobbiest of art connoisseurs and the most tasteless layperson would agree to be something worthy of being the centerpiece of a museum, if not a national park.
I swear to God if in the next few chapters I don't see a Divine Gundam further beyond the realm of mortal comprehension I'm gonna...
It's still going to be edgy as hell, both figuratively and literally. Very fashionably designed as well. I can't see his powers, or worse, Garment demanding any less if Joe is going to be riding a giant robot.