Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

I mean at a certain point it gets to the level where you are competing against Eidolon or Scion. No shame in losing to them.
He'd be more ashamed of losing to Leet. As Leet pointed out on his interlude, he's second-fiddle, but also that makes him better than everyone else other than Apeiron in the eyes of the public.

Considering not one month ago, Leet was a joke, that has got to be burning Armsy more than losing to Apeiron in person.
Well, obviously the machine itself would be a masterpiece. But he could use it to indirectly make junk.
I just finished checking the power list and that should work. It'd need to do some sort of advanced nuclear transmutation to get around the limits of Joe's Alchemy powers and make it so the resulting junk didn't have any valuable materials remaining(as many forms of tinkertech have), but that'd work otherwise.
Thus, Joe (or most likely, Survey) will have to handle that in the future. There's no ifs or buts about it - it will explode in his face unless he does something about it.

Nah. I think I'd rather Joe just ignore internet shenanigans and let his actions speak for themselves like creating and disseminating autodoc drones so conscripts can have their bombs taken out. With payment being the bombs themselves so he can still call himself a mercenary.
I know this is late bringing this up, but HOW does a time stopped clone affect Joe's other clones?

Like a new potion still creates the same number of clones (I believe 3 clones) as before the time-bubble incident. So is Joe just limited to 1 potion per the original 10 minutes (regardless of if clones exist in the world or not) or is his potion "cool down" period just perfectly scaled to his clone's 'normal' existence time.

Cleary in this one instance Joe taking new duplication potion didn't "dismiss" the clone still existing in the time stopped bubble.

I'm asking this because if Joe could take a new duplication potion every 10 minutes then he could have 6 "teams" of duplicates (18 clones) all running around at the same time.

The potion works based on whether or not it is active in Joe's body. Joe is the source.

This means that as long the potion runs out in him, he can still duplicate himself, no matter if the other clones are still active or not.
Nah. I think I'd rather Joe just ignore internet shenanigans and let his actions speak for themselves like creating and disseminating autodoc drones so conscripts can have their bombs taken out. With payment being the bombs themselves so he can still call himself a mercenary.
Except Joe cares about public opinion. There are practical reasons for it, true, but the core truth is that Joe still cares what people say about him. That is reason enough for him to work on addressing it in the future.
Except Joe cares about public opinion. There are practical reasons for it, true, but the core truth is that Joe still cares what people say about him. That is reason enough for him to work on addressing it in the future.

Should he really care about the nameless masses and internet trolls? The "public" opinion is so fickle. He'd be better to do a PR release and get out of public view for a bit.
A quick question just how long are Apeiron's Clones lasting for now? I'm guessing 20-30 minutes is my guess, but I've not been really paying attention to how long that they last. I know it's been increasing, but it hasn't been that long overall.
I believe they last about an hour. So yeah, the conflict should probably be over by the time Joe uses the duplication potion again at most.

Talented: Tailoring (Inukami) 100:
You are an expert at any non-combat related skill. Cooking? You can make a five star meal with low rate ingredients

Is it literally any non-combat related skill? So he's an expert in acting, the flute, slow motion walking, rock climbing, talking backwards, deduction, painting, and even ***wjobs? I mean it did say 'any non-combat skill'...
I believe the perk is intended to be as picking one skill of choice.
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Joe really needs either a PR power or another AI that is more PR focused. Then again Survey working with Garment might work too.
Should he really care about the nameless masses and internet trolls? The "public" opinion is so fickle. He'd be better to do a PR release and get out of public view for a bit.
That's the question isn't it? Should he care?

After all, he's so much powerful than anything short of Scion now that it's scary. Every time he's interacting with the common person, it's like talking to ants. So easy to just do whatever he wants, to run wild without shackles...

-which is the entire thing about Joe. He doesn't want that. He's actively trying to keep himself grounded, to keep himself sane despite his own powers. To not get too carried away. And if part of that means dealing with the more unsavory parts of mankind, then why not? In another perspective, it's nothing but busywork at his level. On another, it's part of human life to deal with your own reputation, to care about the people around you, to not think of oneself as so extraordinary as to be divorced from the rest of mankind.

Quite simply put, he cares. That's what makes him so human. To try and remove that would be to go against who he is.
Was the emergency alert all one broadcast? It started out like a standard alert to citizens on what was happening, where to avoid, and basic instructions (get to cover and don't leave until we say so or the cover is burning). But then it shifted into more nuanced details like who exactly was fighting, and updated threat profiles and displayed abilities. Stuff that you would expect more for an emergency briefing for say, PRT troopers, or the National Guard. Not civvies who can wait for a detailed (and sanitized) report from authorities and media after the crisis is over. And who should also be running for cover not goggling at their screens.
Outside of Medhall Brocktown Bay's primary source of income is cape tourism. This is one of those situations that make sense in the context but is stupid to those looking in. I can totally see someone doing this from a marketing standpoint promoting the cities cape industry. The city wide broadcast focusing on the only active cape engaging in the situation will definitely blow up in the protectorates face, but what else is new in Brocktown Bay.
About the Nine vs Apeiron, I feel like it logically shouldn't happen. Like, if Broadcast pinged The Forge for info, it'd either get info back, in which case it would learn that it's Host had a bit better chance against him than they would against a freaking Endbringer, or it wouldn't and it'd be like, "Jack, my dude, the only people I don't get info from are Scion and the Endbringers, don't fuck with him." It's possible that Broadcast's ability to manipulate other Shards is great enough that it would want Jack to get closer so it could get more of that thicc data, I guess, but how likely is that?

And in the case of the Nine making the mistake of coming in for a visit, do they even have an option other than using Bonesaw to hold the city hostage? Normally Siberian is a really major problem for even the OP Parahumans, but I'm pretty sure that Celestial Bronze should actually be able to do damage to her, particularly if it's enhanced with enough other magical/divine powers. Even if it isn't, I don't think the Siberian is actually fast enough to be likely to kill him in head-on combat. They'd have to be very tricky with her. Set up a big van with a virus dispersal bomb and then project Siberian into it when he gets in to disable it, so she can grant her inviolability to the van so he couldn't escape. Something like that.
Broadcast is probably telling Jack to avoid the shit out of Apeiron because he isn't a normal cape. But I also expect there won't be any doubt that Jack will come eventually.

Hopefully with March as one of the members. Because she should escape this. Bakuda, Lee, and Lung all going down and March, Leet, and Uber all escaping makes sense.
And in the case of the Nine making the mistake of coming in for a visit, do they even have an option other than using Bonesaw to hold the city hostage?
Well here's what Lord said if they tried to take the battle to Joe:
It's not likely to get to the point of 'workshop infiltration', and even if it did Joe could easily turn that place into a prison/tomb for all of the Nine.

Of course, who doesn't want to see the S9 get absolutely roasted and then dunked on by Joe? it may not even be them visiting, it may just be Joe coming to them.

Also Lord on if what would happen if Joe got Armsmaster's power or good precog protection:
The day Joe gets a precog blocking power and announces how he can finally stop holding back will be the day Piggot's ulcer gets an ulcer.
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Hopefully with March as one of the members. Because she should escape this. Bakuda, Lee, and Lung all going down and March, Leet, and Uber all escaping makes sense.

Canon had a meeting of the villains to deal with the ABB situation didn't it? Depending on how this goes what are the chances Joe will be invited to the meeting and take it over without even trying through sheer weight of his presence?