Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Fundamentally, that still raises the issue of Joe letting lots of people die because he doesn't want to look creepy.

He doesn't need to set up a police state, just scale up his use of clones and proactive search efforts in order to track down March. Instead of personally responding, just send out more than 2 clones at once.

He doesn't need to be a mindless efficiency machine, he just needs to not misapply his abilities so much.
He is currently limited to two clones though.
Apropos of pretty much nothing, has he done anything at all with this baby right here: M274 Mongoose . Because if he has I don't remember it. Of course he has been awful busy--maybe a duplicate upgraded it and he doesn't even know yet.
One thought that I have for the bigger number of mechas than reality. outside of the ones already mentioned. Is that the pilot of the second one, the one attacking the 'brothel' mentioned using his boots to make walls.

So if the PRT is thinking of two robots copies are piloting the bigger robots. then I could buy that.
But is probably how fast they are, bad intel and the differences from the previous mechas.
I don't really buy the "He's scared of the Simurgh" excuse, because she's a precog and the near-divine weapons and tools he could hand out like candy are a much bigger force multiplier than a few hundred drones.

If she cared Brockton Bay should be a crater already.
I don't really buy the "He's scared of the Simurgh" excuse, because she's a precog and the near-divine weapons and tools he could hand out like candy are a much bigger force multiplier than a few hundred drones.

If she cared Brockton Bay should be a crater already.
She has to wait for her turn in the cycle AND he has to be willing to use it. That second one is more important than the first.
She has to wait for her turn in the cycle AND he has to be willing to use it. That second one is more important than the first.
If she's going to wait her turn he as months to build up so it's pointless to worry about it, and if he's unwilling to use his tech then 90% of the perks in the Forge and most of the text of this fic is pointless.
So he hasn't gotten that yet, he gets it with the ship.

It's listed under the Informational tab as having been received with the Engineer perk. I just mention it because it is Fiat backed, and as such if upgraded could be used as a further, different force projector that doesn't draw quite as much attention as the Veritech or, now, the Gundams would. Isn't it because of the Fiat backing that he upgraded the boots instead of just building them from scratch?
Joe's passenger helped him form the anti-precog strategy. He hasn't re-evaluated it yet.

Anyway, he also hasn't interacted with Professor Hebert's daughter since he got the Bayonetta perks. How long will it take Lisa to notice that he's having to split his focus to keep from being smexy at Taylor? How will she take advantage of his distraction?
How long will it take Lisa to notice that he's having to split his focus to keep from being smexy at Taylor?

That...wouldn't be limited to Taylor, its pretty much everyone, and possibly even everything, he comes in contact with. I see people are still discussing these perks without having actually taken my advice and watched them in action on Bayonetta Youtube playthrus....
I don't really buy the "He's scared of the Simurgh" excuse, because she's a precog and the near-divine weapons and tools he could hand out like candy are a much bigger force multiplier than a few hundred drones.

If she cared Brockton Bay should be a crater already.
The thing is that there are a few critical factors in play here.

First of all, everything he makes is back in the Workshop. The Workshop is scry blocked. Second there are zero indications that Endbringers act outside of their regular attacks, and she hasn't had once since he's triggered. Thirdly, it's widely understood that Trigger events are universally unpredictable to thinkers, and nothing indicates Endbringers are immune to this (this one is admittedly more a desperate hope). So as long as he can hold back now, he's hoping that she won't see the stuff he's actually able to pull until it's too late, because he's intentionally basing his behavior off of his 'mini triggers', and hence throwing off everyone's long term predictions of him.

It's actually a fairly solid degree of masking for someone who isn't actually a outright precog blank. He might be holding onto false hope with the strategy, but it's still some hope, because if he's wrong, he believes he's completely and utterly screwed.

Which at this point? Honestly he still is. As powerful as he's become, he's still not actually ready to take on an Endbringer if they're not softballing, or even if they are softballing but are targeting him specifically. In such a case, his only real chance would be to survive long enough to access then hunker down in the workshop and wait for them to go away.
I honestly don't see how he expects that to work at all.
If I see you go into a closet with nothing and come out with power armor, then go back in and come out with exponentially more and better stuff every day I don't need to know what you're actually doing in there to extrapolate that you're scary and growing scarier very quickly.
What is March objective here, no matter what happens the ABB is finished the only question is whether its gonna be in hours or days, it even seems like Lung have seen and acknowledged this while Bakuda can probably be strung along simply for the prospect of getting revenge on Joe. So what does she gain from all this and how did she plan on getting out? I get that she doesn't know Joe is scared of her and thus gunning extra hard for her alongside Bakuda, but that still doesn't answer especially since it doesn't seem like they have another distraction for the rest of the northeast coast, so people like Legend and co. could be showing up in minutes if not hours. Is that her plan? Gather a lot of parahumans in BB for something? But why would that be, L33t's magnum opus is the only obvious thing that comes to mind be i honestly don't know.
She doesn't care about the ABB and is doing... nebulous shardspace stuff? Why any of the other villains, aside from Bakuda who is nuts, are going along with it is a bit baffling though. They're all weirdly invested in earning themselves a one-way ticket to the Birdcage or a grave.
Bakuda glared at the thinker as she sidled next to her and perched on the arm of the armchair/throne. The girl responded to her with a glance, rabbit face meeting gasmask. "You heard him, he doesn't want it back. That means it's just waiting there for anyone who cares to take it. Isn't that wonderful?" She turned towards the camera with that and tilted her head playfully.
Invincible ABB punching machine: goes to work.
ABB: pauses machine.
ABB: unpauses machine to loot.
Invincible ABB punching machine: returns to work.

ABB: "Why did we think this was a good idea!?"

I had myself, two duplicates, three motoroids, Fleet, Survey, my still developing nanobot A.I., as many drones as could be produced, and Garment.
Along with a Aisha who has not been mentioned since she was informed about the crisis.

Miss sneak into supervillain lair MG is definitely staying on the sidelines. Nobody can remember to prove otherwise.

I second this. A time machine to the next chapter would be nirvana right now.
"Ha, I time-stoped Ape-Iron! Who is the badest tinker in the city!"
"But what? how? I see you right there?" Bakuda says pointing to the time-stopped Apeiron.
Apeiron raises a time machine. "I will have you know this took me a full afternoon to build so I hope you are happy."

Unrelated to the new chapter but I've been wondering, how hard would it be for Joe to make something as close to worthless as he could manage? Like, pretty much everything he puts any thought into is better tech than 99% of all Tinkers make, even in their own specialization, so I had the idle thought, "Is he even capable of making something poorly, or ineffective?"

Skill and knowledge based powers he can ignore, same thing with a lot of the powers that grant access to or revolve around exotic materials/science, which would probably need to be avoided as well, but that still leaves so many aesthetics powers and powers that are meant to turn garbage into gold. What sort of object doesn't have a valuable function and wouldn't be particularly valuable if it were pretty? Does such a thing exist or is Apeiron incapable of producing something that is, at the very least, art?
Either a machine that breaks itself as a design feature or a single uncontrollable nanometer robot that hates humanity.

Should he really care about the nameless masses and internet trolls? The "public" opinion is so fickle. He'd be better to do a PR release and get out of public view for a bit.
PR is the only place that he has been consistently foiled. He could do so much more for the city if the PRT did not consider him a threat and he knows it. It's why he asked Weld for a conversation with Armstrong. Its hard to make meaningful positive changes to the city when he has to hide it because otherwise the powers that be will interfere.

I'm wondering when Bakuda had the time to build this many bombs. She has a bomb in every civilian she pressganged, a at least a couple of bombs for each of them to cause chaos with as well as a ton to spam keeping the duplicates at bay.

It's been what, something like a week since she was dismembered? Plus she had to find time there to develop and test her cancer regen bomb while missing several limbs.
"I have good news and bad news." The ABB member says to the newest recruit.

"Sadly our tinker is busy so she could not make time to put a bomb in you head." The recruit relaxes a little from his panicked escape attempts. "Thankfully we have some plastic explosives, so its going to be little rougher then normal, but between you and me I think we can make up for her absence."

Man... The response time of the Heroes really suck in this case. Earth-Bet Government forces are screwed, and the non-government forces are disorganized
To be fair he had an AI to warn him that something is coming, so he grabbed his stuff and left the house before things kicked off. It's like learning about a race when your rival is already started.
Apeiron: "You know the really good watches I gave you guys the other day?"
Undersiders: "Yeah?"
Apeiron: "Well throw them out, they're useless (to me) now. Here's one that is ten times better at half the price!"
"What are you doing?"
"I am building the replacement for the watch you are currently trying on."
And 5 minutes and ten watches after entering, the Undersides leave the store while Apeiron chases them to try to upsell them again.
"It's not my fault the equation changes every time I look at it!"
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What is March objective here, no matter what happens the ABB is finished the only question is whether its gonna be in hours or days, it even seems like Lung have seen and acknowledged this while Bakuda can probably be strung along simply for the prospect of getting revenge on Joe. So what does she gain from all this and how did she plan on getting out? I get that she doesn't know Joe is scared of her and thus gunning extra hard for her alongside Bakuda, but that still doesn't answer especially since it doesn't seem like they have another distraction for the rest of the northeast coast, so people like Legend and co. could be showing up in minutes if not hours. Is that her plan? Gather a lot of parahumans in BB for something? But why would that be, L33t's magnum opus is the only obvious thing that comes to mind be i honestly don't know.

From their broadcast it seems that they are very dependent on the use of their hostages and the Deadman switch to be untouchable by most capes or atleast the PRT and on marchs power herself. I also think like lung bakuda is just going along cause she is blinded by wanting to get revenge on Apeiron who humiliated her in their last fight

Edit: Although for the self proclaimed masterminds that March and Bakuda think they are is kinda really dumb to think Joe would follow their order just cause they have hostages since its very clear they have no plan of stopping or letting them go safe.
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I honestly don't see how he expects that to work at all.
If I see you go into a closet with nothing and come out with power armor, then go back in and come out with exponentially more and better stuff every day I don't need to know what you're actually doing in there to extrapolate that you're scary and growing scarier very quickly.

I'm not entirely sure how to post links, but if people haven't they should check out this story's Tv Tropes page under the trivia tab. It links to a bunch of WoG messages on the AO3 site that explains a bunch of background information, reasons behind characters actions, what would happen if Joe got certain powers, and other such useful tidbits of information. More specifically it has the reasoning behind Joe holding back so much and what the Simurgh would do if it knew what he was capable of as well as how exactly Joe's anti precog/thinker defense works.

To paraphrase a little, Joe has decided he isn't going to attack any Endbringers until he gets something that can kill them. He doesn't have that so as far as every precog is concerned Joe will never attack an Endbringer.

His powers cannot be predicted and as such if he locks certain decisions behind powers even he isn't aware of, then in precog or thinker terms he won't do that.

It doesn't matter that the Simurgh can see Joe come out with progressively more powerful stuff. It can't see him as a threat until something happens that catches its attention and it starts paying more attention.

If the Simurgh becomes aware of what kind of Threat Joe could become, Joe as he is would be screwed.
Well, March is basically trying to... yeah, honestly, not totally clear what her actual overarching goal in invading the Shard Space is, since it's unclear if causing the apocalypse is just a systemic consequence of her doing so, or if that in of itself is part of her motivation. Clearly she wouldn't care if it did, but I never really understood all that jazz. You know I don't highly regard Ward.

Uber is just trying to help Leet become his 'best self'. He's let his power take the wheel quite well and his loose hold on his morals means he's willing to punch anyone's ticket if it means helping make that happen.

Leet wants to leave a mark on history, and before he met March he already knew he was on a downward spiral to death or ignominy, and he seems to regard both as basically equal. Yeah, he's not really all that enthused about all the atrocities, but it's unclear if his desire to finish his masterpiece will deter him from allowing it to be put to use gravely harming large amounts of people.

Lung just wants to make lemonade with a pile of flaming lemons. No surprise there, the guy is incorrigible and won't let anything get him down in a pathological refusal to back down.

Bakuda needs to be The Best, like no Tinker ever was. That she's unhinged means that she'll do anything and everything to achieve that goal, as quickly as possible through the shortest route possible, even if it ends up being detrimental in the short, medium and long term.

Oni Lee has no real identity.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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Fantastic chapter as usual, you've successfully forced me to stay up to 1am to read it ;)

Am I the only one who gets the idea that March may be another SI who thinks Joe is also one? Disrupting Canon timeline, hints to secret knowledge between Joe and her, something analogous to the iconic Blank power, inscrutable plans...
I honestly don't see how he expects that to work at all.
If I see you go into a closet with nothing and come out with power armor, then go back in and come out with exponentially more and better stuff every day I don't need to know what you're actually doing in there to extrapolate that you're scary and growing scarier very quickly.
Yeah, but the how is important here. Keep in mind bigatons alone won't actually make a big difference for an Endbringer. You need Deathstar grade firepower to just kill their avatar. What he's trying to hide is his exotics and exponentials. Singular dangerous combatants, or ones with small numbers arn't that big of targets for her. Regardless of his power, he operates on too small of scale, at least mostly.

This very conflict shows it, in truth. The way that the ABB, despite Joe steamrolling every group he runs into, is still hitting a lot of their targets, because they have the numbers to operate on a 'macro' scale.

Ziz when she's narrowing down specific targets, tends to goes game changers, innovators who open up new fields, can influence many others. Linchpins and catalysts that can cause great good, or great damage to the world at large. People like Sphere (Preventing easy space access), Taggert (major figure in the PRT, one of the agents primarily responsible for mitigating her own damage), and Echidna (released a ton of Cauldron secrets tying up Contessa for weeks).

Right now Joe's growing stronger yes, but he's also mostly keeping his stuff to personal, or at least small scale. The biggests bits of true Ziz bait he's dropped were helping Weld (minor, since again it's individual level stuff), and the Fusion reactor thing he tried to bribe Dragon with (that was a more serious danger).

An army of drones though? Going full mass production and not just limited production? That makes him a possible source of something like Dragonsteeth, a resource that can supplement capes in a way that upsets the current dynamic, and could help stabilize things. It also makes him a potential Machine Army, something that could do massive damage to the world at large, further bringing it into chaos.

Mass manufacture is pretty much the damning nail for him. If people ever expected he could truly go von numen in some way or another, he'd cease to be a curiosity and rising star, and immediately become something to dangerous to let continue to roam free.
That...wouldn't be limited to Taylor, its pretty much everyone, and possibly even everything, he comes in contact with. I see people are still discussing these perks without having actually taken my advice and watched them in action on Bayonetta Youtube playthrus....
Yes, but of all the underage girls out there, smexy-ing at Professor Hebert's daughter would feel like the worst thing to Joe.
To paraphrase a little, Joe has decided he isn't going to attack any Endbringers until he gets something that can kill them. He doesn't have that so as far as every precog is concerned Joe will never attack an Endbringer.

His powers cannot be predicted and as such if he locks certain decisions behind powers even he isn't aware of, then in precog or thinker terms he won't do that.

It doesn't matter that the Simurgh can see Joe come out with progressively more powerful stuff. It can't see him as a threat until something happens that catches its attention and it starts paying more attention.

If the Simurgh becomes aware of what kind of Threat Joe could become, Joe as he is would be screwed.

That's interesting. Reminds me of an old Thor fanfic where Asgard is fighting a race of blind precog aliens. The only way to win was to manipulate how they would act which would be based on how the king of Asgard orders his troops then once the aliens commit their forces, the king could change his mind at the last possible moment leaving the enemy flat-footed.
That just sounds like a more convoluted Blank and an excuse to have tons of tinkerbabble chapters with no payoff followed by fights where Joe scrapes by using 1% of his real capabilities while the city burns around him. :(

Basically I'm frustrated and think all the current villains have long outstayed their welcome.
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