Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

What always bothered me about FMA revival formula is that they spend so much time figuring out what it takes to make a new human. Even if they had a correct formula it would be different for each human. 200Lb random smo VS 120lb mom. Then there's the fact that 200lb random smo is different from another 200lb random smo because one ate different food or had some disease. Or you know DNA or whatever.

What bothered me is that they already have everything they needed to perfectly make up their mother. It's all inside her casket. Maybe add some water or whatever. Account for the soul as needed.

Of course I can't remember if she had a casket, but the guy buried later did.

It would probably still fail, but felt so obvious to me to use her actual body as the ingredients for the new one.

But to bring this back on topic. The rest of the human world doesn't work at Joe's speed. It should take more than a few days for them to figure alchemy or dust. But once a parahuman notices the shards can start cranking away much faster.

Looking forward to seeing where it goes as usual.
What always bothered me about FMA revival formula is that they spend so much time figuring out what it takes to make a new human. Even if they had a correct formula it would be different for each human. 200Lb random smo VS 120lb mom. Then there's the fact that 200lb random smo is different from another 200lb random smo because one ate different food or had some disease. Or you know DNA or whatever.

What bothered me is that they already have everything they needed to perfectly make up their mother. It's all inside her casket. Maybe add some water or whatever. Account for the soul as needed.

Of course I can't remember if she had a casket, but the guy buried later did.

It would probably still fail, but felt so obvious to me to use her actual body as the ingredients for the new one.

But to bring this back on topic. The rest of the human world doesn't work at Joe's speed. It should take more than a few days for them to figure alchemy or dust. But once a parahuman notices the shards can start cranking away much faster.

Looking forward to seeing where it goes as usual.

Er, that's kind of the point of why people fail to resurrect humans, the bodily ingredients are the easy part. It's the soul that's difficult because a specific deceased human soul is effectively priceless, equivalent exchange is basically impossible when it comes to a departed soul.

You can move living souls around but pulling them from the afterlife is like trying to accelerate to the speed of light.

Except attempts at resurrection gives a universal error message and God slaps you for your insane hubris
Okay, I'm home now.

I think the biggest issue I see with this and the previous chapter is a slight confusion in what exactly Apeiron the Enigmatic Artificer has asked Uppercrust to do. From what I have read, I think Uppercrust believes "clean house" means to clean up his cell of the Elite. Whereas, I think what was most likely meant was, clean up The Elite. Uppercrust may be in for a bit of a surprise when he tells Jozef what he has accomplished, and being told something on the order of "Oh Good, you've cleaned your room. Now clean the rest of the house."

As for the Weapon received, many have spoken their wish that it be attached to Trauma, as have several previous special weapon Perks. Personally, I would prefer it be attached to the Shining Spear, since it already has pseudo-Hindu associations. I would also like the weapon from Monster Hunter with the bug attached get some further Perk love. Trauma is being a Perk hog, and getting as fat as Survey. When is the Rocket Hammer getting something special???

As for the water, that seems most useful for massive terraforming projects, like for the moon or Mars. Probably won't see this very soon, probably pretty far into the uplift. Unless the Kerbals show up and manage to change Jozef's priorities...

I must say, I love the Victorian desk and the other ornate forms Jozef's creation takes. Not at all what I was expecting, LordR continues to amaze and surprise. Glad to see it has a bit of sass, reminds me a bit of Garment to be honest. Wonder how long before it gains a soul, if it doesn't already have one...

Edit: Well, I'm just being silly. Of course it has a soul, that's what naming does. Or is that only when singing is involved? Uppercrust didn't mention any singing...
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Called out by a Book (Ziggrrauglurr)
At Yellowjack's words the pages began flipping of their own accord, settling on a recreation of Yellowjack's own file. Specifically, an evaluation citing him as obstinate, dismissive of others, and difficult to work with. Those specific sections were brightly highlighted.

Yellowjack looked at the page along with Uppercrust and cleared his throat. "First, I must once again state that the evaluation in question was based on out of context events and accounts from individuals who had ongoing conflicts with myself and the organization.

Meme completed.

LordRoustabout said:
Opposite him sat a man with an agitated posture wearing armor consisting of yellow and black bands. He reacted immediately to their arrival and alternated between tracking their movements and leaning forward to whisper to Uppercrust.
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I think the biggest issue I see with this and the previous chapter is a slight confusion in what exactly Apeiron the Enigmatic Artificer has asked Uppercrust to do. From what I have read, I think Uppercrust believes "clean house" means to clean up his cell of the Elite. Whereas, I think what was most likely meant was, clean up The Elite. Uppercrust may be in for a bit of a surprise when he tells Jozef what he has accomplished, and being told something on the order of "Oh Good, you've cleaned your room. Now clean the rest of the house."
I guess I disagree. From the context I had of Joe, I think he was referring just to Uppercrust's cell. Joe knows that Uppercrust doesn't have that kind of leverage. And he wants their connection to be obscured at least for a while (there's a good chance that Uppercrust will still be attending healing sessions scheduled - and just paying people off to say nothing, or to keep saying he's ill, or faking discomfort in the near future to sell that he's still unwell.)

Joe is also aware that this isn't going to be easy for Uppercrust, and likely doesn't expect immediate results. He expects this to be a long-term project.
Nah. What Ed made was actually just rocks coated with a very thin layer of gold. That was the entire point of the scam - when the guy checked his "gold" afterwards, he only found out that it was actually just a bunch of rocks.

What alchemy does provide in the basest form is a reliable way to analyze and deconstruct materials, but it isn't that big of a deal unless you're as ridiculous as Joe who could transmute a mountain's worth of material in one go. Regular alchemists can barely deal with a tonne of matter in general before things go awry.

(Though I suppose an alchemist with a working knowledge of nuclear physics can probably create a dirty bomb on their own. Just isolate the more fissile isotopes of Uranium and you just need to put 52 kilograms together to make everyone's day that much worse instantly.)
To be fair you might be able to use Circle Transmutation to guide particle plasma into stable atoms; it's just that you'd have a bastard of a time guiding them back apart.
Do you think with will be a separate weapon or will this be implemented into the Lantern Shield? I hope it gets implemented to the Lantern Shield, I rather into seeing that weapon get enhanced in ways that surprise and fascinate Joe. I believe this would make the Lantern Shield the combined product of 4 different universes.
Personally I'm hoping that it merges with the Kinsect.
So now has Apeiron shown proof of power tinkering to Uppercrust. He has already drawn lines to Dauntless power.

Then Apeiron created an item for Uppercrust that obscures him and people's action that act on his behalf.

Which cape can obscure thinker analysis for themselves and everybody they coordinate? March.

If Thurin-Ist's effect is leaked then its most probable that people will think that Apeiron got March's ability to obscure thinker effects. Then will they also be wondering if Apeiron 'only' got that single ability or does he now also have the ability to coordinate on a city wide scale.
While possible, and even probably for people with motivated reasoning, it would also be reasonable for people to assume that he made it based off of Marches ability.
Also he can get infinite magma, as he has an infinite supply, its just won't be enough to get it to "waterworks" levels of volumen (the moon). And Joe won't terraform nor will he do any kind of humanitarian work with that water, as far as i know, the earth has a limited amount of water and by changing the concentrations it can have really bad effect on the planet ecosystems and creatures that could potentially result in mass extinctions, less oxygen available in the atmosphere, huge desertification of certain areas and the unnatural growth of certain species, and all that is not considering the increase in water levels, i mean i understand the allure of being able to do it, but to trully make a good humanitarian work and not just a token effort, the ammount of water necessary would be too much in time, like a decade (far faster than the species can adapt to it), specially when he can probably do the same already, without using the warehouse pipes, with some filters and other supporting technology.
Joe can pipe water into his Workshop to pipe to arbitrary places elsewhere though.
I just checked chapter 3 of the manga (which should be as close to FMA canon as possible), Edward really did transmute the rocks into gold. He just transmuted it back into rocks before he left with the deed to the mine.
That's got to be early installment weirdness then, because that breaks the Alchemy Law of Providence, where you can't change the innate makeup of a material you are transmuting. Turning rocks into gold is outright changing elements and would require at least a Philosopher's Stone if we're talking of alchemy from later on in the series. So yeah, I think it's closer to him just plating the rocks with gold because at least it doesn't create a plot hole in the process.
I'm pretty sure that the misunderstanding lies in the phrasing about Alchemists being forbidden to Transmute gold being interpreted as them being forbidden to create gold with transmutation, implying that it's possible and needed to be made illegal, when it far more reasonably means that Alchemists are forbidden to reshape gold with Transmutation.
To be fair if Uppercrust ever feels proud over anything involving Apeiron that probably already counts.
Can you imagine if Uppercrust ever looked into the Turin-Ists storage and saw "Pride" listed there?
Wait. He can imbue his special ability/power into objects????!!!!
I wonder what will happen when Uppie realises it's not only materials that can be worked as iron ...
I think that Joe might have been able to use Call Beads if he had made a divine realm using Fortune energy or whatever it was in a confined space and had a clone in there but as it is I'm not sure how he managed that one.
Also Jack is a dirty dirty murderhobo that had nothing going for him besides his broadcast ability.
Oh look, with one simple step the ability is near completely nullified.
Contessa can at least run "dummy" paths if she encounters obstacles, but Jack has nothing.
...It occurs to me that Jacob might be able to tap into Bakudas bomb network if it runs on the same mechanisms as Shard communication. That might be a problem.
Obviously, the best use of it is to make Leviathan feel insecure.
Actually you know what could be a interesting use for it? Giving the planet some ice rings.
Okay, I'm home now.

I think the biggest issue I see with this and the previous chapter is a slight confusion in what exactly Apeiron the Enigmatic Artificer has asked Uppercrust to do. From what I have read, I think Uppercrust believes "clean house" means to clean up his cell of the Elite. Whereas, I think what was most likely meant was, clean up The Elite. Uppercrust may be in for a bit of a surprise when he tells Jozef what he has accomplished, and being told something on the order of "Oh Good, you've cleaned your room. Now clean the rest of the house."

As for the Weapon received, many have spoken their wish that it be attached to Trauma, as have several previous special weapon Perks. Personally, I would prefer it be attached to the Shining Spear, since it already has pseudo-Hindu associations. I would also like the weapon from Monster Hunter with the bug attached get some further Perk love. Trauma is being a Perk hog, and getting as fat as Survey. When is the Rocket Hammer getting something special???

As for the water, that seems most useful for massive terraforming projects, like for the moon or Mars. Probably won't see this very soon, probably pretty far into the uplift. Unless the Kerbals show up and manage to change Jozef's priorities...

I must say, I love the Victorian desk and the other ornate forms Jozef's creation takes. Not at all what I was expecting, LordR continues to amaze and surprise. Glad to see it has a bit of sass, reminds me a bit of Garment to be honest. Wonder how long before it gains a soul, if it doesn't already have one...

Edit: Well, I'm just being silly. Of course it has a soul, that's what naming does. Or is that only when singing is involved? Uppercrust didn't mention any singing...
I would say that it's the opposite; I think that Joe was talking about his cell specifically and that Uppercrust might be interpreting it to mean that he should clean up the entire Elite.
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Ziggrrauglurr said:
Can you imagine if Uppercrust ever looked into the Turin-Ists storage and saw "Pride" listed there?
Wait. He can imbue his special ability/power into objects????!!!!
I wonder what will happen when Uppie realises it's not only materials that can be worked as iron ...
I think that Joe might have been able to use Call Beads if he had made a divine realm using Fortune energy or whatever it was in a confined space and had a clone in there but as it is I'm not sure how he managed that one.
You had me doubting my own sanity, I KNEW I hadn't written the first sentence, but since I took some painkillers for my back I was doubting my actions from some hours ago...
Well, I'm just being silly. Of course it has a soul, that's what naming does. Or is that only when singing is involved? Uppercrust didn't mention any singing...
I mean the Singing to the Unseen is an act of creation, so for all Uppercrust knows is that Joe had a concert in the timestop of his Noble Phantasm.
I would say that it's the opposite; I think that Joe was talking about his cell specifically and that Uppercrust might be interpreting it to mean that he should clean up the entire Elite.
Considering how Uppercrust thought about how Apeiron's support was for Uppercrust's own work to "save the Elite, not from outside factors, but from itself", I would think it is pretty clear as to what is the full scope of Uppercrust's goal. He could hardly just stop at cleaning his own cell anyway - what Thurin-Ist provides is a window of opportunity, so later on the rest of the Elite will cotton in on what happened. At that point either Uppercrust "cleans house" or the Elite falls apart into a civil war.

Similarly Joe was definitely thinking of Bastard Son and the likes when he made that demand, so clearly Joe wanted more than just Uppercrust's cell "cleaned", so to speak. But on the short term, just Uppercrust's cell is an acceptable goal for him to work towards.
He says not knowing Apeiron can make his own Cauldron vials.

He has far more reliable ways to give someone powers now

Uppercrust was having his world blown away several times over while Apeiron was silently panicking (or being amused over either or) over the entire workshop being reworked for waterslide and pipe travel by his duplicates.

Oh god, one of the duplicates has installed Mario style travel pipes, haven't they?

Imagine L33t and Ubers rage aneurysm if Apeiron arrives to a duel via Mario Pipe, complete with sound effects...

With this much water Apeiron can casually terraform worlds. I mean he could already, but even easier now. Terraform Mars as a distraction for Simmie.

Also, can the pipe network be run in reverse? Picture Leviathan trying to fight only for a thousand garden hoses to materials arround him and suck away all the water :D
Also, can the pipe network be run in reverse? Picture Leviathan trying to fight only for a thousand garden hoses to materials arround him and suck away all the water :D
Honestly, why bother piping away the water? The Matrix does not like making subpar nanites, but for the purposes of keeping the Brockton Bay intact (and perhaps prove itself trustworthy enough in the public's eyes to help Apeiron Upgrade Everything later on), any water Leviathan brings to the field is just more matter for the Matrix to work with as disposable shields and constructs. Now, wouldn't that cause a number of heart attacks for Piggot?
Honestly, why bother piping away the water? The Matrix does not like making subpar nanites, but for the purposes of keeping the Brockton Bay intact (and perhaps prove itself trustworthy enough in the public's eyes to help Apeiron Upgrade Everything later on), any water Leviathan brings to the field is just more matter for the Matrix to work with as disposable shields and constructs. Now, wouldn't that cause a number of heart attacks for Piggot?

It would have to use alchemy to transform water in motion, right? It's nanites don't work on the sub atomic scale, so it needs base elements afaik?

And I just like the image of seemingly mundane garden hoses defeating an Endbringer
Oh Teeth ARE desperate alright, I absolutely see them crashing the event. The thing is, I suspect Garment just will whip out her anit-S9 prototypes and solo will handle Teeth their collective asses on a silver Apeiron-grade plate. Thus also showing Parian that even in fight she is just as capable if not more than Parian.

I'm all for Garment soloing of the Teeth, but what would the Teeth would hope to accomplish ? This is a public neutral events, probably with protectorate presence. There's nothing to gain here, and a lot to lose.

Contessa can at least run "dummy" paths if she encounters obstacles, but Jack has nothing.

Contessa don't realize she's getting blindsided, and she probably doesn't have enough info to properly simulate an Apeiron dummy paths (unlike what she does for Ediolon). She's about as useless as Jack against out favourite Ape.
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It would have to use alchemy to transform water in motion, right? It's nanites don't work on the sub atomic scale, so it needs base elements afaik?

And I just like the image of seemingly mundane garden hoses defeating an Endbringer
The nanites are capable of reforming molecules and converting elements. Remember - it's a full on Grey Goo capable of eating literally anything to reproduce more of itself, except this time they come with all the upgrades, both technological and magical, that Apeiron could provide before taking into account the divinity of the nanites themselves, both as a construct and as a conscious being.

But yes, hoses defeating Leviathan is a hilarious image.
I'm all for Garment soloing of the Teeth, but what would the Teeth would hope to accomplish ? This is a public neutral events, probably with protectorate presence. There's nothing to gain here, and a lot to lose.
That's the argument for "why would anyone attack Garment's event" in general. What can anyone get from attacking it? Why would they do it?
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March might want to disrupt Garment's and Lili's relationship.

March thinks that they have a relationship, well, she saw them being buddy buddy, so her teenage brain immediately translated that to "THEY ARE DATING!".

Then again, Lils is also under the impression that Garment is flirting with her. Because she is an hormonal teenager.

You know, in any other fic I would complain about the missunderstandings being unrealistic and be annoyed that they don't talk it out, but this fic makes it work. Mostly because it's show why said missunderstandings happen.
Again, maybe I'm hoping for too much, but this is what I'm hoping for.
You are hoping for too much, it doesn't ultimately matter how good they get in alchemy, after all iirc in fma alchemists normally used the tectonic plates to power their alchemy, and then latter they used another fount of power manufactured so that they can't access to the tectonic plates for power and need to use that alternative, so if that happened in setting, with joe knowledge and perks he will be able to easily (relatibly) make a nullification field on earth that makes it so everyone's alchemy except the forge won't be able to access any fount of power to fuel alchemy, making it so nobody else can use alchemy.
So yeah, it was hoping for too much.
You are hoping for too much, it doesn't ultimately matter how good they get in alchemy, after all iirc in fma alchemists normally used the tectonic plates to power their alchemy, and then latter they used another fount of power manufactured so that they can't access to the tectonic plates for power and need to use that alternative, so if that happened in setting, with joe knowledge and perks he will be able to easily (relatibly) make a nullification field on earth that makes it so everyone's alchemy except the forge won't be able to access any fount of power to fuel alchemy, making it so nobody else can use alchemy.
So yeah, it was hoping for too much.
I'm sure that there's Shard effects or Circle Transmutation based fusion that could produce energy for the effects.
Contessa don't realize she's getting blindsided, and she probably doesn't have enough info to properly simulate an Apeiron dummy paths (unlike what she does for Ediolon). She's about as useless as Jack against out favourite Ape.
Yeah, but mostly it's that she has the capability to compensate at all.
Jack's Broadcast is a one trick pony - once the trick understood and proper precautions are taken, there is little to nothing that Jack can directly use Broadcast for against his opponent.
Meanwhile, Contessa can run models. And even if those models are innacurate, they can be run.
It's like going from the paths unfair 100% accuracy down to the cutting edge of machine prediction of today - sure, it's inaccurate, but the model can still be thought upon and taken under advisement.
Also: Contessa can fake skills using her path. So, just run a short one minute dummy path of "accurately shooting" or "do acrobatics".
That's the argument for "why would anyone attack Garment's event" in general. What can anyone get from attacking it? Why would they do it?
Two primary candidates -
Butcher, since she's unstable and probably feels a need to assert dominance.
The second one, is Leet.
Bakuda's deadlocked herself, Uber's been knocked off of his rocker and March is ineffectual. Leet has control AND has something to gain.
Or rather, something to do. Because when his game grid is ready, I'm of the firm opinion that he's simply going to activate it at the earliest opportunity. No earlier, because it's his magnum opus and both him and his Shard want it - but Leet will turn it on. Unless Apeiron manages to dox the remains of ABB beforehand, Leet will finish his project and turn it on.
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That's the argument for "why would anyone attack Garment's event" in general. What can anyone get from attacking it? Why would they do it?
Making the ENE PRT & Protectorate look incompetent. Same reason that Coil had the Undersiders attack the Forsberg Gallery event in Canon.

Of course, since it's a charity event to help Brockton Bay recover from the Ungodly Hour, it's unlikely to be done by the local non-ABB capes. Coil might arrange something (probably using the Travellers, rather than his own troops or the Undersiders) to further undermine Piggot, Bakuda and March (via Uber) might try for a show of force to display that Apeiron hasn't defeated them yet, Butcher and the Teeth likewise.

A high-profile Smash-and-Grab seems more likely than an extended hostage scenario — in and out before they think Apeiron will have a chance to notice & mobilise. Especially if they arrange a distraction on the other side of town first.