Okay, I'm home now.
I think the biggest issue I see with this and the previous chapter is a slight confusion in what exactly Apeiron the Enigmatic Artificer has asked Uppercrust to do. From what I have read, I think Uppercrust believes "clean house" means to clean up his cell of the Elite. Whereas, I think what was most likely meant was, clean up The Elite. Uppercrust may be in for a bit of a surprise when he tells Jozef what he has accomplished, and being told something on the order of "Oh Good, you've cleaned your room. Now clean the rest of the house."
As for the Weapon received, many have spoken their wish that it be attached to Trauma, as have several previous special weapon Perks. Personally, I would prefer it be attached to the Shining Spear, since it already has pseudo-Hindu associations. I would also like the weapon from Monster Hunter with the bug attached get some further Perk love. Trauma is being a Perk hog, and getting as fat as Survey. When is the Rocket Hammer getting something special???
As for the water, that seems most useful for massive terraforming projects, like for the moon or Mars. Probably won't see this very soon, probably pretty far into the uplift. Unless the Kerbals show up and manage to change Jozef's priorities...
I must say, I love the Victorian desk and the other ornate forms Jozef's creation takes. Not at all what I was expecting, LordR continues to amaze and surprise. Glad to see it has a bit of sass, reminds me a bit of Garment to be honest. Wonder how long before it gains a soul, if it doesn't already have one...
Edit: Well, I'm just being silly. Of course it has a soul, that's what naming does. Or is that only when singing is involved? Uppercrust didn't mention any singing...