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I can get the other more personal reasons, like for Leet or even for the Butcher (especially if she thinks she could draw out Apeiron by causing a mess), but not the "make the PRT look incompetent". The thing is, Garment's event is not affiliated with the PRT. They are invited, true, but only as much as everyone else and the cast of visitors includes the Elite as well now that Uppercrust has decided to join. Attacking the event won't make the Protectorate look bad in any way - if anything, it would just make the attackers look stupid since they decided to attack a rather invulnerable cape (Garment), the Elite (Uppercrust's cell), and the Protectorate at the same time.Making the ENE PRT & Protectorate look incompetent. Same reason that Coil had the Undersiders attack the Forsberg Gallery event in Canon.
Of course, since it's a charity event to help Brockton Bay recover from the Ungodly Hour, it's unlikely to be done by the local non-ABB capes. Coil might arrange something (probably using the Travellers, rather than his own troops or the Undersiders) to further undermine Piggot, Bakuda and March (via Uber) might try for a show of force to display that Apeiron hasn't defeated them yet, Butcher and the Teeth likewise.
A high-profile Smash-and-Grab seems more likely than an extended hostage scenario — in and out before they think Apeiron will have a chance to notice & mobilise. Especially if they arrange a distraction on the other side of town first.
I'm not saying that the attack won't happen, I'm not LordRoustabout, I'm just saying that if it happens, it won't be because someone decided to make the PRT look bad because nobody needs to really do anything for that house of cards to fall over and collapse into flames.