- Location
- Up on a Hill
Ok, let's say Joe figures out that Bastard Son has a dedicated team working to advance their understanding of alchemy. Joe is associating himself more with the Elite, so while I don't think Uppercrust is going to start reporting every vague bit of info he has on all his colleagues to Joe tomorrow it isn't unreasonable to assume he'll discover what going on as he works more with Uppercrust.Your concerning thirst for crimes against humanity aside, you have missed that the entire point of the post was not on whether Bastard Son would do any of that - because he would if he could - and more on how by the time he even begins to scratch the more advanced principles of Alchemy, it's game over for him already.
So what if his efforts are destroyed? This knowledge is being passed around. There's no way in hell Victor was like, "I must contact the dangerous psychopath Bastard Son and only him to help figure out how this phenomenon works." We don't even know if it was a direct line between Bastard Son and Victor that started this, or if people Victor contacted went on to contact others, who contacted others… purposeful contact isn't even necessary. Notes can be stolen, researchers can defect, thinkers can suck up all sorts of info with nobody being the wiser- and on that note, thinkers are 100% going to accelerate the timeframe anyone needs to get alchemy in a workable state.
What's Joe gonna do if he finds out alchemical secrets have proliferated across the country? Or even to other continents? He flipped off Survey's privacy restrictions for the S9, but will he allow her to do a mass intrusion on the data of who knows how many groups to get a full scope of how far alchemy has traveled? Will he prioritize shutting down all those groups over preparing for the vast world shaking problems he already has in view? Will he even be comfortable shutting down all the groups when it turns out that the knowledge has escaped the grasp of villains, and now mundane academic institutions, legitimate governments, and the PRT/Protectorate are all running their own experiments? So many interesting possibilities…
Bastard Son is in no way necessary as a specific person for my bloodlust to be satisfied. I just assume that, from a narrative standpoint, his introduction here means he's being set up to actually do something for the plot, you know. If the only thing this chapter is setting up for in the future is two paragraphs of Bastard Son's cell being blasted to bits after they accomplish nothing but some baby alchemy experiments, that would be lame as hell. And if anyone's going to fail on account of their own hubris rather than an immediate Joe interrupt, it's totally going to be Victor fucking up human transmutation.
Again, maybe I'm hoping for too much, but this is what I'm hoping for.
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