Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

I didn't think of that. Using Aisha's shard to remove the knowledge from their heads on regular basic... Though it could be overcomed anyway.

Well, it's Celestial Forge... Bullshitery is bound to happen.

You wouldn't need to. Remember when Aisha "paid"? Just write a beginner's book of alchemy and then dip it in lathe water instant redaction add a tint from the underbow and it would eat any info left regarding the subject. Just as long as the Forge takes protective measures.
Oh, I don't doubt that he would if he knew to do so. But the fact that he is casually planning to attempt human transmutation already says quite a lot of his awareness on that cost.
Well once he's poured though Truth I expect him to have a decent chance at figuring it out. Especially if he's given a hint by his Shard or has a Second Trigger from failing to revive his first love.
Yeah some part of me believe that the truth will take a big part of his frontal lobe. Or the part for speech and writing. Why? Either irony or to allow the guy the chance of trying to fix the shit he did. And sacrifice this power to get what he paid and show he truly loved the second woman in his heart. Hahahahaha. I just kinding. He destroyed to many lives. Care too much for himself. Have too much influence of the shard on this (and on his first lover death) to not be stupid here.

Even if he smart enough to wait another dumb dumb do this stupidity first. And even learn about philosophic stone.

That would just make everyone in the forge. Very. Very angry.

And rush victor to a final mistake.

Still dude you are indeed very dumb dumb on this.

But this Is the kind of dumb dumb that the cauldron love. So maybe you get a escape route?

Together with a second trigger since you will certainly lose you first fiance once more with this shit.
You've really got'a stop with this retribution fetishization; it's weird and creepy and nobody here wants to listen to you get off on fantasies of it.
He is not throwing him under the bus because there is no reason to do so. This is not some impending catastrophe in making, and you can easily deal with Hookwolf's complaints by just keeping him and Victor separate. Why would Kaiser do something to Victor when there's no benefit whatsoever. Hell, he DOES throws him under the bus in lite way where he shifts blame on him but also keeps important - but not crucial - asset in hand.

Empire will lose a lot of with Victor's death/exile but it will not collaps. Victor CAN be replaced, its just you need a lot of people and they will cost a lot as well. Let me put it like this: You totally can cross Russia/Australia/USA/Canada/Africa cost to cost in a car. But it would be infinitely more convenient to use a fucking plane.
Throwing people under the buss is the most basic of basic political/cult actions; give someone to hate and they'll follow you into hell itself; that's just how humans are built.
I'm just giggling at how stupid Nemean would have been with Alchemy. Its kinda real funny.

There is a non zero chance that Victor will seal out a biotinker to 'brush up' on his knowledge base. Been waiting for any extra knowledge of the forge to get out and alchemy is a good one.
Well he would definitely want to get a cloning tank and/or some life-support from Blasto to keep his Hominculus in, possibly also some symbiont biomass to patch up his final result, while working on it and possibly giving Othala some time to apply regeneration to it.
Also don't forget that meeting the truth, means that Victor will be able to preform circleless alchemy.

I think he will loss his tong.

I don't know about him losing his parahuman powers, cause I think this will happen after the E88 are disbanded, when Joe stops holding back, but who knows.
...Actually a thought occurs; if Victor looses his Corona Pollentia then he won't lose his powers; he'll lose his control over his powers; that would aggravate his need for recognition and hatred of being unable to fix his reputation because of his damaged reputation even more then his current situation; that would encourage a Second Trigger even more. Worse then that it would probably encourage a Broken Trigger if his connection to his Shard was damaged.
That is just one second. -1 x -1 is 1.
Right; I was going for √-1 seconds but messed up with the symbols.
To be fair, March was already intending to destroy a call gem - her original threat over Joe's timefrozen duplicate was exactly about that, according to WoG. Joe still did not know it then, but when March was bragging about being able to pop the time bubble, she was essentially stating a claim on the frozen call gem - to which, ironically enough, would have popped the moment she tried doing anything, given that these were cloned from potions that already ran out of time a long time ago.

So in the end, March really was indeed playing with powers that she too did not understand.
I wouldn't put it passed March to pop the Call Bead in the Time Bubble without popping the Time Bubble.
I'm more drawing the connection that both had a very basic understanding of what they were trying to pursue, March of shardspace and Victor of transmutation. That understanding was more than anyone else had (baring Apeiron and the Forge), but they still had/have holes in their knowledge that they assumed didn't exist. March's understanding of shardspace was more comprehensive than most, but the gaps in it still would have screwed over her plan even without her near death gamble. For starters even if she'd managed to succeed as planned she didn't know about Scions involvement in shardspace, so he would have come to investigate her success and ruined the whole thing. Similarly Victor doesn't understand the fundamentals of Truths soul exchange program, which is likely what'll come back to bite him.

To use a comparison, it's like Victor and March both got a look at about half a wikipedia article on nuclear powerplant operation. Since this is more than what most people know, combined with thinker arrogance, they are now convinced they are nuclear physics experts. That Apeiron isn't pursing what they are isn't seen as a red flag, but as a sign that they're better than him.

In reality their plan is the equivalent of dumping uranium in heavy water, with the understanding that it will give them 'a lot of power'. The main threat is that there is a major blast radius when their plan 'succeeds'.
To be fair Parahumans are intended to be ways for Shards to experiment.

Also as I understand it heavy water, water made using isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen, is a byproduct of radiation containment rather then a requirement of power-plant operation.
My thoughts. Alchemy getting out is BAD. Because what happens if, say the Slaughterhouse 9, get hold of it? I can absolutely see them trying to mass transmute, say the entirety of NYC.
Also how is Truth going to react to the Entities? Their whole goal is cheating Thermodynamics, the mundane equivalent of the law of Equivalent Exchange.
Burning up souls to run soul-farming habitats; I thought that that was pretty clear.
Did anyone entertain the idea, that TRUTH might take something not only from Victor but from his shard as well?

Also, isn't this weird that a literal Nazi is somehow more stable and sympathetic than an (almost) average teenage girl?
Victors Shard has a lot of mass to lose to experimentation; if Truth chews up the part of it responsible for Victors powers then it can just connect to a different Parahuman or reconnect to Victor or something.

Actually it would probably make it easier for Victor to have a Second Trigger if the part of his Shard responsible for his powers got eaten by Truth; he would probably not need to experience a Trigger similar to his first one.
Everything Victor does, any data he gains, will go to Scion/Zion in the end. The golden idiot don't realize it now because he's sad but eventually he will realize that he can resurrect the Thinker.
So yeah here's the endgame: Joe and the forge vs The Thinker and The warrior who's actually no more depressed but highly motivated.
Nah; Victor's relying on his first loves Shard to get her engram and resleeve her into a new body; if Zion could do that with Edens Shards then he would have already done that.
No, he's gonna lose something a lot more precious: his parahuman powers. All the skills he stole. He'll get back his waifu at the cost of everything that make him useful to the E88 (and the nazi).
I'd give good odds of Victor being willing to lose his position withing the Empire, or even the Empire itself, in return for his first love.
Additionally, keeping his current wife will make some delicious drama.
That on the other hand could easily be too much; like a decent chunk out of both of them could be acceptable by both of them, especially since they're both able to provide medical care, but all of one of them would be too much.
Uh....When did Victor have the time to steal enough from Lethe to do this?
He didn't; he just picked up enough to have a grounding in it before refining his understanding of it from first principle all over again.
Even on making a workable human body he doesn't have enough knowledge to get things to work.
Humanity collectively doesn't know how the brain fully works or even how to build one, does Victor know Lena's entire genetic code?

There's so much he's leaving up in the air thanks to his hubris that even 'just' making a body that can be alive will fail horribly.

Nevermind the fact that he won't be trying to make a copy of Lena's body, he'll be explicitly trying to resurrect her.

And if there's anything that pisses off Truth it's hubris.
How unfortunate for Victor that he didn't steal even a passing understanding of real world esoteric practices.

Or better yet wisdom.
Humans explicitly know how the different brain-cell types behave and I don't appreciate you trying to claim that nobody knows how brains work just because you don't.
Truth is gonna eat the space worm or something drastic will happen because when 'The' Truth meets the shard nothing pleasant can occur.
God can you imagine Truth trying to each a Shard in return for a mere human soul?
Everything Victor does, any data he gains, will go to Scion/Zion in the end. The golden idiot don't realize it now because he's sad but eventually he will realize that he can resurrect the Thinker.

Anyone else imagining a meeting between Scion and Truth?

Any thoughts on what Truth would take from the emo eldtritch abomination? My immediate thought was to remove his extradimensional projection ability, reducing him to the equivalent of you-can-look-but-you-can't-touch.
Also as I understand it heavy water, water made using isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen, is a byproduct of radiation containment rather then a requirement of power-plant operation.
You're correct that ordinary water gradually consumes neutrons to turn into heavy water. That kills the reaction if your fuel is barely making enough neutrons to keep the chain going. Enriched uranium can keep the reaction going despite the absorbed neutrons. If you only have un-enriched uranium, a heavy water moderator is the most practical way to get a chain reaction out of it. Add too much uranium and the reaction will briefly run away, boil your heavy water while contaminating it with radioactive material, and then self-regulate because it's lost some of its moderator.

The most common way to get heavy water is to collect heavy hydrogen out of ordinary hydrogen compounds with chemical processes, where a temperature change triggers an exchange of hydrogens between two chemicals that moves more deuterium in one direction than the other. It's more practical to use chemical processes for enriching hydrogen than for other elements because the mass difference between isotopes is proportionately far larger.
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You've really got'a stop with this retribution fetishization; it's weird and creepy and nobody here wants to listen to you get off on fantasies of it.
First, I not sure how multi quoting that many readers is ruled, but it also not that polite (I think).
Fetishization imply I get off with this, at must I only have some dark amusement. I will comment that this was actually hurtful. If you wish that hard for me to stop you could had send me a PM and I would had done so and restrict my 'fetishization'.

While I curious about something I will stop here, and edit the post then.
edited: Done.
edit3: grammar.
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Anyone else imagining a meeting between Scion and Truth?

Any thoughts on what Truth would take from the emo eldtritch abomination? My immediate thought was to remove his extradimensional projection ability, reducing him to the equivalent of you-can-look-but-you-can't-touch.
I brought this up before but it would depend on what would hurt most to Scion when he did it. Such as not being able to complete the Cycle thanks to suffering a massive corruption within him to connect to and utilize his Shards. While also losing the Thinker completely as Eden turns into some sort of horrific monstrosity that is incompatiable with her Shards that actually causes more damage to their System then anything else.

Pretty much dooming the Cycle permanently and losing the Thinker all because Scion tried to play God.

That actually went more dark then I considered after slapping myself awake. But such things are what resulted in the attempts that lead to the creation of the Humonculus in the original anime along with Father in Brotherhood. Also, what would it take to even have the materials to use as a source for that transmutation besides the Flesh Garden? And I'm not 100% sure he already knows where that is since he never even attempted to go there until Golden Morning. Along with what would happen afterwards to humanity at that point.
From what I've gathered, transmutation involving human souls summons some grinning porcelain god-figure who really likes karmic punishments and standing in front of a gate to the afterlife or something like that. He'll basically remove an arm or an entire body and also... not let the transmutation go through, I think? Just to be an arse about things, I suppose. Hence, human transmutation is bad for Victor as he'll lose a body part or two or three or... possibly the entire thing.

Victor is a sadistic NAZI who has likely ruined thousands of lives by this point. Aside from the other likely results of meeting Truth (if Victor survives) I'd love to see the neo-nazi transformed into someone targeted by the E88. Karmic justice for the win!
Did OP ever mention which FMA the skill was from? Cause if it came from Brotherhood, then we'll at most see an already dying body, and probably not even that. It took a whole body plus a leg to reach that result, and I doubt Truth takes the size of the body into consideration so Victor's older body wont help him any.
Pretty sure it has to be Brotherhood because I don't remember them having Alkahestry in the first show. I could be wrong though.
"Victor, you're looking surprisingly well considering the current situation."

"I picked up some napping and grooming skills from the cat."

"It's a good thing I'm limber."
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This is the first chapter that I would put a definite dislike on.

Because this is reaching too far to make others relevant again. You CAN'T "comprehend" a field of study that took a veritable genius, son of a half-god in the field, no less than a year to make minimal progress with, from a short glimpse of a shielded mind. Nope.

Alchemy is not a skill. It's a field of study. It is applied knowledge.

I was fine with overblowing Victor's power out of any canonical proportions, but that was too far. Victor does not absorb knowledge. Only skills. Basically, he can't steal anything from a purely theoretical physicist past his skill at reading whitepapers. Or, stealing from a genius engineer won't give him that genius knowledge, only skill. By stealing from Gregory House, M.D. he'll get some middling half-forgotten skills in medical procedures and that's it.

Basically, all he might've gotten from Lethe was an ability to draw cool circles, with all the know-how how to draw, but with 0 knowledge of what to draw. And even then, skill stealing requires either time which he had practically none, or focus which would be noticeable.
You forget that Victor in his arrogance (and probably lasting effects of his inferiority/superiority complex and also his trigger trauma) is almost entirely self-delusional. And all the skills in the world aren't changing that any time soon...
Taking his inner monologues as the Gospel Truth is ridiculous.
What if Victor trades the complete info before he makes his attempt at human transmutation. Then that group of thinkers get Alchemy and then its only a question of time when they discover that you MUST do Equivalent Exchange, even with human souls. So if they do a Father style to create a philosopher stone and sacrifices a small town or a containment zone. It would get extremely dangerous by then.
We have words from Lord :

Trying to revive a perahuman probably cost more than reviving a normal person in perms of Equivalent Exchange, so he will likely lose more. Might even lose his passenger (which would make other shards push their hosts away from the ultimate taboo). From what I can rambler the Truth has a twisted sense of irony, so in exchange for new power (understanding of alchemy) he would likely lose his shard (specially since it's technically him and his shard performing human transmutation not just him). It would also be one of the things his wife can't heal. Though it's not as bad a trade off since while he might lose his power he would gain a new one with better potential, but it would be hard to adapt to actually having to learn things himself again (also not sure if he would lose all his past knowledge).

Lord's answer :
Truth consistently takes the price from people's bodies, not their minds. Part of the ironic aspect of the punishment is that they can appreciate what's happening to them. Any cost taken from Victor is going to be a physically debilitating one, rather than something mentally focused. Victor's shard isn't going to be taken away because it will either count as a part of his mind or a participant in the ritual. That would lead to some interesting results, since Truth doesn't care who or what you are. You can be a child, a master alchemist, an immortal homunculus, or a quasi-sapient shard of a pan-dimensional alien entity. If you break the taboo you're getting summoned to the gate for a dressing down before being forced to pay the price.
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Victor's mindset more than anything is going to put him in danger.
Truth formally introduces itself and states itself as the Truth as he defines it: giving despair to discourage one from becoming boastful and proud.


This article is about the character. For the episode, see Episode 28: Father (2009 series). When you see an insect lying on the ground, do you stop to consider it a fool? The life of an insect is so beneath you that it would be a waste of your time to even consider judging it. That would be an...

Truth will punish victor enough to break his pride.
Pretty much. All of those marriage skills he used to make his relationship with Othala work? That's a trail of suddenly failing marriages, collapsed relationships, and inexplicable divorces as what was originally a working relationship suddenly wasn't anymore.

Someone out there won't even realize that they lost the ability to self-reflect, because with what ability could they understand themselves now? People having mental breakdowns, committing suicide as they collapse in a stressful life suddenly devoid of the necessary coping skills, doctors losing their license after having killed patients in forgetting how to do surgery.
This always stays in my mind when a nazi with skill stealing powers appears in a fic, he is an absolute monster in the background whether you like it or not.

Wouldn't it be interesting if, say, his shard were to vanish? I mean, by Truth's logic, it's probably partially culpable for Victor reaching above himself. It'd also be entertainingly apropos for the guy that relies so heavily on skills he stole from others to get that very ability stolen from him. (And Truth does seem to like ironic punishments.)
I'll say it today and I'll say it again more. Fuck nazis.

All of the thinkers victor is in contact with about transmutation are survey.
You've given me an interesting thought, Survey being a Spy master times a thousand and creating personas in the dark web to access hidden groups that communicate secretly.

It's a perfect setup that can be infinitely replicated, countless groups of Surveys-in-disguise harvesting data from unsuspecting veteran information brokers. If this doesn't appear in the fic, I am going to riot.
This always stays in my mind when a nazi with skill stealing powers appears in a fic, he is an absolute monster in the background whether you like it or not.

I'll say it today and I'll say it again more. Fuck nazis.

You've given me an interesting thought, Survey being a Spy master times a thousand and creating personas in the dark web to access hidden groups that communicate secretly.

It's a perfect setup that can be infinitely replicated, countless groups of Surveys-in-disguise harvesting data from unsuspecting veteran information brokers. If this doesn't appear in the fic, I am going to riot.

Fleet: That many intances of Survey would slow down the internet connection on a global level.

All of the thinkers victor is in contact with about transmutation are survey.

On the internet no one knows you're Survey

Caveat to above.

Technically there is some leeway where you can bind a soul ala Alphonse but once the dead soul passes through completely there aint bringing it back.

Parahuman may be easier / possible to bring back if the Shards act like a psued-soul trap.

This. A lot of this discussion seems to be forgetting that in FMA Ed learned that human resurrection was impossible once the soul expires, and the legends were bait created by Father to generate damaged alchemists who had entered the gate, so he could use them as materials.

If the soul is gone, all alchemy gets you is a trip through the gate, a slap on the wrist from Truth, and a pile of tortured meat (broken homonculus.) It wasn't that resurrection required a philosopher's stone, it was just impossible.

All human transmutation is actually good for is horrible biotinkering. You can make monsters, weaponize the gate, and fortify yourself with the screaming tortured souls of your enemies, but you can't bring back the dead.
On the internet no one knows you're Survey

This. A lot of this discussion seems to be forgetting that in FMA Ed learned that human resurrection was impossible once the soul expires, and the legends were bait created by Father to generate damaged alchemists who had entered the gate, so he could use them as materials.

If the soul is gone, all alchemy gets you is a trip through the gate, a slap on the wrist from Truth, and a pile of tortured meat (broken homonculus.) It wasn't that resurrection required a philosopher's stone, it was just impossible.

All human transmutation is actually good for is horrible biotinkering. You can make monsters, weaponize the gate, and fortify yourself with the screaming tortured souls of your enemies, but you can't bring back the dead.

Technically is can be used for good biotinkering/healing, is just that most alchemist weren't good at it or had to rely on philosopher stones to do it, humans chimeras for example didn't really have drawbacks (the ones done well at least) except maybe some animal bits they couldn't hide, and while Marco had to use the Philosopher Stone (or at least kept using it to give free healing) he didn't screw it up.

But yes, the souls is the big nono.
Since there's ton of people who know stuff about FMA, I'll ask: How the hell Victor - or anyone from Earth Bet really - will know that he needs to drag soul out of somewhere? And how this process even starts? As far as I am aware, the Truth shouldn't trigger if he just creates human body. Surely there must be some sort of additional step to try and get the soul out of the Gates, right?
Since there's ton of people who know stuff about FMA, I'll ask: How the hell Victor - or anyone from Earth Bet really - will know that he needs to drag soul out of somewhere? And how this process even starts? As far as I am aware, the Truth shouldn't trigger if he just creates human body. Surely there must be some sort of additional step to try and get the soul out of the Gates, right?

FMA alchemy has a mental component and the circle component. Ed and Al used their blood as a material guidepost and incorporated in their mental model and their circle that the blood was a connection to their mother.

There's a lot of soul stuff that comes up later, but in that first human transmutation in the story, that's it. Just, the circle/mental instructions say this material starting product equals Trisha Elric ending product. That was enough for Truth to step in and say "no it doesn't"

In this case Victor seems aware of the parahuman afterlife/shard copy theories. So we'll have to see what he does. Success or failure might all come down to whether his formula is for "a clone of my dead fiance connected to her shardspace brain copy" or "Lena Herren"
I really want Survey to just come up next chapter telling Joe that a group of Thinkers have been studying Alchemy, how much they understand, their secret identities, where they live and what they had for dinner last Friday.
I really want Survey to just come up next chapter telling Joe that a group of Thinkers have been studying Alchemy, how much they understand, their secret identities, where they live and what they had for dinner last Friday.

Survey: Tybalt recomended to implement the "Cat-apult to Glory" contingency against them before they, and I quote, "get made into violins for their curiosity"

Joe: ....Does this involve cat memes?

Survey: This involve sending them terabytes of what is popularly called cat memes, yes.
If Victor does actually know the exact composition of a human he might be able to pull it off. The Sciences and information of our world are vastly ahead of FMA. There was even a theory if Edwardsslightly changed some things he might have been able to bring back his mom.
I primarily read this story on AO3, so I've already read Lord's WOG comment about how the price Victor will pay is a physical one, but I can't help but wonder...

We know that a shard acts as a soul trap for their host. We know the cycle has been going on for an almost unfathomable amount of time. We know that philosopher's stones are nothing more than trapped souls. Wouldn't it be interesting if the shards could use those trapped souls to act as pseudo-stones?