God damn Emma really feels really bad about the whole Taylor Situation doesn't she?
I freely admit to skipping/skimming a lot of parts of Worm so her exact Canon Thinking is nigh completely unknown to me, but I really like this Version compared to other Fanfictions. It makes redemption seem at least plausible without going to much in either direction.
Sophia talks a lot of shit for being an extremely low tier ganker.
Excuse Me?
Extremely low Tier?
Sophia is an arrogant bitch whose Predator and Prey Type of Thinking and overconfidence (she very likely views herself as a badass) will eventually result in her death.
No doubt about it.
But she
is capable of becoming intangible; as in
immune to pretty much anything except for Electricity and Multi-Dimensional Attacks (like Damsel of Distress, Flechette and Scions Sting?) which is an all-or-nothing defense as long as she can react fast enough.
Same with her attacks (if timed properly) I don't know if there is a WOG on the Endbringers Vulnerability to it, but outside of them and exceptions like Alexandria and adaptive regeneratives Shadow Stalker is basically immune to pretty much anything and capable of killing nigh anything while also being quite mobile for street level fights.
How is someone with those capabilities an extremely low tier ganker? Outside of Regent and the resident Tinkers basically no one uses Electricity in Brockton Bay.
Of course if you mean: going against the Celestial Forge is an elaborate Suicide and nothing else, then yes but that's just obvious.
Trust me, there really are people like that. A lot of people like that. It's not that different from the "I Am The Alpha!" stuff... which as it turned out was the lupine equivalent of a prison gang and wolves in the wild are nothing like that.
People will think anything that gives them comfort, makes things not their fault, or lets them do what they want to do without remorse. Not everyone, obviously, but it's still... a thing.
The whole "Alpha" stuff turns even more hilarious with the scientist that coined the term disproving it himself less than a year later when he realized the 'Alphas' were just mommy and daddy. Hell, he even tried to make people stop using the term, but by then it was already part of the human memetic memory, AKA pop culture.
It basically makes as much sense as those that believe that humans thrived because of a survival of the fittest mentality and that the weak are dead weight that should be freely cast away the moment they dragged the group down.
So much ignorance and unwillingness to look at reality is already needed just to sustain such an idiotic world view that actually changing it and making them realize their error of ways is an uphill battle at best.
I sympathize with the fact that she is severely mentally ill, almost to the Joker point actually. Wouldn't mind either of them getting hit with a bus though.
The main issue I've always seen with taking the Joker out though is that DC death is more a revolving for door evil than an ending. If jail is one of the best institutions of illegal trade craft learning what would hell be? How bad would Joker be after he came back?
Comparing Joker? the guy that could land in Warhammer 40ks Warp Dimension and scream Paradise!! with genuine joy and the one who maims, tortures and kills others for the sheer laugh of it (for him) with goddamn Highschool bullies (if particular vicious ones) seems for me like comparing 2 children throwing sand into each others eyes to World War 1 in terms of brutality.
Sure there
is a basic similarity, but that's about it.
If this is sarcasm I apologize for the misunderstanding.
As for actually killing Joker it depends. From the multiverses Perspective Joker is a constant presence in Batmans Enemy list due to how he challenges Batmans Morality something that is integral to Batmans struggle as a hero while any being actually powerful enough to erase his existence Permanently (without Time Travel, alternate Timelines/Dimensions bullshit) like the Spectre don't see him as a threat worth noticing (which is a mostly right threat assessment).
Same thing with Jack Slash in Worm. I honestly can't wait for this moron to concoct a plan on how to corrupt and/or kill Apeiron, and for that plan to turn into what amounts to the world's most elaborate suicide, with nothing achieved. I don't believe he is capable of much more.
Just because he doesn't get a warning from his Shard doesn't mean his own intuition/experience suddenly vanishes.
Joe has already multiple times shown enough Power to threaten basically everyone in the Slaughterhouse 9 except the Siberian.
that with Joes shown care for the lives of innocents and Jack is most certainly going to try his best to recreate the ungodly Hour only with more
So outside of a preemptive Strike from the combined Celestial Forge (which is unlikely if Joe still listens to his Fanon Shard at the time of noticing them) the cleanup will at least still be troublesome.