Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

I like to imagine that their Lethe detection app is powered by someone sitting in a room alone with a button, and there's a big sign that says "if you don't remember what the button is for, push the button."
I like to imagine that their Lethe detection app is powered by someone sitting in a room alone with a button, and there's a big sign that says "if you don't remember what the button is for, push the button."
I wonder how much that someone gets paid. Do they get free lunch while they're sitting in their room? Do they go home to their significant other and kids, and the significant other asks "Hi, honey, how was work today?" and then the someone responds "Very good, darling. I only had to press the button three times today."?
I wonder how much that someone gets paid. Do they get free lunch while they're sitting in their room? Do they go home to their significant other and kids, and the significant other asks "Hi, honey, how was work today?" and then the someone responds "Very good, darling. I only had to press the button three times today."?
I am suddenly very tempted to write a Stanley Parable Omake. Maybe this evening after I have recovered from night shift.
I would love it if Taylor modeled for Garment too, but I can settle for having The Undersides staff the event while wearing some of Garment's clothing. Interlude chapters are always fun, and Emma's and Sophia's doubly so because they always have such a heavily biased view of everything. The sheer absurdity of their thoughts is so entertaining.
My gripe is mostly that I have trouble imagining someone thinking that, in direct contravention to, you know, how nature works - let alone how people work - with a straight face.
It's so easy for people to be completely delusional. Just look at cults, or any form of social media, or just like, actually mentally ill people or even people with completely irrational political beliefs. Human beings can rationalize so much if they need to.
Eh, I still don't sympathize with her. Then again I am the guy who heavily advocates the Joker being killed.

I sympathize with the fact that she is severely mentally ill, almost to the Joker point actually. Wouldn't mind either of them getting hit with a bus though.
The main issue I've always seen with taking the Joker out though is that DC death is more a revolving for door evil than an ending. If jail is one of the best institutions of illegal trade craft learning what would hell be? How bad would Joker be after he came back?
Also-also, Danny, Taylor, Emma and Stalker in the same public space. *Chanting* Mall scene~Mall scene~Mall scene~Mall scene...

I can see it happening with Sophia being effectively unable to bully TayTay at school for her stress release


The PRT might attend the gala, and that means Sophia would be in costume. And trying to bully TayTay when in costume would mean getting in jail faster than you can say "youth guard". I don't think Sophia is stupid enough to try.

Sophia has a family? an extended family that cares for her???

She have a mother, an older brother (20 yo), and a young sister (4 yo). Whenever they cares about her... probably not actually. In the original Worm, she was jealous of Taylor because her father came to defend her against the school, while Sophia's mother didn't give a fuck about her.
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I didn't think they were even aware, every time, when Aisha's power was active (since they all would forget about her). They just send out alerts -when they realize- she exists and her power is active, which might be like, one in every ten activations.
As i remember her power also affects electronics, so setting up a little program that sends an alert whenever the fact "Celestial Forge membership is six" is True would be cheap and very simple to do.
Worst-case scenario Dragon can handle it.

Sophia talks a lot of shit for being an extremely low tier ganker.
The lower the tier the more shit they talk.

Watch her use silk threads to suspend her knife between two points in the bag and use it as a fan for air-circulation.
Obviously, she will use bees to ventilate and regulate the temperature of her moving hive.
...It would be just hideously beautiful if Parian started seeing her behavior in Emma and being sufficiently revolted by it to snap her out of it.
This is Worm, if anything that'd cause her to double down on her behavior.
It is vitally important to understand the nuance of how something is broken; there are stupidly many more ways for a thing to be broken then there are for that thing to be whole.
Entropy: "You're welcome."
Clothes are meant to be worn.

She have a mother, an older brother (20 yo), and a young sister (4 yo). Whenever they cares about her... probably not actually. In the original Worm, she was jealous of Taylor because her father came to defend her against the school, while Sophia's mother didn't give a fuck about her.
exactly, i remember the jealousy part in canon.
So this:
It had annoyed her, seeing how happy Sophia's sister and brother were when they came to pick her up. Even her mom had a sense of relief to her when the girl left with a bag of clothes hiding her cape supplies inside. That treatment grated on Emma. They never respected what Sophia was doing, what it really represented, instead always focusing on their own petty gripes.
This part is kind of jarring. Even more so when you consider how pampered by her parent(s) Emma is, so for her to be jealous about it should be a pretty high bar to pass.
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As i remember her power also affects electronics, so setting up a little program that sends an alert whenever the fact "Celestial Forge membership is six" is True would be cheap and very simple to do.
Actually, her power only effects electronics in a significant sense when she is wearing her armor, otherwise it only affects people. The fact that it is inconsistent like that makes it even harder to keep track of.
I can see it happening with Sophia being effectively unable to bully TayTay at school for her stress release


The PRT might attend the gala, and that means Sophia would be in costume. And trying to bully TayTay when in costume would mean getting in jail faster than you can say "youth guard". I don't think Sophia is stupid enough to try.
Not much of a problem, considering that in the mall scene, Emma was the one who did the bulling. Stalker was just standing there, approvingly.

Emma thought herself that what BB went throu is just a proof that strong survives and weak dies, and that what she was doing after ABB attacked her is not wrong. With this, I can see her trying to torment Taylor in a charity event and being sure that she can get away with this (Well, she probably still would do it when out of sight of most heroes). Bonus motivation if she would see TayTay positively interacting with someone. After all, can't have "prey" think more of herself than she is.
This part is kind of jarring. Even more so when you consider how pampered by her parent(s) Emma is, so for her to be jealous about it should be a pretty high bar to pass.
I think you might want to read the part of the chapter you quoted again.
The Hess family was happy that Sophia won't be around for some time and Emma is annoyed that they don't appreciate having a psychopathic sociopath around.
Okay, so I had some strong reactions when I saw this chapter pop up. And not good ones. It's not the first time I didn't like a chapter, but for once I'm motivated enough to post. But before I elaborate I need to give some context.
I live in France, so for me, the new chapters come out, very early on Thursday. So each Thursday I wait impatiently for my first break at work to read it on my phone. And the few times I disliked a chapter by the time I got home in the evening, I calmed down enough that making a post 12 hours after the chapter came out seem useless. But this time I want to say my piece.

Why another interlude? Why an interlude on Emma?! A character that I couldn't care less about. But it's not the first time, there was the Neil interlude, the Lauren interlude, the Alec interlude.
What did we learn here? Sophia is spending a few days with Emma. Emma may end up as a model for Garment events. And Emma is jealous of Khepri.

My own dislike of Emma and Sophia is certainly coloring my perception but frankly, I don't care about this interlude. I skimmed it more than read it.

You have a problem with interludes, man. And addiction even. I counted, on 76 chapters you have 19 interludes, so 25% of the whole story. (if you count in threadmarks it's 29 on 106 for 27.3%) That's insane. And it doesn't include the Prelude and Addendum. I think you're going too far. It may be a sacrilege to say it, but I would have preferred a delay instead of that interlude.

And I say that despite the fact that I love your work. I love it so much that it changed my life. It motivates me to create my own Doc and write my own story. You're a thousand times the writer I am, with the ability to create and put into scenes characters with amazing depth. Action scenes that took my breath away. There's a not day that passes without me thinking about this story, remembering some specific moment, and hoping that one day I'll write something half as good.

Please at least consider reducing the number of interludes. Or at least explain why there are so many. I don't get it.

Some Interludes were awesome. The one with Dragon is phenomenal, Uppercrust was cool, and Fleet was such a unique perspective. Chubster was even interesting even if it was too long.

But one interlude every ten or fifteen chapters should be plenty. Note that I'm not criticizing the pacing of the story, yes it's slow going but that does not bother me, I just think that the interludes are a separate issue.

Anyway, thanks for your work, and here hoping we'll get to see Joe next time.
This part is kind of jarring. Even more so when you consider how pampered by her parent(s) Emma is, so for her to be jealous about it should be a pretty high bar to pass.

From context its more they are happy she isn't going to be around. To be fair to them tho only the mother knows she's shadow stalker the others don't. Additionally they are implied to be not well off and they are at the fringe of the blackout zone her going off to her rich friend's house is good for them to get rid of a mouth to feed and there is also probably some resentment for having that as an option.

Please at least consider reducing the number of interludes. Or at least explain why there are so many. I don't get it.

This chapter like a few other interludes was meant as a preamble for the main content which wasn't finished on time so became stand alone. The interlude proper it was attached to which we will get next time is supposed to finish up the day and give a view of the situation in other bits of the city hopefully updating on a few things like Amy and Vicky too though that may wait for the New Wave meeting.
To be perfectly fair, Lord did say he wanted to do this in one interlude, with this being a preamble, however there were time issues and he couldn't get the full chapter he had planned out on time. Lord has stated in the past that he feels that getting something out on time is more important than skipping a week and loosing rhythm.
God, Aisha is going to troll the fuck out of everyone once she learns what they'll doing in reacting to her. Heh.
I can imagine her skipping through town or the lab singing On-Off, On-Off while activating and deactivating her power....with people only hearing the Off and the PRT freaking out because it keeps the alarms triggering.

Sophia got her ass handed to her by Khepri.
Rather than admit to herself that she was outmatched by the girl her age, she rationalise that it was due to outside interference.

She can't loose, and if she does, it's because her opponent cheated, so it doesn't count
Yep, that sums up the situation.

At least Eda is just a con artist not an edge lord with Linking Park practically oozing off of her.

I like to imagine that their Lethe detection app is powered by someone sitting in a room alone with a button, and there's a big sign that says "if you don't remember what the button is for, push the button."
Wouldn't surprise me if it actually works.
Anyway, thanks for your work, and here hoping we'll get to see Joe next time.
I implore you to read the author's note at the start of a chapter.

As for why so many interludes - Lord stated that he prefer doing it that way to show the scope of story's events and setting up plot points on things the main point of view (Joe) can't know about:

Neil's interlude letting us know of how New Wave dealing with their part of a disaster. Lauren's one showing a bunch of unruly cape teens that will stir up shit in BB. Alec's one is insight on Undersider's mental health as well as setting him up as a possible mole in a team working with Joe for the sake of common sense. And this one remind us that Emma exist and probably will cause problems on charity.

Honestly, there was no interlude that was completely irrelevant for the story and without interludes, the readers would not know about a good half of a plot lines. Also, seeing normally at best ignored and at worst flandarized by fandom characters properly fleshed out in this work is quite interesting, but that one just an opinion.
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