Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Survey's going to write her memoir after this and it's going to be filled with extremely accurate anecdotes from the lives of people who underestimated or misunderstood her team. In fact, my new headcanon is that this entire story is written by Survey after unlocking postcognitive abilites.
I'd almost be able to feel sorry for Emma and her desperate need for a truly epic reality check if she wasn't doing her absolute level best to be the stupidest person in every room while pretending she's the smartest because that is some deep personal denial of guilt and reality in general there.

I mean everyone in Worm is a broken person but you can't even blame a shard here. It's all 100% home grown petty human denial and cruelty shaped by circumstance and hardened by habit. Yikes.

Though the threads of Emma and Sophie's undoing are slowly tightening all through this interlude. Emma is jealous of Khepri and her supermodel body (which is hilarious in a very ironic and depressing way) and the youth guard are poking around Sophie. Water's about to get real hot for the both of them I think.
Its not going to be a reality check so much as a reality shatter. Her mental 'strength' is built on pillars of sand, and a metaphorical tidal wave of revelations is coming to shatter those pillars, the castle, and her being......its going to be "nom, nom, nom (licks fingers)" delicious.
If she'd known her place, backed down when she was outmatched rather than relying on Apeiron's weapons, none of this would have happened. Sure, the incompetence of the other Wards had played a part, but it was Khepri's overreach that had set everything in motion. What threw the Wards into chaos, brought down the Youth Guard, shuffled the roster, and probably made the ABB attacks ten times worse, assuming they would have happened at all.

If Khepri didn't have Apeiron around to clean up her mess, to hold her hand so she could pretend to be predator instead of prey, who knows what would have happened to the city? The prospect of the ABB as the dominant gang in a city ruled by Lung wasn't one she wanted to think about.
Seriously Sophia, you are lucky this is off the canon rails, you may survive.....god can someone open a portal and show her what Kephri did without Apeiron? I want to see her reaction.

Sheep dog syndrome." Sophia said confidently. Emma gave her a confused look and prompted her to elaborate. "He got tangled up with people weaker than him, ended up thinking he's responsible for them. So, even if he's strong enough to be an apex predator, he's wasting his time looking after prey. The Undersiders, Weld, hell, even his own team."
No Sophia, it's called having working emotions and not being a fucking bag of dicks. Like you.

Seriously did you try to kill me of laughter with this last chapter??? Because oh to be a fly on the wall if Psycho Stalker and Emma ever learn that Kephri is Taylor.
Sophia just see her as someone who got lucky by finding Apeiron meanwhile Emma thinks she is some kind of fallen model or rich girl that has her hooks on Apeiron. God imagine if they learn that Apeiron is giving Taylor such treatment because her mother was one of the few people who actually encouraged him to be better and gave an actual shit about him as a person, flaws and all. I think they would Blue Screen.
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I....did not enjoy this chapter in the slightest. it basically boils down to "Emma and Sophia insane, story at 11.". Even the interlude where Vista was going on at length about HIM, was infinitely more entertaining.
I didn't think they were even aware, every time, when Aisha's power was active (since they all would forget about her). They just send out alerts -when they realize- she exists and her power is active, which might be like, one in every ten activations.
It'll be even more hilarious when Joe upgrades her gear and it makes even the alarms forget to go off.
You can just feel Emma's insanity and PTSD.

Kinda hope Garment somehow convinces Taylor to come to the show wearing some of Garments clothing in her civilian identity. Not as a model, but just to see the show.
Then her picture gets taken.
Kick-starting Taylor's launch into supermodel stardom on complete accident due to a Crowd picture including her in it.
Emma finds out and dies a little more inside.

Great chapter, looking forward to seeing more.
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Laughing at the thought of Taylor attending and then somehow being recruited as an actual high fashion model. There's bound to be all sorts of recruiters and feelers trying for Garment.
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Emma saw flickers of frustration on Sophia's face, and she understood why. They'd been over this, the way the girl had kicked off every problem in the city by reaching beyond her station. Pretending to be something she wasn't by using borrowed strength.

If she'd known her place, backed down when she was outmatched rather than relying on Apeiron's weapons, none of this would have happened.
This is clearly motivated reasoning, but without knowing Taylor is Khepri, what is their motivation?
Literally my first thought when I read that. Imagine how worked up they would get, only to find out its a message about extending these car warranty or something.

Brought to you by Shadow Raid Legends!
Nono, the message in morse obviously has to be "You guys know this doesn't work, right?

Sophia had always been more cavalier about her prohibition
Probably someone else will go over the smaller things, but I think you meant "probation".
Great chapter
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You know, this interlude really makes me think that having super powers really just suck. Primarily due to the fact that people seem to lose sanity and/or intelligence along with other human aspects.

Using Earth Bet as a example, you see how the world pretty much is starting to collapse due to the whole Heroes vs. Villains thing that is going on. Combine that with how powers are gained by having a mental breakdown that leaves you as a fractured person does nobody any good at all. Unless they are actively trying to gain any form of help for their issues. And we thankfully have some examples although I will be pairing two together.

First is Joe, aka Apeiron! Joe honestly has the most broken power in this story thanks to the Celestial Forge. It does have a slow start up but when it hits it stride then the brakes come off the train. But if he wasn't getting help socially, the gym along with Lethe/Aisha, along with his therapist then honestly I can see him becoming the most dangerous threat to the world. He's working himself to a Good End for both himself and the World.

Second is Taylor. She has a at first unimpressive power that some might not realize how dangerous it is until they have to face it along with a creativity to capitalize it. She also started off as a low level threat only to become the key part in the defeat of Scion. But her help was from Lisa/Tattletale who did nothing to hamper her negative issues and more than likely made them worse along with the society itself not helping with them. She is becoming more broken as time goes on with no actual help for her coming. End result will be a Bad End unless Joe gets feed up with her and locks her into stasis until she gets the therapy she needs.

And finally Emma with Sophia. Sophia is pretty much so mentally screwed up that I doubt that there is any chance for helping her. Especially with how Emma and her both feedback off of each other. Emma uses Sophia as a way to measure herself into the image of a "predator" while Sophia uses Emma as a way to justify her own worldview as being right. Sophia herself at this point would probably be more then considered to be a danger to society along with the chance of being diagnosed for Anti-Social Personality Disorder. A very Good Chance at that.

Emma herself feeds off that and the great Lord did a wonderful job of showing how messed up people in that relationship are. Emma needs a shit ton of therapy to get better. No and, ifs, or buts about it. Because when/if Khepri gets unmasked then her entire worldview will collapse causing her to pretty much break.

Makes me wonder if the Youth Guard has been making the Wards see a therapist multiple times, which a situation like this would be required I would bet, and the therapist getting worried from the reactions of Shadow Stalker along with noticing some oddities within the Wards reports involving her as well as why she is/was on probation.

Cue Youth Guard doing a little digging themself about the whole thing and noticing that Sophia is in a dangerous school where a biohazard incident occurred to another girl with no "real" investigation being done thanks to the PRT.

I am assuming the PRT being heavily involved due to the nature of a Ward being possibly involved due to "complaints" done by the victim.

Although I now also wonder how Joe would react to the fact that Taylor could have died due to Sophia and Emma doing the Locker to her and killing the daughter of his favorite Professor who actually helped him.
I mean, you can kill an endbringer by hitting it with a fast enough rock, doesn't even need to be that fast. It's wog that a planet scouring hit would kill them, just not disintegrate them.
One, at sufficient velocity…
Or troll them by sending messages in Morse Code by doing the same.
"According to all known laws of aviation…"
Survey's going to write her memoir after this and it's going to be filled with extremely accurate anecdotes from the lives of people who underestimated or misunderstood her team. In fact, my new headcanon is that this entire story is written by Survey after unlocking postcognitive abilites.
"I Can Take Him!": A Tale of Capes Overestimating Their Own Abilities
pillars of sand, and a metaphorical tidal wave of revelations is coming to shatter those pillars
Too bad those pillars weren't made by Apeiron, like the ones that Accord has. Those would stand up to the tide, no problem.
This is clearly motivated reasoning, but without knowing Taylor is Khepri, what is their motivation?
For Sophia I think it might be her grudge against Grue spreading to the rest of the Undersiders and for Emma I think it might be body envy.
but one thing was undeniable. Apeiron placed a premium on beauty, and Khepri exemplified a very specific kind of beauty.
It was a topic that stung even more with the recent mention of modeling. Khepri was built like a classic supermodel, with a body for high fashion.
Khepri, the former model, or dancer, or socialite. All theories based on her body and the way she held herself. And all drawing attention to people who didn't have that kind body and confidence.
Oh the irony of it all.:facepalm:
Aaaah. Irony.

I wonder if Emma will die in her bed this time like she did in canon. Wasting away like a pathetic little bug with her every foundation torn awy.

As it is, I kinda hope that they'll just get wiped from the board this time. Neither Emma or Sophia really deserved much. Both broken, fucked up little girls. Sophia needs her shard removed and put in the asylum for a while. And Emma just needs the asylum.

So fucking broken. So fucking stupid.

Well, that bit of rage is over. But excellent characterization and little infobits tucked away.

God, Aisha is going to troll the fuck out of everyone once she learns what they'll doing in reacting to her. Heh.

Still, with her suit and weapons and her training and everything? She barely needs her power anymore.
When we do something it shows that we are strong predators, when someone else does something similar it shows that they are prey that does not know its place.
So I'm not saying you're wrong. In fact I think you're very much on the money. But making dumb stupid decisions that are against your own long term interests is a very...human thing to do.
Oh I am not going to disagree with you on that. It's just looking at different series with superheroes kinda helps to paint that picture.

DC Comics, Marvel, MHA, and so on. Makes you wonder what people are thinking if the idea of dressing in spandex and running around beating up criminals is a good idea. Spider-man at least explains himself and Captain America is a soldier first and foremost.

And even then they tend to use their powers alot while also not doing anything except arresting the villains without executing them if they have a massive bodycount, Joker from DC Comics, or banishing them from the planet.

I understand from the writers perspective that this is a way to not have to create new villains but at the same time it just makes me wonder.

Batman is obsessed, Spider-man has a guilt/martyr complex, and the All Might tried to be the Symbol of Peace that lead to a slow society collapse in Japan when he retired. I know that we in the real world have issues whether it is about abortion, gun ownership, and so own. But atleast we do try to have law enforcement trained to actually help the people.

That and not having to worry about some guy that can turn anything he touches into a bomb who decides that blowing up a office building sounds like fun. Wait. Didn't something like that happen in a superhero story already?
"Eh, why not." Sophia said, shifting back on the bed. "That's the first one with Blake Thorburn, right?"

"Yeah, back when Johnny Depp was playing him." Emma said, fitting the disk into the DVD player. She saw Sophia smile and nod. The early films might have the occasional cheap effect, but there was a reason they were classics, and the casting was a big part of that.

Young Depp as Blake Thorburn.

. . . I want to see it now.