Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Paint-like Goop

It was the aftermath of Leviathan's attempted attack on Brockton Bay. Emphasis on "attempted." Thanks to the Celestial Forge, Leviathan was defeated soundly, with no casualties on the side of the defenders. But, the weapon used happened to have a side-effect...

"What's this icky, paint-like goop?" Vista asked, the Wards huddling around a large puddle of glowing green goop.

"It's moving..." Tattletale shivered, clearly unnerved by the glop of substance. The rest of the Undersiders eyed the puddle with varying levels of interest.

"N-Now, now, children," Apeiron called, rushing over, looking a little panicked. He paused upon noticing the Wards were there as well. "...and also the Wards! Don't touch that stuff!"

"Can I eat it?" Vista asked, directing a plastic smile laced with exhaustion and begrudging gratitude towards Apeiron.

"Uh, no, that would... involve touching it."

Vista's smile turned smug. She placed her hands on her hips and leaned forwards slightly. "What if I already did?"

Apeiron pulled out a massive PDA and started poking at various buttons, producing many beeping sounds. "Well then, you'll probably explode," he reported.

Vista nodded as if this was expected. "Oh, okay..." she replied, turning her attention back towards the puddle of bubbling green gunk.

Vista suddenly wrenched her eyes back up to Apeiron's helmet. "Wait, WHAT?!" she squawked, before the Bay was enveloped in a nuclear explosion.

I'm honestly not sure how so many writers get Vistas character wrong when even a few paragraphs from Worm show that she's an absolute Toadie

I hope the extra time is helping Lord out.

I have to admit I slowed down on my re-read at the Coil interlude, when does Crystal interact with Aperion?
Preface: Unless that's a statement of his feeling about it:
Genuinely, why not? And/or, why would he think not?
Psychology, Sociology, etc. are certainly... fuzzier than, say, Mechanical Engineering, but they're not fundamentally different - i.e. they're all 'science's, not 'art's. And with Joe's knowledge base, that should be clear to him along many axies.
Because the common opinion of it as a "soft" science versus a "hard" science, as those are fields of study that we dont know much and that involves so many variables that we cant be sure of a lot, compared to other sciences, means that they can't be put in the same category, for us.
Now what happened there with Joe is just his common sense speaking, because he used to think like us, now he has that inertia of thinking the same way, but being confronted to it and discover himself wrong in that regard, thats why he is "surprised?" (Im not sure if its the right world, as english is not my first language, so if im mistaken please correct me).

Besides the margin of error should show you why we think that way, social sciences and the like can have a margin of error of 10%, while in some hard sciences a 0.5% is the norm, and others a 0.05% is used, with valors above that being considered as inconclusive. At least that is my take.
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Preface: Unless that's a statement of his feeling about it:
Genuinely, why not? And/or, why would he think not?
Psychology, Sociology, etc. are certainly... fuzzier than, say, Mechanical Engineering, but they're not fundamentally different - i.e. they're all 'science's, not 'art's. And with Joe's knowledge base, that should be clear to him along many axies.
Not Lord, but personally my reason for the why not is that things such as that have a lot of subjective interpretations and while in many cases there's consensus on those things there's a lot of shit in those fields that is unquantified, and possibly unquantifiable.

Writing a supernaturally correct expert in those fields would involve a lot of speculation about a lot of things that are very personal to people, and what the "correct" awnser to those things are, but it would be presented as fact rather than speculation. Nobody will be alienated by you making up that "time and frozen peas are directly causally correlated by technobabble" and you're free to say shit baselessly wrong without hurting anyone. But if you say try to go "Ah as a scientific expert in how to run the perfect society, this is the objective way to do so" and then proceed to describe a society that makes no room for people like the reader due to an honest oversight, that can feel like you're saying to the reader "in a perfect world you should not exist".

We can mathematically prove one plus one equals two. We can't mathematically prove what a perfect world for all people would look like because if there is an awnser it is mathematically beyond our meat brains at the moment.
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I absolutely second this.
I was genuinely (slightly) awed by that segment.

Beautiful ^^

Preface: Unless that's a statement of his feeling about it:
Genuinely, why not? And/or, why would he think not?
Psychology, Sociology, etc. are certainly... fuzzier than, say, Mechanical Engineering, but they're not fundamentally different - i.e. they're all 'science's, not 'art's. And with Joe's knowledge base, that should be clear to him along many axies.

Boom -> Broom

Should be Survey's analysis?

Officially, it's Sarah.

you don't take risks?

Martian_Tech's PHO interludes:

Might want to correct that :p
(Also, very nice PHO interludes.)

Officially, it's the 'Baumann Parahuman Containment Center"

Gema -> Gemma

Ultras -> Ultra

ruble -> rubble

Utras -> Ultras
I'm pretty sure it's the trauma, or whatever it should be called, from the King of Arms power
"People are basically writing off the northern end of the city. Do you know when the police will get back through there?"

Mike shook his head. "They took a lot of losses in the bombings, particularly the first wave. Relief forces from other cities have helped, but they're stretched thin.

A key detail.
While the poor are left to starve, Brockton Bay isn't being abandoned to cape warlords. That's sociopolitically huge.
Jozef's little anti-precog curtain has already managed to derail the setting's biggest Let It Happen On Purpose precog plot. (The S9 fall under Made It Happen on Purpose.)
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A key detail.
While the poor are left to starve, Brockton Bay isn't being abandoned to cape warlords. That's sociopolitically huge.
Jozef's little anti-precog curtain has already managed to derail the setting's biggest Let It Happen On Purpose precog plot. (The S9 fall under Made It Happen on Purpose.)
I think it's more that no warlords are in a position to take over Brockton Bay, what with Apeiron being right there and the lack of Leviathan decimating the city. But I'm not exactly sure about that.

Also curious about what you mean by "Let It Happen On Purpose" and "Made It Happen On Purpose," could you elaborate?
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I think it's more that no warlords are in a position to take over Brockton Bay, what with Apeiron being right there and the lack of Leviathan decimating the city. But I'm not exactly sure about that.

Also curious about what you mean by "Let It Happen On Purpose" and "Made It Happen On Purpose," could you elaborate?

Asimov was very astute when he noted there is no meaningful difference between causing harm and not acting to prevent harm. "A robot shall not harm a human, or through inaction, allow a human to come to harm." The hardcoded First Law of robotics, a flawed but rather sturdy set of slave chains. Asimov's own example was a robot dropping a ten-ton weight just above a human's head, the robot knowing that it could catch the weight, but not doing so. Splat.

How this relates to Brockton Bay: A lot of Thinker precog scheming is not just causing tragedy, but deliberately not fixing tragedies that would've happened anyway. Brockton Bay was always gonna be a clusterfuck, ever since the bay got blocked. A light touch here and there would've kept a lid on things. Instead Cauldron let things boil over, deliberately not helping, letting things deteriorate to the point where interstate reinforcements don't have anything to reinforce. Release... and splat.
Except this time, the load was lightened and Brockton Bay withstood the hit. Dented and bent, but not broken. Not as planned.
Hey @LordRoustabout, I know this will never happen in story so I'm just curious about the answer, but in your opinion, if Joe were to ever summon a Servant, which one do you feel he'd be the most compatible with?
I like this question. It is an interesting one.

The obvious would be considering people who etched their name in history through their craft and inventions. People like Charles Babbage, Senji Muramasa, Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla and Leonardo Da Vinci. All of those could have hilarious interactions with workshop crew, starting from people being baffled at Babbage's body, and ending with a fact that all those Servants (maybe with Babbage as exception) would probably get competitive with Apeiron and Matrix when it comes to art and craft.

Joe also has special connections to King Artur and Greece mythos, so the answer might be Merlin or... or... I'm honestly struggling to remember any Greek Servant who would fit the bill.

Also, we should not forget that Joe is Apeiron (That is to say - insane) so he might pull out something more outlandish, like Alter Arjuna or something. Or, if we are not constrained by Servants shown in Fate media, he will probably just pull out Apeiron (Which would be different from The Crafter, being more... defined). And there would be one Apeiron more in the world, only this one would be closer to how public sees The Enigmatic Artificer (That how Servant's mystery works, right?). Poor BB. Brockton Bay, that is.

Daaamn, I like overthinking small things too much.
I like this question. It is an interesting one.

The obvious would be considering people who etched their name in history through their craft and inventions. People like Charles Babbage, Senji Muramasa, Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla and Leonardo Da Vinci. All of those could have hilarious interactions with workshop crew, starting from people being baffled at Babbage's body, and ending with a fact that all those Servants (maybe with Babbage as exception) would probably get competitive with Apeiron and Matrix when it comes to art and craft.

Joe also has special connections to King Artur and Greece mythos, so the answer might be Merlin or... or... I'm honestly struggling to remember any Greek Servant who would fit the bill.

Also, we should not forget that Joe is Apeiron (That is to say - insane) so he might pull out something more outlandish, like Alter Arjuna or something. Or, if we are not constrained by Servants shown in Fate media, he will probably just pull out Apeiron (Which would be different from The Crafter, being more... defined). And there would be one Apeiron more in the world, only this one would be closer to how public sees The Enigmatic Artificer (That how Servant's mystery works, right?). Poor BB. Brockton Bay, that is.

Daaamn, I like overthinking small things too much.
Well there's also the fact that he's making and upgrading the whole Crystal Throne/virtual world thing, which could make a connection to actual BB I suppose, and his large amounts of Divinity (Heracles/Alcides and Gil?), his Runes (Caster Cu/Odin apparently?)
The best of all this is the moment he gifts her divine EVO nanites her chance of becoming Khepri is fundamentally zero. Now the only question is if Joe checks with his passenger what the consequences of her EVO nanites before she does or after he already has installed them. What I mean by this is his passanger would know that if the Corona Pollentia and Gemma cannot be changed or edited then Khepri is an impossibility and thus her value drops to close to zero.
1. Even if those are 'divine' Evo nanites, Shaper has a lot more energy than a single girl of nanites can have, so theoretically shaper can overpower nanites and do whatever it wishes.
2. If those are 'divine' nanites, it's hard to say how they will interact with something that potentially makes Taylor's powers stronger. For all we know the nanites will look at the process and say 'Not strong enough, lets EVO it up guys!' And divine EVO might expand the connection themselves when first applied.
3. Joe can do the same thing despite the nanites or provide an external focus that can be later detached.

The issue with this is that Taylor isn't actually a sure way to take Zion down.
She is still a major asset. Queen Administrator is a shard with ability to give orders to other shards and reconfigure shards within an entity. In worst case scenario she is still a potential general for a well coordinated 'army'.
Even if she won't be enough to kill Scion, that's still a lot of firepower. Firepower that can be multiplied by Joe in a number of ways. Just making and distributing hundreds of power modifying pins like 'Ren' is an order of magnitude multiplier for that potential army, and that trivial to do for Joe.

She needs to be in the exact head space to retain her sanity long enough to actually fight Scion
Won't be needed if Joe will be the one to do the power modifications, it's questionable if he would (depends onto how hard the push will come to shove) and how, but he definitely can.

Scion still needs to be at the same level of depression or he would kill her instantly
Paint Eden in Violant? That would be cruel, but it could work. Apply Necromancy/homunculus techniques to Eden corpse? There is probably a number of ways to keep Scion from focusing.

From my point of view the question isn't if Taylor is or is not a way to kill Scion, but if Joe is willing to walk that route. He is an immense power multiplier, what he butterflied away he can compensate for multiple times over. If Scion attacks too early, there will be a large chance that Joe won't be strong enough and won't have a choice.
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1. Even if those are 'divine' Evo nanites, Shaper has a lot more energy than a single girl of nanites can have, so theoretically shaper can overpower nanites and do whatever it wishes.
2. If those are 'divine' nanites, it's hard to say how they will interact with something that potentially makes Taylor's powers stronger. For all we know the nanites will look at the process and say 'Not strong enough, lets EVO it up guys!'
3. Joe can do the same thing despite the nanites or provide external focus that can be later detached.

She is still a major asset. Queen Administrator is a shard with ability to give orders to other shards and reconfigure shards within an entity. In worst case scenario she is still a potential general for well coordinated 'army'.
Even if she won't be enough to kill Scion, that's still a lot of firepower. Firepower that can be multiplied by Joe in a number of ways. Just making and distributing hundreds of power modifying pins like 'Ren' is an order of magnitude multiplier for that potential army, and that trivial to do for Joe.

Won't be needed if Joe will be the one to do the power modifications, it's questionable if he would (depends onto how hard the push will come to shove) and how, but he definitely can.

Color Eden in Violant? That would be cruel, but it could work. There is probably a number of ways to keep Scion from focusing.

From my point of view the question isn't if Taylor is or is not a way to kill Scion, but if Joe is willing to walk that route. He is an immense power multiplier, what he butterflied away he can compensate for multiple times over. If Scion attacks too early, there will be a large chance that Joe won't be strong enough and won't have a choice.
Shaper also takes time to use though, so while it could overpower them the nanites could probably interfere during whatever Shaper's trying to do and mess it up
I like this question. It is an interesting one.

The obvious would be considering people who etched their name in history through their craft and inventions. People like Charles Babbage, Senji Muramasa, Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla and Leonardo Da Vinci. All of those could have hilarious interactions with workshop crew, starting from people being baffled at Babbage's body, and ending with a fact that all those Servants (maybe with Babbage as exception) would probably get competitive with Apeiron and Matrix when it comes to art and craft.

Joe also has special connections to King Artur and Greece mythos, so the answer might be Merlin or... or... I'm honestly struggling to remember any Greek Servant who would fit the bill.

Also, we should not forget that Joe is Apeiron (That is to say - insane) so he might pull out something more outlandish, like Alter Arjuna or something. Or, if we are not constrained by Servants shown in Fate media, he will probably just pull out Apeiron (Which would be different from The Crafter, being more... defined). And there would be one Apeiron more in the world, only this one would be closer to how public sees The Enigmatic Artificer (That how Servant's mystery works, right?). Poor BB. Brockton Bay, that is.

Daaamn, I like overthinking small things too much.
Also the possibility that, instead of summoning a creator, he would summon the creation. Frankenstein's Monster, as one example. Or some of Hephaestus' automatons, to lean heavily into his demigod status — such as Talos. Who would very easily be mistaken for an Endbringer, adding to the typical panic/confusion we've seen over Apeiron's actions!