Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Except, in canon she quite literally is? She saves all of humanity. Across the entirety of the multiverse. And she's the only method we know works for sure.

So yes, she is in fact the single most important human being in existence, because without her everyone's fucked.
Yep but it fanfiction so anything can happen. And i just tried of all this fanfic with her at center, the fact that she always was bland and boring for me didnt help
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Vicky is a wonderful character
If you mean that as she's a very believable character that fits in perfectly into the setting and the rest of the cast, then sure.
If you mean that as her character is wonderful, then I want some of that shit you're smoking.

and a fantastic waifu,
A gold digger that's too headstrong and independent for being a trophy wife does not a good waifu make.

Learning that she was going to be the main character of Ward was the main reason why I lost all interest in reading that.
Learning about some of the retcons introduced in Ward (see below for a example) is why it doesn't exist for me...

Wildbow nixed aura theory in Ward because it was in deeply bad taste to imply that Amy was the victim when Victoria is the one who got cronenberg'd, mind raped, and/or sexually assaulted. It was a necessary repudiation of victim-blaming, not an objective statement on power interactions.
With how Worm was originally written, before WIldbow started to change things (some of those days I have to ask @FaerieKnight79 for his offline copy) , Amy was the victim. And has been ever since Carol tried to murder her during the Marquis takedown (yes, attempting to harm or destroy a unknown something that is protected by someone else is indeed attempted murder if that something turns out to be a person).
Trying to blame everything on Amy just so that the selfish, reckless, sexy and blonde brat looks better is so far beyond victim-blaming that I lack the words to properly describe how wrong that is.
Her actual importance in this timeline is steadily dropping every chapter.

Arguably, she's probably already passed the line of important down into hindrance at this point. Merely existing is holding Joe back from learning more about the true threats of the world. Though, in a sense, I guess that does mean she's still important in that she's keeping the story going.

It's hard to blame Joe for being super cautious, especially with vague all the vague warnings from his passenger and the sheer potential for some random power out there causing some sort of problem by being overlooked, but I'd find it very difficult to believe he couldn't for sure kill the current endbringers right now if he put serious effort into figuring out what they were.

Likewise, if he knew exactly what Zion was (which tbf, is not easy info to come by), he should be capable of making a weapon that could get to and kill his vital shards. Maybe even stealthily enough to not set him off. He's already developing in shardspace even. Forge scaling is OP.
but I'd find it very difficult to believe he couldn't for sure kill the current endbringers right now if he put serious effort into figuring out what they were.

He's noted in story himself he has several ways to kill the Endbringers right now.

The issue is he has a vague warning about doing that causing something super bad to happen and he needs to learn more about that first.

And meanwhile he's prepping for the problems revolving around his hometown and checking out what shards even are with the shardspace stuff so not the best time to focus on the bigger picture instead of what involves him personally.
The problem, as I see it, is that Joe's shard is considering a cage match between "baseline" Zion and "baseline" complete celestial forge, neither of which actually exist, and neither of which the shard is actually capable of quantifying, assuming it runs on fandom knowledge. It likely wants to make sure that all the pieces are in place for the thing that worked last time, and it wants to do so in a manner that doesn't risk the endbringers or some other s-class threat either killing a lot of people or killing a "useful" person.
Ya know, Mike definitely is one of my favorite characters in this fic, if I had to give him a letter he would be S tier with only mah man The Chubster above him in SS Tier, is always so interesting to see things from his perspective, he just seems so..... not quite what I would call a good place mentalwise, but as someone who had the resolve to take the road to be in a good place, and whenever he talks about his wife and kids you can just feel the affection even when he talks about his wife getting on his case, almost as if he was showing off, as is all kind of heartwarming, and is the same when he shows worry about his nieces. Specially after reading about Joe's case. :D
Till chapter 5 that was pretty good story, the moment you called Taylor "Delusional hypocrite" Hebert most important person in the world, you completely ruined this story for me
That comes from a place of bias. Joe's Passenger is pretty much an IV line of fanon perspective, and though the Celestial Forge is strong, it does come from a grain of truth in that she is a proven way to take down Zion. That's why Joe's passenger told him that, and unable to understand the full context of the emotional response, Joe did 1+1 and got 5. He overshot, by a lot, but it's not exactly without basis.
Till chapter 5 that was pretty good story, the moment you called Taylor "Delusional hypocrite" Hebert most important person in the world, you completely ruined this story for me
Joe's passenger is basically the embodiment of fanon, hence the inflated opinion of Taylor. You'll see this later on, but certain events will cause Joe to begin to realize that his passenger's judgment is not completely trustworthy. He won't completely dismiss his passenger's assessment, but... Well, try reading through Chapter 8, that's where one of those aforementioned events happens.
Wildbow nixed aura theory in Ward because it was in deeply bad taste to imply that Amy was the victim when Victoria is the one who got cronenberg'd, mind raped, and/or sexually assaulted. It was a necessary repudiation of victim-blaming, not an objective statement on power interactions.

The most straightforward interpretation to me is that Victoria's aura is psychoactive, but it wasn't remotely the sole cause of Amy's behavior or affections, and canon Amy is still responsible for her actions.
It didn't have to be victim-blaming though. They're both victims, of each other. There's a difference. If anything, the aura retcon having conveniently absolved Vicky to be the new protagonist of Ward as well as completely undoing the fan perception of Amy as a woobie is probably the real motivation behind Wildbow's decision. It only makes sense as much as it is convenient.
Till chapter 5 that was pretty good story, the moment you called Taylor "Delusional hypocrite" Hebert most important person in the world, you completely ruined this story for me
Joe is recieving impressions from the anthromorphization of fanon until proven otherwise. Worm is Taylor's story, she is the hero, she is the one who is destined to save the world, the one with plot armor, the one who is always in the right. She IS the most important person in the world by the conventions of conventional literature. This matters a lot because you have Joe's passenger who decided to go to Worm. It desperately wants to see a highlight reel of it's favorite moments, see it's favorite characters, their highs and their lows. Most of all it want Taylor to become Kehpri during Golden Morning and lead an army to kill Scion since that was her big moment in the original book. So no matter what happens, no matter how good Joe becomes his power is still going to be fanboying at meeting the new Worm characters and by satisfied when Cannon happens. Leviathan is coming to wreck Joe's hometown? Sucks for him, but it's on my checklist, so let's see it happen!

TLDR Joe's shard will prioritize Taylor because she was the protagonist of Worm, but she isn't the protagonist of Brockton's Celestial Forge, and Joe is building a future that doesn't require her, he just hasn't realized it.
It's hard to blame Joe for being super cautious, especially with vague all the vague warnings from his passenger and the sheer potential for some random power out there causing some sort of problem by being overlooked, but I'd find it very difficult to believe he couldn't for sure kill the current endbringers right now if he put serious effort into figuring out what they were.

Likewise, if he knew exactly what Zion was (which tbf, is not easy info to come by), he should be capable of making a weapon that could get to and kill his vital shards. Maybe even stealthily enough to not set him off. He's already developing in shardspace even. Forge scaling is OP.
WoG is Joe can already kill the Endbrings, the only issues are how much collateral damage a fight between city destroying monsters and Joe going all out there would be (a lot, which is why he's heistent to risk it) and what the fallout would be (unknown to Joe but his passenger is telling him it's bad [two new Endbrings appear to replace the one he killed ]).

WoG also confirmed Joe can kill Scion under optimal circumstances from a sneak attack right now, but would lose a direct fight. Not sure how many more perks Joe needs to turn it from ambush only to fair fight to Joe always wins because of Forge OP Hax, but Joe can already kill Scion.
It took a very specific amount of powers to get Zion killed, and Taylor was amidst in all of that both with her gathering all useful capes mastering and her applying her bullying tactics to convince Zion to let himself get killed. Taylors method is the only proven method. Is there others methods? Absolutely, however his passanger doesn't know about them because canon only happened one time. As for his power level, Zion is ridiculous strong. His power level didn't really top anywhere in the Golden Morning. It was shown that several Earths has been destroyed after battle, iirc.

The best of all this is the moment he gifts her divine EVO nanites her chance of becoming Khepri is fundamentally zero. Now the only question is if Joe checks with his passenger what the consequences of her EVO nanites before she does or after he already has installed them. What I mean by this is his passanger would know that if the Corona Pollentia and Gemma cannot be changed or edited then Khepri is an impossibility and thus her value drops to close to zero.
That comes from a place of bias. Joe's Passenger is pretty much an IV line of fanon perspective, and though the Celestial Forge is strong, it does come from a grain of truth in that she is a proven way to take down Zion. That's why Joe's passenger told him that, and unable to understand the full context of the emotional response, Joe did 1+1 and got 5. He overshot, by a lot, but it's not exactly without basis.
The issue with this is that Taylor isn't actually a sure way to take Zion down. She needs to be in the exact head space to retain her sanity long enough to actually fight Scion, Scion still needs to be at the same level of depression or he would kill her instantly (which is almost impossible now because Scion got a sample of something something particles from Joe which has probably got his interest), Doormaker and Clairvoyant have to be exactly at the right place for Taylor to use, Glaistig Uaine needs to be there for the inevitable death of Doormaker when he runs out of energy, maybe Eidolon could substitute that I guess. We need flechette alive and probably certain tinkers as well. The point is, it is pretty much impossible anyway for this situation to occur. Joe's passenger honestly just seems like a complete idiot, the Passenger's plan won't work.
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This was a fantastic chapter and had lots of high notes but I think this part is the most impactful.
If you rolled back the years to when he was still angry, fresh with outrage from Jess's death and furious at his sisters he might have felt some satisfaction in the current situation, some level of vindication. Instead, all he could see was the pain the drawn-out collapse had caused. Getting out, meeting Beth, starting his own family, away from all this, it had changed his perspective. Given him a chance to grow up. Being with people who didn't expect the worst from you, it was incredible how it could change your outlook.

Only now he was back, and finding that new outlook clashing with everything he left behind. That holding action that had been maintaining New Wave seemed to have seeped into every member of the team, locking them in place. Somehow, the fact that they hadn't changed made them seem less familiar than ever. It was like watching old home movies, only on tape that had started to wear out, leaving the image distorted.

And he was the one left to fix it. To fix everything. Something his sisters would have never trusted him with, and his brothers in law would never have expected from him. To be fair, nobody expected it from him now. He was just the only person distant from the mess to be able to move between players relatively freely. Sure, Carol was as hostile as ever, Sarah was a mess, Neil was beating himself up, the kids were missing or directionless, and Mark was his own special set of concerns, but none of that was related to him. The unresolved issues from his departure weren't worth dredging up in the face of the current crisis, leaving him as the effective intra team ambassador.

The reason I believe this is the most impactful section is that even if it was not meant to be a window into what an older Joe would be aiming for in his own relationships. While Joe has different relationship issues with his family they run in a similar vein. Joe has begun to change his perspectively forging his own family away from the pressures and toxicity of his birth family. He is growing and changing his outlook and beliefs to be able to stand up to his family which is very impressive to me. Jow is starting to have that whole worn-out image of his family as well realizing that yes they are the problem, not me. I just hope that Joe is not slotted into the position to fix everything when the Jenga tower that is his birth family starts to buckle.
This was a fantastic chapter and had lots of high notes but I think this part is the most impactful.

The reason I believe this is the most impactful section is that even if it was not meant to be a window into what an older Joe would be aiming for in his own relationships. While Joe has different relationship issues with his family they run in a similar vein. Joe has begun to change his perspectively forging his own family away from the pressures and toxicity of his birth family. He is growing and changing his outlook and beliefs to be able to stand up to his family which is very impressive to me. Jow is starting to have that whole worn-out image of his family as well realizing that yes they are the problem, not me. I just hope that Joe is not slotted into the position to fix everything when the Jenga tower that is his birth family starts to buckle.
Unlikely. The reason Mike is able to be a mediator is because he spent years away from the family. For Joe to be able to be a mediator for his, they would need to be able to view him as something other than the utter failure of a son they see him as.
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The issue with this is that it Taylor isn't actually a sure way to take Zion down. She needs to be in the exact head space to retain her sanity long enough to actually fight Scion, Scion still needs to be at the same level of depression or he would kill her instantly (which is almost impossible now because Scion got a sample of something something particles from Joe which has probably got his interest), Doormaker and Clairvoyant have to be exactly at the right place for Taylor to use, Glaistig Uaine needs to be there for the inevitable death of Doormaker when he runs out of energy, maybe Eidolon could substitute that I guess. The point is, it is pretty much impossible anyway for this situation to occur. Joe's passenger honestly just seems like a complete idiot, the Passenger's plan won't work.

Welcome to the Worm fic fandom I guess :D
Google tells me:
MORB (acronym of mid-ocean ridge basalt) is the rock (basaltic in composition) formed by eruption of magma at the oceanic spreading centers to form the oceanic crust. It is commonly porphyritic with plagioclase or more rarely olivine phenocrysts.

You mean to tell me that Earth-chan is constantly morbin' out? Impossible! :V
You mean to tell me that Earth-chan is constantly morbin' out? Impossible! :V
Considering how oceanic crust being generated means that in some other place, other oceanic crust is being pushed downward to meet the mantle and melt in the process, that means that even if Earth-chan is morb-ing, she is also unmorb-ing at the same rate. Therefore, net morbin' is zero.
Considering how oceanic crust being generated means that in some other place, other oceanic crust is being pushed downward to meet the mantle and melt in the process, that means that even if Earth-chan is morb-ing, she is also unmorb-ing at the same rate. Therefore, net morbin' is zero.
Mama Mia, net zero morbin'? Is... is that good or bad levels of morbin'? I'm afraid I have no clue.