If you rolled back the years to when he was still angry, fresh with outrage from Jess's death and furious at his sisters he might have felt some satisfaction in the current situation, some level of vindication. Instead, all he could see was the pain the drawn-out collapse had caused. Getting out, meeting Beth, starting his own family, away from all this, it had changed his perspective. Given him a chance to grow up. Being with people who didn't expect the worst from you, it was incredible how it could change your outlook.
Only now he was back, and finding that new outlook clashing with everything he left behind. That holding action that had been maintaining New Wave seemed to have seeped into every member of the team, locking them in place. Somehow, the fact that they hadn't changed made them seem less familiar than ever. It was like watching old home movies, only on tape that had started to wear out, leaving the image distorted.
And he was the one left to fix it. To fix everything. Something his sisters would have never trusted him with, and his brothers in law would never have expected from him. To be fair, nobody expected it from him now. He was just the only person distant from the mess to be able to move between players relatively freely. Sure, Carol was as hostile as ever, Sarah was a mess, Neil was beating himself up, the kids were missing or directionless, and Mark was his own special set of concerns, but none of that was related to him. The unresolved issues from his departure weren't worth dredging up in the face of the current crisis, leaving him as the effective intra team ambassador.