Bah Doobie Doobie Doo Bah Doobie Doobie DooWithin the sterling underbelly of the Protectorate Secret Base, holes open up within the ceiling. Three individuals ride in on beds, all in various states of awareness. One, in a red outfit, was instantly awake. Another, whose costume was covered in clocks, rubbed his eyes blearily as he stumbled out of his bed. The third was dead to the world. On a giant screen, a man in powered armor appeared.
"Ah, Agents Aegis, Clockblocker, and..." the man on the screen looked at the third. "Could somebody wake up Agent Kid Win, please?" An unseen helper tipped over a bucket of water placed in the rafters, which fell right onto Kid Win, jolting the poor boy into the world of the living.
"Aw, man! I just washed these sheets!" he cried, before realizing where he was and snapping into a salute.
"General Gallant, sir!" All three Agents chorused.
"Welcome, Agents. Our apologies for interrupting your sleep, but we have a critical situation." The screen showed many reports about and pictures of Agent Vista and what appeared to be a school much like Immaculata. "Agent Vista hasn't returned from her last mission. Given that this mission involved going up against that fiend, Apeiron, we're understandably concerned. Reports from undercover agents and security cameras places Agent Vista's last known location around this school. Your job is to infiltrate the place and find Agent Vista."
"Yes sir, General Gallant, sir!" Aegis barked, as he hopped on a three-person bicycle. Clockblocker hopped into his seat, and Kid Win slumped onto his. They pedaled away through a secret exit right onto the dockyard.
"You know, I'm fairly certain none of the entrances or exits to that place make geographical sense," Kid Win noted as the three-man team pedaled along. "I mean, how can we have exits in downtown and the dockyards that have roughly the same amount of travel time?"
Clockblocker shrugged. "I think it's some sort of Tinker thing." He turned back around to face Aegis, who was holding his hand out to one side. "And Aegis, it's literally the middle of the night, I don't think anybody will mind if you refrain from doing the hand signs."
"The rules of the road are to be obeyed," Aegis replied simply. Kid Win and Clockblocker sighed as they slowed to a stop at a red light. Nobody else was around.
Ape-i-ron's Aca-de-my for En-ter-pri-sing Villains~!
"Agh, cut, cut, cut! The lyrics work, but the music just doesn't match up! We'll have to workshop a new jingle."
"I think it works wonderfully, headmaster!"
"That's because of the brainwashing shampoo, my student. Don't worry, the sycophancy will wear off come morning."
"Of course, headmaster!"
"Ugh... anyways, if you three could come back next week? We'll have a proper jingle worked out by then. The money is already in your accounts!"
"Of course, sir. Have a pleasant night."
"You as well! Safe travels!"
"You know, I can't believe he seriously named it that," Kid Win said, staring bewilderingly at a sign.
"Why? Villains are always hammy like that," Clockblocker retorted. The trio began to march onto the school campus, Aegis in front, Clockblocker behind him, and Kid Win in the back.
"Well-- why would he advertise the 'evil' part?" Kid Win threw his hands up in frustration. "This place should be swarming with do-gooders with OpSec that bad!"
"Villains are quite skilled in hiding in plain sight," Aegis spoke sagely. "Come on. We'll start in the Principal's Office. If there's going to be clues around here, it'll probably be there."
After one trek through darkened hallways, the trio of Agents finally found the Principal's Office. The door was... surprisingly normal for an evil academy. As was the office itself. The three Agents immediately began to rifle through everything they could. Student schedules, emails, various other files, and desks.
"Supervillainy 101, Distractions and Death Traps, Leveraging Good Public Relations for Schemes, Proper Lair Design," Aegis rattled off the schedule in his hands. "Home Economics, Money Laundering, English Literature, and... Evil Mathematics?" Aegis crushed the schedule in his hands. "Dear god. This place is a madhouse." He whirled around to face the others. "Doubletime it! The sooner we get Vista out of this abattoir, the better!"
"Sir, yes, sir!" chorused the other two, who began to rifle through documents even faster. Unfortunately, all they were finding was more evidence of various evil going-ons, not the location of their wayward Agent. Aegis growled in frustration and slammed a fist against the wall. As if on cue, the back wall of the office sunk down, turning into a stairwell with metallic walls.
"Wow, what're the odds of that?" Kid Win asked as he jogged down the stairs, Clockblocker and Aegis not far behind.
Apeiron, EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL genius extraordinaire, looked away from his game of EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL chess and peered at his EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL computer monitor EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVILLY. On it was a notification that the do-gooders had infiltrated his EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL secret base beneath his well-disguised EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL academy for EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL villainy.
"Blast it all," he lamented EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVILLY, slapping his palm against his EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL helmet. "I knew I should've implemented an actual security system instead of just hoping that people wouldn't hit that specific section of the wall! But... hmm... maybe I can make use of this."
Apeiron, stroking his chin EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVILLY, turned EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVILLY to a young blonde girl in an EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL catholic-style school uniform, with a tasteful cursive "A" on the breast pocket. "Vista, my student, would you be so kind as to round up your former associates? The school could use some more students."
Vista giggled. "Of course, headmaster! I'll be right back!" She skipped away, humming a cheerful discordant tune to herself.
"Hmm." Apeiron hummed EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVILLY. "I should probably make some modifications to the uniform effects. Make it so that they make the afflicted less... Bonesaw-esque."
"Hey!" Squawked the girl in question, who was busy preparing her curriculum for the science classes, which mostly focused on dissecting heroes.
"I mean no offense, Bonesaw, but you really must admit that you unnerve people. Nobody likes creepy school kids, it's just uncomfortable. Sort of like zombie babies, or cannibals."
The three Agents rushed through the metallic halls, following the conveniently placed signs towards the holding cells, the most likely location of their missing friend. A left, then a right, then straight ahead, then right again, then left, then left, then left, then left, then left, then left, then left, then left...
"Clockblocker, Kid Win?" Aegis asked, not slowing down at all.
"Yes, sir?" replied both junior Agents.
"Do either of you get the feeling that we're going in circles?"
Kid Win poked at a bunch of buttons on his gauntlet. A floating screen appeared, showing a glowing orange circle, a step count, and the number of calories burned. "According to my built-in fitness app, we have been going in circles. We're at about seven-and-a-half laps, sir."
"How many miles?"
"About .35 miles, sir."
"Ehahahahaha~!" A girlish cackle echoed through the halls, prompting the Agents to come to a halt. "That's pretty good! Although, I would think our campus's state-of-the-art gym would be a much better place to get your steps in!" The walls warped, a hallway appearing just long enough to let a short blonde girl step into view before disappearing again. She wore a dark overcoat and a plaid skirt. A tasteful cursive "A" was on the breast pocket.
"Vista?!" Squawked all three Agents, rattled by the vacant smile and empty eyes of their comrade. "What happened to you?" Kid Win asked, stepping forward only to be held back by Aegis.
"I... realized that I was wrong," Vista began, cantering towards them. "So much hate and anger directed at someone who really didn't deserve it."
"What're you..." Clockblocker began.
"He's really trying to make things better. Headmaster Apeiron, that is."
"He's a villain, Vista! You know this!" Aegis barked.
"Ehahahahahahahaaaa~! Is he, though? What has he done, sell a few knives, get Panacea thrown in M/S while trying to heal her? Sure, sure, but in comparison to everything else he's done, that's small stuff." Something approaching life entered Vista's vacant eyes as she took on a fighter's stance. The world warped and morphed in ways it wasn't meant to. "Soon enough, you'll come around! You can't run away from reality, you know! I'll teach you the truth you already know~!"
Vista pounced like a hungry jungle cat. "GLORY TO OUR SAVIOR--"
"AAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" Missy Byron catapulted upright, furiously trying to get whatever was restraining her off--
Missy fell off of her bed and landed on the floor. The jolt of pain stunned her, and forced her to take in her surroundings. That was her ceiling she was seeing. She was in her room. The thing tangled around her like so many boa constrictors was nothing more than her blanket. Panting like she had run a marathon, Missy struggled her way out of the blanket, her hands shaky from adrenaline.
God, she was so damned sweaty. Eugh...
And that nightmare...
Missy shook her head furiously and slapped her hands against her cheeks. No, no, it was a nightmare, that was all it was. Nothing but the ramblings of her mind. They didn't mean anything. HE was a blight on this city, just biding HIS time until HIS schemes could come to fruition. There was no way that HE could be anything other than that.
Missy gulped and turned to face her closet doors. She peered through the darkness at her open closet door.
It was only a nightmare... right?
Something moved within her closet door, and before she even realized that she was moving, Missy slammed the door shut. She gasped and turned away. With shaking, trembling hands, she opened her window just a crack, stretched and squashed space, and ran off into the night to clear her head.
She didn't want to go back to sleep.
I hope you enjoyed! This honestly just turned itself into some sort of analysis of Vista's subconscious doubts on its own. I don't think it's as good as its predecessor, but hopefully, it's enjoyable nonetheless.
Very nice omake, however, you didn't have aperion say "a parahuman?... Vista the parahuman!" So you can't get the full 10 out of 10.Bah Doobie Doobie Doo Bah Doobie Doobie DooWithin the sterling underbelly of the Protectorate Secret Base, holes open up within the ceiling. Three individuals ride in on beds, all in various states of awareness. One, in a red outfit, was instantly awake. Another, whose costume was covered in clocks, rubbed his eyes blearily as he stumbled out of his bed. The third was dead to the world. On a giant screen, a man in powered armor appeared.
"Ah, Agents Aegis, Clockblocker, and..." the man on the screen looked at the third. "Could somebody wake up Agent Kid Win, please?" An unseen helper tipped over a bucket of water placed in the rafters, which fell right onto Kid Win, jolting the poor boy into the world of the living.
"Aw, man! I just washed these sheets!" he cried, before realizing where he was and snapping into a salute.
"General Gallant, sir!" All three Agents chorused.
"Welcome, Agents. Our apologies for interrupting your sleep, but we have a critical situation." The screen showed many reports about and pictures of Agent Vista and what appeared to be a school much like Immaculata. "Agent Vista hasn't returned from her last mission. Given that this mission involved going up against that fiend, Apeiron, we're understandably concerned. Reports from undercover agents and security cameras places Agent Vista's last known location around this school. Your job is to infiltrate the place and find Agent Vista."
"Yes sir, General Gallant, sir!" Aegis barked, as he hopped on a three-person bicycle. Clockblocker hopped into his seat, and Kid Win slumped onto his. They pedaled away through a secret exit right onto the dockyard.
"You know, I'm fairly certain none of the entrances or exits to that place make geographical sense," Kid Win noted as the three-man team pedaled along. "I mean, how can we have exits in downtown and the dockyards that have roughly the same amount of travel time?"
Clockblocker shrugged. "I think it's some sort of Tinker thing." He turned back around to face Aegis, who was holding his hand out to one side. "And Aegis, it's literally the middle of the night, I don't think anybody will mind if you refrain from doing the hand signs."
"The rules of the road are to be obeyed," Aegis replied simply. Kid Win and Clockblocker sighed as they slowed to a stop at a red light. Nobody else was around.
Ape-i-ron's Aca-de-my for En-ter-pri-sing Villains~!
"Agh, cut, cut, cut! The lyrics work, but the music just doesn't match up! We'll have to workshop a new jingle."
"I think it works wonderfully, headmaster!"
"That's because of the brainwashing shampoo, my student. Don't worry, the sycophancy will wear off come morning."
"Of course, headmaster!"
"Ugh... anyways, if you three could come back next week? We'll have a proper jingle worked out by then. The money is already in your accounts!"
"Of course, sir. Have a pleasant night."
"You as well! Safe travels!"
"You know, I can't believe he seriously named it that," Kid Win said, staring bewilderingly at a sign.
"Why? Villains are always hammy like that," Clockblocker retorted. The trio began to march onto the school campus, Aegis in front, Clockblocker behind him, and Kid Win in the back.
"Well-- why would he advertise the 'evil' part?" Kid Win threw his hands up in frustration. "This place should be swarming with do-gooders with OpSec that bad!"
"Villains are quite skilled in hiding in plain sight," Aegis spoke sagely. "Come on. We'll start in the Principal's Office. If there's going to be clues around here, it'll probably be there."
After one trek through darkened hallways, the trio of Agents finally found the Principal's Office. The door was... surprisingly normal for an evil academy. As was the office itself. The three Agents immediately began to rifle through everything they could. Student schedules, emails, various other files, and desks.
"Supervillainy 101, Distractions and Death Traps, Leveraging Good Public Relations for Schemes, Proper Lair Design," Aegis rattled off the schedule in his hands. "Home Economics, Money Laundering, English Literature, and... Evil Mathematics?" Aegis crushed the schedule in his hands. "Dear god. This place is a madhouse." He whirled around to face the others. "Doubletime it! The sooner we get Vista out of this abattoir, the better!"
"Sir, yes, sir!" chorused the other two, who began to rifle through documents even faster. Unfortunately, all they were finding was more evidence of various evil going-ons, not the location of their wayward Agent. Aegis growled in frustration and slammed a fist against the wall. As if on cue, the back wall of the office sunk down, turning into a stairwell with metallic walls.
"Wow, what're the odds of that?" Kid Win asked as he jogged down the stairs, Clockblocker and Aegis not far behind.
Apeiron, EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL genius extraordinaire, looked away from his game of EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL chess and peered at his EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL computer monitor EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVILLY. On it was a notification that the do-gooders had infiltrated his EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL secret base beneath his well-disguised EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL academy for EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL villainy.
"Blast it all," he lamented EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVILLY, slapping his palm against his EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL helmet. "I knew I should've implemented an actual security system instead of just hoping that people wouldn't hit that specific section of the wall! But... hmm... maybe I can make use of this."
Apeiron, stroking his chin EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVILLY, turned EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVILLY to a young blonde girl in an EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL catholic-style school uniform, with a tasteful cursive "A" on the breast pocket. "Vista, my student, would you be so kind as to round up your former associates? The school could use some more students."
Vista giggled. "Of course, headmaster! I'll be right back!" She skipped away, humming a cheerful discordant tune to herself.
"Hmm." Apeiron hummed EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVILLY. "I should probably make some modifications to the uniform effects. Make it so that they make the afflicted less... Bonesaw-esque."
"Hey!" Squawked the girl in question, who was busy preparing her curriculum for the science classes, which mostly focused on dissecting heroes.
"I mean no offense, Bonesaw, but you really must admit that you unnerve people. Nobody likes creepy school kids, it's just uncomfortable. Sort of like zombie babies, or cannibals."
The three Agents rushed through the metallic halls, following the conveniently placed signs towards the holding cells, the most likely location of their missing friend. A left, then a right, then straight ahead, then right again, then left, then left, then left, then left, then left, then left, then left, then left...
"Clockblocker, Kid Win?" Aegis asked, not slowing down at all.
"Yes, sir?" replied both junior Agents.
"Do either of you get the feeling that we're going in circles?"
Kid Win poked at a bunch of buttons on his gauntlet. A floating screen appeared, showing a glowing orange circle, a step count, and the number of calories burned. "According to my built-in fitness app, we have been going in circles. We're at about seven-and-a-half laps, sir."
"How many miles?"
"About .35 miles, sir."
"Ehahahahaha~!" A girlish cackle echoed through the halls, prompting the Agents to come to a halt. "That's pretty good! Although, I would think our campus's state-of-the-art gym would be a much better place to get your steps in!" The walls warped, a hallway appearing just long enough to let a short blonde girl step into view before disappearing again. She wore a dark overcoat and a plaid skirt. A tasteful cursive "A" was on the breast pocket.
"Vista?!" Squawked all three Agents, rattled by the vacant smile and empty eyes of their comrade. "What happened to you?" Kid Win asked, stepping forward only to be held back by Aegis.
"I... realized that I was wrong," Vista began, cantering towards them. "So much hate and anger directed at someone who really didn't deserve it."
"What're you..." Clockblocker began.
"He's really trying to make things better. Headmaster Apeiron, that is."
"He's a villain, Vista! You know this!" Aegis barked.
"Ehahahahahahahaaaa~! Is he, though? What has he done, sell a few knives, get Panacea thrown in M/S while trying to heal her? Sure, sure, but in comparison to everything else he's done, that's small stuff." Something approaching life entered Vista's vacant eyes as she took on a fighter's stance. The world warped and morphed in ways it wasn't meant to. "Soon enough, you'll come around! You can't run away from reality, you know! I'll teach you the truth you already know~!"
Vista pounced like a hungry jungle cat. "GLORY TO OUR SAVIOR--"
"AAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" Missy Byron catapulted upright, furiously trying to get whatever was restraining her off--
Missy fell off of her bed and landed on the floor. The jolt of pain stunned her, and forced her to take in her surroundings. That was her ceiling she was seeing. She was in her room. The thing tangled around her like so many boa constrictors was nothing more than her blanket. Panting like she had run a marathon, Missy struggled her way out of the blanket, her hands shaky from adrenaline.
God, she was so damned sweaty. Eugh...
And that nightmare...
Missy shook her head furiously and slapped her hands against her cheeks. No, no, it was a nightmare, that was all it was. Nothing but the ramblings of her mind. They didn't mean anything. HE was a blight on this city, just biding HIS time until HIS schemes could come to fruition. There was no way that HE could be anything other than that.
Missy gulped and turned to face her closet doors. She peered through the darkness at her open closet door.
It was only a nightmare... right?
Something moved within her closet door, and before she even realized that she was moving, Missy slammed the door shut. She gasped and turned away. With shaking, trembling hands, she opened her window just a crack, stretched and squashed space, and ran off into the night to clear her head.
She didn't want to go back to sleep.
I hope you enjoyed! This honestly just turned itself into some sort of analysis of Vista's subconscious doubts on its own. I don't think it's as good as its predecessor, but hopefully, it's enjoyable nonetheless.
Hmm... yes, a missed opportunity. Unfortunately, the only place saying that would've made sense was the prequel to this Omake, where I also missed that gag. Truly, I have failed.Very nice omake, however, you didn't have aperion say "a parahuman?... Vista the parahuman!" So you can't get the full 10 out of 10.
I think Ageis can be stretched out like Perry. So that is an idea you can use. Also Omake was great!Bah Doobie Doobie Doo Bah Doobie Doobie DooWithin the sterling underbelly of the Protectorate Secret Base, holes open up within the ceiling. Three individuals ride in on beds, all in various states of awareness. One, in a red outfit, was instantly awake. Another, whose costume was covered in clocks, rubbed his eyes blearily as he stumbled out of his bed. The third was dead to the world. On a giant screen, a man in powered armor appeared.
"Ah, Agents Aegis, Clockblocker, and..." the man on the screen looked at the third. "Could somebody wake up Agent Kid Win, please?" An unseen helper tipped over a bucket of water placed in the rafters, which fell right onto Kid Win, jolting the poor boy into the world of the living.
"Aw, man! I just washed these sheets!" he cried, before realizing where he was and snapping into a salute.
"General Gallant, sir!" All three Agents chorused.
"Welcome, Agents. Our apologies for interrupting your sleep, but we have a critical situation." The screen showed many reports about and pictures of Agent Vista and what appeared to be a school much like Immaculata. "Agent Vista hasn't returned from her last mission. Given that this mission involved going up against that fiend, Apeiron, we're understandably concerned. Reports from undercover agents and security cameras places Agent Vista's last known location around this school. Your job is to infiltrate the place and find Agent Vista."
"Yes sir, General Gallant, sir!" Aegis barked, as he hopped on a three-person bicycle. Clockblocker hopped into his seat, and Kid Win slumped onto his. They pedaled away through a secret exit right onto the dockyard.
"You know, I'm fairly certain none of the entrances or exits to that place make geographical sense," Kid Win noted as the three-man team pedaled along. "I mean, how can we have exits in downtown and the dockyards that have roughly the same amount of travel time?"
Clockblocker shrugged. "I think it's some sort of Tinker thing." He turned back around to face Aegis, who was holding his hand out to one side. "And Aegis, it's literally the middle of the night, I don't think anybody will mind if you refrain from doing the hand signs."
"The rules of the road are to be obeyed," Aegis replied simply. Kid Win and Clockblocker sighed as they slowed to a stop at a red light. Nobody else was around.
Ape-i-ron's Aca-de-my for En-ter-pri-sing Villains~!
"Agh, cut, cut, cut! The lyrics work, but the music just doesn't match up! We'll have to workshop a new jingle."
"I think it works wonderfully, headmaster!"
"That's because of the brainwashing shampoo, my student. Don't worry, the sycophancy will wear off come morning."
"Of course, headmaster!"
"Ugh... anyways, if you three could come back next week? We'll have a proper jingle worked out by then. The money is already in your accounts!"
"Of course, sir. Have a pleasant night."
"You as well! Safe travels!"
"You know, I can't believe he seriously named it that," Kid Win said, staring bewilderingly at a sign.
"Why? Villains are always hammy like that," Clockblocker retorted. The trio began to march onto the school campus, Aegis in front, Clockblocker behind him, and Kid Win in the back.
"Well-- why would he advertise the 'evil' part?" Kid Win threw his hands up in frustration. "This place should be swarming with do-gooders with OpSec that bad!"
"Villains are quite skilled in hiding in plain sight," Aegis spoke sagely. "Come on. We'll start in the Principal's Office. If there's going to be clues around here, it'll probably be there."
After one trek through darkened hallways, the trio of Agents finally found the Principal's Office. The door was... surprisingly normal for an evil academy. As was the office itself. The three Agents immediately began to rifle through everything they could. Student schedules, emails, various other files, and desks.
"Supervillainy 101, Distractions and Death Traps, Leveraging Good Public Relations for Schemes, Proper Lair Design," Aegis rattled off the schedule in his hands. "Home Economics, Money Laundering, English Literature, and... Evil Mathematics?" Aegis crushed the schedule in his hands. "Dear god. This place is a madhouse." He whirled around to face the others. "Doubletime it! The sooner we get Vista out of this abattoir, the better!"
"Sir, yes, sir!" chorused the other two, who began to rifle through documents even faster. Unfortunately, all they were finding was more evidence of various evil going-ons, not the location of their wayward Agent. Aegis growled in frustration and slammed a fist against the wall. As if on cue, the back wall of the office sunk down, turning into a stairwell with metallic walls.
"Wow, what're the odds of that?" Kid Win asked as he jogged down the stairs, Clockblocker and Aegis not far behind.
Apeiron, EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL genius extraordinaire, looked away from his game of EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL chess and peered at his EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL computer monitor EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVILLY. On it was a notification that the do-gooders had infiltrated his EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL secret base beneath his well-disguised EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL academy for EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL villainy.
"Blast it all," he lamented EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVILLY, slapping his palm against his EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL helmet. "I knew I should've implemented an actual security system instead of just hoping that people wouldn't hit that specific section of the wall! But... hmm... maybe I can make use of this."
Apeiron, stroking his chin EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVILLY, turned EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVILLY to a young blonde girl in an EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL catholic-style school uniform, with a tasteful cursive "A" on the breast pocket. "Vista, my student, would you be so kind as to round up your former associates? The school could use some more students."
Vista giggled. "Of course, headmaster! I'll be right back!" She skipped away, humming a cheerful discordant tune to herself.
"Hmm." Apeiron hummed EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVILLY. "I should probably make some modifications to the uniform effects. Make it so that they make the afflicted less... Bonesaw-esque."
"Hey!" Squawked the girl in question, who was busy preparing her curriculum for the science classes, which mostly focused on dissecting heroes.
"I mean no offense, Bonesaw, but you really must admit that you unnerve people. Nobody likes creepy school kids, it's just uncomfortable. Sort of like zombie babies, or cannibals."
The three Agents rushed through the metallic halls, following the conveniently placed signs towards the holding cells, the most likely location of their missing friend. A left, then a right, then straight ahead, then right again, then left, then left, then left, then left, then left, then left, then left, then left...
"Clockblocker, Kid Win?" Aegis asked, not slowing down at all.
"Yes, sir?" replied both junior Agents.
"Do either of you get the feeling that we're going in circles?"
Kid Win poked at a bunch of buttons on his gauntlet. A floating screen appeared, showing a glowing orange circle, a step count, and the number of calories burned. "According to my built-in fitness app, we have been going in circles. We're at about seven-and-a-half laps, sir."
"How many miles?"
"About .35 miles, sir."
"Ehahahahaha~!" A girlish cackle echoed through the halls, prompting the Agents to come to a halt. "That's pretty good! Although, I would think our campus's state-of-the-art gym would be a much better place to get your steps in!" The walls warped, a hallway appearing just long enough to let a short blonde girl step into view before disappearing again. She wore a dark overcoat and a plaid skirt. A tasteful cursive "A" was on the breast pocket.
"Vista?!" Squawked all three Agents, rattled by the vacant smile and empty eyes of their comrade. "What happened to you?" Kid Win asked, stepping forward only to be held back by Aegis.
"I... realized that I was wrong," Vista began, cantering towards them. "So much hate and anger directed at someone who really didn't deserve it."
"What're you..." Clockblocker began.
"He's really trying to make things better. Headmaster Apeiron, that is."
"He's a villain, Vista! You know this!" Aegis barked.
"Ehahahahahahahaaaa~! Is he, though? What has he done, sell a few knives, get Panacea thrown in M/S while trying to heal her? Sure, sure, but in comparison to everything else he's done, that's small stuff." Something approaching life entered Vista's vacant eyes as she took on a fighter's stance. The world warped and morphed in ways it wasn't meant to. "Soon enough, you'll come around! You can't run away from reality, you know! I'll teach you the truth you already know~!"
Vista pounced like a hungry jungle cat. "GLORY TO OUR SAVIOR--"
"AAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" Missy Byron catapulted upright, furiously trying to get whatever was restraining her off--
Missy fell off of her bed and landed on the floor. The jolt of pain stunned her, and forced her to take in her surroundings. That was her ceiling she was seeing. She was in her room. The thing tangled around her like so many boa constrictors was nothing more than her blanket. Panting like she had run a marathon, Missy struggled her way out of the blanket, her hands shaky from adrenaline.
God, she was so damned sweaty. Eugh...
And that nightmare...
Missy shook her head furiously and slapped her hands against her cheeks. No, no, it was a nightmare, that was all it was. Nothing but the ramblings of her mind. They didn't mean anything. HE was a blight on this city, just biding HIS time until HIS schemes could come to fruition. There was no way that HE could be anything other than that.
Missy gulped and turned to face her closet doors. She peered through the darkness at her open closet door.
It was only a nightmare... right?
Something moved within her closet door, and before she even realized that she was moving, Missy slammed the door shut. She gasped and turned away. With shaking, trembling hands, she opened her window just a crack, stretched and squashed space, and ran off into the night to clear her head.
She didn't want to go back to sleep.
I hope you enjoyed! This honestly just turned itself into some sort of analysis of Vista's subconscious doubts on its own. I don't think it's as good as its predecessor, but hopefully, it's enjoyable nonetheless.
Enjoyable and really showing how messed up Missy is in a sense.Bah Doobie Doobie Doo Bah Doobie Doobie Doo
I hope you enjoyed! This honestly just turned itself into some sort of analysis of Vista's subconscious doubts on its own. I don't think it's as good as its predecessor, but hopefully, it's enjoyable nonetheless.
I know that this is not cannon but missy needs counseling on her obsession with Apeiron. Though I think Apeiron would have a blast in Phineas and Ferb, it is a toss up on if he decides to stay a villain a very hammy villain with silly gadgets for entertainment. Or, he could be the guy who shows the kids how you really build a super bouncy house, with cup holders and a handy dandy dimensional shifting packaging. It would be great.
Link please? That sounds amazing.Thus was amusing, almost as good as the the fic that had Skidmark as a lazy undercover mastermind because he secretly had the largest collection of thinkers on the east coast cuz the majority of high level thinkers get the info "world fucked and we're all gonna die soon" in some form or another so they run to the Merchants to get as high as possible to not have to think or THINK anymore...
The Only Constants In This World Are Death And Taxation.
Portraying IRS agents as nigh-unstoppable eldritch horrors is funny to me. Also, @LordRoustabout, you missed this omake quoted below. If you could threadmark it I'd appreciate it.
Skidmark manages to keep his gang on a level with the ABB (only gang with a cape confirmed capable of soloing an Endbringer), E88 (suspiciously well-funded and flush with capes, even considering their international connections), Coil (who never seems to lose), and the PRT/Protectorate (featuring Captain Efficiency, Lady All-the-dakka, and lead by the only person skilled enough to legitimately fight their way out of Ellisburg). All while completely out of his skull on drugs.Thus was amusing, almost as good as the the fic that had Skidmark as a lazy undercover mastermind because he secretly had the largest collection of thinkers on the east coast cuz the majority of high level thinkers get the info "world fucked and we're all gonna die soon" in some form or another so they run to the Merchants to get as high as possible to not have to think or THINK anymore...
I was thinking of the Backrooms when this was happening, yeah! And also how stupid Lisa was being for not heading the HC SVNT DRACONES vibes. The Backrooms are a nightmare - one that cannot be woken from. Good job! :3"hey, you know that Backrooms thing? What if Joe's closet was that?"
The story you're looking for is
Taylor noted that they had a fully fleshed out plan that they were willing to go with before they even met with Apeiron.I find it weird to fault Joe for Dinah's situation. I get being angry but the fault 100% lies with Coil there. Plus, the Undersiders (mainly Lisa since she's the only one who'd have known/figured out the purpose of the bank robbery). The distraction was literally gonna happen with or without the weapons
He has considered nanite ammunition before. Consider a nanite payload that the Matrix uses to build a giant robot by the time it reaches Coil.Coil: At least he isn't using a giant robot like in the other timeline.
I first thought of The Scarlet Letter at the cursive A. Took me an embarrassingly long time, a couple of paragraphs, before I made the connection to Apeiron.Apeiron, stroking his chin EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVILLY, turned EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVILLY to a young blonde girl in an EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL catholic-style school uniform, with a tasteful cursive "A" on the breast pocket. "Vista, my student, would you be so kind as to round up your former associates? The school could use some more students."
I think you meant "depicted".New Wave was, if anything, in an even worse state than the city as a whole. He had never seen them this bad. Not even after Jess's death. It was easy to understand how the PRT had assigned so much concern to Apeiron's actions. If New Wave really was the stalwart and resilient group they depleted themselves as and had been brought so low so easily then it would have indicated a very powerful cape at work.
Wait, did Amy actually call him? I vaguely recall her being surprised when he showed up?If Amy hadn't called him, would he have come back on his own? Taken up the requests for aid and offered to help?
depleted -> depictedIf New Wave really was the stalwart and resilient group they depleted themselves as and had been brought so low so easily then it would have indicated a very powerful cape at work.
cherry -> cheeryHis niece's voice was cherry and hopeful, but he could see Carol shared none of those feelings.
Remember the PRT is screening Amy for Master influence, Master influence from GG. They are probably trying to check if Mark has been Mastered as well. Of course Carol being Carol already looks like she was Mastered by GG.Goddamn it Carol, if your trying to lay blame of PanPan for your husbands depression...