Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

On a more realistic note this interlude is a great reminder that this s Worm and that giving people super powers, while making them powerful, doesn't actually let them solve their problems.

On a joking note, Chubster is going to be going through the Brockton Bay cape roster desperately trying to find a single non-overpowered, esoteric, or S class cape, come across someone who's power is "controllable Ash Beast" and just give up on the city.
The travellers are just visiting.
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... I believe my theory about my decision on reading the chapter or not holds weight, I was reading a different fic as I got off work early and forgot to read this as soon as it dropped. Was about to go to bed when I remembered it was Wednesday. Good thing I did not decide to read it in the morning, lord might of actually delayed instead of giving us a mere 4k words.
People didn't open up to him like this. His family certainly didn't. But somehow he had become the stable one who everyone could talk to.
Aaannnd Mike joins Alec, Aisha, Dennis and Assault in people who can be relied upon.

"For Amy? Definitely. Nobody's happy with the way Carol's handling things on that front." Mike explained.
New Wave was hailed as a team with good use of precise use of force and careful coordination with Sarah and Carol as leaders, but now will Carol handle all that against her. I'm sure she doesn't appreciate the irony.

Thank you for the chapter. I'm grateful for your hard work. It may not be the conversation I was waiting for but it was nonetheless a good one.
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Pretty sure you have this backwards. Also there'd be some seriously weird shit going on for Amy to give birth to her own father who was apparently originally a woman.
Sorry, was typing in the middle of the road. Now I wish I was hit by an actual car instead of the proverbial one.
Aaannnd Mike joins Alec, Aisha and Dennis in people who can be relied upon.
Poor Assault. It's almost as though people have forgotten that he's pretty much Amy's confidante at the moment.
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God. Carol really is the Umbridge of Worm.

If she is turning things around, blaming Amy for everything wrong... it is just typical of her own insanity and insecurity.

Honestly? Carol turned into her own Triggerer through all of this. Nothing but a hostage taker in many ways.

And while, yes, she said she wouldn't be a good parent when she told Sarah about taking Amy... it doesn't excuse her actions and neglect and emotional abuse she has heaped on Amy(AND Vicky! AAaand everyone else) over the years. Especially since she triggered.

The fact that Wibbles made Carol right in Ward is the worst thing about it too. He basically has characters in that utterly agree that Carol was right all along... when she was nothing more then a broken Karen who needed Therapy and Mental Help and refused to give it.

Vicky triggered from neglect herself, and the need for 'Look at me, Mom! I'm special too!' when Carol was utterly ignoring her. And her power made it so Carol would never ignore her again.

Sigh. Trigger Theory and everything around it is such a hostile environment because of Wibbles and his backpeddling and fandom bashing and how he used Amy and Vicky in Ward.

Honestly? Being taken away from New Wave and put somewhere else where she can actually use her powers creatively as well as help people would be a good thing. No Vicky becoming the Wretch. No Amy becoming the Red Queen. It all just devolves down into how fucking horrible a person Carol Dallon actually is. And how bad a parent.

She is broken, but that doesn't change her choices and her culpability for them. At this point, Amy is utterly innocent. Hopefully someone sane will step in to ensure that Amy gets the help she needs and is taken to a place where she can be happy.

As for New Wave's meeting? God, this is going to end in fire. Especially if Carol continues to be Carol.

The surprised Pikachu Face she makes when Flashbang takes her head off with a grenade would be... satisfying.
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Sorry, was typing in the middle of the road. Now I wish I was hit by an actual car instead of the proverbial one.

Poor Assault. It's almost as though people have forgotten that he's pretty much Amy's confidante at the moment.
You saw nothing. ^^

Apeiron may have cowed the big fish, but there were plenty of little problems that could make life hell for the people of the city.
I find it interesting to know that Mike isn't feeling an undercurrent of anger towards Apeiron. Then again he's from outside the city and having an unique view of how many bombs New Wave has been holding.

And Mark had been patrolling nightly since the Ungodly Hour. Granted, it wasn't entirely inside the zone, but the northern edge was hardly more accessible, at least before Armsmaster and Dragon had managed to clear another corridor at the eastern edge.
I can't help but wonder if it would help if Apeiron would make his offer public to clear the blackout zone. He can't now with Bakuda's deadman switch but after he has cracked it. Or is it that he can't with Coil hanging over the situation?
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Getting out, meeting Beth, starting his own family, away from all this, it had changed his perspective. Given him a chance to grow up. Being with people who didn't expect the worst from you, it was incredible how it could change your outlook.
Only now he was back, and finding that new outlook clashing with everything he left behind. That holding action that had been maintaining New Wave seemed to have seeped into every member of the team, locking them in place. Somehow, the fact that they hadn't changed made them seem less familiar than ever. It was like watching old home movies, only on tape that had started to wear out, leaving the image distorted.
And he was the one left to fix it. To fix everything. Something his sisters would have never trusted him with, and his brothers in law would never have expected from him.
Wait a second…
More seriously, the parallels are striking. Except poor Mike doesn't have OP protagonist powers giving him constant confirmation and mental fortitude.
I can't help but wonder if it would help if Apeiron would make his offer public to clear the blackout zone. He can't now with Bakuda's deadman switch but after he has cracked it. Or is it that he can't with Coil hanging over the situation?

Well, it would require a full scale operation, probably. With Matrix flying through the zone sucking up the energy or something. And that would cause a panic and without PRT consent... they'd just mob him.

And Piggot will never work with Apeiron after what he has done to her career. She needs to be removed, but shit is still shit right now and people are waiting for the next bomb to drop.

So who knows. Maybe Emily would actually bend the neck enough to accept it. But she'd need to actually take responsibility for how badly she fucked up.
Well, it would require a full scale operation, probably. With Matrix flying through the zone sucking up the energy or something.
I think he could get away with just making it rain, literally? Like I know that water degrades the long order particle matrix that causes the issue with tech so he might be able to enchant an item to make it a rainbringer.
The aura being a master effect is fanon used in this right. I remember that canonically the aura had no long term effects and use of it gets lesser at long-term use. Also it doesn't allow control of people, its short term emotional control for impacts in a large area.
The aura being a master effect is fanon used in this right. I remember that canonically the aura had no long term effects and use of it gets lesser at long-term use. Also it doesn't allow control of people, its short term emotional control for impacts in a large area.

Depends on who you ask. The Purists, the Realists, or the Waifu Shippers.

Considering the main PoV we have on the Aura and its effects is from Vicky herself in Ward? And how badly things were edited to fuck up the fandom because Wibbles hates himself?

But then, Ward Vicky had much better control.

As it is, saying it wasn't a master effect doesn't change the fact of what it does. Both in description and in neurological chemistry.

If Lord is making it full on an addictive effect? Well, its his story. Wibbles can go fuck himself.

Vicky is a wonderful character and a fantastic waifu, yes. And she gets white knighted a lot. And she got turned into Wildbow's special snowflake in Ward because hey... fuck the fans, right? Eh. Whatever you want to believe. But the author is always in charge of how things are.

We'll see how far Lord is going to take the Aura theory and the effects it has after the PRT conclude testing. But, at this point? They might Railroad Vicky the same way they did Canary.
The aura being a master effect is fanon used in this right. I remember that canonically the aura had no long term effects and use of it gets lesser at long-term use. Also it doesn't allow control of people, its short term emotional control for impacts in a large area.
Wildbow claiming that constant low level emotional manipulation doesn't have any long term effects is about as valid as them claiming that water isn't wet. It's too illogical to take seriously.
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Wildbow saying that constant low level emotional manipulation doesn't have a long term effects is about as valid as them claiming that water isn't wet. It's too illogical to take seriously.
Pretty much the in-universe logic LR used in this fic, yeah. To loosely quote, "You can get depression from spending too little time in the sun. Being in the presence of an emotion aura constantly has to do something" from Joe in-universe, while meta-wise, the Fragile One literally doesn't have the resources to somehow undo whatever damage has been done to those affected by the Aura or be precise enough to somehow do no damage on the first place. It's literally affecting the human brain. How is that supposed to have no long term consequences?
We'll see how far Lord is going to take the Aura theory and the effects it has after the PRT conclude testing. But, at this point? They might Railroad Vicky the same way they did Canary.
Pretty sure though that they literally can't do a Canary with her, not with the Case 69 designation. Because to drag Glory Girl to the spotlight is to reveal her encounters with the Fragile One, and that's an outcome that they would want to avoid.
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And Piggot will never work with Apeiron after what he has done to her career.

I guess it would depend on just how publicly he asked, and how much the general public wants it fixed sooner than naturally dissapating. It'd be pretty hard to ignore that much pressure if Aperion just told everyone he could clean it up in a day or so instead of the projected monthish.

I suppose she could just double down out of spite even then, after all her career is already doomed, but I think she still cares enough about the city itself that she'd probably accept so long as she was well informed of Apeiron's plans on exactly how he was gonna do it and what to expect and that those plans were actually tolerable/reasonable(for a Tinker of Apeiron's caliber).
The aura being a master effect is fanon used in this right. I remember that canonically the aura had no long term effects and use of it gets lesser at long-term use. Also it doesn't allow control of people, its short term emotional control for impacts in a large area.
humans can become addicted to things with no neurochemical effect simply from association and pavlovian conditioning.
something that's a direct effect one someone's happiness and fear buttons not being addictive on some level is essentially impossible.
Pretty much the in-universe logic LR used in this fic, yeah. To loosely quote, "You can get depression from spending too little time in the sun. Being in the presence of an emotion aura constantly has to do something" from Joe in-universe, while meta-wise, the Fragile One literally doesn't have the resources to somehow undo whatever damage has been done to those affected by the Aura or be precise enough to somehow do no damage on the first place. It's literally affecting the human brain. How is that supposed to have no long term consequences?

Pretty sure though that they literally can't do a Canary with her, not with the Case 69 designation. Because to drag Glory Girl to the spotlight is to reveal her encounters with the Fragile One, and that's an outcome that they would want to avoid.

not to mention, most drugs are temporary and only have temporary effects on your body. But, if you keep on taking them? then that has long-term effects.
The main thing with Vicky's aura too is most of it stems from after Cherish showed up. Cherish can manipulate emotions to force people to feel what she wants them to feel. In her pov chapter she goes on about how despite her power not being capable of long term effects she can cause them through conditioning such as making people love her by making them feel love whenever they look at her for a while. Fans noticed this and linked it to Vicky especially with the timing of plot threads to do with Vicky and how close to this view it is to bring up the possibility of her aura being the same only for Wildbow to be very unhappy and declare its not the same at all.
Wildbow nixed aura theory in Ward because it was in deeply bad taste to imply that Amy was the victim when Victoria is the one who got cronenberg'd, mind raped, and/or sexually assaulted. It was a necessary repudiation of victim-blaming, not an objective statement on power interactions.

The most straightforward interpretation to me is that Victoria's aura is psychoactive, but it wasn't remotely the sole cause of Amy's behavior or affections, and canon Amy is still responsible for her actions.
Till chapter 5 that was pretty good story, the moment you called Taylor "Delusional hypocrite" Hebert most important person in the world, you completely ruined this story for me
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Till chapter 5 that was pretty good story, the moment you called Taylor "Delusional hypocrite" Hebert most important person in the world, you completely ruined this story for me
Except, in canon she quite literally is? She saves all of humanity. Across the entirety of the multiverse. And she's the only method we know works for sure.

So yes, she is in fact the single most important human being in existence, because without her everyone's fucked.