~fingers his Commissar Hat~

I was going to do something for Page 800, but at this rate, it looks like it will fly right past while I'm trying to put out my 4th target for the week. Dang RL job, getting in the way of writing...

Then aim for post #20000 though that probably wont happen either.
You DO realize he locked the thread once to get a page 700 update, right? I do not put it past Our Glorious Leader to lock the thread and even game some posts to claim 20K.
You DO realize he locked the thread once to get a page 700 update, right? I do not put it past Our Glorious Leader to lock the thread and even game some posts to claim 20K.

This, so very much this. Stryp knows what we know not, and he does take advantage of it to deliver this story to us all.

That being said, I'm smiling for what's to come.
So, @Astray Spiral , what do you think about Ritsudemption and Shinrei? :p

Well, I don't mind Ritsuko's redemption, in fact, this works out well for her because it separates her from the discord that is her former relationship with Gendo. Gendo, as far as I can read in the fic, is essentially single-minded and everything else is expendable (e.g. Rei, Shinji and Asuka's status as pilots) and Ritsuko is no different. There's an underlying level of toxicity because of Gendo's goal to reunite with Yui, who Stryp already stated is insane (from the perspective of Shinji, no less), so what does that make Ritsuko to him? Aside from having the EVAs operable and Rei compliant via drugs (which we all know isn't gonna happen for a third time), she doesn't have much of a use aside from a good time, and even then, that's marred because Gendo is single-minded. Having Ritz with Maya provides a stable source of emotion and devotion, something that'll have Ritsuko on the right track, but there's one issue with that: the risk of their relationship. I'll simply put that if anything happens to Maya, Ritsuko will fall apart, though how will depend on Stryp if this happens.

And I'm not betting on whether or not it will happen.

As for Shinrei, it's actually my first pairing, and I don't mind Shinji paired with Asuka since that is the canon pairing. There's just a level of kink to the pairing, aside from the compatibility, that makes me smile a bit. I'm surprise no one has worked with the whole "being-in-a-relationship-with-the-mother-of-all-lilim-life" angle, though @Fyrstorm might be. Either way, I don't mind the pairing, and if there's an Israfel Special, expect me to wave the flag at the first possible chance.

Plus, it's fun to watch @The Englanderish get his knickers in a twist. :p
'Of course, Major. I would never harm my love.' Rei kept her face blank, but quietly enjoyed picturing the looks that would appear on everyone's faces if she said that out loud. Especially the looks on Asuka and Shinji's faces.
Okay... I can play this out a couple different ways....
1. Having Shinji and Asuka there to cheer her on gives her the boost she needs to get over the hump and get Unit-00 back with the program.
2. Rei would, by sheer grit and willpower, prevent Unit-00 from doing something that would harm her loves.
3. The fact that she loves people who would be in the path of destruction is, in and of itself, sufficient to prevent or end a Berserker incident.
4. The Rei soul in Unit-00 share's Rei II's love of her fellow pilots, and therefore won't harm them.

And yes, of course. This is Arael. There is going to be screaming, pain, and agony.
Yet he's non-specific as to who. I vote Keil!

There. Screaming, pain and agony.
Or that works

What would happen if it tried to read Wade Wilson's aka DEADPOOL's mind?
Chew on this little equation for a moment.
Lemme know how that works out for you...:evil:

It is not in Section 2's job description to be aware of who is banging who among the pilots so they never even think to look for it. Their main concerns are the protection of project E and being SEELE's hand on NERV's throat in order to maintain the right environment for the success of project E. Anything that they don't see as part of their mission is not paid attention to.
Nevermind. You more or less handled it.

Who does this bitch think they are, muscling in on my territory?~

Hold on, hold on! Lemme get my popcorn.
Plus, it's fun to watch @The Englanderish get his knickers in a twist. :p
Lets take a momment....

Don't need no citation. Unless stated for accuracy, I'm choosing a pronoun and sticking to it.

Besides, I'm surprised you're focusing on pronoun use when you got something else to focus on.
:::Starts digging foxhole:::
Okay... I can play this out a couple different ways....
1. Having Shinji and Asuka there to cheer her on gives her the boost she needs to get over the hump and get Unit-00 back with the program.
2. Rei would, by sheer grit and willpower, prevent Unit-00 from doing something that would harm her loves.
3. The fact that she loves people who would be in the path of destruction is, in and of itself, sufficient to prevent or end a Berserker incident.
4. The Rei soul in Unit-00 share's Rei II's love of her fellow pilots, and therefore won't harm them.
Well, EVA-00 doesn't go berserk every time Rei activates it, you know ;)

Plus, this time, it didn't see Ritsuko ;)
Comedy Omake #43 - Backstage #3 - Mari Makinami, PA
Are we still on page 800? Yes? Good! That means an omake!

(also, me laughing at the idea that SEELE runs Section 2. You guys have the funniest ideas. :) )

Backstage #3 - Mari Makinami, PA

The young, handsome Eva Pilot on the roof had no idea what was about to hit him. The predator stalking him was too fast, too good, too hot to be evaded. Her parachute swept swiftly downward, swooping in like a sexy, skirt-clad hawk.

The young man had only a half-second to look up, his eyes widening and jaw dropping before the hottest girl he'd ever seen plowed right into him, chest-first.

The lithe, be-stockinged woman was rather pleased she was so on-target, and didn't mind at all the feeling of wrapping her legs around him for a second. The landing did bounce her stylish red-framed glasses off her face, though. They clattered to a landing near her as she popped the parachute's harness off. Figuring the young man would be staring at this beauteous creature that had just fallen on him from Heaven, she made sure to arch her back and point her toned, athletic rear at him while she hunted for her glasses. Soon, she'd have him right under her hands, and she'd-

Asuka: "Mari! Where's my lunch?!"

Mari: ~dropping her notebook in surprise~ "Ah! Um! Er, Miss Soryu! I was...was just on my way to get it!"

Asuka: "...I told you I'd be back off set in 45 minutes, and to have my lunch ready. You're supposed to be my Personal Assistant, remember? Not... are you writing your stupid fanfic again?"

Mari: "N-no, of course not! Ahahah! Why would I do that?" ~tries to hide the notebook~

Asuka: ~glaring at the notebook in Mari's lap~ "You totally were, weren't you? That stuff is terrible! You're always making your obvious self-insert such a Mary Sue!"

Mari: "I was not! And Miss Illustrious is not a Mary Sue! She's just hot and awesome and all the boys like her and she's the best Pilot and... and..."

Asuka: ~just stares at Mari and taps her foot~

Mari: "....I'll go get your lunch, ma'am."

Asuka: "You go do that. I've got a scene with Misato and Ritsuko in an hour, and I am not doing that on an empty stomach. I swear, that fake-blonde can't do one scene without forgetting a line. She's going to make it take all afternoon. And if you see that sexy boyfriend of mine, tell him I'll be in my trailer."

Mari: "Yes, ma'am." ~skitters off towards the catering trucks~ ~muttering~ "....I'm totally putting a scene in the next chapter where I steal your Eva and do awesome, cool things with it that not even you can do! Like a secret backdoor codeword only I know to access the super-power mode! Yeah, that's it! And I save the day and get Shinji's attention!"

Asuka: ~shouting after her~ "And quit trying to sneak pages of your story into the script! An Angel that's nothing but bones? That was ridiculous!"

Mari: ~mutter mutter mutter~ "My legs look better in a skirt..."
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Nice, and I'm agreeing with Mari, the skirt looks better on her.

Well, I'll be waiting for an update. Arael galore. :D
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Are we still on page 800? Yes? Good! That means an omake!

(also, me laughing at the idea that SEELE runs Section 2. You guys have the funniest ideas. :) )

Backstage, #....4?

The young, handsome Eva Pilot on the roof had no idea what was about to hit him. The predator stalking him was too fast, too good, too hot to be evaded. Her parachute swept swiftly downward, swooping in like a sexy, skirt-clad hawk.

The young man had only a half-second to look up, his eyes widening and jaw dropping before the hottest girl he'd ever seen plowed right into him, chest-first.

The lithe, be-stockinged woman was rather pleased she was so on-target, and didn't mind at all the feeling of wrapping her legs around him for a second. The landing did bounce her stylish red-framed glasses off her face, though. They clattered to a landing near her as she popped the parachute's harness off. Figuring the young man would be staring at this beauteous creature that had just fallen on him from Heaven, she made sure to arch her back and point her toned, athletic rear at him while she hunted for her glasses. Soon, she'd have him right under her hands, and she'd-

Asuka: "Mari! Where's my lunch?!"

Mari: ~dropping her notebook in surprise~ "Ah! Um! Er, Miss Soryu! I was...was just on my way to get it!"

Asuka: "...I told you I'd be back off set in 45 minutes, and to have my lunch ready. You're supposed to be my Personal Assistant, remember? Not... are you writing your stupid fanfic again?"

Mari: "N-no, of course not! Ahahah! Why would I do that?" ~tries to hide the notebook~

Asuka: ~glaring at the notebook in Mari's lap~ "You totally were, weren't you? That stuff is terrible! You're always making your obvious self-insert such a Mary Sue!"

Mari: "I was not! And Miss Illustrious is not a Mary Sue! She's just hot and awesome and all the boys like her and she's the best Pilot and... and..."

Asuka: ~just stares at Mari and taps her foot~

Mari: "....I'll go get your lunch, ma'am."

Asuka: "You go do that. I've got a scene with Misato and Ritsuko in an hour, and I am not doing that on an empty stomach. I swear, that fake-blonde can't do one scene without forgetting a line. She's going to make it take all afternoon. And if you see that sexy boyfriend of mine, tell him I'll be in my trailer."

Mari: "Yes, ma'am." ~skitters off towards the catering trucks~ ~muttering~ "....I'm totally putting a scene in the next chapter where I steal your Eva and do awesome, cool things with it that not even you can do! Like a secret backdoor codeword only I know to access the super-power mode! Yeah, that's it! And I save the day and get Shinji's attention!"

Asuka: ~shouting after her~ "And quit trying to sneak pages of your story into the script! An Angel that's nothing but bones? That was ridiculous!"

Mari: ~mutter mutter mutter~ "My legs look better in a skirt..."
Poor Mari... Such a raw deal in the fandom.