Scott Pilgrim in general or this piece of artwork specifically? Because this piece - while fantastic - isn't really enough to be a Chronicles all on its own.
To be fair I haven't followed the Chronicles in a long minute so I'm not sure how it's evolved, but I guess the Scott Pilgrim in general. I suppose the A&T cast is incompatible with the artwork :V
I've been meaning to go back and read the first few "seasons" of Nobody Dies. That's still a classic I reference quite a bit.
This has to be the most overhyped NGE fic ever. It can't decide if it supposed to be a wacky crack or a character focused drama. And because of this, it fails at both.
Frankly, I will never understand why this story is so popular.
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This has to be the most overhyped NGE fic ever. It can't decide if it supposed to be a wacky crack or a character focused drama. And because of this, it fails at both.
Frankly, I will never understand why this story is so popular.
That's why I said the first few seasons, or like the first 65-70 chapters. That was the period of the series where Gregg was more or less tonally consistent. The best way I can explain it is like if you turned Eva sideways and made Bill Lawrence (Scrubs, Ted Lasso) the showrunner. Basically, comedy-forward with a humanistic drama core that makes you care about the characters.

Even its writing and pacing feels very much like a prose-based TV script, too, which is something I enjoy quite a bit. Granted, since I write in screenplay format, that's more a personal preference than anything.
ND!Asuka: I mean, I hit her with a folding chair.
AT!Asuka: And she got back up? You should work out more.

AT!Kyoko: Girls, both of you have much to learn
Zeppelin: ["Oh! Can I come out to play? Can I? Please? I have a lot of unused anger towards my ex-husband I can't use (because he's dead), and I think this AU Bitch would be a perfect replacement" but in German]