Despite not having children, I do follow a particular path of thought when it comes to fatherhood.

Fuck my issues.

Fuck whatever I think.

My child needs me. I must provide and care for them the best I can. Even if I am socially stunted when it comes to emotional understanding, I must be there for my child whenever they need me.

None of this is up for negotiation.
Despite not having children, I do follow a particular path of thought when it comes to fatherhood.

Fuck my issues.

Fuck whatever I think.

My child needs me. I must provide and care for them the best I can. Even if I am socially stunted when it comes to emotional understanding, I must be there for my child whenever they need me.

None of this is up for negotiation.
I myself have a lot of issues with my lifestyle, and bringing offspring, or even a partner, into the mix is simply not on the table right now.
Worst case scenario, I would want to do something similar to your plan, but I can't be certain I wouldn't pull a Gendo and distance myself from any family I might have.
The moral here... Singlehood and abstinence equals domestic problem prevention.
Trust in Strype. He has a plan. (Not a Scenario)
Nah, I think we'll go on another route by not trusting each other, bottling our feelings and being really, really bad at expressing ourselves until it becomes a proper Evangelion forum thread.
I'll start.
I believed in you, Strypgia! How could you take my waff away!?
Now I have no other choice than to destroy the world and everything you love, starting with...
Your Comedy Omakes! :mob:
Nah, I think we'll go on another route by not trusting each other, bottling our feelings and being really, really bad at expressing ourselves until it becomes a proper Evangelion forum thread.
I'll start.
I believed in you, Strypgia! How could you take my waff away!?
Now I have no other choice than to destroy the world and everything you love, starting with...
Your Comedy Omakes! :mob:

:o :o:o
The ending arc of A&T:

In a sudden and shocking reversal of the way things have gone so far, things rapidly go to shit, starting with Ritsuko working out Rei's secret and going downhill from there.

In the end, after much trauma and multiple character deaths, Shinji loses Asuka permanently, and falls into a deep depression like his father. In his despair he sets off Third Impact. Everyone dies. Things do not get better. Bad End.

It then turns out that this entire fic was all part of Strypgia's diabolical plan to harvest the tears of the SV userbase and use them to fuel his ascension to directorhood. The WAFF was the bait, meant to draw in unsuspecting readers and make it that much more painful when the trauma train starts.

Fortunately, I've just spoiled things for everyone and prevented a catastrophe in the making.


Ritsuko figured out Rei was off her meds. Rei just died.

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Adding on to this: If Gendo accepts that people other than Yui can love him, then why do they not? This places Gendo's pain and loneliness back on himself. That kind of thought is something the human mind is VERY resistant to accept, which further explains why Gendo acts like a massive cunt (if you'll pardon my language): By driving others away, he can more easily delude himself into thinking that people who are capable of genuinely loving each other are the exception, rather than the norm.

Even if he accepts that it is possible for someone other than Yui to love him, that still leave a lot of wiggle room for pain, angst, and self-loathing to cause trouble. He could accept that its possible for someone to love him, yet still feel undeserving of love.

There's also a powerful distinction between accepting a premise on an intellectual level and believing it on an emotional one. When it comes to concepts like self-worth, it is very easy to allow negative experiences to shape your world view. Believing this self-destructive internal monologue can be all the more toxic when you know that the these thoughts and ideas aren't true.

Never underestimate the mind's capacity for masochism.
Even if he accepts that it is possible for someone other than Yui to love him, that still leave a lot of wiggle room for pain, angst, and self-loathing to cause trouble. He could accept that its possible for someone to love him, yet still feel undeserving of love.

There's also a powerful distinction between accepting a premise on an intellectual level and believing it on an emotional one. When it comes to concepts like self-worth, it is very easy to allow negative experiences to shape your world view. Believing this self-destructive internal monologue can be all the more toxic when you know that the these thoughts and ideas aren't true.

Never underestimate the mind's capacity for masochism.
This discribes about 85% of my life's problems.
Character Notes #82 - Armisael and The Whys
*is now imagining a vending machine that pops out chibi!Rei gachas for a couple hundred yen a piece*
Cue Kaworu walking towards the arcade with a bag of 500 yen coins the size of his head.
So when you said "not as canon" you actually meant "almost exactly the same as canon in all of the important ways".

Captain Picard once died, as a young hothead, in a perhaps foolish barfight. He died from a knife stabbed all the way through his back until he could see it stick out of his chest. He laughed as he died, because he was a young fool who thought he was immortal, like a lot of young men. Federation medicine and an artificial heart brought him back. Many decades later, that artificial heart failed when he was shot in the chest, and he died again on the operating table in the Enterprise's sickbay.

Q, bored and omnipotent, lets Picard go back and change his past, avoiding the barfight and his first death, and thereby his second. But in the new, altered present, Lieutenant Picard was a play-it-safe nobody, a man "bereft of passion and imagination", whose life was now at best a background character in a much more interesting person's story. He begs Q for the chance to put things back the way they were, even if it means dying for good, rather than live that life. And Q lets him.

Dying for the first time, again, Picard laughs once again at the knife sticking out of his chest, just as before... but this time because he knows what it means, that this brush with mortality will shape his whole life, making every difference, the difference between being a beige, irrelevant junior Lieutenant in the Astral Cartography section and being the larger-than-life Captain of Starfleet's flagship, the man who has personally saved dozens of worlds and defeated the Borg.

Everything happened exactly the same... but wasn't.

Rei self-destructing Unit-00 to save someone she loves was the only thing that was the same here. Rei did not fight alone, Shinji did not have to impotently sit and listen to his friends fight and fail without him, Asuka did not suffer her ultimate, humiliating failure and fall into catatonia, Rei and Kaworu realized the depths of their feelings at the same moment they were destroyed, Misato is not murderously furious with her best friend for mocking Rei's death, Ritsuko is not quietly glad her 'rival' just died, and Gendo cannot merely shrug and go fish one of dozens of replacement clones out of Terminal Dogma's tank. Rei II saw someone she cared about smiling at her in her last moment, and it was not Gendo Ikari anymore.

The whys matter.

That's what I was aiming for in this battle, at least. By having that one event turn out the same, but for entirely different reasons, the whys would be underlined, and the consequences even more so. Do you think the next 'episode' is going to include Shinji numbly laying on his bed alone, until he has to fend off a clumsy attempt at seduction by Misato, because that's the only way she has of trying to make him feel better? Asuka catatonic in NERV's hospital? Kaworu, smiling and humming Beethoven to himself as he blandly greets the Third Child? Things will be quite different. To start off with, Kaworu is having a bad time... And so is Commander Ikari.
Is this a Baldrick-esque plan, or a Hannibal Smith-esque plan?
Captain Picard once died, as a young hothead, in a perhaps foolish barfight. He died from a knife stabbed all the way through his back until he could see it stick out of his chest. He laughed as he died, because he was a young fool who thought he was immortal, like a lot of young men. Federation medicine and an artificial heart brought him back. Many decades later, that artificial heart failed when he was shot in the chest, and he died again on the operating table in the Enterprise's sickbay.

Q, bored and omnipotent, lets Picard go back and change his past, avoiding the barfight and his first death, and thereby his second. But in the new, altered present, Lieutenant Picard was a play-it-safe nobody, a man "bereft of passion and imagination", whose life was now at best a background character in a much more interesting person's story. He begs Q for the chance to put things back the way they were, even if it means dying for good, rather than live that life. And Q lets him.

Dying for the first time, again, Picard laughs once again at the knife sticking out of his chest, just as before... but this time because he knows what it means, that this brush with mortality will shape his whole life, making every difference, the difference between being a beige, irrelevant junior Lieutenant in the Astral Cartography section and being the larger-than-life Captain of Starfleet's flagship, the man who has personally saved dozens of worlds and defeated the Borg.

Everything happened exactly the same... but wasn't.

Rei self-destructing Unit-00 to save someone she loves was the only thing that was the same here. Rei did not fight alone, Shinji did not have to impotently sit and listen to his friends fight and fail without him, Asuka did not suffer her ultimate, humiliating failure and fall into catatonia, Rei and Kaworu realized the depths of their feelings at the same moment they were destroyed, Misato is not murderously furious with her best friend for mocking Rei's death, Ritsuko is not quietly glad her 'rival' just died, and Gendo cannot merely shrug and go fish one of dozens of replacement clones out of Terminal Dogma's tank. Rei II saw someone she cared about smiling at her in her last moment, and it was not Gendo Ikari anymore.

The whys matter.

That's what I was aiming for in this battle, at least. By having that one event turn out the same, but for entirely different reasons, the whys would be underlined, and the consequences even more so. Do you think the next 'episode' is going to include Shinji numbly laying on his bed alone, until he has to fend off a clumsy attempt at seduction by Misato, because that's the only way she has of trying to make him feel better? Asuka catatonic in NERV's hospital? Kaworu, smiling and humming Beethoven to himself as he blandly greets the Third Child? Things will be quite different. To start off with, Kaworu is having a bad time... And so is Commander Ikari.

Well said!

Someone give this man a standing ovation!
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