While the pun-fest is likely to be quite fun and I'm likely a spoil-sport by saying that, I believe we should cut the discussion on that rather... sensitive topic before it gets out of hand (yeah, I know, I participated myself, mea culpa, couldnt't help myself).

It's been almost three years since the last staff post in this thread and it would be lovely if we keep beating that record.
Edit: I can't tell the difference between Jun and Jul. Silly me.
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While the pun-fest is likely to be quite fun and I'm likely a spoil-sport by saying that, I believe we should cut the discussion on that rather... sensitive topic before it gets out of hand (yeah, I know, I participated myself, mea culpa, couldnt't help myself).

It's been three years (almost to a day) since the last staff post in this thread and it would be lovely if we keep beating that record.
Im pretty sure they would've stopped before that extreme. But thankfully you nipped it in the bud before the puns could devolve into bee puns. *shudders*

We are just waiting for the other boot to drop in both the main story and chronicles.
Im pretty sure they would've stopped before that extreme. But thankfully you nipped it in the bud before the puns could devolve into bee puns. *shudders*
Considering that this is a friendly suggestion coming from someone who is permanently unclear on SV rules, I would not call it "nipping in the bud", more like "warning of a paranoic" ;)

And believe me, the wait is getting to me, too.
Considering that this is a friendly suggestion coming from someone who is permanently unclear on SV rules, I would not call it "nipping in the bud", more like "warning of a paranoic" ;)
From my experience, the best unwritten rule of law for many a forum is:

"Never give anyone a reason to enforce their rules."

So long as you don't rock the boat, they mostly wont get involved.
Don`t worry I can`t either.

If you're both referring to @Dirtnap confusing a Jul 28 2013 note for 'Once More With Feeling' as meaning something new Jan 28 2015, I empathize. But surely the thread has had time to recover from that panic.

Meanwhile, I just learned that Hideaki Anno ojisan brought production insights to the opening space battle in Space Battleship Yamato 2199. I can only guess that Rei did one helluva self-insert in the remake.
I can't imagine Rei tolerating being asked to have an ahoge the size of a small planet :D
I can't imagine Rei tolerating being asked to have an ahoge the size of a small planet :D
"And what, my loves, would the practical application of this be?"

"...it'd... look super cute on you?" Asuka offered, both Shinji and Kaworu nodding in agreement.

Rei paused, thinking for a few moments.

"...I'm listening."
Well just imagine the experience of seeing said photos. Two parts epiphany, and a whole bunch of cheek flush if you're close to Kaworu in age and persuasion. Oh and when that pasty skinned new kid blushes, it can be seen well out to Mars.

Just ask @AustSakuraKyzor it is probably in one of the aphorisms.

Well, the 5th commandment (Kaworu is a stupid fish) can certainly be interpreted that way. The 1st Commandment (I am Rei, and I decide what is permitted), of course, applies to everything.
Chapter 12.2
This is a bad idea.
Imagine being some sort of super ancient god monster
And getting beaten by nudes
Said Kaworu, mid-2015.
And believe me, the wait is getting to me, too.
I'm doing my best! I'm so worn down as to be considering a lewd ACoS interlude, a lewd A&T interlude, and other things to shock me loose...

So.... let's do something right now, when I'm 5+ sheets to the wind and LilithPrime is asleep.

Writing now!

EDIT: 6+ sheets

EDIT x2: This is a bad idea.

Chapter 12.2

"Asuka, you know I love you, right?"

"Of course, my beloved baka."

"So please take it in the full sense of love and admiration of your person when I say this is a bad idea and we shouldn't be doing this?"

"Shut up, you idiot."

"Ah, there's the girl I fell in love with."

"[Really, shut the Hell up.]"

"[And the one I learned German from.]"

"[Fuck you too.]"

Shinji just grinned weakly as he let Asuka help lower him into the bathtub. He did hiss slightly at the hot water. Once he was settled into the hot water, he sighed in bliss. "Oh gods... yes, this may have been a good idea. Oooooh....."

"[Oh shut it, you whiny doof.]" Asuka said, handing him a hand towel. "[If you hadn't gotten shot and nearly killed two days ago, I'd really be giving you what for, for all this moaning.]"

Shinji smiled tiredly as he leaned back in the tiny bathtub of Misato's apartment. "[But since I was, you are babying me as much as you can?]"

Asuka patted him on the head and stuck her tongue out. "[Yes, since I love you more than air. Now, you sit and be still while I go make breakfast. Also, your German is getting pretty decent.]"

"[I love you.]"

"[I love you too. Now shut up and heal. I'm going to make breakfast for you."] She stuck out her tongue at him again as she left the bathroom.


"Hey, Rits."

Doctor Akagi looked up from the screen. "Eh?"

"I can almost certainly predict you have not eaten a proper lunch. Come to the cafeteria with me for half an hour?" Misato demanded.

Ritsuko blinked, and looked at the clock on her office wall. It was indeed 1250. Food had not been obtained since the 0600 tub of leftover noodles and beef she'd eaten that Maya had left her when she carefully left Ritsuko's apartment at 0430. Ritsuko automatically suppressed a flare of guilt that she'd once again relied on her girlfriend's (her girlfriend! Her girlfriend's!) attention to make sure she fulfilled such basic biological necessities as 'food' and such. "Huh. Yeah, I should eat. Hang on for a minute."

She sent a 'shut down access' message to the Magi, and collected herself for rising from her desk. A remote terminal for the Magi went right into her pocket. (That it was all but exclusively a terminal for talking to Maya was vehemently not said.) "I guess I'm hungry."

Misato led the way to the NERV main staff cafeteria, nine or ten floors away from her main office. Ritsuko didn't look up save to make sure she was still following Misato's miniskirt-clad backside the entire trip. She preferred to spend the time walking talking to Maya via the Magi change logs. Her girlfriend was hilariously lewd at times. Hilariously lewd. Fuck, had they really done that last night?

"Yoo-hoo...Rits? We're here. Pull your nose out of the computer," Misato trilled in her ear.

Ritsuko jerked back to awareness of the sidereal world. "Uh?"

The cafeteria swirled around them. "Food. You have to eat it. With your physical body, oh mighty system Admin," her friend snarked. Misato was already holding a tray of miso, salad, and rice. "Do you need me to get you something, or can you do that without adult supervision?"

"The day you count as adult supervision, I need to turn in my 'adult' card, Misato," Ritsuko shot back as she hurriedly gathered lunch and some fruits. Maya would be sad if she didn't make minimum nutritional requirements for the day. It would also impact her stamina. She carefully selected some energy-rich fruits and a bowl of soup. She breezed through the checkout counter with the air of someone who let someone else worry about such minutia as 'paying for things' and 'ID Cards'.

Misato gave her a pursed-lips smirk as Ritsuko settled down opposite her at the table, located just a bit apart from the others. It had a great view, the nonexistent windows giving them no view of the Geofront at all. They were a good 1500m underground and 400m underneath the pyramid's armor. "I know this isn't as convenient as the cafeteria down in the bowels of your lab, but I thought you needed to get out a bit," Misato prodded as the began to tuck into their food. "You've been kind of hard to pry out of the depths for a bit. It's not healthy."

"Didn't we talk yesterday?" Ritsuko riposted.

"In the hospital," Misato shot back. "And I'm just a bit tired of that, you know?" Her friend swirled her soup with her spoon before continuing. "And I'm sorry."

"For what?" Ritsuko said. She automatically checked for anyone sitting near her, or anyone close enough to read her screen. Just in case, she ran an audio analysis of the area. She relaxed a hair when she got the result 'no audio analysis possible in current environment'. The cafeteria was busy and crowded enough that even the Magi would have to devote an inordinate amount of time to unscrambling their conversation. It was as close to a 'secure' chat as they were likely to get today.

"Oh, not much," Misato said lightly. She leaned forward and dropped her voice to barely more than a whisper. "A certain blue-topped friend of ours just told me a few things. Like everything."

Ritsuko tried not to let her face move. Everything? That covered a lot of ground. "Oh?" She spooned some diced fruit into her mouth.

"Everything," Misato growled. "Like, how you all were planning on ending the damn world, and I'd just like to ask my old college friend what the ever-loving fuck, Rits?"

"Oh," Ritsuko echoed in awkward counterpoint to her last reply. "Um... ok, number one, I was stupid and-"

"Ya think?!" Misato grated. "For fuck's sake, Rits, the end of the wor-"

"I know!" the fake-blonde shot back. "Alright? I was stupid and I thought I was in love and.... fuck, Misato, you know what that's like. You act stupid. Really stupid."

Misato looked like she'd bitten into something bitter and 'flavorful'. "Mmm... ok, maybe, but... is she for real?"

Ritsuko swallowed another bite of NERV fruit salad through a suddenly tight throat. "100%. You know she doesn't exactly lie, right?"

"Sure, but it's hard to swallow when she's telling me shit like-" Misato broke off, looking around. "Like what she says she is, what she says he is, and what's supposed to happen next." She glared at Ritsuko, hard.

Ritsuko blinked hard, momentarily jostled out of the images conjured up by Maya's latest 'change log'. "Oh...um... yes. She's... honest. I mean, yes, what she said is correct."

Misato fumed, chewing on her food and a reply for more than a minute. "You know... I'm armed, and could kill you right now," she finally bit out.

"I'm sorry. And she should have told you I really mean that," Ritsuko said, her attention fully on Misato for the first time in an hour.

"She did," Misato growled. "And it's why I haven't done so yet. What the fuck, Ritsuko?!" she snarled.

"I'm sorry! What do you want me to say, Misato? I thought I was in love, I thought he was right when he said it was the best option, and oh yeah, have you seen the guys we work for lately?" Ritsuko replied. "'Better than that' is not a high bar!"

"Not an excuse, Rits!" Misato spat. "What the fuck, I repeat!"

Ritsuko flinched away. "I know. It was stupid. Surprise, your old friend was a dumbass for love. You may now commence your 'I told you so's from back then."

Misato stewed for a moment. "I must be crazy. The only reason I'm not filling you with lead right now is she asked me not to... and I tried that last night on her boyfriend and she stopped me."

Ritsuko digested that as quickly as she could. "Oh... I see." Her eyes flitted about. "So... ah... she said..."

"Everything," Misato said tightly, "finally."


"Yeah, 'oh'," Misato said, still glaring. "But since my two best fighters vouch for her and him, I'm forced to accept that their plan is the way to go. And you, Kaji, and I will still be having a 'talk' after this is all over."

"That's... fine," Ritsuko allowed. "I didn't and don't really expect to make it through this. It would be nice, but... I'm going to be the last person to even try to claim I'm innocent in all this."

Misato stared at her, pausing only occasionally to eat her lunch enough to fool observers. "You're... being awful calm about this."

Ritsuko gave her college roomie a wan smile. "There's nothing you're saying that I haven't expected for months or worse from... other parties. So from you? Not a surprise."

Misato stared at her harder. "So wh-"

"She changed my mind. I'm allowed to do that, right?" Ritsuko tried back at her. She took a sip of her soup. "I was stupid, she offered me a different way, and... told me to take a chance on someone new. Someone who cared. It worked. Alright?"

"I swear to fucking god, if you break into song about 'the power of love' or something, I will shoot you right now," Misato said, face flat.

"Fuck you," Ritsuko replied, a shade more confident for the first time all day. "I know what you'd do for 'love'. Can you blame me for being willing to do less?"

''Less'?!" Misato shot back. "This is a little different. Kaji may have been good in bed, but it was 'rock the world', not-"

"You know what I mean!" Ritsuko interrupted. "I... she believes in me. For whatever reasons. And so does... she. And that's enough for me to keep trying."

Misato sat and fumed at her for a few minutes. "If I didn't trust her and we didn't have our history, I wouldn't even be buying a shred of this, understand?" she finally grated.

Ritsuko tried not to slump. "I... yes. I get it. And for what it's worth... I truly am sorry, Misato. For everything."

Misato finished her lunch and stood up. "Yeah, well, you're lucky they all say you're good, Rits. And that's worked out okay so far." She turned and stalked off at full military pace.

Ritsuko sighed and picked up her remote terminal. "I really wish you were here right now, love," she typed.

"I'm always right where you need me, darling," was the near immediate response. "I love you."

Ritsuko sighed, and headed back to her lab, steps just a bit lighter. "More than anything."


"Make the call," Gendo ordered.

Fuyutsuki picked up the phone.


Yes, you're not imagining it. Here's an entire update written with the help of no sleep and Tullamore Dew.
Me am gud riter.
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Ritsuko didn't look up save to make sure she was still following Misato's miniskirt-clad
With your physical body, oh mighty system Admin,"
"The day you count as adult supervision, I need to turn in my 'adult' card, Misato," Ritsukon
"You know... I'm armed, and could kill your right now," she finally bit out.
"Everything," Misato said tightly, "finally."

"Oh." "

"Yeah, 'oh'," Misato said, still glaring.
Fuyutsuki picked up the phone.
"Asuka, you know I love you, right?"

"Of course, my beloved baka."

"So please take it in the full sense of love and admiration of your person when I say this is a bad idea and we shouldn't be doing this?"

"Shut up, you idiot."

"Ah, there's the girl I fell in love with."

Good to see they're still going well :V

Ritsuko automatically suppressed a flare of guilt that she'd once again relied on her girlfriend's (her girlfriend! Her girlfriend's!) attention to make sure she fulfilled such basic biological necessities as 'food' and such. "Huh. Yeah, I should eat. Hang on for a minute."

And it's good to see she's gone full blast with the whole girlfriend :D
Now just to survive the upcoming clusterfuck :V

The day you count as adult supervision, I need to turn in my 'adult' card, Misato," Ritsukon shot back as she hurriedly gathered lunch and some fruits.

"Hey, I count enough for Shinji and Asuka, don't I?"

"Everything," Misato growled. "Like, how you all were planning on ending the damn world, and I'd just like to ask my old college friend what the ever-loving fuck, Rits?"
"Um... ok, number one, I was stupid and-"

That's probably one of the better ways to respond, let's be honest.

"I swear to fucking god, if you break into song about 'the power of love' or something, I will shoot you right now," Misato said, face flat.
Friendship is close enough, right? :V
"A true, true friend helps a friend in need, a friend will be there to help them see!"

Whatever bullets were shot were suddenly blocked by Ritsuko's Friendship Field. "Oh for fuck's sake." Misato could only rue. "How'd you do that?"

"Friendship machines, sis."

Ritsuko was met with a flat look, throwing her gun to the ground. "Maybe I can make friends with Seele, they'll totally appreciate the value of friendship!" As she left the room, probably figuring the LCL had driven the doctor mad.

Now alone, said doctor popped a cigarette. "That good enough for you?"

Eh, could've been better.

The hodgepodge Draconequus snapped into existence, decked out in director's attire. "You could've used more spirit in your singing, but I suppose that's adequate enough."

"You're lucky you got that out of me." As she rolled her eyes, offering a drag. "Want one?"

Discord proceeded to eat the cigarette. "Ooh, arsenic! My favourite!"

"So we have a deal?"

"Yes yes, I'll give them the standard package." A flippant reply, as he folded himself out of existence.

Ritsuko would later revel in the news reports that all the equipment of the incurring JSSDF forces had somehow turned into pudding.

You're welcome :V
Wohoooo an update!
To quote an old postcard: "This is your worst, stupidest, craziest idea you ever had. I'll be there in ten."
I'm doing my best! I'm so worn down as to be considering a lewd ACoS interlude, a lews A&T interlude, and other things to shock me loose...
Worry not, we know you have your hands full! But now that you mention it, lewd interludes and side-stories are always welcome!
"Shut up, you idiot."
"Ah, there's the girl I fell in love with."
"[Really, shut the Hell up.]"
"[And the one I learned German from.]"
"[Fuck you too.]"
Ah, romance. All that is lacking is some cutesy names for each other, like "Geliebte Engelnzerstörer" :D
"The day you count as adult supervision, I need to turn in my 'adult' card, Misato,"
Well, considering that Misato missed a romance between people she's been living with, she might count as 'adult', but not 'supervision'.
She preferred to spend the time walking talking to Maya via the Magi change logs. Her girlfriend was hilariously lewd at times. Hilariously lewd. Fuck, had they really done that last night?
Speaking of lewd interludes and side-stories, publishing excerpts from magi-changelog.log sounds like a neat idea. It may even pass muster on SV, considering it may be equal porn and comedy.
"A certain blue-topped friend of ours just told me a few things. Like everything."
Here we go...
"Make the call," Gendo ordered.

Things are getting... thicker, understandably so. Thank you, that was certainly an engaging read ^^

On the other thing...
Yes, you're not imagining it. Here's an entire update written with the help of no sleep and Tullamore Dew.
I think I need to try the drunk writing thing again too...
While I would not recommend making a habit out of it for health reasons (obviously), it's hard to deny it often works like a charm. My yesterday's count was half a bottle and half a chapter.
While I would not recommend making a habit out of it for health reasons (obviously), it's hard to deny it often works like a charm. My yesterday's count was half a bottle and half a chapter.
Quoth Hemingway (I think): Write drunk, edit sober.

Take care, Stryp. Things are crazy, especially in your part of the world, so don't stress it too much.