Ahem. The A310's exterior bodywork is fibreglass. The tubular steel chassis can rust, of course, but you can't see that from the outside.

Good to know, it's a good thing I used looked instead of something more definitive then eh :V
Maybe it's just some stubborn dirt on the front of the fibreglass body. Or damage to the fibreglass body.
Or maybe it's so badly maintained she's somehow made fibreglass rust, which would honestly be pretty impressive if you ask me :p
Or maybe it's so badly maintained she's somehow made fibreglass rust, which would honestly be pretty impressive if you ask me
Well, she does drive the car around places where reality has been heavily warped over and over, having silicon turn to iron oxide or something else isnt that bad. Maybe the Renault Alpine A310 in question has been Iruel infected for ages and manages to survive all the insane bullshit happening to it by the virtue of an AT field.
Maybe the Renault Alpine A310 in question has been Iruel infected for ages and manages to survive all the insane bullshit happening to it by the virtue of an AT field.

Misato could only look up in bemusement, as what had once been her Renault Alpine A310 had progressively turned into a Decepticon looking thingamabobby, no thanks in part due to latent Angel infection that she didn't pay much attention to.

"You alright, Misato?" Ritsuko prodded. "I get it's your car and all that, must suck to have it go Angel like that."

"Nah it's less that, I'm more wondering how on God's green Earth I'm gonna convince the insurance about this!" In sudden exclamation. "And the bank, I still have six repayments to make on this thing!"

"I thought you paid that off?"

"I had to take a loan for all the repairs it needed, I was gonna pay them off then sell it to the Kiwis."

"Well, I doubt that's happening now."

"Oh no you'd be surprised the condition of vehicles they accept."

"Misato I doubt they will accept a car that became an Angel."

"Oh choice cuz, that'll look sweet as on the road!"

The Alpine (or what was left of it) was towed onto the car carrier, the Kiwi dropping off a grey import of Misato's choice soon after.

"Y'know, I was expecting a bit less of a trade-in value from it."

"Ahh it's only a little munted, she'll be right cuz." He shrugged off, chucking the keys Misato's way. "She's all yours!"

"...Thanks, I guess? Hey it's not infected with anything is it?"

"Ah nah cuz it's gone through the quarantine, she's as mint as they come!"

Nek Minnit

Misato could only look up in bemusement, as what had once been her Holden Monaro Cabriolet had progressively turned into a Decepticon looking thingamabobby, no thanks in part due to latent Angel infection that she didn't pay much attention to.

"You alright, Misato?" Ritsuko prodded. "I get it's your car and all that-"


1) Assuming A&T gets chosen((snickers), like it won't) could we also get the pilots reacting to some of the posts in this Thread? I can't help but feel they'd be amused at the "only slight f@#$ up, to send Dummy Plugs against Zeruel" line.
2) PLEASE LET THE MADOKA DOUJINS WIN PEOPLE! I already lost Mysteria/Manaria Friends, and we have dozens of Eva stuff already, both canon(...or at least from official sources) and fanfic, and KSK could use something more positive after Rebellion. (drops to his knees) PLEASE HAVE MERCY!
3) Is this going to be the last poll and what wins here is going to be the next batch of stories for the Chronicles?
[sighs] Sadly, I think I can say farewell to Dual! Parallel Trouble Adventure this round, going against Wreck-it Ralph like it is. :(

Beyond that, the only place I had to really think about my choice was between The Matrix and Angel Beats!. Oddly, it wasn't a matter of liking or disliking either equally, it was more being equally meh on both. :rolleyes:
1) Assuming A&T gets chosen((snickers), like it won't) could we also get the pilots reacting to some of the posts in this Thread? I can't help but feel they'd be amused at the "only slight f@#$ up, to send Dummy Plugs against Zeruel" line.

Sure why not :)
Though I'll need to get suggestions on what to react to, unless I just drop the whole thread on them and the implications that brings :p

3) Is this going to be the last poll and what wins here is going to be the next batch of stories for the Chronicles?

There'll be a few more yet, though once we've whittled down to the final 8 they'll pretty much all get covered, it'll just be a matter of when they are covered.

So vote!
Sure why not :)
Though I'll need to get suggestions on what to react to, unless I just drop the whole thread on them and the implications that brings :p
Why not just have them go a page or two after a chapter? It's not like every post needs read, or they'd really understand every post(i mean, there are more then a few posts about various media the pilots wouldn't know about for one. For another there's a...well, some things said that you'd only really get if you have been a part of the fandom for a while for another.), forcing them to just ignore said posts.
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Mako quickly transformed using her provided uniform. "It could only be more of a JoJo reference if her name started with a J." Rei dimly noted.
Was it? I'm not that familiar with JoJo myself. I just took it as the stereotypical high-school delinquent boss uniform. Unless my memory is still slipping and that was debuted in another episode

Welp, RIP Happy EoE, I guess.
Was it? I'm not that familiar with JoJo myself. I just took it as the stereotypical high-school delinquent boss uniform. Unless my memory is still slipping and that was debuted in another episode

also a big enough part of japanese manga/anime/videogame culture that you will find parts of it everywhere.
It's also probably the biggest influencers on Japanese media, right next to Dragon Ball.
Asuka's Birthday 2021 - In Vino Cogitatio Bona
Ok, the contest has concluded! ...Somehow, I tied for 9th with @Boreas Anemos . But as promised, here's the fic that I wrote for Asuka's birthday on December 4th, in 12 hours with the help of a bottle of bourbon. For authenticity, of course.

In Vino Cogitatio Bona


Asuka stared at the bottle on the counter and told the imaginary Shinji in her head to shut the fuck up. "This is your fault anyway, idiot. And it's my birthday, I do what I want."

The imaginary Shinji tried one more time to tell her this was a bad idea, but she ignored him and reached out to pick up the heavy green glass bottle.

The voice of caution in her head had not been all that strong to begin with, and was already heavily beaten down under the weight of the self-loathing and anger she'd been carrying around for the last two weeks. Everything she could have asked for, a one-on-one fight with an Angel, no First or Third to slow her down or steal the glory… and Zeruel had not just beaten her, but humiliated her. The Angel hadn't even seemed rushed or like it even had to exert itself to just brush her out of the way!

And then the stupid Third had come waltzing back in and been the big hero! Asuka ground her teeth. Now everyone, even Misato, was doing nothing but focusing on him, all because he'd gotten himself stuck in Unit-01's Core!

Which left Asuka here: Alone, pissed off, and ignored on her birthday. Because stupid Shinji and stupid Misato and stupid First.

Asuka's free hand tightened into a fist and shook. Angry was good. Angry was better than the solitary, bitter tears that had been the rest of the day.

Useless. Worthless. Unneeded.

Asuka violently shook away the evil, black whispers again, and carried the dark green bottle to the table. Misato might be pissed if she found out Asuka was getting into her good stuff, but fuck her if she was going to ignore the Second Child on her birthday. "I'll just count this as her gift to me," Asuka said to the empty apartment. "She owes me for ignoring me all week. Leaving me here and forcing me to fend for myself. Nothing but delivery food and instant meals. I miss-"

She bit off saying it out loud, but couldn't stop the thought from finishing in her head. 'I miss baka Shinji cooking me dinner.'

'Can't even feed yourself. Useless.'

Asuka shook her head again, a sharp, jerky motion. Misato may have been a lousy guardian and a terrible role model, but she had shown Asuka many, many times at least one useful lesson: How to make the thoughts go away.

"And if it's good enough medicine for her nightly, it's good enough for me on my fucking fourteenth birthday," she said firmly.

She unscrewed the cap of the brand new bottle of Jägermeister and lifted it to her lips for a deep swig.


Some people have referred to Jägermeister as 'bad decisions in a bottle'. Asuka didn't know what the Hell they were talking about. So far, this was the best idea.

She felt great. She was floaty and a little numb and everything was funny and dizzy and no more stupid voices in the back of her head telling her she was worthless and useless.

"I can see why Mishato likes this stuffff," she told the penguin. The penguin nodded and sipped at his second beer. "I am fllllloating, and don't give a shit no one is here. This is a party all by itself! Just us!"

The penguin nodded again, staring at a spot at least a meter to Asuka's left.

"You're very agreeable. Such a good roommate. No arguments like Misato, no constant 'I'm sorry!' like the baka…"

'No one greeting me when I come home. No one making a hot dinner for me at night and hot breakfast in the morning. No one watching my every move when I walk around in a towel after a shower, or in the shortest shorts and tightest tops I could find. No one jumping in a volcano to save me. No-'

"Oh fucking come on!" Asuka snarled, her good mood starting to dissipate. "I do not miss him! That'd be stupid! He's the stupid little boy that just gets in my way and steals the glory! Just because he's the only one who ever did anything for me, doesn't mean I…"

She got up off the floor in front of the TV and stomped back to the kitchen. If she was starting to miss that idiot, she clearly needed more alcohol to stop that.

There, Misato's 'Demon Killer' sake. She hoped it was stronger than the bottle of Jägermeister. 70 proof, what even is that? Bah!

She poured herself a nice tumbler full of the clear liquid and tossed some of it back. "Ahhh, nice burn. Wait, shit… where did I leave the Jägermeister bottle? It wasn't empty, was it? Fuck."

She walked carefully back to the living room where the penguin was eyeing her. The floor was becoming increasingly unstable, so she flopped down next to the bottle still sitting on the floor. Yup, there was still about a quarter left in it. She took a drink right from the bottle to bring that down. An empty bottle was easier to make vanish than a partly full one back on the shelf.

"And another thing!" she suddenly told the penguin. He looked startled at her outburst. "He's stupid! I kissed him and he just stood there! Like a pea-brained moron! He wouldn't even hold me! Do you have any idea how hard it was for me to find the nerve to try that? How could even an idiot like him miss a signal like 'I want to kiss'?! I mean," she paused to take another drink of the sake, "I tried before then, gave him a full on reeeeeeally good shot down my boobs when it was just him and me alone that one night! Like this!"

Asuka put the sake down and got on her hands and knees, letting her loose tank top droop open and show off. Pen Pen stared, but didn't seem hugely impressed. He ducked his beak to take another sip of beer.

"Fine, what do you know, you stupid bird? These are fantastic! He should have been staring more! I'm the hottest girl he knows! But he just… just… he didn't! I even told him to come in with that bullshit about the Walls of Jericho! And he just… He didn't do anything! He… fuck, I was enjoying that kiss! So was he! I just… It was so good. He smelled so good, felt so good, tasted so good… why wouldn't he hold me?!"

Her sudden demand rocked the penguin back. He hurriedly sucked down the last of his can of beer and ran to the kitchen for another. He came waddling back quickly, driven either by a strong desire for Asuka to resume her rant, or a powerful need for more booze before he listened to more ranting. Asuka chose to interpret it as the former.

"Sho! You shee! He was good! Kissing him was fun! It felt so good! And… and… he didn't do anything! He just stood there! Why didn't he grab me? Hold me? I'd have ruined him for all other women if he had! Ruined! You have no idea how hard I'd have messed him up! He'd be seeing stars for days! I'd have loved him so hard… He'd never had looked at that blue bitch ever again in his life!" She grabbed the penguin and held him up off his feet. "I'd have been the greatest love he'd ever have _period_!" She shook the penguin, who's eyes started to spin. "I'd have loved him so much! How does he not see that?! I should go give that idiot a piece of my mind!"

Pen Pen nodded limply. He might have just been wobbling his head back and forth from the shaking. Asuka and the Jägermeister decided it was agreement. "Right! You know, that's a great idea! I should do that right the Hell now! What time is it?"

A quick dash to the kitchen confirmed it was 2130. "Right! Perfect time to go talk to his dumb ass! Let's go!" Pen Pen did not disagree with her.

She quickly threw the remaining Jägermeister into a travel mug and most of the rest of the sake into a thermos. She obviously needed the help in thinking, since her thoughts were marvelously clear right now. She was starting to understand why Misato did this constantly. It made everything so clear!

She was making the best decisions. So smart. The Section 2 driver in the detail outside the apartment didn't even argue with her when she demanded he drive her down to NERV HQ right the fuck now.

She took a sip or three from the thermos on the way. It took a good twenty minutes to even get her down far enough to see the NERV HQ pyramid. Fortunately, the Jägermeister kept her from sobering up.

The driver dropped her at the gates of HQ. Her ID as a Pilot got her to the Evangelion cages without anyone even asking why. She didn't bother with changing out of the school uniform she'd thrown on before leaving the apartment. It was good enough to walk around NERV HQ without anyone asking awkward questions like 'why are you here at this hour?' or 'why are you weaving and wobbling like someone with more than a liter of straight liquor in them?'

The Evangelion Cages spread out in front of her. Her own gorgeous, wonderful, beautiful, amazing Unit-02, the first proper Production Model Evangelion in the world was in it's bay, repaired and ready to go, scrubbed and fixed of all signs of it being disarmed and beheaded a few weeks ago. This was good. But what she'd come here for was to scream truth and instruction at a certain baka.

She marched her way over to Unit-01's bay. The gantry for Unit-01, usually kept at chin-level on the enormous mecha, was now kept at chest-level, for whatever reason. This meant that instead of talking to the Evangelion's face, Asuka would be yelling at its breastplate, but whatever. This was fine. She was the Second Child, elite Pilot. She could handle anything, even a minor difference in position in front of humanity's greatest weapon system.

"Hey!" she began her insightful oratory. "Hey you, you fucking moron! I'm talking to you, baka Shinji! Yeah, you, the idiot who can't even tell when a girl is trying to tell him she's interested! You blind, stupid, stupid boy! How can you be so cute yet so dumb? I'm practically throwing myself at you, shoving my tits in your face, telling you to kiss me, and yet you still don't get it?" She pounded on the railing of the steel catwalk, spittle spraying towards the red, glassy surface of the Core, just in front of her face. Or rather, she pounded at the air where a railing should have been if NERV had ever heard of OSHA or any other competent safety regulator. What she ended up doing was wildly flailing her hands at the air where a railing might have been, but mostly just nearly overbalanced herself into the titanic amounts of LCL that Unit-01 stood chest-deep in. She balled her fist and punched it right into the Core's surface.

There was a dull 'klonk' of her knuckles hitting the solid crystalline surface, but the huge mecha did not react otherwise. "Listen, you fucking dumbass, when a girl comes home from a date early to spend time with you, compliments your goddam amazing cello playing, and then demands you kiss her, that's what we call in Germany 'a FUCKING HINT'! You stupid, sexy, cute, hot, sensitive IDIOT! You're supposed to hold me! Kiss me! Love me! Do you have any goddamn idea how hard it was for me to play it casual and ask you to kiss me?! Really damn hard! And now you think you need to upstage me, save the day, and then get stuck in this stupid Core and be a bloody drama queen and attention whore for weeks? Shinji, you get your firm little buns out here RIGHT FUCKING NOW and kiss me properly, or I will kick. Your. Ass!"

She stepped back a meter to give the Core a solid side-kick, her full body weight behind it. "You hear me?! Now! I didn't haul my perky butt all the way down here just to yell at this stupid robot! You get your ass out here right now and HOLD ME!" She stumbled forward when the treacherous steel walkway wobbled under her rock-steady feet and found her face somehow mashed against the Core's surface. "Stupid bastard. What am I supposed to do with you not here? Who else is going to love me?"

There was a wet, gooey noise like a semi-liquid lump of snot the size of a watermelon being squeezed out a hole half as large. Asuka felt the world spin around her and the hard metal surface of the walkway slam into her back. Her vision filled with stars when the back of her head smacked into the floor. When she finally managed to blink her eyes clear, she was still distracted by the insistent sensations from the rest of her body that there was a very slimy, warm, heavy weight between her legs and on top of her. Under other circumstances this might have been very pleasant and welcome, but at the moment it was mostly confusing, since she'd been upright until a moment ago. And alone.

Now she was not.

There was a Third Child on top of her. This was deeply confusing, but since that was what she'd just been demanding and his eyes were fluttering open, Asuka concluded that the universe and/or Shinji had listened for once, and she had gotten what she wanted. So she did what she said she'd been here to do.

She freed her hands, grabbed onto Shinji's head, lined up his face, and proceeded to kiss his brains out.

Shinji's barely coherent "Guwah?" of surprise was countered by Asuka's firmly confident, if mostly garbled "Mine. Mine mine mine mine love me love you love me love you freaking idiot love you." Garbled due to her mouth being 99% occupied at the moment. Shinji didn't seem to be marshaling many objections, though. After the first several seconds he seemed to accept his fate, and began tentatively kissing her back. This pleased Asuka. However, about a minute into the process her body decided to inform her that it was 300% drunk and had just been bonked on the head pretty good, and was going to pass out right now kthanx bai.


"ohgodIwantodiemyheadddddddbuh?" Asuka slurred into the pillow. Her eye cracked open, and she immediately regretted it. The lights were much too loud. "Turn them offffffffff!" she demanded at a miniscule whisper. Any louder would have made her head pound even more.

The lights, sadly, persisted in staying on.

Her mouth felt like the Sahara. She stuck one hand out from under the covers she'd pulled protectively over her head and blindly fumbled around near the side of the bed. If this was her room, there should be a glass of water somewhere on the side-table.

Apparently, this was not her room, since the side-table was bare. She risked raising the blanket enough to look.

The piercing light of late morning stabbed her right in the eyeballs, but did reveal a covered glass of water further away on the side-table than her blind fumbles had reached. She desperately grabbed the glass and greedily sucked at the straw. Only a moment later did enough of her brain power up to remind her to look around.

She was in a standard NERV hospital bed, a handful of medical sensors taped to the skin on her left forearm. Shinji was laying in the next bed over.

Shinji was laying in the-

"Shinj-OOOOOWWWW ow ow ow ow my head!" she said, sitting upright. "What the fuck happened? How did I get- Shinji! Where the- how the?! What?! What? Huh? Shinji! Answer me! I-" She paused her careful inquiry to lean over the other side of the bed and vomit a string of bile and unpleasant liquids onto the floor. "On second thought, please just kill me."

"Asuka!" Shinji sat up himself, the sheets falling away from his bare chest. "You're awake! I… um… what happened? I was… I was in… I remember my mother and… you were yelling at me?"

"Urk." Asuka wiped at her mouth and took another drink of the water to wash her mouth out. "The yelling at you part I believe. The rest… How did I get here? I was in the apartment, alone, and I… I… had a drink?"

"Oh, you had more than 'a drink', Asuka," Misato commented dryly, stepping into the room. "You had an entire bottle of Jägermeister and most of a bottle of my good Demon Killer sake. You owe me for those. On the upside, you somehow freed Shinji-kun from Unit-01 and gained yourself a boyfriend, which is pretty impressive for one night's work. Congratulations."

"Boyfriend?!" Asuka and Shinji said in concert.

"Yes, boyfriend. You did threaten you'd 'stab you in the face' if I tried to separate you when we were wheeling you both up here, so I thought we should let you stay together," Misato said, grinning. She tossed the clipboard aside that she'd come in with and gave Shinji a fierce hug.

She then turned to Asuka and gave her one just as intense. "And you brought him back. Thank you," she whispered in Asuka's ear. "You are the most amazing, brilliant Pilot in the world! Thank you thank you thank you!"

Misato stepped back and picked up the clipboard again. "So… we've got a million questions for you once you feel better. But for now… I'm going to tell everyone you're still asleep for a couple more hours, and let you two talk. I'll go get you some food and a couple of painkillers for Asuka. Have fun."

Misato made a quick exit, giggling madly. Asuka was left staring at the closing door, because that was easier than looking Shinji in the eye. Bits of last night were starting to bubble back up in her mind.

"Um… boyfriend?" Shinji said hesitantly.

"It seemed like a good idea at the time?" Asuka ventured.
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The power of AsuShin shipping is limitless. Not even godlike fleshy robots with the souls of mothers can stop it

This was sweet. Happy New Year!
I'm surprised you used a pic of Shikinami instead of Soryu.:lol:

Otherwise a sweet story.
Couldn't find a good 'Asuka + Alcohol' pic with the real Asuka, sadly. So we get the high-budget imitation.
This was a good one. I get the feeling that Misato and other Nerv Staff will never let Asuka hear the end of this. Also, an early happy new year.
Misato: "Never. For years. Also, she owes me two bottles of good stuff. Every year. Behold, the power of my liquor shelf!"

Shinji: "And shelf. And shelf. And sideboard. And cabinet. And table. And fridge. And-"

Misato: "Ok, you shut up."

Asuka: ~high-fives her boyfriend~