If anyone has not yet read this masterpiece and the godly version of Gendo contained within, you must. (Note: it contains yet another Evil Manga Kaworu [who is incredibly gay for Shinji].)

Huh, I wasn't aware of someone finally having translated that manga. A friend of mine actually bought the first two volumes during a trip to Madrid a long time ago, and while silly, I don't remember it being terrible.

I'll have to give it a read and see where it goes. :)
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I fear that in this conversation of...fic recommendations...I have very little to offer. As my only real source of fanfic...ever...is TVtropes's fanfic recs area (hence how I found this lunacy) I haven't really experienced the lesser know but undoubtedly good stuff.

I wonder if any of our fics may end up with a Tropes page...I think that would be nice.
There were some true gems on fanfic.com, a sadly long dead fanfiction archive; but damn if I can remember beyond She's what?, the one based on it and that one where Shinji and Asuka are trapped in an icy cave with only one of Misato's practical jokes to keep them warm.
I wonder if any of our fics may end up with a Tropes page...I think that would be nice.

Most of them are certainly in the recommendations section, but I think the only one with a Tropes page is A&T. As for whether that will end up changing in the future, I suppose it depends on how many people with too much time on their hands end up reading and following the stories as they grow bigger. :p
s'how I found this and DIRTT too.

And then lurked for the better part of, IDFK, a year. I suppose I should reread the thread and distribute those little things in the bottom right of posts. People seem to like those.

Anyway, just goes to show TVT's still pretty good even with some of its problems. So hooray, and hopefully it spreads these good stories to more people and we get more new readers. We all know what they bring.

I've got nothing to contribute to this conversation on NGE spinoffs :(. I've dived into them very little (The central version and rebuild already have so much to analyze!), and the one that caught my eye isn't translated anyway.
And is apparently disliked around here despite its super cool mecha designs. :(
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Information: Official Staff Communication
official staff communication I do not like having to put on my Commissar's Hat in my own thread, but here we are. Everyone, The Shinji Ikari Raising Project is a licensed and copyrighted manga. Posting links right to site with full pirate scans of it is a Rule 1 violation. That is, it is illegal to do so. The link has been removed from the post and quotes. Please do not do this again.
yes it is.
you get a little arrowhead thingy that apparently means "Like".
Did I do it right?

Personally, my gripe with ANIMA isn't the mecha designs-- for the most part. My gripe is the sheer level of fetish fuel going on. I will not describe said stuff, but trust me, it's... just, no. If ANIMA didn't have that, it'd be much better.

Besides, nobody wants to deal with your stupid infantile!giantess!mecha!Asuka kink/"Crimson A1", Sakamoto. Nobody. Nobody at all.

And that is all I'll say on the matter, because reasons.
aaaahhhh good old international copyright law. Guaranteed to show up and put a bad taste in everyone's mouth.
even in my most rebellious mood I couldn't blame stryp or the other mods or rulemakers for THAT one. and that's putting aside the fact that, by stryp's example, they seem like fairly cool people.
Hopefully one day the scourge of the concept of "intellectual property" (or at least the bastardization its morphed into) will disappear and partaking in all humanity's cultural works will be freely available to everyone.

In the meantime, I never got why people still need reminding of rules like that. like... instead of posting the link, just remind people google exists. its not like finding stuff is hard.

see, there's only a few things IN ANIMA I really consider fetish fuel (as in, so fetishy that it overwhelms any other aspect of the character/object/event).
which is Mari's design (to which even me, mister cultural tolerance and pro-sexuality, just... where's our facepalm smiley? WHERE!?), and the mental part of what happened to Asuka ( :mad: ). Pretty much the rest of it seemed at the least neutral. though I wasn't paying THAT much attention to the plot summaries I admit, lol. I THINK I got most of it of it, but, yknow, I cant be 100% sure. Too busy squealing like Kensuke over Hikari's cool new Unit 02 derivative, or those awesome centaur shaped flight packs. or even the mecha design aspects of the Asuka thing.

Anyway, if people are saying that manga we all got a big "Arrrr Matey" Free Zone warning about is decent I might as well check it out (google is our friend). probably tomorrow, its late where I am.
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