Also, I distrust information that states that some Angels explicitly tried to seek out Lilith... That kinda runs counter to what we see in the series. I mean, it isn't impossible - it's possible Tabris just happened to be one of those angels who wanted to find Adam. But still, I see no indication for explicitly Lilith-seeking angels in the series.

I don't think the idea is mutually exclusive to what we see in the series, because the Angels are presented up until Tabris as unknowable and beyond our understanding. Perhaps because of how similar Lilith and Adam are, maybe some of the Angels confused the call of Lilith as Adam's call? After all, Adam was reduced to an embryo with hardly any power, so who would be the most vocal?
I don't think the idea is mutually exclusive to what we see in the series, because the Angels are presented up until Tabris as unknowable and beyond our understanding.
That's why I said it isn't completely incompatible. It still seems like a needless complexity extension to me.

And yes, if we go by Kaworu, they are duped to think Lilith is Adam and hence try to crash into Terminal Dogma.
I always assumed that most of the Angels were non-sentient and simply following an automated recall beacon, and Lilith was for some reason (possibly because the necessary transceivers had the Lance shoved through them or got cut off in the process of making Unit-01) unable to identify itself or trigger their emergency shutdown.

I mean, they can't be all that smart or else they'd realise that the planet they were meant to be terraforming already had a civilisation on it, which was probably not in the mission briefing.
I mean, they can't be all that smart or else they'd realise that the planet they were meant to be terraforming already had a civilisation on it, which was probably not in the mission briefing.
You make it sound like they'd care :V Sure the planet is already terraformed and seeded, but not by their life, after all.

But I agree, certainly not all angels were sentient. But if you're non-sentient and just following a program routine, or sentient and yet still can't escape that strong urge deep down in you, does it make much of a difference?
OTOH, "spans the new Antarctic sea" and "spans the world seas" are really two completely different orders of magnitude. If it were to span the world seas, maybe whatever has caused it would be far too diluted?
Depends on whether the contamination can replicate itself and whether anything else can eat it in small portions.
But I agree, certainly not all angels were sentient. But if you're non-sentient and just following a program routine, or sentient and yet still can't escape that strong urge deep down in you, does it make much of a difference?
I disagree.

They were all - with the possible exception of Rhamiel - definitely sentient. Sapience is where it gets tricky.
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2) You act like a post-Evangelion world wouldn't be bending over for any surviving pilots and members of Nerv who helped thwart Third Impact. Laws would be written that would make Mormons go "Okay, this is a little excessive."

I don't think so unless the technology to make another Evangelion survives.

Even then, there is some question of whether Shinji, Asuka, and anyone else their age would still be able to pilot. Most of the candidates are Shinji's age and, as a result, kept in his class. If the trait that makes them viable pilots is age-related, then Shinji may be useless at this point.

If instead it is more about having been born after a certain date, then yes, I do think that would apply.
I don't think so unless the technology to make another Evangelion survives.

Even then, there is some question of whether Shinji, Asuka, and anyone else their age would still be able to pilot. Most of the candidates are Shinji's age and, as a result, kept in his class. If the trait that makes them viable pilots is age-related, then Shinji may be useless at this point.

If instead it is more about having been born after a certain date, then yes, I do think that would apply.
I think it's more "the kid's mother's soul is in an EVA core" than "they were born after second Impact".
I think you're missing the point. LoB is saying that the grateful world that has been spared 3Imp would write these laws as thanks to the pilots.

Perhaps I have. The context was a little unclear to me.

I will say I'm not sure such rewards would take the form of laws so much as ceremonial honors and privileges. Maybe parliamentary resolutions, medals, etc. in that case.

I think it's more "the kid's mother's soul is in an EVA core" than "they were born after second Impact".

It seems rather unlikely that there would be no one substantially older than Shinji and Asuka if the mother's soul were the only factor.

Edit: Furthermore, if we interpret everyone in Shinji's class as a candidate, and if age were not a factor, then why isn't Hikari's older sister a candidate?
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Edit: Furthermore, if we interpret everyone in Shinji's class as a candidate, and if age were not a factor, then why isn't Hikari's older sister a candidate?
What age difference is there between the Horaki girls? Maybe the Eva really requires someone around 13-14 because of their mental development (or lack thereof) at that age.
"Because you saved the world, you get one boon from the assembly of the United Nations. Think carefully, Miss Soryu, for this is not something taken lig-"
Touji: "... I knew you were a megalomaniac..."

Edit: Furthermore, if we interpret everyone in Shinji's class as a candidate, and if age were not a factor, then why isn't Hikari's older sister a candidate?
Kodama would have been born before Second Impact. I'm pretty sure it's both the collected parental soul and the being born after Second Impact.
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Asuka: "Okay, kidding. If I give anyone the position of Shogun, it shall of course be Shinji."
Touji: "And, what? You'll propagate the master race together?"
Asuka: "... Yes." [Growls suggestively at Shinji]
Hikari: "I've never heard it called that before..."

Touji: Can I negotiate for the remains of Australia?
Hikari: Touji!!
Touji: What? I'm trying to get a deal here, don't worry my uncle sells cars.
Part of me kinda wanted to think Rei/Lilith was intentionally emulating Adam's call to bring the angels to Tokyo-III. Rei is essentially Lilith in Lillim form, she's aware of what's going on and what is happening. Tabris noted that when he met Rei they were identical, even though in many ways they are diametrically opposed.
Touji: Can I negotiate for the remains of Australia?
Hikari: Touji!!
Touji: What? I'm trying to get a deal here, don't worry my uncle sells cars.
Asuka: "No, no, you get Bulgaria. Hikari gets Hungary, Rei has Italy, Kaworu has Romania and Kensuke gets Thailand."
Rei: "Asuka... why those specifically?"
Asuka: "Axis Powers, duuuh!"
Kodama would have been born before Second Impact. I'm pretty sure it's both the collected parental soul and the being born after Second Impact.

Yes, I was merely pointing out that it couldn't only be a connection or relationship with the soul inside the Eva that makes it possible for someone to pilot. Whether one must be born after 2I or there is some inherent age limitation as @MisterHalt suggested is something that is less clear to me.