Aaaaaaaand finished the latest story post. Woo what a ride.


Penpen does not have delusions of grandeur.
Nor is he foul, water or otherwise.
I was trying create a moment, And you fills are killing it. :(
I Was thinking more along the lines of a whole bunch of group hugs from the whole gang. Just imagine: kaworu's head poking up from the middle of what might be a rugby maul* if they wore uniforms
*Edit: Thank you @MoroseMobius for the knowledge on europe's most brutal sport
I thought that was Ferret Legging...
I take one day off from the thread because I'm busy killing terrorists, and you guys have wandered off into ferret legging?

....And that isn't even the 5th strangest sentence I've ever written.
Can Kaworu tang people?
Rei only could after fusing with Adam's foetus and Lilith. The forbidden union. I would assume that if Kaworu called "eh good enough" on Lilith and fused with her (so again the forbidden union), then we would in fact see a GNK that can do all the same stuff as GNR.

Or, you know, if Kaworu and Rei bang :p

Well, I mean, I agree entirely. Poor guy is as lonely as you can possibly be, being Adamite in a world of Lilim and all. Just, you know, not from Rei ;)



Though, I did manage to think of a drawback of the Israfel Special:

[if it weren't for the fact that Shinji has to end up as Shinji Soryu, with Shinji Ayanami as a close followup, we could consider Shinji Katsuragi ;) ]

Shinji can't become Shinji Soryu. After all, barring some rather unlikely changes in Japanese marriage law as a result of 2I, that would leave Rei out :(
Rei only could after fusing with Adam's foetus and Lilith. The forbidden union. I would assume that if Kaworu called "eh good enough" on Lilith and fused with her (so again the forbidden union), then we would in fact see a GNK that can do all the same stuff as GNR.

Or, you know, if Kaworu and Rei bang :p

Well, I mean, I agree entirely. Poor guy is as lonely as you can possibly be, being Adamite in a world of Lilim and all. Just, you know, not from Rei ;)



Though, I did manage to think of a drawback of the Israfel Special:

Shinji can't become Shinji Soryu. After all, barring some rather unlikely changes in Japanese marriage law as a result of 2I, that would leave Rei out :(
1) So I missed the conversation on what happens when an Angel reaches Terminal Dogma, and saw some people saying that the resulting Anti-AT Field would only break down Adamite fields.

You all DO remember that when Adam awakened during Second Impact he started to generate an Anti-AT Field that would cover the planet, right? And that Antarctica no longer supports ANY life because of lingering effects of that field? GNR would have obliterated any Angel's AT Field, there just weren't any left to affect at that point.

2) You act like a post-Evangelion world wouldn't be bending over for any surviving pilots and members of Nerv who helped thwart Third Impact. Laws would be written that would make Mormons go "Okay, this is a little excessive."
You all DO remember that when Adam awakened during Second Impact he started to generate an Anti-AT Field that would cover the planet, right? And that Antarctica no longer supports ANY life because of lingering effects of that field? GNR would have obliterated any Angel's AT Field, there just weren't any left to affect at that point.
Err, Antarctica doesn't "support" life because it's 1) Antarctica and 2) the continent broke up so it's now a sea full of ice spikes. But life can dwell there without problems. Gendo, Fuyutsuki and entire U.N. fleet ventured there to retrieve the Spear of Longinus, and they weren't tanged.

Would Angels have been tanged? Well, probably not; tang seems to be related to Lilith ;) Would they have lost their AT field and be dissolved as individual entities? Hm, maybe. I doubt it, though. Personally, I think that's the reason why everyone had to await the defeat of all angels before they could go through with their 3I plans: If all of humanity is tanged, and there is still an angel, the planet is basically handed to him. Which only works if Angels do not get dissolved.

2) You act like a post-Evangelion world wouldn't be bending over for any surviving pilots and members of Nerv who helped thwart Third Impact. Laws would be written that would make Mormons go "Okay, this is a little excessive."
That depends entirely on how the EoE-equivalent goes down, doesn't it? If it's just "incident averted, but SEELE still exists and keeps everything under wraps" then surely not. And even if not, I think you overestimate the gratitude of humans, but that may just be my inner cynic speaking.

What could happen of course is that any post-NERV organization is given privileges beyond NERV's, like exterritoriality. Being an own jurisdiction, they could then pass own marriage laws. But even that would be more a matter of power (of the post-NERV organization) and deals (between said organization and the Japanese government) rather than gratitude.
Err, Antarctica doesn't "support" life because it's 1) Antarctica and 2) the continent broke up so it's now a sea full of ice spikes. But life can dwell there without problems. Gendo, Fuyutsuki and entire U.N. fleet ventured there to retrieve the Spear of Longinus, and they weren't tanged.
They do note, however, that the region is sterile and devoid of life. They can sail in there, yes, but the place is 100% dead.
Rei only could after fusing with Adam's foetus and Lilith. The forbidden union. I would assume that if Kaworu called "eh good enough" on Lilith and fused with her (so again the forbidden union), then we would in fact see a GNK that can do all the same stuff as GNR.
Considering that Kaworu is a half-Lilim clone missing his main Adamite body, I think Lilith still ends up in control of that combiniation, which might explain why Kaworu just gives up in canon: he literally can't win at that point, and trying would only destroy Shinji and humanity.
That's not a sport either. It's an exercise in ritualistic self-flagellation for reasons that are lost in the mists of time but probably derive from pagan tradition.
I can't believe Asuka, Shinji and Rei are going to found Pilotes Sans Frontières, the nation of EVA Pilots
Well, not own nation, but own jurisdiction. The go-to example for exterritoriality are embassies, of course. No, the American embassy in Examplistan is not actually American territory, as is often said, but it is under American jurisdiction. Of course, an exterritorial Geosphere would be a rather improbable outcome of any EoE-equivalent, but it's the only way I can see how an Israfel Special could get the necessary marriage laws ;)

They do note, however, that the region is sterile and devoid of life. They can sail in there, yes, but the place is 100% dead.
Hm. Odd then that life hasn't crept back in in the 15 years since SI.

Considering that Kaworu is a half-Lilim clone missing his main Adamite body, I think Lilith still ends up in control of that combiniation, which might explain why Kaworu just gives up in canon: he literally can't win at that point, and trying would only destroy Shinji and humanity.
He gives up because he doesn't actually want, on a conscious level, to end the world. He just has this strong urge to unite with Adam. And indeed with Adam. Lilith could be a substitute, maybe, but it isn't actually what he wants. He gives up when he realizes he can't actually get what he wants, and any further attempts will only endanger Shinji and humanity, despite the futility of it all. And I'm not sure a soul-less Lilith can end up in control of anything, to be honest. (Then again, she briefly communicates with Rei in EoE, so apparently Rei isn't all of her soul...)
1) So I missed the conversation on what happens when an Angel reaches Terminal Dogma, and saw some people saying that the resulting Anti-AT Field would only break down Adamite fields.

Neon Genesis Evangelion 2/ Evangelions (the PS2/ PSP game where the Classified Information came from) actually answers what would happen if an Angel reaches Lilith: It would essentially hit the proverbial "Reset to Factory Settings" button on Earth, resetting all life on Earth, though we aren't fully sure what would happen afterwards. Granted, the Show itself provides evidence that the result wouldn't be the end of all Lilith based life because of Unit-00 (an Adam based Eva, effectively a proxy of Adam as Kaworu later infers in Episode 24 for Unit-02) making contact with Lilith to retrieve the Lance of Longinus. So perhaps, "Reset all Life" is a euphemism for Instrumentality.

Rebuild only as for the world's oceans. Though, actually, true, IIRC, the original series shots of Antarctica do also show a red sea.

Yeah, the OG Show also had a red sea in Antarctica, and that when seen from space the sea stretches out towards the coast of Australia o_O

I personally think Rebuild was taking into account Ocean Currents... cause I highly doubt that a change that significant could be kept to one spot on the ocean.
Neon Genesis Evangelion 2/ Evangelions (the PS2/ PSP game where the Classified Information came from) actually answers what would happen if an Angel reaches Lilith: It would essentially hit the proverbial "Reset to Factory Settings" button on Earth, resetting all life on Earth, though we aren't fully sure what would happen afterwards. Granted, the Show itself provides evidence that the result wouldn't be the end of all Lilith based life because of Unit-00 (an Adam based Eva, effectively a proxy of Adam as Kaworu later infers in Episode 24 for Unit-02) making contact with Lilith to retrieve the Lance of Longinus. So perhaps, "Reset all Life" is a euphemism for Instrumentality.
I thought that is what happens when they reach Adam...

I personally think Rebuild was taking into account Ocean Currents... cause I highly doubt that a change that significant could be kept to one spot on the ocean.
OTOH, "spans the new Antarctic sea" and "spans the world seas" are really two completely different orders of magnitude. If it were to span the world seas, maybe whatever has caused it would be far too diluted?
I thought that is what happens when they reach Adam...


A. Publicly Released Information

Data unavailable.

B. Generally Recognized Information
The unidentified enemy of humankind, transcending the concepts of living and nonliving. Conventional weaponry is no match for their overwhelming offensive power. The target of their invasions is Nerv Headquarters in the Geofront below Tokyo-3.

C. Confidential Information
Angels are, indeed, lifeforms that were born from Adam. Humanity, on the other hand, originated from Lilith. Compared to organisms born from Lilith, the Angels are predisposed towards enormous size and individualistic existences. Adam-based life should be thriving on Earth, as it is the life that originally germinated there.

D. In-Depth Information
Two Seeds of Life are not needed on one planet, and, therefore, one of them is excluded. As recorded in the Secret Dead Sea Scrolls, Adam-based life took part in a contest of survival, putting the stakes on their own existence. Some of them were trying to access Lilith and reset all life, some of them had nothing in mind, and some were trying to recover their progenitor Adam. The Angels — Adam-based life — became active under their respective tactics for survival and success.

It isn't exactly clear what happens if they reach Adam... but I am willing to bet the truth is that it doesn't matter. Angels and Lilin (barring PWM shenanigans) are the same thing, meaning their progenitors are the same as well. Instrumentality would happen regardless of who triggers it, the only difference would be the result of Instrumentality depending on who is in control and acting as "God".
And S.E.E.L.E has the Temerity to think that it will be them.
It isn't exactly clear what happens if they reach Adam... but I am willing to bet the truth is that it doesn't matter. Angels and Lilin (barring PWM shenanigans) are the same thing, meaning their progenitors are the same as well. Instrumentality would happen regardless of who triggers it, the only difference would be the result of Instrumentality depending on who is in control and acting as "God".

That some form of 3I would be triggered is clear. That doesn't necessarily mean there'd be no differences, though. What we learn from the series is that a contact of an angel with Adam would trigger the "just wipe out all Lilim" kind. It is true that Lilithian and Adamite life are in a struggle for survival; so if Adam is reactivated the rival lifeform, the Lilim, will be wiped out by its powers. That is partially what happened in 2I. Meanwhile, if Lilith is reached, something fishy will be done with her descendants, the Lilim (and potentially all life of HER rival, i.e. all Adamite life, wiped out, but then during EoE there is none of that left anymore). At least, that's how I see it.

Also, I distrust information that states that some Angels explicitly tried to seek out Lilith... That kinda runs counter to what we see in the series. I mean, it isn't impossible - it's possible Tabris just happened to be one of those angels who wanted to find Adam. But still, I see no indication for explicitly Lilith-seeking angels in the series.