but it's the only way I can see how an Israfel Special could get the necessary marriage laws ;)
Eh, a couple of legal fictions and they are in business.

You make it sound like they'd care :V Sure the planet is already terraformed and seeded, but not by their life, after all.

But I agree, certainly not all angels were sentient. But if you're non-sentient and just following a program routine, or sentient and yet still can't escape that strong urge deep down in you, does it make much of a difference?
That seems like a programming flaw that should have been caught back in beta....
but it's the only way I can see how an Israfel Special could get the necessary marriage laws ;)
Eh, a couple of legal fictions and they are in business.

You make it sound like they'd care :V Sure the planet is already terraformed and seeded, but not by their life, after all.

But I agree, certainly not all angels were sentient. But if you're non-sentient and just following a program routine, or sentient and yet still can't escape that strong urge deep down in you, does it make much of a difference?
That seems like a programming flaw that should have been caught back in beta....

Are you sure?
Are you really sure?
This really isn't the thread for this, but attacks on neutral powers, mass killings, torture of prisoners, execution/killing of prisoners, forced labour, mass rapes, looting and faking surrender or injury are nothing new in the history of warfare. It's only relatively recently that we've bothered even having the concept of war crimes and cataloguing them as such. Chemical weapons are unusual but not unprecedented as is biological warfare and experimentation. Cannibalism is, however, extremely rare.

As I said, these metaphors do not work on any detailed level. Do you really think that the history of Germany and Italy was rosy and cheery?
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Do you really think that the history of Germany and Italy was rosy and cheery?
....Alright that's fair. Let's get things back on a more positive note. Check out these Love songs!

(Imagine the children doing this dance routine. Imagine Rei with that soft little smile on her face as shes dancing)

(can't stop won't stop)

(good for Romantic/waffy A/R moments)
the DiRTT thread has sorta gone on a 'theme song' spree
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...why are we even talking about Japanese war crimes on Korean soil?

I came here for WAFF. Don't make my procrastination from work depressing!
Never fear! WAAF omake on the way! Of Rei/Kaworu and ice cream dates!

Bless you Englanderish.

Quick! Think about Asuka and Shinji singing this to Rei!

I hereby declare, that proponents of the Israfel Special, be Excommunicate and Anathema. and we judge them condemned to eternal fire with Gendou and SEELE and all the reprobate, so long as he will not burst the fetters of Asuka, do penance and satisfy the Ship; we deliver him to Terminal Dogma to mortify his body, that his soul may be saved on the day of Third Impact.
Everybody's posting theme songs? I can do theme songs! Here's my idea for the S/A theme song:

Now it just needs an appropriate video...
(Seriously, tell me the first verse couldn't have been about Shinji and Asuka up to the final battle with Israfel.)

EDIT: Changed videos to one with the full-length song: The official video is butchered AF.
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I hereby declare, that proponents of the Israfel Special, be Excommunicate and Anathema. and we judge them condemned to eternal fire with Gendou and SEELE and all the reprobate, so long as he will not burst the fetters of Asuka, do penance and satisfy the Ship; we deliver him to Terminal Dogma to mortify his body, that his soul may be saved on the day of Third Impact.
*Nails 123 pieces of A/S/R art to @Hexokinase 's front door*
"Unless I am convinced by clear reason (for I do not trust either in Canon or in fans alone, since it is well known that they have often erred and contradicted themselves), I am bound by the Cuteness I have quoted and my conscience is captive to the Word of Rei. I cannot and will not recant anything, since it is neither safe nor right to go against conscience.
Here I stand, I can do no other."
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New watcher and decided that now was as good a time as any to make an account. Because, while it isn't exactly WAFF-y, having Shinji, Asuka, and Rei singing this:

To Gendo and SEELE (with a coordinated dance routine) would be excellent.

At least until he has the three of them killed and just grabs a new Rei clone.
Naturally, Asuka is the only one who goes full Twisted Sister. Shinji plays the music perfectly but doesn't really have the attitude for it, while Rei does all the dance routine perfectly but still with a blank look on her face. Nobody is sure which part is most disturbing.
It seems rather unlikely that there would be no one substantially older than Shinji and Asuka if the mother's soul were the only factor.

Edit: Furthermore, if we interpret everyone in Shinji's class as a candidate, and if age were not a factor, then why isn't Hikari's older sister a candidate?
Who says she isn't? Whatever else it maybe, Shinji & Asuka's class is still a junior high class, and it would be a little weird for Hikari's sister to be in it.
Kodama would have been born before Second Impact. I'm pretty sure it's both the collected parental soul and the being born after Second Impact.
I'm still pretty sure the 'born after 2I' is just in universe PR.