Who says she isn't? Whatever else it maybe, Shinji & Asuka's class is still a junior high class, and it would be a little weird for Hikari's sister to be in it.

I would expect that the oldest children would, all other things being equal, be the first choices to pilot due to increased maturity. I realize that's only a bit circumstantial, however.
Except they wanted broken, pliable pilots, not ones who could withstand psychological manipulations.

Gendo does, yes, and ensuring that Yui would be saved basically mandates that Shinji and Rei be involved.

That still leaves Asuka, however. I'm not sure that Asuka really matters for his scenario. it's also unclear to me that any of the pilots matter for Seele's scenario, given that they issued shoot-to-kill orders to SSDF for any pilot they came across, and SSDF were the ones who coated Unit-01 in bakelite, presumably on Seele's orders.
I am thoroughly enjoying the butthurt of some and the denial and wishful thinking of others! I can't wait for the day it becomes canon so I'll rub it in your faces and say "I told you so!"

@Strypgia, you've made my day Sir.

OT3! OT3! OT3!
The cover story of 'Only post-2I Children' is kind of needed, since Units-00, -01, and -02 are all set by the facts of Rei I, and Yui & Kyoko's Contact Experiments make it so that Rei, Shinji, and Asuka have to be the first 3 Pilots. Once you've gotten that far, you need an explanation as to 'Hey, why are all your Pilots 14 year old kids?'. Once you've done that, it's easier to keep rolling, especially as #1) 14 year olds are easier to manipulate and #2) if you're Gendo and SEELE, you know there aren't actually going to be all that many Evas and Pilots. Even without the MP Dummy Plugs, they'd still have been able to fill out the numbers just from Class 2-A.

In any case, we know the entire Marduk Institute was a sham, and they weren't just picking the candidates out of a hat, but just as much they weren't making them all that high a priority. Despite Rei's injuries and Shinji's inexperience, they don't seem to have ever shown much urgency in looking for another Pilot or crash-completing another Eva in the early part of the series, when things were at their most thin in terms of combat ready Evas and Pilots.

We know (Doylist) that its a giant robot show convention that you can only have a tiny handful of said giant robots, no matter how critical they are to your planet's safety and how your entire civilization should be pumping out Evas, Pilots, and support units as fast as possible. If the Evas fail, everything else is moot. But in-universe, NERV, SEELE, and everyone display a bizarrely laid-back approach to things. Like others have said before, the Children should be living lives of private tutoring, constant training, and extensive psychological support, given how key they are to things. Instead, show conventions rule that they go to school like nothing is different, and treat 'being humanity's sole line of defense against the END OF EVERYTHING' like it's an annoying part-time job afterschool. Hell, 2/3 of NERV's Pilots live with a woman who managed to make a penguin into an alcoholic!

Just repeat to yourself, 'Its Just A Show, I should Really Just Relax...'

That having been said, I've never seen a story where they try to use the elder Horaki sister as a Pilot, and only once where Nozomi gets tapped.

Welcome to the new kids, and I'm sorry to say I'm going to be busy with a briefing in my day job until this evening, and then I'm promised to write a Panopticon snippet, but then I'll be back to writing Asuka's birthday.
Despite Rei's injuries and Shinji's inexperience, they don't seem to have ever shown much urgency in looking for another Pilot or crash-completing another Eva in the early part of the series, when things were at their most thin in terms of combat ready Evas and Pilots.

We know that its a giant robot show convention that you can only have a tiny handful of said giant robots, no matter how critical they are to your planet's safety and how your entire civilization should be pumping out Evas, Pilots, and support units as fast as possible. If the Evas fail, everything else is moot. But in-universe, NERV, SEELE, and everyone display a bizarrely laid-back approach to things. Like others have said before, the Children should be living lives of private tutoring, constant training, and extensive psychological support, given how key they are to things. Instead, show conventions rule that they go to school like nothing is different, and treat 'being humanity's sole line of defense against the END OF EVERYTHING' like it's an annoying part-time job afterschool.

This is so pervasive, in a narrative uncanny valley sort of way, that I actually thought for the longest time the Angels were SEELE's doing. In my teens I actually tin foiled that the Angels were the MP Evas direct prototypes made to ensure 3rd Impact would occur successfully, both through coaxing Humanity and through buying SEELE time to interpret and get the Dead Sea Scrolls right for Instrumentality.

By the time Bardiel came, I was expecting a twist that the Angel was the Eva itself, who had awakened somehow.
Except they wanted broken, pliable pilots, not ones who could withstand psychological manipulations.
Because the adults of evangelion were sooo resistant to their psychological demons.~

I am thoroughly enjoying the butthurt of some and the denial and wishful thinking of others! I can't wait for the day it becomes canon so I'll rub it in your faces and say "I told you so!"

@Strypgia, you've made my day Sir.

OT3! OT3! OT3!
And what if it doesn't? What do you plan to do should that happen?
This is so pervasive, in a narrative uncanny valley sort of way, that I actually thought for the longest time the Angels were SEELE's doing. In my teens I actually tin foiled that the Angels were the MP Evas direct prototypes made to ensure 3rd Impact would occur successfully, both through coaxing Humanity and through buying SEELE time to interpret and get the Dead Sea Scrolls right for Instrumentality.

By the time Bardiel came, I was expecting a twist that the Angel was the Eva itself, who had awakened somehow.

Huh. There's probably a good story there.
This is so pervasive, in a narrative uncanny valley sort of way, that I actually thought for the longest time the Angels were SEELE's doing. In my teens I actually tin foiled that the Angels were the MP Evas direct prototypes made to ensure 3rd Impact would occur successfully, both through coaxing Humanity and through buying SEELE time to interpret and get the Dead Sea Scrolls right for Instrumentality.

By the time Bardiel came, I was expecting a twist that the Angel was the Eva itself, who had awakened somehow.

Honestly, my head cannon was that SEELE and Gendo knew from the Dead Sea Scrolls that the angels would be defeated, and Instrumentality would happen; the only thing left up to "chance" as it were the details. At least in the A&Tverse, knowing that Instrumentality was fated to happen, Yui going into Unit-01 to allow her scenario to play out makes a LOT more sense.
Honestly, my head cannon was that SEELE and Gendo knew from the Dead Sea Scrolls that the angels would be defeated, and Instrumentality would happen; the only thing left up to "chance" as it were the details. At least in the A&Tverse, knowing that Instrumentality was fated to happen, Yui going into Unit-01 to allow her scenario to play out makes a LOT more sense.
I wouldn't know about that. The Secret Dead Sea Scrolls are described as a manual for the Seed of Life and the Spear of Longinus, but also as prophecy. Seems to me that SEELE found sections on what kind of Angels Adam would produce as the result of a Contact Experiment and when they would become active, drafted a timetable based on that and called it 'prophecy' in their typical pretentious mystical bullshit fashion.
Lose phone access for 1.5 weeks. Regain access, read 3 updates. Try to read non-OP comments. Confused as fuck. Is that OT3 I smell?
I wouldn't know about that. The Secret Dead Sea Scrolls are described as a manual for the Seed of Life and the Spear of Longinus, but also as prophecy. Seems to me that SEELE found sections on what kind of Angels Adam would produce as the result of a Contact Experiment and when they would become active, drafted a timetable based on that and called it 'prophecy' in their typical pretentious mystical bullshit fashion.
That's basically what happens if you RTFM and then decide to try all the things that are advised against. All of them. In one sitting.
Lose phone access for 1.5 weeks. Regain access, read 3 updates. Try to read non-OP comments. Confused as fuck. Is that OT3 I smell?
Nah, that's Denmark.
This omake is turning into the most toothrotting, diabeties-inducing, sugary sweetness I have ever written...
You should post that quote.
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This is so pervasive, in a narrative uncanny valley sort of way, that I actually thought for the longest time the Angels were SEELE's doing. In my teens I actually tin foiled that the Angels were the MP Evas direct prototypes made to ensure 3rd Impact would occur successfully, both through coaxing Humanity and through buying SEELE time to interpret and get the Dead Sea Scrolls right for Instrumentality.

By the time Bardiel came, I was expecting a twist that the Angel was the Eva itself, who had awakened somehow.
I've seen some early fanfics go that route. It's not necessarily a bad one, really. But can easily be done poorly
I'm shipping both SxR and AxR, it just so happens that AxSxR is my OT3.
It's a win-win for me.
Multishipping Uber Alles!

Hopefully by that time The Writing will have convinced me it's a good idea. I love Love, so it shouldn't be hard. which, incidentally, is why i oppose it as of right now- there isn't evidence for it in the writing. As I said before (as a joke): I am bound by my conscience and the evidence I have read.

On a completely unrelated note, does anyone have a suggestion for a good artist that does commissions?
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I wouldn't know about that. The Secret Dead Sea Scrolls are described as a manual for the Seed of Life and the Spear of Longinus, but also as prophecy. Seems to me that SEELE found sections on what kind of Angels Adam would produce as the result of a Contact Experiment and when they would become active, drafted a timetable based on that and called it 'prophecy' in their typical pretentious mystical bullshit fashion.

Well, I think it had to be more specific than that. The blackout during Matarael's attack is way too conveniently timed, and there's enough evidence that SEELE was responsible for it as a way to probe Tokyo-3's defenses when they sent in the JSSDF in EoE. EoE establishes that NERV's defense budget had been cut months in advice.

My view of events that SEELE and Gendo knew from fairly earlier in the series that their plans were only going to align up to a point, but the former lacked the political capital to remove the later without justification. Gendo is too public of a figure to get rid of via assassination, and even if they did, they would have to remove Fuyutsuki. The loss of both the Commander and Vice-Commander during the Angel War would have caused a lot of people to take notice at NERV (something SEELE would have wanted to avoid).
I was listening to this song today, and it reminded me of the Canon universe. The music fits as well; gloomy, morose, reeking of despair, yet not without a kind of haunting, desolate beauty.

The grave of our youth is up ahead
And life has become a burden
We move in circles of suppressed despair
Waiting for the sun
And turning stones to find evidence
But it hides in the recesses of our hearts

A written decree of our loss
And we carried no faith in the cross
And the cold years are coming
For the victims of a longing

Out through the doors of starvation
And into the rains of damnation
Where the bitter winds are singing
For the victims of a longing

We carried along through squalor
With an inborn need to dominate and possess
It gives birth to an anger inside
And we can't control this
The blood of departure in our tracks
Dripping from our emptying vessels
Your hand reached out to hold mine
But you're grasping melting ice

Asleep in the rain
A child once again
And the ghost in my head
Has forgiven me

Lifted his curse upon me