"You're Ranunculaceous." Shinji said.
That forced Asuka to stop trying to snuggle her face through his torso and think about what the hell she just heard. This had the unfortunate effect of waking her up further, so she pulled her head out its nest and stared at him, before leading off with the important question, "What?"
Shinji smirked seeing his short scheme come to fruition. "It means you're as beautiful as buttercups. Now come on, we don't want to make Rei wait for us."
OTOH, considering the specific fic, Rei would probably just like to join the morning snuggles ;)
This is true, but which side of the bed would she take; sharing Asuka's pillow, or being the big spoon?
REI: Yes?
ASUKA: You owe me hugs.
REI: ...not that I'm complaining, but... how do you figure?
ASUKA: Shinji promised me Rei-hugs. That's how he got me out of bed this morning.
INTERNAL REI: Thank you, Shinji.
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On that notion, question: Assuming Yui had not been Rei's genetic donor, as in DIRTT, would you still be so opposed to the idea?
Probably not nearly as, but I still question the stability and longevity of the theoretical relationship. I was decidedly unfond of the ship even before the Reivelation and then there's the issue of she still looks like Yui. Wouldn't make me go 'nope' tho.
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This is true, but which side of the bed would she take; sharing Asuka's pillow, or being the big spoon?
Well, since one of the more iconic Rei scenes is her chin laying on a pillow... Sharing the pillow and hugging Asuka at the same time? Hm, not sure if the bed or futon is large enough ;)
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Well, since one of the more iconic Rei scenes is her chin laying on a pillow... Sharing the pillow and hugging Asuka at the same time? Hm, not sure if the bed or futon is large enough ;)
Keep in mind that in this case, Asuka's pillow is Shinji. So the question then becomes, does she snuggle into Shinji on the other side of Asuka, or does she snuggle in behind Asuka? Rei's preferred answer ("in the middle") won't work, because right now Leliel couldn't fit their 3-nanometer-thick body between Shinji and Asuka, and she's not moving for anyone.
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Keep in mind that in this case, Asuka's pillow is Shinji. So the question then becomes, does she snuggle into Shinji on the other side of Asuka, or does she snuggle in behind Asuka?
Well, I was thinking about having them at an angle, hence the bed size comment, but yeah, not so practical. You know, this does actually prove to be a logistical challenge :p Since it is the night before Asuka's birthday, Asuka should probably be the one in the middle for that night, though ;)
"Asuka… It's time to wake up," his voice said gently in her ear. Warmly. Lovingly. It made her smile as she woke.

"Nuh uh," she articulately countered. "Iz t'm to stay righ' hr'." She burrowed a little closer into his arms.

"Nuh uh," she articulately countered. "Iz t'm to stay righ' hr'." She burrowed a little closer into his arms. It was difficult: she was already deeply wrapped therein, using his chest as a pillow. She made up for it by refusing to open her eyes. It was nice and comfy right where she was.

"As nice as staying in bed all day with you sounds, it's still a school day. We've got to get up," her boyfriend pointed out.

"Dun wanna. Here's good."
Wait... what if it's not Shinji...

What if it's Arael?
Omake: Early Sundae

Rei let out a gasp as they separated for air again. The past hours had been a flurry of kissing, cuddling, quiet confessions, roaming hands and… exploring. The last of which had brought forth the discovery that Rei was ticklish, to Kaworu's absolute delight. Uncontrollable laughter had filled their private store room, only stopping when Kaworu had Rei literally begging for mercy. She flushed at the memory. Laying together on the crash mat, she and Kaworu held each other contentedly.

"What time is it?" she wondered aloud, dreamily. Kaworu checked his watch.

"Oh, we missed lunch!"

"Well… since we've already skipped classes," said Rei, fingers dancing across Kaworu's collarbone. "We could duck school entirely today. But where would we go?"

"I could take you on a date?"

Rei stared at him.

"You know what those are?" she asked, incredulously. "How?"

"Shinji told me; he… gushes a lot about Asuka."

"I… wouldn't mind a date," replied Rei, blushing. "But, what should we do on it?"

"Hmm, I believe Asuka once mentioned her and Shinji going to something called an 'ice cream parlour' on a date at some point," mused Kaworu. "we could go to one of those?"

"I have tried ice cream before… but only in the school cafeteria," said Rei, "I am told it is… inferior to the type served in parlours; that sounds like a good idea. I suppose we should probably get going."

"You'll be wanting this back, then?"

Rei gave a tiny squeak and immediately snatched the article of clothing he was holding up from him.

"Yes," she said, blushing even harder than ever. Kaworu seemed perplexed by her reaction.

"You seemed quite happy with me removing it…"

Rei shot him a look and he fell silent. The two made sure they were, if not presentable, at least fully redressed before they unbarred the door and, checking to see if the coast was clear first, departed their little bolt hole. Sneaking out of the school was less trouble than they were expecting. Presumably their absence from the register had prompted Section 2 to head off looking for one or both of them because they were nowhere to be seen.

Nevertheless, it wasn't until they were far from the school and well into a commercial district that they felt safe to even hold hands publically. A little asking around was all it took to locate the ice cream parlour that Asuka had spoken of; a quaint little place, just off the high street. They'd had a little trouble deciding what to get at first, confronted by a veritable excess of choice. Thankfully, the cashier had picked up on their togetherness and had suggested a large sundae to share.

Finding a secluded booth at the back, they sat as close together as they could and eyed up their prize.

"So… do you want first bite?" asked Rei.

"Today is about you, Rei," said Kaworu with a smile. "Takamori hurt you."

"I… I guess."

His fingers curled around hers, under the table. With his other hand, he loaded up the spoon and brought it to Rei's lips. He slipped the first spoonful into her oh-so-enticing mouth. As it hit her tongue, Rei's eyes widened. She elicited a delightful little squeak, her eyes taking on a bright shine.

"It does weird things to me!" The most blissful expression spread across her face. Kaworu leant on his hand and gazed at her, affectionately.

"Wow," he breathed, "You look even more adorable than when you're angry…"

"Shut up, Trout!"

Kaworu stared at her, confused.

"Oh, right," said Rei, blushing yet again, "Sorry; force of habit…"

Smiling bemusedly, Kaworu took his first mouthful – and resisted the urge to squeal. His body, however, did all the squealing for him, practically glowing with sparkles as his expression turned borderline euphoric. His look also caused funny things to stir in Rei. Adoring things. Sinful things. Fighting off what felt like a minor heart attack, Rei placed her hands on Kaworu's cheeks and placed her lips on his while he was still savouring the ice cream. The result was, in Rei's opinion, the most delicious taste she had ever tasted. After lingering for a little, she pulled away, leaving Kaworu very red, but very pleased.

Leaning into his ear, Rei whispered, "I want you again."

"You already have me," he returned, feeding her another spoonful and restarting the kiss again.

And so they went, feeding each other, kissing and occasionally muttering affection to one another, until the glass ran low. Filled with ice cream and worn out from their earlier antics, they leant together comfortably and basked in their mutual warmth.

"So, Rei, I must ask," began Kaworu, with a small smile. "Why such a Rei of tsunshine?"

Rei stared at him, struggling to process what he had just said. Then things finally clicked.

"YOU DID NOT JUST DO THAT!?" she blurted out in shock.

Kaworu's smile only widened.

"Shinji explained the concept of puns and 'tsundere' to me, among a few other things… but do you know what the answer is?"

Making a mental note to kill Shinji, Rei narrowed her eyes suspiciously.


"Beca~use," he continued in a sing song voice, "You make me happ~y, when skies are gRe~ei…"

Rei went almost completely scarlet, stuttering in response.

"I… wh… you… nnggg!"

Kaworu leant in for yet another kiss, but stopped as something caught his eye through the front window.

"Oh dear."

"Section 2?" asked Rei glumly.

"It would seem so, we should go."

Departing quickly, they staged a hushed 'argument' as they led their followers out, away from the city and into the surrounding hills. Rei tried to put more effort into her feigned hostility, but she was honestly struggling. Mercifully, they managed to lose the agents after an hour or two of evasion.

"So, where next?" asked Kaworu as they looked out over Tokyo-3.

"We~ell…" said Rei, fiddling with Kaworu's collar. A rather lustful expression began to sprout. "We could go to your place… and… do more… things. If you'd like?"

Kaworu returned her gaze with a sultry one of his own.

"I would like that."

Rei leaned her head by his ear and whispered something else. It set his breath on edge. It also had an interesting effect on his blood flow.
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@The Englanderish : I don't think Rei would suddenly be so body-shy. Apart from that... yeah, it's cute of course. Nice to see how Shinji and Asuka are such good teachers to Kaworu. ;) (well, "nice" in your continuity of course ;) )
Omake: Early Sundae

Rei let out a gasp as they separated for air again. The past hours had been a flurry of kissing, cuddling, quiet confessions and roaming hands and… exploring. The last of which had brought forth the discovery that Rei was ticklish, to Kaworu's absolute delight. Uncontrollable laughter had filled their private store room, only stopping when Kaworu had Rei literally begging for mercy. She flushed at the memory. Laying together on the crash mat, she and Kaworu held each other contentedly.

"What time is it?" she wondered aloud, dreamily. Kaworu checked his watch.

"Oh, we missed lunch!"

"Well… since we've already skipped classes," said Rei, fingers dancing across Kaworu's collarbone. "We could duck school entirely today. But where would we go?"

"I could take you on a date?"

Rei stared at him.

"You know what those are?" she asked, incredulously. "How?"

"Shinji told me; he… gushes a lot about Asuka."

"I… wouldn't mind a date," replied Rei, blushing. "But, what should we do on it?"

"Hmm, I believe Asuka once mentioned her and Shinji going to something called an 'ice cream parlour' on a date at some point," mused Kaworu. "we could go to one of those?"

"I have tried ice cream before… but only in the school cafeteria," said Rei, "I am told it is… inferior to the type served in parlours; that sounds like a good idea. I suppose we should probably get going."

"You'll be wanting this back, then?"

Rei gave a tiny squeak and immediately snatched the article of clothing he was holding up from him.

"Yes," she said, blushing even harder than ever. Kaworu seemed perplexed by her reaction.

"You seemed quite happy with me removing it…"

Rei shot him a look and he fell silent. The two made sure they were, if not presentable, at least fully redressed before they unbarred the door and, checking to see if the coast was clear first, departed their little bolt hole. Sneaking out of the school was less trouble than they were expecting. Presumably their absence from the register had prompted Section 2 to head off looking for one or both of them because they were nowhere to be seen.

Nevertheless, it wasn't until they were far from the school and well into a commercial district that they felt safe to even hold hands publically. A little asking around was all it took to locate the ice cream parlour that Asuka had spoken of; a quaint little place, just off the high street. They'd had a little trouble deciding what to get at first, confronted by a veritable excess of choice. Thankfully, the cashier had picked up on their togetherness and had suggested a large sundae to share.

Finding a secluded booth at the back, they sat as close together as they could and eyed up their prize.

"So… do you want first bite?" asked Rei.

"Today is about you, Rei," said Kaworu with a smile. "Takamori hurt you."

"I… I guess."

His fingers curled around hers, under the table. With his other hand, he loaded up the spoon and brought it to Rei's lips. He slipped the first spoonful into her oh-so-enticing mouth. As it hit her tongue, Rei's eyes widened. She elicited a delightful little squeak, her eyes taking on a bright shine.

"It does weird things to me!" The most blissful expression spread across her face. Kaworu leant on his hand and gazed at her, affectionately.

"Wow," he breathed, "You look even more adorable than when you're angry…"

"Shut up, Trout!"

Kaworu stared at her, confused.

"Oh, right," said Rei, blushing yet again, "Sorry; force of habit…"

Smiling bemusedly, Kaworu took his first mouthful – and resisted the urge to squeal. His body, however, did all the squealing for him, practically glowing with sparkles as his expression turned borderline euphoric. His look also caused funny things to stir in Rei. Adoring things. Sinful things. Fighting off what felt like a minor heart attack, Rei placed her hands on Kaworu's cheeks and placed her lips on his while he was still savouring the ice cream. The result was, in Rei's opinion, the most delicious taste she had ever tasted. After lingering for a little, she pulled away, leaving Kaworu very red, but very pleased.

Leaning into his ear, Rei whispered, "I want you again."

"You already have me," he returned, feeding her another spoonful and restarting the kiss again.

And so they went, feeding each other, kissing and occasionally muttering affection to one another, until the glass ran low. Filled with ice cream and worn out from their earlier antics, they leant together comfortably and basked in their mutual warmth.

"So, Rei, I must ask," began Kaworu, with a small smile. "Why such a Rei of tsunshine?"

Rei stared at him, struggling to process what he had just said. Then things finally clicked.

"YOU DID NOT JUST DO THAT!?" she blurted out in shock.

Kaworu's smile only widened.

"Shinji explained the concept of puns and 'tsundere' to me, among a few other things… but do you know what the answer is?"

Making a mental note to kill Shinji, Rei narrowed her eyes suspiciously.


"Beca~use," he continued in a sing song voice, "You make me happ~y, when skies are gre~y…"

Rei went almost completely scarlet, stuttering in response.

"I… wh… you… nnggg!"

Kaworu leant in for yet another kiss, but stopped as something caught his eye through the front window.

"Oh dear."

"Section 2?" asked Rei glumly.

"It would seem so, we should go."

Departing quickly, they staged a hushed 'argument' as they led their followers out, away from the city and into the surrounding hills. Rei tried to put more effort into her feigned hostility, but was she honestly struggling. Mercifully, they managed to lose the agents after an hour or two of evasion.

"So, where next?" asked Kaworu as they looked out over Tokyo-3.

"We~ell…" said Rei, fiddling with Kaworu's collar. A rather lustful expression began to sprout. "We could go to your place… and… do more… things. If you'd like?"

Kaworu returned her gaze with a sultry one of his own.

"I would like that."

Rei leaned her head by his ear and whispered something else. It set his breath on edge. It also had an interesting effect on his blood flow.