Here's a question that's had me puzzled. We heard in 9.14 that Rei still doesn't dream, even now that she's off the meds. Does she actually not dream, or has she just not yet had a dream memorable or vivid enough to remember once she's awake?

This does seem like the sort of thing amenable to experimentation for her...
Here's a question that's had me puzzled. We heard in 9.14 that Rei still doesn't dream, even now that she's off the meds. Does she actually not dream, or has she just not yet had a dream memorable or vivid enough to remember once she's awake?

This does seem like the sort of thing amenable to experimentation for her...
I guess we'll find out when Stryp inevitably wakes up, sees your comment and writes a doorstopper essay on the subject.
I guess we'll find out when Stryp inevitably wakes up, sees your comment and writes a doorstopper essay on the subject.

Late that evening, a man from Pizza Hut knocked on the apartment door. A girl with blue hair answered.


"Delivery for Ayanami, one... Deep-Dish Kimchi Cheezapalooza?" He looked askance at the slender girl. "At this hour?"

"It is for research. Here," she said, handing him a bill. "Please keep the change. And thank you."

With that, she turned and closed the door, leaving a puzzled deliveryman standing outside.



Inside, Rei contemplated a slice of her unusual midnight snack.

"Let the experiment begin..."
Heartwarming Omake #5 - Rei's Dreams
"Let the experiment begin..."
Nagisa Kaworu did not bleed as she diced his body into flaky white sashimi. He did, however, come onto her quite blatantly.
"You look so artful with that knife, Rei. You could make anything look graceful."
She was Unit-00 and she was herself, towering over Tokyo-3. She dug the foundations of the Geofront and buried Yui Ikari in the cement, before it is drowned in a flood of LCL. Commander Ikari watched and spoke, "So with this sacrifice will we stand against all forces."
She was herself and she was small. Small and unimportant a dust mote. Two other dust motes came to her and proclaimed her as theirs and she grew alongside them, becoming a human. Her mind boggled at it's new space for thinking and feeling and loving and hating and so many things. She followed with her two to wherever they would, eager to keep this new feeling.
Five men in matching suits danced and sang of heavenly beauty and love while puppets with cut strings fell from the ceiling. Asuka turned to her and smiled before hauling in the anchor with a "Shall we go home, Frau Ayanami?"
A smiling Shinji flips a pancake and greets you from his position on the ceiling. "Good morning Rei! Did you sleep well?"
A crying Shinji hugs you as you sit at the table and pour yourself a glass of LCL. "I was scared you wouldn't wake up."
A furious Shinji stands in front of you as his father advances, unaware of the 12 angry men watching them all. "She's Ours! Not Yours!"
It is 6 of the clock and all is not well. Lilith stares with a fiddle in her hand as Tokyo-3 burns.
Ladybug, ladybug, fly away home, your planet is afire and your children all gone
You are REI AYANAMI and it is your birthday. This is NOT PLOT SIGNIFICANT. Your bedroom is SPARSELY DECORATED, featuring only PICTURES OF PEOPLE YOU CARE ABOUT AND ALSO KAWORU as signs of life. You have a DIFFICULT CHOICE to make.
Time has no meaning. All that has meaning persists as long as it may and time dies every second before returning with itself and infinite brethren to kill everything that kills it with perception. Every millisecond is a small cut on a piece of life, and all life can be considered a single piece. All life dies the death of small cuts and vanishes and is buried in oblivion without recall and it is gone gone gone GONEGONEGONE

Asuka awoke with a slight start. Inventory check. Shinji playing big spoon? check. Sheets over them both? check. Both clothed? unfortunately, check. So what's out of place?
Ah, there it is.
"Come in," she said, pitching her voice just enough to carry to the door, which opens and reveals Rei Ayanami, wrapped in a blanket and eyes redder than usual. Asuka's expression softens at the sight, taking in the thin sheen of sweat over her face and the trembling in her hands.
"Asuka, I have had an.... unsettling nocturnal experience. May I share your and Shinji's room for the night?"
Asuka smiled,"Of course, Rei. Climb on in." And as she lifted the linen to accept its newest occupant, she took the shaking girl into her arms and held her close.
And as Rei listened to Asuka's heartbeat from within her embrace, she fell asleep in the arms of her love and dreamed of falling asleep in the arms of her love.
Edit: Removed broken link, changed last line to reflect
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Nagisa Kaworu did not bleed as she diced his body into flaky white sashimi. He did, however, come onto her quite blatantly.
"You look so artful with that knife, Rei. You could make anything look graceful."
She was Unit-00 and she was herself, towering over Tokyo-3. She dug the foundations of the Geofront and buried Yui Ikari in the cement, before it is drowned in a flood of LCL. Commander Ikari watched and spoke, "So with this sacrifice will we stand against all forces."
She was herself and she was small. Small and unimportant a dust mote. Two other dust motes came to her and proclaimed her as theirs and she grew alongside them, becoming a human. Her mind boggled at it's new space for thinking and feeling and loving and hating and so many things. She followed with her two to wherever they would, eager to keep this new feeling.
Five men in matching suits danced and sang of heavenly beauty and love while puppets with cut strings fell from the ceiling. Asuka turned to her and smiled before hauling in the anchor with a "Shall we go home, Frau Ayanami?"
A smiling Shinji flips a pancake and greets you from his position on the ceiling. "Good morning Rei! Did you sleep well?"
A crying Shinji hugs you as you sit at the table and pour yourself a glass of LCL. "I was scared you wouldn't wake up."
A furious Shinji stands in front of you as his father advances, backed by 12 angry men. "She's Ours! Not Yours!"
It is 6 of the clock and all is not well. Lilith stares with a fiddle in her hand as Tokyo-3 burns.
Ladybug, ladybug, fly away home, your planet is afire and your children all gone
You are REI AYANAMI and it is your birthday. This is NOT PLOT SIGNIFICANT. Your bedroom is SPARSELY DECORATED, featuring only PICTURES OF YOUR LOVED ONES as signs of life. You have a DIFFICULT CHOICE to make.
Time has no meaning. All that has meaning persists as long as it may and time dies every second before returning with itself and infinite brethren to kill everything that kills it with perception. Every millisecond is a small cut on a piece of life, and all life can be considered a single piece. All life dies the death of small cuts and vanishes and is buried in oblivion without recall and it is gone gone gone GONEGONEGONE
Well that was... different, I guess.
Wait wait wait. We definitely already had an omake with Rei dreaming. Shinji, Asuka, and several Angels in a conga line were involved.
Wait wait wait. We definitely already had an omake with Rei dreaming. Shinji, Asuka, and several Angels in a conga line were involved.
that was a withdrawal trip, not a dream
Well that was... different, I guess.
Weird dreams are well-known as a result of hardcore late-night snacks. I tried to throw in some unsettling propheticness to some of them too, so it would be extra bothersome to Rei.
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Better idea: Kaworu has gone for that line more than once and Rei has had to consult classmates on the meaning.
Okay, not commenting, because somebody will probably run crying if I do...
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You are REI AYANAMI and it is your birthday. This is NOT PLOT SIGNIFICANT. Your bedroom is SPARSELY DECORATED, featuring only PICTURES OF PEOPLE YOU CARE ABOUT AND ALSO KAWORU as signs of life. You have a DIFFICULT CHOICE to make.

Quickly retrieve arms from safe.
Nagisa Kaworu did not bleed as she diced his body into flaky white sashimi. He did, however, come onto her quite blatantly.
"You look so artful with that knife, Rei. You could make anything look graceful."
She was Unit-00 and she was herself, towering over Tokyo-3. She dug the foundations of the Geofront and buried Yui Ikari in the cement, before it is drowned in a flood of LCL. Commander Ikari watched and spoke, "So with this sacrifice will we stand against all forces."
She was herself and she was small. Small and unimportant a dust mote. Two other dust motes came to her and proclaimed her as theirs and she grew alongside them, becoming a human. Her mind boggled at it's new space for thinking and feeling and loving and hating and so many things. She followed with her two to wherever they would, eager to keep this new feeling.
Five men in matching suits danced and sang of heavenly beauty and love while puppets with cut strings fell from the ceiling. Asuka turned to her and smiled before hauling in the anchor with a "Shall we go home, Frau Ayanami?"
A smiling Shinji flips a pancake and greets you from his position on the ceiling. "Good morning Rei! Did you sleep well?"
A crying Shinji hugs you as you sit at the table and pour yourself a glass of LCL. "I was scared you wouldn't wake up."
A furious Shinji stands in front of you as his father advances, unaware of the 12 angry men watching them all. "She's Ours! Not Yours!"
It is 6 of the clock and all is not well. Lilith stares with a fiddle in her hand as Tokyo-3 burns.
Ladybug, ladybug, fly away home, your planet is afire and your children all gone
You are REI AYANAMI and it is your birthday. This is NOT PLOT SIGNIFICANT. Your bedroom is SPARSELY DECORATED, featuring only PICTURES OF PEOPLE YOU CARE ABOUT AND ALSO KAWORU as signs of life. You have a DIFFICULT CHOICE to make.
Time has no meaning. All that has meaning persists as long as it may and time dies every second before returning with itself and infinite brethren to kill everything that kills it with perception. Every millisecond is a small cut on a piece of life, and all life can be considered a single piece. All life dies the death of small cuts and vanishes and is buried in oblivion without recall and it is gone gone gone GONEGONEGONE

Asuka awoke with a slight start. Inventory check. Shinji playing big spoon? check. Sheets over them both? check. Both clothed? unfortunately, check. So what's out of place?
Ah, there it is.
"Come in," she said, pitching her voice just enough to carry to the door, which opens and reveals Rei Ayanami, wrapped in a blanket and eyes redder than usual. Asuka's expression softens at the sight, taking in the thin sheen of sweat over her face and the trembling in her hands.
"Asuka, I have had an.... unsettling nocturnal experience. May I share you and Shinji's room for the night?"
Asuka smiled,"Of course, Rei. Climb on in." And as she lifted the linen to accept its newest occupant, she took the shaking girl into her arms and held her close.
And as Rei listens to Asuka's heartbeat from within her embrace, she falls asleep in the arms of her love and dreams of falling asleep in the arms of her love.
Well, that was something. I probably would have a similar reaction if I could dream again (on a more consistent basis), and if I was essentially the progenitor of all Lilim life; a mere soul stuffed inside the cloned body of one of my loves' mother.

Eh, c'est la vie.
Comedy Omake #41 - Unfamiliar (Zero No Rei)
Omake: Unfamiliar​
Rei slowly stirred awake, as the morning's first rays of sunshine began streaming in through the bay window. She yawned and turned over, her sleepy eyes opening to take in the canopy of her four-poster bed.
Four-poster bed?
Still groggy, and acutely aware of the lingering aftertaste of pizza, she looked around. Dawning realization warred with growing confusion.
This... is not my bedroom. Or my apartment.
She blinked again, slowly.
For one, the furnishings are far nicer.
Rei slowly began to take stock of her surroundings.
She was laying in a (quite comfortable!) bed, of a sort she had seen only in pictures, dressed in unfamiliar (archaic?) sleepclothes. Across from her, half-buried in books, was an ornately-carved wooden cabinet; her familiar short blue bob haircut reflected off its glass doors. A small pair of glasses with oval lenses sat on the shelf. Panning her eyes across the room, she saw a similarly decorated (handcrafted?) wooden table with a candelabra, surrounded by several chairs, one of which had what looked like a fresh change of clothes draped across it. Two more overstuffed bookcases and a large wooden wardrobe, all similarly carved, rounded out the furnishings. Looking further into the room, she saw a large, finished wooden staff with a crook in one end leaned against the far wall, midway between a wooden door and a large, cerulean dragon curled up sleeping in the corner.

As she stared, dumbfounded, the dragon yawned, raised its head, and looked at her.
"Good morning, Tabitha!" it greeted her, in a surprisingly high-pitched voice given its bulk.
"Good... morning..." she replied, almost automatically, her mind still catching up.
"Rough night?" the dragon (Sylpheed? do I know... her?) cheerfully asked. "You should really be careful about those midnight snacks!"
Rei could only nod in agreement.
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