So, I finally got around to reading Advice & Trust after finding it on TVTropes and ended up binge reading the whole thing in a day. After rereading several sections, I think by far my favorite part is seeing Rei's interactions with the world, and especially her's with Kaworu, which really help remind people that Rei is the second angel in human form (and arguably billions of years old).

I've been theorizing in my head that the reason Gendo has kept her under mind numbing drugs was actually intended to be a mercy; at least in canon, Rei is one of the few people he actually cares about. Rei currently has her soul split into three parts, and until recently, her one desire was for oblivion. I don't think Gendo is specifically oblivious to what's going on, he's mostly suffering from a bad case of confirmation basis combined with a lack of understanding of people. Gendo by definition can't see the world as something worth saving, and he would doubt that Rei (who may I remind folks, isn't human) would find something he couldn't see. He's still a total bastard, but it's properly the best explanation of why I could come up with.

On the other hand, Rei's emotionless act isn't fullproof, Dr. Akagi spotted the thread once already. Sooner or later, she's going to slip, and slip hard, at which point we're going to completely depart the events of canon, and go into full AU territory. I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for when Rei finally breaks and explains what she is, and what she knows of the Evangelions + the scenario.
So, I finally got around to reading Advice & Trust after finding it on TVTropes and ended up binge reading the whole thing in a day. After rereading several sections, I think by far my favorite part is seeing Rei's interactions with the world, and especially her's with Kaworu, which really help remind people that Rei is the second angel in human form (and arguably billions of years old).

I've been theorizing in my head that the reason Gendo has kept her under mind numbing drugs was actually intended to be a mercy; at least in canon, Rei is one of the few people he actually cares about. Rei currently has her soul split into three parts, and until recently, her one desire was for oblivion. I don't think Gendo is specifically oblivious to what's going on, he's mostly suffering from a bad case of confirmation basis combined with a lack of understanding of people. Gendo by definition can't see the world as something worth saving, and he would doubt that Rei (who may I remind folks, isn't human) would find something he couldn't see. He's still a total bastard, but it's properly the best explanation of why I could come up with.

On the other hand, Rei's emotionless act isn't fullproof, Dr. Akagi spotted the thread once already. Sooner or later, she's going to slip, and slip hard, at which point we're going to completely depart the events of canon, and go into full AU territory. I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for when Rei finally breaks and explains what she is, and what she knows of the Evangelions + the scenario.

Welcome aboard, new guy! It's been a long, strange trip so far, and the ride's not over yet. So buckle your seatbelt.
Re: Ritz and Maya's private project:
1) False conclusions based on incoplete data. YAY!
I don't doubt they're doing something like what you think they're doing, but they might actually be working on some secret computer something. Something that may disconcert the Commander. Something that may grant Ritsuko some absolution.
Ok, I need to backtrack here. Did Rei tell Ritsuko that she is off her meds when they had their little chat? If she didn't her next scene could turn nasty. I doubt she'll let Ritsuko drug her again. So the question is how she'll stop that from happening.
Rei didn't tell her that much. However, Ritsuko is unhappy with the Commander, so I would not be surprised to see her cooperating with Rei, if only to give Gendo the finger (and not in the good way). Especially if, as some of us think, it was Rei who helped Ritz during her dark night.
and he would doubt that Rei (who may I remind folks, isn't human)
I know it's just a detail, but considering humanity collectively is the 18th Angel and that they came from Lilith, I don't consider Rei to be that much of an alien. Apart from the fact that Lilith literally came from outer space, but you know what I mean.
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He looked down at his body. His line of thought had brought the 'issue' right back up. "Oh, shut up," he muttered at it. "What am I going to do with you? You just make everything awkward. A solid hour in the middle of class today! Just because I looked at her when she stretched!"

Kaworu: "Am I going to have to choke you into submission again?"
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Rei didn't tell her that much. However, Ritsuko is unhappy with the Commander, so I would not be surprised to see her cooperating with Rei, if only to give Gendo the finger (and not in the good way). Especially if, as some of us think, it was Rei who helped Ritz during her dark night.

Even more if Maya's in the room to begin with(even if about to leave), and Rei can see their new bond. Be funny to see her react to it, and Ritsu react to that.
And maybe upgrade it to a 5-point, just in case.

I've had that installed since the original End of Evangelion, and re-enforced since Gurren Lagann came out.

Re: Ritz and Maya's private project:

I don't doubt they're doing something like what you think they're doing, but they might actually be working on some secret computer something. Something that may disconcert the Commander. Something that may grant Ritsuko some absolution.

Rei didn't tell her that much. However, Ritsuko is unhappy with the Commander, so I would not be surprised to see her cooperating with Rei, if only to give Gendo the finger (and not in the good way). Especially if, as some of us think, it was Rei who helped Ritz during her dark night.

I can't help but think of a line from Rebuild 3.33; "No sin is unforgivable".

I know it's just a detail, but considering humanity collectively is the 18th Angel and that they came from Lilith, I don't consider Rei to be that much of an alien. Apart from the fact that Lilith literally came from outer space, but you know what I mean.

Rei's body is made of the same sort of mater that makes up angels and the Evangelions (this is shown in a blink and miss it still in Episode 4), as well as having the ability to project an AT field. Mentally, I see Rei as having more of a split personalty. On one had, we have Rei that we all know and love. On the other, we have the more alien Lilith, who is usually buried in the back of Rei's skull. Well, right up until she is forced to interact with a rainbow trout.

I am curious if Rei has the same sort of inability to create though.
I am curious if Rei has the same sort of inability to create though.
I don't think she does. As I posited when Stryp posted that snippet, I think that ability to create is the difference between Adam-derived life (bearers of the Fruit of Life--S2​ organ) and Lilith-derived life (bearers of the Fruit of Knowledge). And how would the Lilim have that ability if Lilith (her/it)self did not?
Wow, finally someone updates one of the fics I'm watching. It's like we're in 'Don't update your fics-week'.

As a Captain of the Terran Empire, I ORDER YOU to upload more frequently!!!
*Terran Ensign walks up*
'Err, Sir, the Terran Empire doesn't exist in this universe.'
You DARE question me?! Give me your agoniser!
'Sir, they don't work in this universe.'
Re: Ritz and Maya's private project:

I don't doubt they're doing something like what you think they're doing, but they might actually be working on some secret computer something. Something that may disconcert the Commander. Something that may grant Ritsuko some absolution.

That is ofcourse also a possibillity. Thinking about it I kinda like the scenario of the Ritsuko-Misato reconciliation not coming along fast enough untill SEELE starts making a move on NERV and Ritsuko whiping out her and Maya's secret project to save he day/buy the children enough time to safe the day.

Rei didn't tell her that much. However, Ritsuko is unhappy with the Commander, so I would not be surprised to see her cooperating with Rei, if only to give Gendo the finger (and not in the good way). Especially if, as some of us think, it was Rei who helped Ritz during her dark night.

Ritsuko: Ok, Commander Grumpy McGrumpface wants me to adjust your medication. How about we go for ice cream instead.

Rei: ... *hugs*
More logs for Boston to enjoy!

and that is going to be an interesting conversation...

Rei: "I do not wish to receive any more medication."
Akagi: "...Why?"
Rei: "It would displease Commander Ikari."
Akagi: "...good enough for me."

If Akagi is unaware Rei is off her meds when she finds out she might decide to help Rei hide she is off the drugs now. This could end up having Rei help be the bridge builder between her and the pilots. Rei can at least empathize with being used by Gendo - though for Asuka & Co its likely to be alliance of convinice for the rest of the story, true reconilliation being outside the time span covered.
Misato, YOU dumped HIM. Kaji meekly accepting it isn't on him, it's (in a very roundabout way) on SEELE. If anything, YOU owe HIM years.
The Dummy Plug? Really Gendo? IIRC the DP System failed rather spectacularly the last time it was used. What makes him Think it'll perform better the next time around?
Gendo has been proven intelligent in many ways, and a complete and utter idiot in several others. This is one of them.
Even more if Maya's in the room to begin with(even if about to leave), and Rei can see their new bond. Be funny to see her react to it, and Ritsu react to that.
Rei: Are... Are you two fucking?
Rits: Rei, did you just curse?
Rei: What?
Maya: What?
Rits: What.
Misato, YOU dumped HIM. Kaji meekly accepting it isn't on him, it's (in a very roundabout way) on SEELE. If anything, YOU owe HIM years.

Gendo has been proven intelligent in many ways, and a complete and utter idiot in several others. This is one of them.

Rei: Are... Are you two fucking?
Rits: Rei, did you just curse?
Rei: What?
Maya: What?
Rits: What.

Nah... Rei sees the bond and squees involuntarly. Confused stares all around.
I don't think she does. As I posited when Stryp posted that snippet, I think that ability to create is the difference between Adam-derived life (bearers of the Fruit of Life--S2​ organ) and Lilith-derived life (bearers of the Fruit of Knowledge). And how would the Lilim have that ability if Lilith (her/it)self did not?

I've always gotten the impression Adam and Lilith were far more similar than they were apart. Both Adam and Lilith were meant to spread life through the universe, specifically finding dead planets, and terraforming them. Presumably, after they finished with their job, they'd continue onto another one and the process would repeat. Adam and Lilith were messengers, not representations of the life they would create. A 3D printer can create all sorts of things, but they generally don't resemble the printer that they came from.

Furthermore, its referred to multiple times that all the Evangelions are essentially angels with human based souls at their cores. Unit 1, which is based on Lilith, is not unique in this classification. Rebuild of Evangelion has the description that organisms based on the Fruit of Life "change themselves to suit their environment", while organisms based on the Fruit of Knowledge "change the environment to suit themselves".

I theorize that while Adam had a seed of life, Lilith had the seed of knowledge, it's possible that the messengers were based on the Fruit of Life. With the exception of Tabris, Angels are implied not to have free will, including Adam and Lilith. They can't choose NOT to do something. This is why Adam's spear forcibly shut him down after Lilith's spear was lost.

Lilith (and Unit 01) show all the properties of a Fruit of Life based organism. The ability to project an external AT field, and the ability to mutate and change to suit their environment. We also need to remember that Lilith survived eons drifting through deep space before impacting on the Earth (which had enough force to send the White Moon into orbit).
And just as I was about to type a post, an update happens.

Well at least I have more to say.

So, uh, hello everyone. I've been reading this story for a while (since, I think, Ch 8.21), originally reading it (all in a few days) on then I went to reading it here because of how updated it is. Now I finally made an account to well...say hi and say my thoughts. I'm also pretty much out of my element here except the fanfiction part so I highly doubt I'll partake much in conversations (not that I followed them--often, I just wanted to read the chapters) and understand them 'cause... I actually haven't seen NGE (except ep 8 because I don't think I can handle the more heavy parts of NGE right now--but I will someday) and I keep forgetting to check on wikis since I have other stuff to do.

So back to the commenting on the story, I'd like to say this is like one of my top favorites of fanfics in general. I've reread the whole thing at least a second time from beginning to end and reread several parts I liked several times. I like the writing style with how you describe the characters' thoughts and feelings. It's also pretty easy for me to follow despite what little I know of NGE. I also like how you (as far as I'm concerned) balance out the WAFF, drama, action and comedy in the fic. I think you're striking a good balance. My favorite parts of the story so far has got to be the week Asuka and Shinji messed with Misato's head and that little incident with Rainbow Trout after the "intense feedback loop" he had from Rei, especially the former. Though comedy is one of my favorite genres, so I shouldn't be too surprised. This story, as I sort of indicated, makes me wanna get into NGE (pretty badly, might I add, to the point that I tentatively watched that mentioned episode) and is greatly influencing my own stories to the point of making characters inspired by the NGE cast. I like how events have turned out so far and how the characters have developed. It felt natural (to me) and made sense though I probably shouldn't use that word to describe something, anything, involving NGE from what I can tell but I said I'm out of my element.

As for the update itself...since plenty already mentioned Misato tempting fate and made their comments on it, I'm gonna go for another part.

Strypgia said:
Rei growled to herself. Her whole body was itchy! When he'd put his hand on her shoulders, their AT-Fields had rubbed against each other like there was live current in his hands. The sheer alien nature of it made it feel like his hands were still here, touching her.
Strypgia said:
He'd told her about what he now noticed when he looked at the Second and Third Children. How he felt the painful emptiness of what he could see he was missing, and might not even be capable of. How it felt like the Call.

He'd said all this in a rush, put his hands on her shoulders, and looked her right in the eye. She'd listened. She'd understood! They had been communicating!

Three words: More ship bait.

In short, I really like this story to the point of wanting to know more of the source material. And rereading some parts several times. And is unlikely to post much--for now. We'll see.
Comedy Omake #38 - Rei Works Out Some Tension

Comedy Omake #38: Akagi Makes Rei's Day

"Rei!" came Ritsuko's voice over the comms. "Those things run on Kaworu-type dummy plugs! Destroy those and they're done!"

"You're telling me to kill many, many Kaworus?" Rei asked.

"Yes. Get to it."

From Ritsuko's end of the communication, she heard a rather odd sound at that moment. A sort of drawn out grunting moan. It was thoroughly bizarre. There was something almost ecstatic – blissful, even – about it.


Finally, it hit Ritsuko; Rei was laughing. For that matter she was cackling now, like a maniac. Her maniacal sounds were ringing out on all channels.

"HAHAHA! Oh, Akagi, you have made my fucking day! Everyone else, I suggest you get the hell outta my way!"

With that, Unit-00 threw itself into the swarm of Mass Production Evangelions. None of them even realised what was happening until-


Unit-00's fist crashed through its first victim's knee.

"That's for not being allowed to kill you earlier!"

In another second, the victim's entry plug and core shattered under Unit-00's boot, spraying LCL everywhere. The monstrosity immediately fell limp.

"That's for getting unduly close to Shinji!"

Another MP Eva attempted a sneak attack in the rear, only to be blocked at the last moment. It received an elbow to the face for its trouble. The plated joint of Unit-00 crunched through teeth and flesh, bursting out the back of the head.

"That's for getting aroused when I slap you!"

Rei followed through by ripping her hand into the eva's belly and grasping the core. In one fluid movement, she wrenched it out and stuffed it into the eva's ruined maw, retrieving her elbow with the momentum.

"That's for being a goddammned Rainbow Trout!"

Her hand clenched, crushing the core. Rei let go and the second eva dropped to the ground.

She turned to face her next enemies as they massed up for a group assault. They swept down towards her, weapons ready. Rei crouched low, then launched herself towards them. She pirouetted between their swipes and flew right past most of them to land her foot straight into the chest of the one bringing up the rear.

"That's because I've been waiting too long to do this!"

They both landed some way away from the others. Before they could about-turn to save their comrade, Rei seized the leg of her third victim and severed it with her AT field. Wasting no time, she smashed the boot of the limb into the eva's back.


She pulled it free and smashed again.








Rei smashed a final time, this time the armour gave way and the foot drove right into the entry plug.


She dropped the leg and leapt away from the corpse as the backup arrived.

"Okay, that last one wasn't actually you, Kaworu," she added over the comms.

Quick as a flash, she grabbed her last victim's fallen weapon and slashed it upwards, catching the first eva that dove towards her in the face. Jumping high into the air, she threw the blade down upon it as it reeled back, skewering it to the floor. She was somewhat surprised when it morphed into a replica of the Lance Of Longinus just before impact, but there was no time for pondering now.

Two more evas flew up at her as she fell back to Earth. Rei curled into a ball, evading their strikes, then darted out an arm to wrap around one of theirs. She gripped her free hand onto the eva's forearm and rammed her machine's full weight into the bicep. The arm snapped with a sick, wet cracking sound. The other eva tried to interfere, but was kicked away.

"That's because I feel like it!"

Rei capitalised by letting go of her enemy's arm and gripping its head. She deftly snapped its neck and then threw herself away.

"That's for being prettier than me!"

She landed on the ground by the Eva she'd skewered in place. It was completely defenceless as Rei punched her hand through its back. She ripped out the spine – entry plug along with it – and threw it hard onto the ground.

"That's for making me feel conflicted!"

Rei tore across the battlefield to the fallen form she'd broken the neck of. The others were coming quickly now. Too late though. Unit-00's ringers dug between the torso armour panels and tore them away. With the core exposed, a firm boot did the job. Five down.

"That's for all the innuendos!"

The final four assembled, then charged as one. Rei steadied herself, then held her hadns up in front of her.


Three of the MP evas were blasted back. The fourth was not so lucky and was caught head on. It's insides were mashed against the back armour, the core and entry plug smeared to paste. It dropped into a rather formless heap.

"That's for being an absolute pussy!"

Rei pounced onto one of the three remaining evas before it could get up and tore its head (un)clean off.

"That's for making me love you!"

With an unholy squelch, she drove the head into its chest, flattening the core and plug.

"That's for making me hate you!"

She rounded on the last two evas as they came up behind her.

They swung at her, missing as she ducked. In a blur, she grasped both of them by the throat and hoisted them up. She throttled them briefly, then drove them both head first into the ground.

Taking up a pistol from the ground – abandoned by Shinji earlier – Rei unloaded it into one of the eva's torsos. The core and plug were reduced in mere seconds to an indiscernible mess.

"That's for the fucking boners!"

She turned to see the other one pulling itself up. They stared each other down.

Then the final MP eva unfurled its wings and took off, fleeing.

"No you don't!" Rei called. Ripping a length of suspension cable from a collapsed bridge, she quickly wrapped it around a replica lance and knotted it in place. She briefly took aim before launching it like a javelin. It found its mark through the core, where it stuck fast.


Rei pulled on the cable and yanked her prey down. It hit the ground with a resounding crunch in front of Rei. Pulling out her progressive knife, she yanked the cord once more, ripping out the last core, trailing the entry plug. As it sailed almost cheerily past her, Rei turned and threw the knife.

It pierced through the plug and then the core, spearing it to a ruptured building.


Silence fell. But it didn't last long. Cheering erupted across the comms.

"Holy shit, Rei," said Asuka, "that was incredible!"

"Okay, everyone come back in. Drinks on me," came Misato's voice.

"Hey, Kaworu," added Shinji, "Didn't you hear?"

"Erm…" replied Kaworu, "I may have a problem…"

"Oh, what now?" snapped Asuka.

"Well… um… words cannot describe how incredibly horny I am now…"

The chatter died.

It was replaced with an extremely long silence.

A silence finally broken by Rei.

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Pen-Pen: "woman, for fuck's sake, either hold me higher or drop me so I can eat the damn fish!"
"Yes, sir. The Fifth Child is very regular. It is unlikely that he will emerge from his room until he departs for school in the morning. Our teams have established his routine in detail. Though…" He hesitated.

"Proceed," Commander Ikari rumbled.

"Sir, he has at times given signs that he is perfectly aware not just of our surveillance, but is able to pinpoint our agents even at extreme distances. He made eye contact with one of our snipers watching him from seven hundred meters. And smiled at him. I do not think we can effectively observe him without his awareness."
Gendo hung up without any further words. He finally turned his chair to face the older man. "I will see about her intentions. Her hostility to the Fifth Child will be a useful aid when the time comes to remove SEELE's pet creature. We will also have Doctor Akagi re-balance her medication for better control of her emotions in the meantime. She can do the blood draw and necessary tests tomorrow when Rei reports. That matter is easy. We have more problems than how to keep Rei from killing the Fifth Child until it is the proper time. Report."
Not good.
will decide that once I speak to Rei. She will make an excellent guard dog for the Fifth, if she can restrain her instincts to eliminate him.
... and Rei just got an additional reason to make Gendo die slowly and painfully.
'It is something that… I can feel part of me hungering for, even as the rest of me cannot even grasp it,' he'd said. Could she… would getting him to understand that help him fight the Call? Even somehow turn him to helping protect her loves too? He said he did not want to be her enemy, and was starting to understand how important her loves were.

Could he be… an ally? Tabris, child of Adam and agent of SEELE? Shinji would want her to try, and Asuka would back him up. "Stupid, stupid fish…"
Kaji nodded. "At least we can still ask her out and make peace. I think Asuka and Shinji want to feed her to one of the Evas for the things she did to Rei."
I see that End of Evamgelion Reference.
"I'd like to smack her a few times myself, but I know how to be a mature adult," Misato said
You are a lying liar who lies Misato.
Kaworu stared at his hand, raised over his face as he lay awake. Sleep refused to come.

"I am a stupid fish," he muttered.
He'd told her about what he now noticed when he looked at the Second and Third Children. How he felt the painful emptiness of what he could see he was missing, and might not even be capable of. How it felt like the Call.

He'd said all this in a rush, put his hands on her shoulders, and looked her right in the eye. She'd listened. She'd understood! They had been communicating! Was his vague thought that he could maintain his ability to choose, to refuse to obey the Call for an arbitrarily long period of time possible? Could he and the Lilim truly not be enemies? It had felt so close…

...and then something else had felt so close.
And Kaworu closes on an additional epiphany.
The traitorous, insurgent little voice in his lizard brain that kept suggesting exploring that vein with Ayanami was not helping right now.

He looked down at his body. His line of thought had brought the 'issue' right back up. "Oh, shut up," he muttered at it. "What am I going to do with you? You just make everything awkward. A solid hour in the middle of class today! Just because I looked at her when she stretched!"
1. :lol:rofl:
2. Kaworu, you're in a teenage male body, it's supposed to make everything awkward.
3. Baggy pants.
His head flopped back.

"What am I?"
Interesting chapter Stry-Ohh! a new omake!
"Rei!" came Ritsuko's voice over the comms. "Those things run on Kaworu-type dummy plugs! Destroy those and they're done!"

"You're telling me to kill many, many Kaworus?" Rei asked.

"Yes. Get to it."

From Ritsuko's end of the communication, she heard a rather odd sound at that moment. A sort of drawn out grunting moan. It was thoroughly bizarre. There was something almost exstatic – blissful, even – about it.


Finally, it hit Ritsuko; Rei was laughing. For that matter she was cackling now, like a maniac. Her maniacal sounds were ringing out on all channels.

"HAHAHA! Oh, Akagi, you have made my fucking day! Everyone else, I suggest you get the hell outta my way!"
1. A Mortal Kombat is fine too.
2. And that image of Rei cackling before makes alot of sense now.
Rei followed through by ripping her hand into the eva's belly and grasping the core. In one fluid movement, she wrenched it out and stuffed it into the eva's ruined maw, retrieving her elbow with the momentum.
I see that Doom Glory Kill reference.
They both landed some way away from the others. Before they could about-turn to save their comrade, Rei seized the leg of her third victim and severed it with her AT field. Wasting no time, she smashed the boot of the limb into the eva's back.
2/3 of that is also a Doom Glory Kill.
Rei capitalised by letting go of her enemy's arm and gripping its head. She deftly snapped its neck and then threw herself away.
Another Glory Kill.
"That's for being prettier than me!"
She landed on the ground by the Eva she'd skewered in place. It was completely defenceless as Rei punched her hand through its back. She ripped out the spine – entry plug along with it – and threw it hard onto the ground.
Mortal Combat Fatality, Subzero's classic one.
Rei pounced onto one of the three remaining evas before it could get up and tore its head (un)clean off.

"That's for making me love you!"

With an unholy squelch, she drove the head into its chest, flattening the core and plug.
Another Mortal Kombat Fatality, one of Goro's modern ones.
Then the final MP eva unfurled its wings and took off, fleeing.

"No, you don't!" Rei called. Ripping a length of suspension cable from a collapsed bridge, she quickly wrapped it around a replica lance and knotted it in place. She briefly took aim before launching it like a javelin. It found its mark through the core, where it stuck fast.


Rei pulled on the cable and yanked her prey down. It hit the ground with a resounding crunch in front of Rei.
Do I even need to spell it out?
"Well… um… words cannot describe how incredibly horny I am now…"

The chatter died.

It was replaced with an extremely long silence.

A silence finally broken by Rei.

That is the best note to end this day on. Thanks man.
I see that Doom Glory Kill reference.
2/3 of that is also a Doom Glory Kill.
These two are actually based on fatalities - any glory kill reminiscence is actually coincidental...

The leg bash is Quan Chi and the heart in the face is... actually I can't remember but it's an inverse of a fatality I remember where the victim has their head ripped off and suffed where their heart is.


I guess there's only so many methods of slaughter you can perform without looking like pre-existing ones...
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