Rei: ".....back rubs?" :rage:

Kaworu: ":-3 ?"

Dude, run. You don't want the back rub she'll give you.

Watch out, boy. She might 'accidentally' push your spine into your ribcage. Since you're an Angel you might not die from it.

One minute later, Rei looked like the canary that ate the cat.


Everyone except maybe Turning Decidable missed a critical part of that possibility. Arael's mind ray burns out Tabris, leaving just poor, innocent, defenseless Kaworu. Without that part, he's not a threat to the world at large, although he did have a funny expression on his face when he looked at Shinji. Since Asuka would have to take out a mortgage to cover the dry cleaning bill for everyone within a mile or so if he ever made a move on Shinji. Ergo, in order to protect her friends' OTP status, Rei must forgo the Isafreal Special and divert the former Angel of Free Will's... uh will.
Everyone except maybe Turning Decidable missed a critical part of that possibility. Arael's mind ray burns out Tabris, leaving just poor, innocent, defenseless Kaworu. Without that part, he's not a threat to the world at large, although he did have a funny expression on his face when he looked at Shinji. Since Asuka would have to take out a mortgage to cover the dry cleaning bill for everyone within a mile or so if he ever made a move on Shinji. Ergo, in order to protect her friends' OTP status, Rei must forgo the Isafreal Special and divert the former Angel of Free Will's... uh will.

Rei: *calls Asuka* Asuka! The angel made Kaworu cute!!!
Asuka: *hangs up* *turns to Shinji* Kensuke should never explained prank calls to Rei.
Rei:.... Hello?
Comedy Omake #34 - Rei Phones A Friend
Rei: *calls Asuka* Asuka! The angel made Kaworu cute!!!
Asuka: *hangs up* *turns to Shinji* Kensuke should never explained prank calls to Rei.
Rei:.... Hello?
Somewhere, deep in the labs of the Geofront, a new sort of experiment was being performed: Is it possible for two women to canoodle in Ritsuko Akagi's office chair? The experimental protocol was proceeding smoothly (with a few giggles), when the phone rang.

Her death glare proving inadequate to cause the phone to explode into flames, and the ringing persisting, Ritsuko reluctantly removed her hand from where it had so happily been pushing back the boundaries of *cough* science and picked up the receiver. She did not say anything. Anyone who had this number had to have a good reason for calling, and would know who the only person who would pick it up would be.

There was several seconds of silence before a soft, cool voice spoke. "Doctor Akagi?"

Ritsuko blinked. Rei had never called this number before. She knew it, sure, but... well, after the help Rei had given her after Unit-00's berserking, she could hardly just hang up on the girl. "Yes, Rei? What is it?"

" your refrigerator running?"

Ritsuko blinked, and shot a look at the biosample chillers in her lab. "...Yes?"

"Maybe you should go catch it, before it gets away." Click.

Ritsuko stared at the phone. "What."

"Ritsuko-sempai? Who was that?"

"Maya, did you put hallucinogens in my coffee this morning? Or press 'Sequence Bravo-69' on the medical tank when I was unconscious?"
Ritsuko stared at the phone. "What."

"Ritsuko-sempai? Who was that?"

"Maya, did you put hallucinogens in my coffee this morning? Or press 'Sequence Bravo-69' on the medical tank when I was unconscious?"
"Uh... I just used the spices you told me to."
"Maya, show me."
Rits found herself staring blankly at the container Maya brought back.
"Maya... that's not spice. That's Gendo's medications."
Maya gave the item a closer look.
"This is nothing bu-"
"I know, who do you think supplies the bastard?"
Maya shrugged.
"So the walls are, in fact, not actually melting?"
"That's about as likely as you actually having a second head, Maya."
"... wanna go back to snogging?"
"Like I ever want to stop."
Rei: ".....back rubs?" :rage:

Kaworu: ":-3 ?"

Dude, run. You don't want the back rub she'll give you.

Watch out, boy. She might 'accidentally' push your spine into your ribcage. Since you're an Angel you might not die from it.

And there goes Kaworu, he will be missed..... maybe ...... probably ..... I don' t know.
I'm currently replaying Tales of Xillia and I JUST saw a skit last night where Rowen (esteemed 65-year-old former military commander) tries to get a back massage from Milla (smoking hot 20-year-old whose attire is only legally called such). She describes her massage as bathing Rowen's back in fire (to increase blood flow) and then following it up with a localized earthquake (to massage out the knots).

Or that would be what she would do if she had access to the Great Spirits of fire and earth at that point. She was going to use her own combat artes to... Improvise. Best massage, or best massage?
I JUST saw a skit last night where Rowen (esteemed 65-year-old former military commander) tries to get a back massage from Milla (smoking hot 20-year-old whose attire is only legally called such). She describes her massage as bathing Rowen's back in fire (to increase blood flow) and then following it up with a localized earthquake (to massage out the knots).
WTF, that is hilarious. Got a Link?
I do not, unfortunately. Consider this a cheesy attempt to get people to play my favorite RPG series. People do upload the skits to YouTube in droves (found one guy who was doing them in 15-minute blocks), but I'm on my phone and didn't want to spend the extra time sorting through them.
So Strypgia something like this song:

is going to be appropriate for the incoming part of the story?

Also does anybody know where I can find a link to that cover of Gold Dust Woman?
Comedy Omake #35 - Rei Phones Another Friend
" your refrigerator running?"

Ritsuko blinked, and shot a look at the biosample chillers in her lab. "...Yes?"

"Maybe you should go catch it, before it gets away." Click.

Kozou Fuyutsuki picked up his phone with a sigh. Now what? he wondered.


"Yes, Rei, what is it?"

"Is your refrigerator running?"

After less than a beat, the old fox answered, "No. I have it tied down so it won't get away."

Rei was silent for a long moment before saying, "Oh. Good." And she hung up.

Kozou smiled wickedly. "A hundred years too young, girl.."
Hey guys, guess what!


And yes, this has inspired an omake - currently writing. Sorry Ranma, HPATMOTP will have to wait...
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