Doesn't matter.
We'll take anything you give us.
Any gamma coming off the collisions should be spraying pretty much random, any particles created, along with the spall from the collisions will inherit some momentum from the incoming positron.

I'll give you that point. My particle physics knowledge is too limited, I feel like all the non-astro professors that "tried" discussing astrophysics with the profs of the astro group in my physics department....

RTI coming off of a line source, rather than a point... that's going to be some snarly math. The RTI effects should be limited to speed of sound timescales, so the light show should be well over before you start to see them, but if you dump enough heat into a small enough volume of air, in a short enough time frame, you'll get that effect.

Not terribly so, assuming an at rest 2D line source laying on top of the atmosphere... But that radial property of cylindrical coordinates makes it annoying. Some guys in the Sci Comp Dept at my alma mater were working on something similar, iirc. I do know with large timescales and near light speed velocities, extragalactic radio jets experience RTI when colliding with the intergalactic medium. I'm inclined to say there is not enough self-similarity between our positron rifle and our EgRJ situations. We need simulations.... If computing power is not too demanding...

With the exception of the whole matter/antimatter kaboomb thing and having a positive charge, you can treat a positron just like an electron. Energy of the particle comes from the accelerating potential. So how many eV could Misato scrounge up for that stunt?

Re-thinking my question, I'm pretty certain a supernova would beat Misato's eV wrangling by a stellar margin. Or anything terrestrial in the Eva-verse. Considering a fraction of a supernova's energy output in the form of gamma rays would fry all of Earth if cosmically nearby and directed at us. And also considering that ~99% of a supernova's energy output is in the form of nearly harmless neutrinos. Fun fact, the supernova ejecta reaches speeds of 1/30 c with less than ~1% of total energy output.

I think we're straying a bit from the realms of this thread now, though.
Misato: ummm Idea.
Ritz: Yes?
Misato: We kill angel's by forming small scale super novi next to them!
Ritz: .... .... sure why not, I'll get back to you tomorrow on feasibility. ... I even have a name already.
Misato: oh?
Ritz: Little Ray of Sunshine.
Misato: ... When did you get a sense of humor?
Ritz: Sometime last week when I started dating Maya.
Misato: I see right, so ab - *coffee everywhere* WAIT WHAT?!
I do know with large timescales and near light speed velocities, extragalactic radio jets experience RTI when colliding with the intergalactic medium.
Well, given that the positron beam isn't moving as fast or for as long, RTI probably isn't going to happen.

I think we're straying a bit from the realms of this thread now, though.
Yeah, probably. We were just another post away from being-off topic, I think.
Ritz: Little Ray of Sunshine.
You also read FiSF?
I live in Serbia. FlyingScanian is in Sweden according to his profile. I get that you were responding to The Englanderish as well and maybe I'm misremembering this, but I don't remember that they is vacationing in Iowa. Take your time to see if people are sharing their locations in their profiles before you leave a message that talks about their geographical locations.
I was actually assuming England for @The Englanderish; Iowa is the piece of Space Sector 2814 I call home. As for Austria, Ranma-sensei has claimed to be from there previously.
Shinji: "I... what the Hell is a 'Cornhusker'? And that is not football! This place is confusing!"
Wrong state, Stryp; the Cornhuskers are from Nebraska; Iowa is the Hawkeye State.
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ok see now I just pictured the pilots going to NERV Nevada (new improved... and not where the vaporized one is!) and stopping in Vegas

Cue Kaji waking them up early one morning via a phone call about not remembering where Misato is

and there is a tiger in his bathroom.
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Kaji: wait what do you mean MY WIFE.
Priest: The nice young women with the purple hair, she had a miltary jacket on.
Kaji: ... ... I married Misato ... ...
Shinji: Kaji?
Kaji: ..... ... nope *passes out*
At least Misato might let him live after that. Imagine if it had been "The nice young woman with the blonde hair, she had a lab coat on." Misato and Maya would be trying to kill him at that point.
No, Hell is in Michigan, and the Corn Palace is in South Dakota. But it is easy for outsiders to get confused. :V


Only corndogs? She's missing out on the Salad-on-a-stick, the deep-fried butter, nitrogen icecream, Bacon Brisket Bombs, pie-on-a-stick, sushi-on-a-stick, deep-fried nacho balls, deep-fried oreos, deep-fried peanut butter and jelly sandwich-on-a-stick, deep-fried twinkie-on-a-stick, deep-fried pineapple-on-a-stick...
Oy! Michigan is not that bad! That's were we Chicagoan go for vacation, to drink, set off fireworks and make general idiots of ourselves.

Also is this what people think of the Midwest? How do you not know the great lakes or where Chicago is?! I feel kinda offended.
Oy! Michigan is not that bad! That's were we Chicagoan go for vacation, to drink, set off fireworks and make general idiots of ourselves.

Also is this what people think of the Midwest? How do you not know the great lakes or where Chicago is?! I feel kinda offended.
At least people can countenance your existence, Mr. Big City.

Read about Illinois online and the discourse is all about the Windy City, and the prevailing image is that of, at best, Chicagoland. Try mentioning any area outside of that and watch as you get brushed aside for one city out of a whole damn state.

(But no, I'm not bitter at all)

Seriously, fuck the idea of "Flyover Country".
Finally at a real PC.

Then again, just saw the picture of the "Jericho" scene while googling, and gravity seems to say they're identical, size-wise.
Only one I'm really seeing it is in the second one. Her body is slightly twisted to her left in the EoE picture (though an argument could still be made for it), and they appear the same in the third. If you wanted to argue the illusion of being the same size because her right side is farther away, the distance across her torso isn't nearly big enough to make that happen.

Until she takes that for a comment on her size, and good fucking luck dealing with an Asuka who thinks you just called her fat.
You sure the size difference isn't just from the angle? Human torsos aren't flat, they curve, even before you add on breasts, plus the camera may not be perfectly focused on her centerline. Or maybe the "larger" cup contains telemetry gear and/or electrodes for the remote heart massage like Shinji got when his heart stopped after Unit-01 got partially cooked by Ramiel's megabeam?
Oy! Michigan is not that bad! That's were we Chicagoan go for vacation, to drink, set off fireworks and make general idiots of ourselves.
I was not speaking metaphoricaly. There is a town in Michigan named Hell. You can literally pull up directions to Hell on google maps.
Also is this what people think of the Midwest? How do you not know the great lakes or where Chicago is?! I feel kinda offended.
It's what outsiders think. We natives have a more nuanced view. Alas, I am on mobile else I would properly post the Midwest Rivalries map instead of linking it.
Finally at a real PC.

Then again, just saw the picture of the "Jericho" scene while googling, and gravity seems to say they're identical, size-wise.
I'm not really seeing it on the picture where she is not at an angle. For the other two, her torso is at an angle and those silly breast "caps" isn't helping much.
At least people can countenance your existence, Mr. Big City.

Read about Illinois online and the discourse is all about the Windy City, and the prevailing image is that of, at best, Chicagoland. Try mentioning any area outside of that and watch as you get brushed aside for one city out of a whole damn state.

(But no, I'm not bitter at all)

Seriously, fuck the idea of "Flyover Country".
Springfield and Urbana-Champaign are pretty well known in the states. But once you go international it's all Chicago. I always laugh when someone brings up the topic of changing the state name to Chicago or splitting apart Chicagoland from the rest of Illinois to make our own state.
You sure the size difference isn't just from the angle? Human torsos aren't flat, they curve, even before you add on breasts, plus the camera may not be perfectly focused on her centerline. Or maybe the "larger" cup contains telemetry gear and/or electrodes for the remote heart massage like Shinji got when his heart stopped after Unit-01 got partially cooked by Ramiel's megabeam?
Well, if they do contain that equipment, they're on the wrong side.
Springfield and Urbana-Champaign are pretty well known in the states. But once you go international it's all Chicago. I always laugh when someone brings up the topic of changing the state name to Chicago or splitting apart Chicagoland from the rest of Illinois to make our own state.
I always laugh when someone brings up the topic of changing the state name to Chicago or splitting apart Chicagoland from the rest of Illinois to make our own state.
someone brings up the topic of changing the state name to Chicago or splitting apart Chicagoland from the rest of Illinois to make our own state.
changing the state name to Chicago or splitting apart Chicagoland from the rest of Illinois to make our own state.

As in, I've got 2/3 of a ACoS update right now, and I hopefully will get to work on A&T today once I wrap up the former.
Looking forward to it.
All these people talking about the Midwest and I'm just sitting here in North Florida waiting for the three days in winter that are sufficiently cold and dry enough to not give me swampass... And praying I don't become the next Florida Man...