"RITS, WHO TOOK ALL MY DRUGS! I NEED MY DRUGS TO STAY ABOVE MY CRIPPLING DEPRESSION AND GUI-wait, why does the office smell like sex when we haven't had any in the past couple of days? And these are... not... her..."
*one phone call later*
"Fuyutsuki, cancel my appointments for today. I need to buy Ritsuko and her assistant Bucky a gift."
"It's Ibuki, and I am not your secretary."
"You know those pictures of Yui from college I said I burned? I kept copies."
"Yes, Mr. Ikari."

I just read that in EvaBridged Gendo's voice lol
that they is vacationing in Iowa.
You sound like Dobby...

Also, not on holiday in Iowa.

Gender expectations ahoy...

Beaten to the punch...

Concerning Asuka's inferiority complex:

Is it just me or does the left cup of her plugsuit's breast plate seem smaller in pictures of Asuka Soryu and in the series and EoE (and specifically not with Shikinami in Rebuild, were they seem to be both the same size)?
Thermal expansion.
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Or people who REALLY like corn, and enjoy watching endless fields of it fly by the car window
Don't forget the soybeans. At least we have hills and put small curves into the highway.

Though upon further thought, there is about a two-week period when vacationing in Iowa makes sense: The Iowa State Fair. (Unoffical motto: Anything on a stick)

Of course, the only way a decent description of the fair would be vaguely on topic is if the Pilots visited it in an omake...
Of course, the only way a decent description of the fair would be vaguely on topic is if the Pilots visited it in an omake...
Asuka: "......I am in Hell. And Hell is covered in corn."

Shinji: "I... what the Hell is a 'Cornhusker'? And that is not football! This place is confusing!"

Rei: "I.... think perhaps... I should not have eaten that 35th corndog."

Kaworu: "Ayanami-san, you are turning quite alarming colors for a Lilim bod-AAAUUUGH IT'S EVERYWHERE!"


I was all set to write today... then Swordomatic put out a call for write-ins in his quest, and then ACoS demanded attention for the first time in weeks... so no A&T writing happnened today. I'll finish the ACoS one tomorrow, and then get on the A&T one. Should have something Friday or Saturday?
I was all set to write today... then Swordomatic put out a call for write-ins in his quest, and then ACoS demanded attention for the first time in weeks... so no A&T writing happnened today. I'll finish the ACoS one tomorrow, and then get on the A&T one. Should have something Friday or Saturday?

An update for A Crown of Stars is imminent? That's great news! It's been so long, I'm really looking forward to seeing what happens next. A&T can wait since it's been updating regularly but ACoS has been dormant for a while.
Asuka: "......I am in Hell. And Hell is covered in corn."
No, Hell is in Michigan, and the Corn Palace is in South Dakota. But it is easy for outsiders to get confused. :V
Shinji: "I... what the Hell is a 'Cornhusker'? And that is not football! This place is confusing!"

Rei: "I.... think perhaps... I should not have eaten that 35th corndog."
Only corndogs? She's missing out on the Salad-on-a-stick, the deep-fried butter, nitrogen icecream, Bacon Brisket Bombs, pie-on-a-stick, sushi-on-a-stick, deep-fried nacho balls, deep-fried oreos, deep-fried peanut butter and jelly sandwich-on-a-stick, deep-fried twinkie-on-a-stick, deep-fried pineapple-on-a-stick...
Of course, some of us who went to school in states outside the Midwest actually paid attention in Social Studies so can correctly label all 50 states :)
Have a laser vaporize the air and use the ionized channel to create an short lived EM channel to control the positrons.
Are you thinking ionize the air column? Wasn't TASER working on something like that?

Hmmm, shock fronts make me inclined to thinksay that the interaction between an e+ beam and the surrounding atmosphere would lead to some Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities basically shooting fingers of radiation at an angle away from the directed beam. Which might be unhealthy.
Any gamma coming off the collisions should be spraying pretty much random, any particles created, along with the spall from the collisions will inherit some momentum from the incoming positron.

Although, I suppose the electron/positron annihilation pressure would be great enough to override the necessary timescale required for RTI to occur. But then again this instability happens in Supernova core collapse events where the core of a star collapses and rebounds in a matter of a few hours. That is, a lot of material covering a lot of distance very rapidly.
RTI coming off of a line source, rather than a point... that's going to be some snarly math. The RTI effects should be limited to speed of sound timescales, so the light show should be well over before you start to see them, but if you dump enough heat into a small enough volume of air, in a short enough time frame, you'll get that effect.

I'm no particle physicist, but I'd be interested to know if the energy output of a positron beam would stack up to the energy output of a supernova (10^49 to 10^53 ergs).
With the exception of the whole matter/antimatter kaboomb thing and having a positive charge, you can treat a positron just like an electron. Energy of the particle comes from the accelerating potential. So how many eV could Misato scrounge up for that stunt?
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So how many eV could Misato scrounge up for that stunt?
All of the ones in Japan, apparently. (I tried once to look up just how much electricity Japan generates, but I couldn't find remotely precise figures.)

On a side note, I've wondered for a while what happens if a positron collides with a hadron. Does the hadron decay as though it had spit out an electron? Or does the positron just bounce off?
...I'm ashamed to say I can't do that for Europe.

...I'm ashamed to say I can't do that for Spain. :confused:

Then again, I was always crap at Geography. I'm bad with the names of people as it is, so I can't be expected to learn the arbitrary names of inanimate objects and imaginary lines and regions now, can I? :V

On another note, I've got four more days to go. Four more days, and I can finally get back up to date on reading all my backlog; These are probably going to be the longest 96 hours of my life. :cry: