Kind of. It's likely referring to the policies implemented by Governor Brownback, which massively slashed both taxes and spending. Said polices were inspired by, among other things, objectivism. The kicker? Those policies directly led to Kansas entering into an unprecedented downward spiral in pretty much every area.
My first instinct was to Funny this, but that would be kind of mean.

Anyway, kind of morbidly looking forward to what Gendo will discover and what he'll do about it. Here's to hoping all the earlier WAFF won't be balanced out by equal bastardry, or we're in for some rough times ahead.
Oy! Michigan is not that bad! That's were we Chicagoan go for vacation, to drink, set off fireworks and make general idiots of ourselves.
So that's like New York's version of Jersey, Pennsylvania and New Hampshire? Except that New Hampshire is for the vacationing, Pennsylvania for the fire works and Jersey is for the drinking and idiocy. So maybe not really the same....

At least people can countenance your existence, Mr. Big City.

Read about Illinois online and the discourse is all about the Windy City, and the prevailing image is that of, at best, Chicagoland. Try mentioning any area outside of that and watch as you get brushed aside for one city out of a whole damn state.
How do you think anyone not living in Manhatten feels? Heck, most people outside the Five Burroughs have trouble wrapping their mind around the idea that New York City is just Manhattan. Then again, there are also Manhattanites who have the same perception.

(But no, I'm not bitter at all)
And the phrase is "I'm not bitter and disgruntled. DAMNIT!"
How do you think anyone not living in Manhatten feels? Heck, most people outside the Five Burroughs have trouble wrapping their mind around the idea that New York City is just Manhattan. Then again, there are also Manhattanites who have the same perception.

Argh! Once, when I was much younger, I handed a cabby an address I had printed out. For some reason, it had New York instead of one of the burrow names, but it also had a zip code. Neither him nor a cop could seem to figure that little bit out when he took me to the wrong address and I didn't want to pay.

It's all New York City, regardless of what your colloquialisms might say.
Given what is going to happen soon, what are the chances that Kaworu would be affected by Arael's Mind Rape powers?


Your profile info says you're a new member so here's the introductions thread.



To address your question, this has actually been discussed before in the thread, give me a little while and I'll see if I can find the relevant posts.
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What happens if, by some contrivance, Kaworu gets hit?

[Edit for clarity]: By Arael's rays of light.
Options include:
  1. Arael has the same Rainbow Trout response Rei did.
  2. Kaworu could take a fall.
  3. Kaworu could sucker punch Arael and drop him like third period gym class.
  4. Arael might not engage.
  5. The mind ray might burn out the human side that has him on his best behavior and Tabris comes out to play.:o
  6. The mind ray might burn out the Angel side, leaving only Kaworu, a helpless inocent, former pawn of SEELE who is in need of Rei's guidance and protection and back rubs.
  7. I'm running out of ideas.
Arael: Tabris, what in the name of the Tree are you doing here?
Tabris: Well, a funny thing happened on the way to the Seed...
Or, since it is still Adam's soul...
Arael: Dad? Why are you so tiny, and do you realize just what that is you're sitting in?
Kaworu: Not a word, Arael.
Arael: But, Dad—
Kaworu: Not. A. Word. I'm handling it.
Arael: No, Dad, I've got to tell you—
(Rei used Lance. It was Super Effective!)
Kaworu: Well, hell. How am I going to get that back now?

  • Kaworu could sucker punch Arael and drop him like third period gym class.
Hard to do when Arael is out of reach of everything but the Lance, innit?
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Given what is going to happen soon, what are the chances that Kaworu would be affected by Arael's Mind Rape powers?
For a hint, look at the manga battle versus Armisael. Kaworu is also infected by Armisael at the same time Rei II is, and thinks about how he could use his own Angel powers to force Armisael away, but that would give him away as Tabris. This is also the source of Manga!Kaworu's feelings about Shinji, as he is literally infected with Rei's feelings over the link through Armisael. This leaves Kaworu very confused after the battle as to why he suddenly feels this way about Shinji. He has no idea how to handle the sick-sweet feeling of infatuation with another person. This is partly due to being an Angel, and partly due to Manga!Kaworu being just 9 days old when he arrives in Tokyo-03.
Options include:
  1. Arael has the same Rainbow Trout response Rei did.
  2. Kaworu could take a fall.
  3. Kaworu could sucker punch Arael and drop him like third period gym class.
  4. Arael might not engage.
  5. The mind ray might burn out the human side that has him on his best behavior and Tabris comes out to play.:o
  6. The mind ray might burn out the Angel side, leaving only Kaworu, a helpless innocent, former pawn of SEELE who is in need of Rei's guidance and protection and back rubs.
  7. I'm running out of ideas.
Rei: ".....back rubs?" :rage:

Kaworu: ":-3 ?"