To all the chemists, toxicologists, physicists, and other hard science people, this is just your reminder that you are all in the hands of a Humanities grad. :V
Oh dear. (Chem. Eng with Physics for me...)

It's worth a watch, especially if you've got things like A&T to armor you against the downbeat parts. You can easily watch the series up to the point I diverged with no ill effects, since the Kiss going wrong was kind of the start of the long downhill slope for everyone.
That, I could perhaps do. Though, keep in mind that so far I've found a single anime that I've been able to watch entire episodes of without taking a break in the middle (meanwhile, reading for three hours straight is no problems... I'm weird), so it might be a while until I get so far.

And you're hardly going to go into withdrawal. You should have seen that I've been pretty good about updating frequently. :p
In the meantime, have a nice WAFFy Evafic to tide you over. Then go read 'The 2nd Try' for more from Jimmy Wolk.
Keep in mind that I'll be going from "several parts of A&T a day" to "one part every week, roughly". So, yes, I will suffer withdrawal. I already am. :p

I will try to save that "nice WAFFy Evafic" for tomorrow, or at least tonight. I realise that I have a few other things that needs to be done that have been put aside while reading up...

Also, just to keep you all paranoid, I had a thought while plotting moderate-future A&T events: "I wonder if this is what GRRM feels like all the time?"

And now I'm scared...o_O:confused:
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I saw mention of the word physicist.

As an astrophysicist baccalaureate, I'd say being a Humanities grad is acceptable.

Now I'll return to my hole in the ground to await the next snippet of self-relevancy or rainbow trout-ery.
I swear to god, when we get our empire back... :V
Yes dear.

There's an over-the-counter med that works in a similar way - N-Acetylcysteine.
Common names?

What are the odds of two chemists meeting in an Evangelion fanfic thread? :D

Probably similar to the odds of two particle accelerator physicists meeting, yet there's me and @grimlock. Had this story diverged before the Ramiel fight, there might have been a drawn out argument regarding the efficacy of positron beam weapons in an atmosphere.
Not much an argument. With something on the order of 1x10-26​m between air molecules, the odds of getting a free path between the muzzle and Ramiel is basically 0. Although... if you could create a fire hose of relatively low velocity positrons, say .9c the stream of matter-antimatter annihilation could make for a rather spectacular sight, and a directed energy weapon with a visible in atmosphere beam....

FYI, I double majored. Engineering physics and literature, with a focus in Early American Lit.:evil:
"AT Field shenanigans" or "Bullshit soul magic"

. . . okay now I'm picturing an Evangelion/RWBY crossover and i'm not sure how that would mesh or what would be more worrisome; Yang in an Eva, Asuka with a polymorphic weapon or Ruby anywhere in the vicinity of the positron sniper rifle.

"Okay, but does it turn into a scythe?"

