I'm just waiting for someone in-story to start "Waxing Lyrical" at some point:

(During a conversation where the duo are discussing "fixing" the rotten system they're caught in, whether they can, whether they should even try...)
Asuka: "...but Shinji. ...This is the world we live in, {takes his hands} and these are the hands we're given. So, use them and let's start trying to make it a place worth living in..."
(Shinji is thinking it sounds really profound; ...Asuka is trying not to smirk as the guitar riff plays in her head)
Inserting an entry plug to an eva's core. Followed by synching.
Ah, so that's it.
Gotta remove all that acetaldehyde in my bloodstream. With chelation, probably.

Ahh, so much better. Na-DMPS really does the trick. In case you didn't know, it rapidly binds with acetaldehyde, forming a non-toxic complex, thus treating curing even the most powerful of hangovers.

Doesn't treat tachycardia and the shakes, though. You'll have to restore electrolytes and (probably) tranquilize yourself for that.
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Hi guys, sorry I've been AWOL. I was gonna read this back on Sunday, but then the whole Orlando thing happened and... well....

And then I was running an E3 watch2gether of TB & Genna's snarkathon (still ongoing btw - final session is @ 2am BST, 6pm PST, 9pm EST, 2am CET - check the E3 thread for details)

But here I am, finally - and do I ever have comments to comment!

They are not given to cruelty and malice


I wish to see the Adam-spawn suffer and disappear
I'm beginning to ponder if the Shadow-Omake has had influence on your writing...

I do not do this for him.
TsundeRei! You are fooling nobody, Ms. Ayanami.

Why does Kaji literally sound like my father whenever he got passive aggressive with my mother? :wtf:

I… thought of what I want to get you for your birthday.
An axe. It's an axe isn't it?

What, I should worry about you sneaking off with Wondergirl and having dirty trysts behind my back? Without inviting me along? No kissing Rei without me, baka.

And you're going to like it!
It's totally gonna be awful isn't it? Shinji will be struggling to hold it in...

Yusss! More of our favorite OT3 goodness!!

I can almost HEAR The Englanderish's exasperated sigh. :p
I swear to god, when we get our empire back... :V

It'd certainly be a high-impact pairing.


I'm beginning to run low on these...

Good, good, she is learning! Next she will challenge the Rainbow trout to the traditional Fish-Slapping dance

I'm running low on these too...

Platonically so, of course. Aside from her own... complicated romantic situation, Kaworu is gayer than a treeful of monkeys breathing helium.

Seems interesting - wonder how long Kaji has left before the Fuyutsuki mess...

And I wonder how differently that'll go down...
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Big words are fine... just explain what that MEANS

So mostly anything about chemicals and how they interact with other chemicals (in this case, chemicals in your body) is determined by their shape. It doesn't matter if there's mercury in there, if it's shaped differently, then you're either looking at "I'm fine" or "I'm dead" - this literally is the case. The acetyl mercury in vaccines is one example. It's actually quite harmless, even if it has a death metal attached to it.

Chelating substances take things that are hard to get rid of (usually toxic stuff like heavy metals), and make them easier to get rid of. Think of it this way: They're literally claws that snatch up things you do not like (and more importantly, ONLY those things - not things you do like), and cart them away because they're shaped specifically to be a) soluble, b) easily transportable and c) specific to the stuff you want out.

Now, usually chelating substances bind to metals. That's how they're introduced in undergrad chemistry and a big chunk of higher chemistry. @Wint simply stated that it's also possible to chelate non-metal things like acetaldehyde (commonly known as formaldehyde... you know, embalming fluid). I wasn't aware this was possible. It kind of makes sense, since the "shape" of acetaldehyde makes it look to a chelating substance a lot like metal. Of course, there will be side-effects like loss of electrolytes, because chelation therapy is not as selective in vivo as in vitro.
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@Hexokinase @DB_Explorer
Hey, I'm toxicologist. Treating hangovers and withdrawals is my specialty.

Let me simplify.
Acetaldehyde, or formaldehyde, is the main toxic byproduct of ethyl alcohol oxidation. It is also the main reason for those terrible headaches when you drink too much. Na-DMPS works by removing this toxin from your bloodstream. In thirty minutes, you're pretty much fine.
There's an over-the-counter med that works in a similar way - N-Acetylcysteine. It's not nearly as powerful as DMPS, but is much more widely available and has less side effects, such as copper or zinc depletion.

Shame on me, and on you too, @Hexokinase

Formaldehyde is not acetaldehyde. It is much more toxic and very lethal. Formaldehyde is produced when you accidently drink methanol.

Oh, and...
What are the odds of two chemists meeting in an Evangelion fanfic thread? :D
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@Hexokinase @DB_Explorer
Hey, I'm toxicologist. Treating hangovers and withdrawals is my specialty.

Let me simplify.
Acetaldehyde, or formaldehyde, is the main toxic byproduct of ethyl alcohol oxidation. It is also the main reason for those terrible headaches when you drink too much. Na-DMPS works by removing this toxin from your bloodstream. In thirty minutes, you're pretty much fine.
There's an over-the-counter med that works in a similar way - N-Acetylcysteine. It's not nearly as powerful as DMPS, but is much more widely available and has less side effects, such as copper or zinc depletion.

Shame on me, and on you too, @Hexokinase

Formaldehyde is not acetaldehyde. It is much more toxic and very lethal. Formaldehyde is produced when you accidently drink methanol.

Oh, and...
What are the odds of two chemists meeting in an Evangelion fanfic thread? :D
It is a frakking Evangelion thread. The odds weren't that low.