Yeah, if Yui hadn't been absorbed into Unit-01 Gendo doesn't become Supreme Commander of NERV.
Shinji Ikari - Zuko
Asuka Langley Soryu - Mai
Rei Ayanami - Azula
Misato Katsuragi - Suki
Ryoji Kaji - Sokka (Because Kaji is the man Sokka wishes he was)
Mari Illustrious Makinami - Katara
Toji Suzuhara - Teo (I'm not sorry)
Hikari Horaki - Ty Lee
Kensuke Aida - Haru
Ristuko Akago - The Mechanist
Gendo Ikari - Ozai
Yui Ikari - Ursa
Maya Ibuki - Smellerbee
Makoto Hyuga - Longshot
Shigeru Aoba - Jet
Pen2​ - Mo2​
Renault Alpine - Appa
School Teacher - Piendao
Naoko Akagi - Hugh
Evangelions - LoK Giant Mecha

SEELE - The White Lotus
SEELE 1/Kihl Lorenz - Long Feng
SEELE 2 - Hama
SEELE 3 - That Crazy General Who Tried To Induce The Avatar State
SEELE 4 - Zhao (The Moonslayer)
SEELE 5 - The Boiling Rock Warden
SEELE 6 - Bumi
SEELE 7 - Lo
SEELE 8 - Li
SEELE 9 - The Warden From Book 1
SEELE 10 - M. Knight Shyamalan
SEELE 11 - Jeong Jeong
SEELE 12 - Paku

The Magi - The Spirit Swamp

Adam - Vaatu
Lilith - Raava
Sachiel - The Painted Lady
Ramiel - Yue
Gaghiel - Koizilla
Israfel - Twi & Laa
Sandalphon - Roku (because he lived on a volcano)
Sahaquiel through to Tabris - [Redacted]

M.P. Evas - [Redacted]

The Positron Cannon - Combustion Man

Section 2 - The Dai Li

I have thought about this a lot.
Did she remember to take Improved Grapple? :V

Just throw the die and hope for a nat 20.

Because we all want GreggHL to actually finish one of his current projects first before starting on something new?
Don't recognize...

Ryoji Kaji - Sokka (Because Kaji is the man Sokka wishes he was)
Kaji is the man half of us wish we could be... aside from the stupid and the getting killed and taking 8 years to get back with Misato... Okay maybe I... er we don't all wish we could be that cool, but damn can the man pull off scruffy.
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Chapter 9.8
~sigh~ Read. Enjoy. Join the crowd that is continually aggravated that he keeps jumping from project to project without wrapping any up. :/

Anyhow.... Update! Rei is conflicted. Misato is informed (and buzzed). Shinji and Asuka go to bed.

@einargs, @FlyingScanian, @l3fty, This one's for you.


Chapter 9.8
Everything I Do...


Rei stared at the tiny closet in the shoddy apartment building that Nagisa had guided her to when she insisted on 'making sure he returned to his assigned domicile and remained there'. It turned out to be a tiny, tiny room, barely more than a few square meters of space next to a narrow bed. She could just about touch all four walls if she stood in the center. "This is your assigned quarters?" she asked with a fractionally raised eyebrow.

Nagisa nodded, still smiling faintly. "I do not have many possessions, and do not require much space. This is acceptable."

"I would dispute that," Rei said emotionlessly, looking around again. 'I accepted just as Spartan conditions not too long ago. But now I see how poorly I was treated. I am torn. I wish to see the Adam-spawn suffer and disappear, to be eliminated as a threat to my loves and their world. But I also do not wish to see a fellow Pilot treated as badly as I was by being forced to live like this. I do not know how to process this.'

Fixing Nagisa with a disapproving look, Rei asked, "Who assigned you this room?"

"I spoke with Sub-Commander Fuyutsuki on my arrival. He provided my NERV ID and other accommodations."

Rei frowned. 'So this is deliberate, and altering his residence will not be simple.' She paused, and re-examined her own thoughts. 'Wait, why do I even care if he lives in this... kennel? I would be pleased to kill him myself.'

'....because Asuka saw this situation for me, and worked to change it when she had no reason to feel anything but dislike for me. And they would be disappointed in me if I let him live like this, and did not tell them that I knew about it.'
She shook her head. 'Very well. I will bring it to the attention of Major Katsuragi, and let her possibly less biased judgment rule.'

Rei paused. 'Less biased as long as she is unaware of his true nature, at least. She possibly would hate him even more than I if she knew. In any case, I will let her determine if he should remain in these cramped and bare quarters.' Resolve firmed in her chest. 'I will be worthy of my loves. They are not given to cruelty and malice, and so I shall not be either. I will protect them from this supposed Angel of Free Will by whatever means I must, but I will not make him suffer for suffering's sake. I will simply kill him if that becomes necessary.'

She nodded to Nagisa and turned to leave. "I will speak to the Operations Director about your accommodations. This is not meeting the standard of treatment for Pilots."

She could practically hear his eyebrows rise. "For someone who has been rather firmly hostile to me, I am surprised you would bother," he said, light amusement in his voice.

She looked back over her shoulder at him, saying coldly, "I do not do this out of concern for you. I do this because those I love would be disappointed in me if I did not. And their love and regard is infinitely more important to me than your well-being or lack of." 'What was that remark from that old film I watched with my loves recently? It feels fitting here. Ah yes.' She turned back as she put her hand on the door handle giving him her best blank expression. "Good evening, Nagisa-san. Sleep well. I'll most likely kill you in the morning."

She savored his further confused and surprised look as she left, a tiny smile finally reaching her face.


Misato looked up from the papers she was poring over on the kitchen table at the sound of the front door to the apartment swishing open, tensing slightly despite her mild buzz. While there were only a few people who had keycards to let themselves in, and she'd be delighted to see any of them (one tall Inspector in particular even more so), the quiet digging into NERV's secrets she and Kaji were engaged in was leaving her increasingly paranoid that Section 2 might one day let themselves in. She didn't fully relax until she saw the flash of blue hair that heralded the First Child's arrival. "Welcome home, Rei. You're running a little late today."

Rei nodded greetings. "I escorted the Fifth Child to his new residence, to familiarize myself with its location. I wish to report that his accommodations are quite sub-standard for how NERV should treat its Pilots, as Asuka determined when she observed my old housing. Nagisa-san's is even worse. It is little more than a closet. I believe you should inspect it as you did mine and determine if it is satisfactory."

Misato looked a bit surprised. "Really? I suppose I can. But Shinji and Asuka said you didn't seem that happy with the new kid. You're still looking out for him?"

"I am not. I am looking out for Pilots in general, and wish to…" Rei suddenly halted.

Misato blinked. 'Rei… looks awkward? Has… has that ever happened before?'

"Asuka did the same for me when I lived in poor conditions. I do not wish to… lose her or Shinji's regard, and I believe they would be disappointed in me if they became aware that I knew Nagisa-san lived poorly and I did nothing. I do not do this for him." Rei somehow gave the impression of blushing and shuffling her feet without moving or showing any expression.

Misato shook her head. Shinji and Asuka being a good influence on Rei? Life was strange. "I'll… take a look at his place tomorrow, Rei. You… you're staying for dinner, right?"

Rei nodded. She looked around the empty kitchen and then behind Misato at the living room. "Where are they? Did they go out on another date?"

Misato snorted. "Just about. They needed some ingredients for the meal tonight, and decided they were going to the store to get them together. Just an excuse to go out hand-in-hand again, I think. Asuka loves showing off that she's got Shinji wrapped around her finger. They should be back soon."

"Then I shall use the time to change out of my uniform. I wish to show them the fruits of Asuka's teachings on fashion."


Dinner sat warm and delicious in her belly, a cold beer was in her hand, and Rei had departed for her own apartment next door by the time Misato yawned at the evening news starting. She stifled another yawn as she watched Shinji and Asuka rise from the pushed together beanbags they'd been sitting next to each other on.

Asuka whispered something to Shinji that got her a tentative smile and a nod. The redhead turned to Misato with a carefully calm expression. "Misato, it's late. We're going to bed." Her hand was already clasping Shinji's.

The implied challenge hung in the air. Misato just took a deep breath and nodded. "Sleep well."

When their guardian said nothing more, Asuka and Shinji shared a glowing look. Misato had to fight down a smile as the two Pilots walked to Asuka's room and almost defiantly closed the door behind them.

'Looks like I'm going to have to stop calling it just 'her' room,' Misato mused as she rose from the couch and picked up the cordless phone from its base. A quick dial and a couple of rings got her the person she wanted. "One happy couple in bed already. You going to make me wait?"

A baritone chuckle on the other end. "Yes, dear. Be there shortly."

"Good boy."


"I can't believe we're really doing this," Shinji said quietly as Asuka closed the door behind them. "And that she's letting us."

"Me either," Asuka replied, kicking off her shorts and removing her A10 headset from her hair. "But I'm glad she is. We've earned this, we deserve this, and… and we need this," she finished kind of weakly, betraying her own real reason.

She hit the lights and pulled Shinji into a hug as he sat down on the bed next to her. She could feel herself relax almost immediately. They hardly separated as they laid down and arranged the sheets over themselves. Blankets were entirely superfluous in Tokyo-03's permanent summer heat, doubly so with a warm body alongside.

Shinji couldn't quite relax himself. Asuka frowned slightly as she could feel him still tensing as they adjusted themselves to comfortable sleep positions. "…what is it?"


"Come on, Shinji. Part of why this feels so damn good to me is we've been sleeping next to each other long enough that it's utterly comfortable. I can feel you're still almost as tensed up as when we started. I know you and you know me by now. Talk."

Shinji shuffled a bit, but couldn't meet her eyes. "I… thought of what I want to get you for your birthday."

Asuka smiled in the dark but pressed further. "Which I like to hear, but why are you acting like you're about to do something particularly baka-ish?"

"I want it to be a surprise, but it's something I'm going to need to do a lot of work on, and I've only got two weeks, so…" He trailed off weakly.

Asuka waited. When he said nothing, she took a stab. "A surprise, lots of work, and short timeline… means you're going to have to do it out of my sight, and need all the spare time you can get between now and then. So…" She twisted her lips a bit. "It's fine, Shinji. We can live without being joined at the hip every afternoon, as much as I like when we are really 'joined at the hips' hurr hurr. You need time to come up with a truly stunning birthday present for me? I can survive. I've got an idea I've been thinking about to take up that time anyhow."

Now Shinji relaxed. "That's... that's good. I'd… probably work on it with Rei, if that's alright? I don't want to interrupt if she was part of your idea."

Asuka snorted. "What, I should worry about you sneaking off with Wondergirl and having dirty trysts behind my back? Without inviting me along? No kissing Rei without me, baka."

"I wouldn't!" Shinji looked lightly guilty, which she noted.

"But I bet the scenario had crossed your pervy baka mind, my dear," Asuka needled gently. "You're just like me, and I know the notion has crossed my mind. Stupid sexy Rei." She gave him a quick kiss. "I trust you both, though, crazy as that sounds to me too. I know neither of you would hurt me, so go right ahead. You and Rei do whatever your little surprise is. I'll be seeing about cooking with Hikari, if I can pry her away from her pet gorilla."

"…cooking?" Shinji almost sounded hurt.

She poked him in the side. "No, I don't have any complaints about my boyfriend being a dedicated chef of no small talent who cooks anything I want on demand. I just… you do that. You do all the cooking, almost. It's because you're better at it than me, definitely better than Misato, and I know it makes you happy to do so, but… I want to... return the favor, baka."

Asuka could feel her cheeks heating a bit as Shinji stared at her in surprise. "What? I... damn it, Shinji, you treat me like a princess and I know it. I want to… do the same for you. Notice I didn't even ask what you're up to for my present? Because I know you're going to go all-out and… make it special. Because you know I haven't had a real birthday with people I want to have around in forever. So I know you're going to wow me. And I'm… I'm not waiting around a whole eight more months to match things on your birthday. I'm going to have Hikari spin me up on cooking some more so I can make stuff for you too. And you're going to like it!" Asuka finished off with a hint of her old tsun-fire. The blush more than won out, though.

Shinji smiled in that half-loving, half-sad way that always melted her insides, like he still couldn't believe he was really there in bed with her. "Yeah… I will. I know I will. And… I really hope you'll like what I've got in mind, Asuka."

"I know I will. I have faith in my dearest baka. Now let's get to sleep. I know this is going to be the best rest I've had in over a week, and it's one day closer to getting to talk to our mothers." She closed her eyes and let her head roll against his. "I don't care if we have to spend the day apart if we get to end it like this. This makes everything worth it."
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Kaji is the man half of us wish we could be... aside from the stupid and the getting killed and taking 8 years to get back with Misato... Okay maybe I... er we don't all wish we could be that cool, but damn can the man pull off scruffy.
Next you tell me you'd like to be Sirius Black.

I for one am much more interested in how Rei will handle Kaworu's living situation.

Damn. :ninja:'d by OP...
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"It's fine, Shinji. We can live without being joined at the hip every afternoon, as much as I like when we are really 'joined at the hips' hurr hurr.
Asuka snorted. "What, I should worry about you sneaking off with Wondergirl and having dirty trysts behind my back? Without inviting me along? No kissing Rei without me, baka."

"I wouldn't!" Shinji looked lightly guilty, which she noted.

"But I bet the scenario had crossed your pervy baka mind, my dear," Asuka needled gently. "You're just like me, and I know the notion has crossed my mind. Stupid sexy Rei."
Yusss! More of our favorite OT3 goodness!!

I can almost HEAR The Englanderish's exasperated sigh. :p
Character progression in A&T: Shinji and Asuka learn to connect with each other, and Rei discovers her inner action hero.
'What was that remark from that old film I watched with my loves recently? It feels fitting here. Ah yes.' She turned back as she put her hand on the door handle giving him her best blank expression. "Good evening, Nagisa-san. Sleep well. I'll most likely kill you in the morning."
And just like that, the war begins. The shipping war, that is.
A quick dial and a couple of rings got her the person she wanted. "One happy couple in bed already. You going to make me wait?"

A baritone chuckle on the other end. "Yes, dear. Be there shortly."

"Good boy."
Heh. Kaji learned well for an orphan: Those two little words are the secret to a long, loving marriage. Well, that and a solid financial partnership.
Asuka snorted. "What, I should worry about you sneaking off with Wondergirl and having dirty trysts behind my back? Without inviting me along? No kissing Rei without me, baka."
You know, I wonder if Stryp fuels his writing with the tears and salt of those frustrated with the OT3.
"I wouldn't!" Shinji looked lightly guilty, which she noted.

"But I bet the scenario had crossed your pervy baka mind, my dear," Asuka needled gently. "You're just like me, and I know the notion has crossed my mind. Stupid sexy Rei.
I wonder no longer.:lol:rofl: