"Asuka did the same for me when I lived in poor conditions. I do not wish to… lose her or Shinji's regard, and I believe they would be disappointed in me if they became aware that I knew Nagisa-san lived poorly and I did nothing. I do not do this for him." Rei somehow gave the impression of blushing and shuffling her feet without moving or showing any expression.
Misato's able to read Rei quite well. As for Rei, her reactions regarding Shinji and Asuka remain adorable.

Nice update.

I told you Rei might turn into a magical girl. I bet no one suspected it would be Nanoha. :V
I've yet to see Nanoha-grade Befriending here... :V

It'd certainly be a high-impact pairing.
"There will be No Survivors."

You know, I wonder if Stryp fuels his writing with the tears and salt of those frustrated with the OT3.
What kind of self-respecting author would Strypgia be if he didn't? :lol
She savored his further confused and surprised look as she left, though just as she exited the apartment he called out after her, "As you wish."

Wha-- aw fuck.


It'd certainly be a high-impact pairing.
I just wanted to get away with Rei quoting the Dread Pirate Roberts. I didn't even think of that line. Boy, would that have messed with your heads if I had! :V I wonder if I should put that in the FFnet version? :)
I've yet to see Nanoha-grade Befriending here... :V

Nanoha has varying levels of Befriending. In the backstory, Nanoha Befriended Arisa with a simple slap and a schoolyard scuffle. Fate was, of course, Starlight Breaker'd, Teana got some sense knocked into her with a single training bullet, and Vivio got the grand prize with FIVE simultaneous Starlight Breakers boosted through the Blaster System.
Nanoha has varying levels of Befriending. In the backstory, Nanoha Befriended Arisa with a simple slap and a schoolyard scuffle. Fate was, of course, Starlight Breaker'd, Teana got some sense knocked into her with a single training bullet, and Vivio got the grand prize with FIVE simultaneous Starlight Breakers boosted through the Blaster System.

That last on was a more like mom dealing with a misbehaving child
Am I remembering The Princess Bride incorrectly, or doesn't Humperdink say that line to Buttercup? Wesley's got a lot of fantastic lines to quote, but that's not one of them.
Am I remembering The Princess Bride incorrectly, or doesn't Humperdink say that line to Buttercup? Wesley's got a lot of fantastic lines to quote, but that's not one of them.
"I'll most likely kill you in the morning." is the line that the previous Dread Pirate Roberts delivered daily to Westley.
Am I remembering The Princess Bride incorrectly, or doesn't Humperdink say that line to Buttercup? Wesley's got a lot of fantastic lines to quote, but that's not one of them.
@grommile is correct:
The Script said:
Westley: I myself am often surprised at life's little quirks. Flame spurt. See, what I told you before about saying "please" was true.He hacks at the vines blocking their path. It intrigued Roberts, as did my description of your beauty. Finally, Roberts decided something. He said, "All right Westley, I've never had a valet, you can try it for tonight. I'll most likely kill you in the morning." Three years he said that. "Good night Westley. Good work. Sleep well. I'll most likely kill you in the morning." It was a fine time for me. I was learning to fence, fight, anything anyone would teach me. Roberts and I eventually became friends. And then it happened.
Right, Humperdink's line is about how he has to kill his wife and frame it on the enemy country and what a full day he is. Thanks.
..., @FlyingScanian, ..., This one's for you.
Thank you, kind lord.

Slowly going through the thread (as well as some "other stuff", concurrently to studying Solid Stat Physics...), so I guess it's more of a creeping like-barrage rather than the usual cluster-like bombs. Currently at page 287 (after a detour through the Havamal, of all things)... soon I'll be caught up. (until then, don't expect me to reply unless you quote or mention me).
Rather thrn a creeping WAFF barrage we need Time On Target WAFF ... more effectivr and leaves the defender no time to take cover.
"It's not like I care about you. I only do this because my friend will be disappointed if I don't".
Holy shit, Rei is tsundere :o.
"It's not like I care about you. I only do this because my friend will be disappointed if I don't".
Holy shit, Rei is tsundere :o.
It's only tsundere if she actually does care about him. In this case that line is literally true meaning that nope, doesn't qualify as tsundere.

Now whether it stays true or not is completely up to Strypgia.
Platonically so, of course. Aside from her own... complicated romantic situation, Kaworu is gayer than a treeful of monkeys breathing helium.
Kaworu Nagisa: Rainbows are straighter.
I know you're trying to be funny, but you're not.

And Kaworu literally doesn't have a concept of human sexuality norms, so, apart from him not being a part (sorry; couldn't help myself) of the cast long enough to develop romantic feelings, he could crush on a tree, for all we know.

...Oh dear Merlin, what have I done!?
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