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More precisely, IIRC that pic is form when Kaji was flirting with Ritsuko and Misato saw them from her side of the glass.
It is, I remember that scene clear as day.
More precisely, IIRC that pic is form when Kaji was flirting with Ritsuko and Misato saw them from her side of the glass.
Yes. I probably should have made more clear that I was making a joking reference to the way a lot of fans try to turn anyone's sexuality ambiguous, with varying degrees of plausibility.More precisely, IIRC that pic is form when Kaji was flirting with Ritsuko and Misato saw them from her side of the glass.
You have to give Touji some credit: he's learning how to navigate a minefield remarkably fast.
Hopefully it won't cost him an arm and a leg this time.
"Ah... yes, we um... were, Touji. Not... um... not that every night," Shinji clarified with a blush of his own. "But... sleeping in the same bed. It... we didn't feel alone anymore." His hand sought Asuka's, and their fingers laced together without a look. "That was what we needed. And that's really what we want Misato to ok."
Son, you got no idea.Touji looked helplessly back and forth between his friend and his newly admitted girlfriend, his jaw hanging open as he watches them have an entire conversation without a single word said out loud. "This is downright disturbin'..."
Missing a space at the first, and a period at the second markerYou'd apologize for somethin', she'd be a raging bit-...um... angry, and it was.. familiar, y'know?
This one's missing a space and a period.
This is SV. It doesn't have the hardware problems that required threads on SB to be capped. There are Quest threads here that are at nearly 2000 pages. A&T isn't even that long, relatively speaking.Nice chapter.
Though I notice this story thread is up to 200 pages - you might want to start another thread before it hits triple digits.![]()
PMAS is closing in on 3000.
*checks clock, 1:40AM* I don't need sleep.A day late, only one scene instead of the two I wanted, but at 1900 words that plenty for an update.
Hey dude! You're in for a roller-coaster ride of WAFF, blood, and a possessive, militaristic, pseudo-german girl being awesome.*blink* Wait, partially because I started reading and liking my way through it? ... Cool! I'm still catching up, but I'm definitely enjoying it so far! Good work, Strypgia!
New stuff kicks off with Toji worrying about his GF, and a phantom 'ch' appears...A troubled look flitted across Asuka's face. "Speaking of Hikari... any word?"
Touji shook his head. "Nothin'. No phone call last night, nothing since last Wednesday. They won't let me go see her, either. That Doctor Akagi told me I wasn't allowed, that she was running some kinda 'delicate tests' on her that I couldn't disturb." He looked intensely worried. "I... guess I kinda know what ya mean, about... I don't feel right without her no more. This... can't you two find out anything? You're NERV Pilots too. And... Major Katsuragi was here just this morning, picking up Ayanami for somethin'! Can she...?" The big jock's hands nervously grasped at nothing.
Nothing major, probably more of those super-science soul/brainwave tests... that get clearer when the patient isn't thinking.Shinji and Asuka shared a look. Shinji watched the blood drain from his girlfriend's face and felt her hand suddenly grip his much tighter. He knew exactly what terrifying thought was running through her mind. ''Tests'? Doctor Akagi was just fine with drugging Rei into a stupor every day. What's she doing to Hikari?!'
Yes!Asuka let a shiver run over her once he was out of sight. "Jesus, Shinji... what is that bitch doing to Hikari? She has no problem pumping Rei full of poison. Why is she keeping Hikari under wraps like this? She was just fine when we saw her right after the battle!"
Shinji shook his head sadly. "We need to get Misato-san to find out, and fast. Rei didn't look that good this morning, even with the medication Kaji-san brought back."
Good man Kaji, good man.Asuka grit her jaw and nodded. Kaji had returned from his late night medical search with a small bag of medication and scribbled treatment regimen from some doctor he'd scared up, and they'd tried out the Narcan-derivative on Rei with apparent good effect. But their friend had still been shaky and nauseous all evening, and the next morning too. Misato's rescue after just a short time in class had been well needed, though neither Shinji or Asuka had felt very relieved watching Rei leave.
wat.Asuka shook her head too. "I really can't believe that one. He can't have lunch with us because he's busy with a lunch date with two girls at once?!"
Kensuke, you absolute rock star.She looked down at the school's athletic field below, where there were a few lunch tables under a cluster of trees at one side. They could just make out the blonde hair of the spectacled boy at one table, with a girl on either side of him. Both girls were leaning in close to him. The faint sounds of girlish laughter lilted up as far as the school roof.
"Nope, I still can't believe it."
Indirect reply to Stargrave and co. beginning... now!Shinji grimaced. He and Asuka had come to school in the morning proudly hand-in-hand. Asuka's grin had only widened when she spotted Tanaka and a few hangers-on still glaring at her. Shinji, however, had felt a little ashamed over his outburst the day before. "Maybe I should apologi-"
"No way. We talked about this already this morning. Tanaka deserved every bit of...don't look at me like that, Shinji. I..."
Makes sense.His cobalt-blue eyes were relentless.
She crumbled. "Fine! You might have been a little harsh, and I sounded kind of more arrogant than I meant to. When I said she wasn't good enough, that was because..." Asuka looked away. "Because sometimes even I don't feel like I'm good enough to deserve you. You stupid, brave, caring, too-gentlemanly-for-your-own-good baka." She looked back at him, her glare returning. "And if you go apologizing for the perfectly accurate statement that you'd just watch me rip her face off, they're just going to be convinced you're a freaking gentleman and keep lusting after you. Trust me."
"I just... think we sounded a bit more 'We're Eva Pilots, we're better than you' than we meant to, yesterday. I wanted everyone to be happy for us."
Asuka shook her head again. "Too many of them want you, or me, for everyone to be happy we're together. And we are one-in-a-billion special people, Shinji. The defense of the world relies on us. It's hard not to feel proud about that. Just... be careful about making them think you're in any way still 'on the market', or they'll never quit."
I c wat u did thar. I know where you got that."Not quite the way she... appeared to mean it," Asuka finished. "Yeah, I... we... I don't think we could handle... it being the three of us. E-even if we think about it, sometimes..."
Shinji's eyes widened a bit as her heard her mutter "Stupid sexy Rei..."
I don't think you're alone in that Asuka.Asuka cleared her throat. "B-but... Rei's still someone we both l-love." Asuka stared down at their joined hands. "There's you, and her, Shinji. Since Mama, no one else got into my heart. Not even Kaji, though I once thought he was who I wanted to. Just you two. People I love and would do anything for. So I mean it when I say you need to be ready to keep me from tearing that witch doctor's head off when we see her."
And may that always be the case.Shinji was quiet for a second. "You're just like me," he eventually said.
"You get that from my side, Shinji. Although, Kyoko's anger was nothing to sneeze at."Shinji shook his head. "Not when it comes to you or Rei. Anyone or anything that threatens either of you... I might be even angrier than you. I hope my father isn't there on Thursday. I'm not sure how I'm going to react the next time I see his face, not after knowing about my mother..."
And won't that be a fun conversation, talking to a soul ripped into two semi-disparate halves.Asuka took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Yeah... I... I hope we get to sit in our own Evas soon. I want to talk to Mama so bad..." She grimaced. "And we still haven't been able to ask Rei about her mom, or tell her that she might be in Unit-00's Core."
I did not see that one coming.
I think the only time this isn't true are with some of GregHL's Ree. Otherwise, as previously demonstrated in this thread and a few others "Huggle teh Rei" is always the correct option.
Apparently, at some point Rei decided to perform a social experiment and attempt to ship Kensuke X Harem. So far it seems to be working, especially since Rei can apparently get warm fuzzies from feeling other people's warm fuzzies, and thus shipping Kensuke X Harem works in her own interests, by distracting many of the girls in the class (making Shinji and Asuka happy), by generating plenty of warm fuzzies, and by confusing the hell out of everybody else, including Kensuke.
The Worm thread on SB is around 2000+ pages now, I think, so there's no need for thread splitting in either sites now.This is SV. It doesn't have the hardware problems that required threads on SB to be capped. There are Quest threads here that are at nearly 2000 pages. A&T isn't even that long, relatively speaking.