Also! Now that I reloaded the update
It's a level two city which means it need a level two bath to ensure our artisans don't stink.

Anyway: List of projects needed to be completed:

1) Redshore bath (3/6)
2) Redshore Level Two Market (0/6)
3) Level One Temple (0/3)
4) Level Two Temple (0/6)

So, we need 18 progress in about two turn.

With 5 infrastructure, we whittle it down to 13 progress. And then another 5 to get to 8 progress.

Yeah, it seems likely we will get another 2 infrastructure policies from our Free Cities to finish all the infrastructure quess, and that isn't including the Great Hall annex we need to build every turn.
We actually do not need eighteen progress. We do have a level one temple.
Major Holy Sites: Rainbow Trail (0/3), Sacred Forest (Temple 0/12), Holy Sea (0/3), Horse Valley (0/6) [Build Observatory 0/3], White Circle (0/3), Warrior's Rest (0/3), Star Mirror (0/3), Sunrise Grove (0/3), Skyforest (0/3), Bloodgrove (0/3), Spiritwell (0/3), Moonwell (0/3), Sparkling Cave (0/3), Great Gallery (0/3), Ancestors Grave (0/3), Ox Rest (0/3), Dragon Graveyard (0/12)

Just 15 or twelve if they are smart and drop the baths :V
raargh. He changed the numbers.

I heard mention that it was six, but when I checked it was still at five, so I did not question it.


See, I am nto crzay!

...I should probably reload the update page

Does not really change my vote though. If I take one out, that brings me to 20 and no cities.

This does bring us 23 Econ if they do not use any Econ, so I still doubt that we will.

This would be a whole lot easier if people just listened to me >3>
Actually, can you link or quote me to your plan? I probably wont vote for it, and it wouldn't make a difference, but i'm curious what the plan is to get us down to 10 EE this turn

Just 15 or twelve if they are smart and drop the baths
Stopping halfway through a major improvement to a health improvement right after a major plague, in our biggest and filthiest city, while the laws are built from the ground up to punish those in charge if they don't care for the health of those they rule over, isn't exactly smart, imo :p
Actually, can you link or quote me to your plan? I probably wont vote for it, and it wouldn't make a difference, but i'm curious what the plan is to get us down to 10 EE this turn
[X][Main] Dam
[X][Secondary] Influence Subordinate - Tinriver Colony
[X][Secondary] Influence Subordinate - Tinriver Colony x2
[X][Secondary] Expand Econ
[X][Secondary] Expand Econ x2
[X][Secondary] Survey Lands
[X][Guild] Plant Poppy
[X][Guild] Snail Cultivation
[X][Guild Secondary] Snail Cultivation

Okay, but we have three turns to do so. Our Western Colonies are at 2 Loyalty. Greenshore has reason to stay with Ymaryn and we just talked to Western Wall. We should chat with Tinriver to at least ensure that they do not plan on running away soon.(Yes I meant Influence, I used those stat costs :oops:)

Okay, I can see us doing a Survey ourselves since our Policy is still on Balance and they can potentially do one and double it themselves to a Main. Either way leaves us with enough Economy to push a big chunk of the annexes next turn, if not all at once while still leaving us Econ to deal with whatever happens next turn.
Stat reasoning here
So let us start with Guild, since some of those cost Wealth

These are the only projects that do not cost Wealth. My suggestion is Main Plant Poppies, Main Snail Cultivation and a secondary Snail Cultivation. That brings us to a 11 Wealth and avoids the Stability loss. Also lowers Economic Expansion slots by three to help give us back a city and minimizes Econ use.

That leaves us at

Economy 7(+4-1)
Wealth 4(+10)(+1)
Econ Expansion 22

Starting the Dam costs two Econ and Main Project slot. Support Subordinate costs 3 Wealth, 3 Econ, and another Main Project slot

Economy 2(+4-1)
Wealth 1(+11)(+1)

That leaves three Secondary Project slots. I am thinking of tossing them all into Expand Econ to ensure we start next turn at 24 Economy.

Not accurate anymore as with the changes I actually leave Economy 3 at the end there and end up with 27 Econ, so a full tank.

Narrative reasoning behind the vote was that the dam was needed for the canal headed Eastward and because it has been long in coming to help administrate our Eastern Holdings. Influence Action is because Tinriver is our furthest colony, Greenshore has a good reason to not breakaway due the West Storm Ymaryn and we just made nice with the Western Wall Colony. A Main was so we can decidedly ensure that they remain Ymaryn despite the changes around them while also grabbing that +1 Loyalty to keep that at an okay 3.

Survey Lands is free and even with our three gold mines, having too much wealth is a much easier problem than not enough.
Stopping halfway through a major improvement to a health improvement right after a major plague, in our biggest and filthiest city, while the laws are built from the ground up to punish those in charge if they don't care for the health of those they rule over, isn't exactly smart, imo :p
Hence the :V
The big difference was and continues to be is that it spends our Econ down to the nub and recuperates it. That makes it impossible for our provinces to spend too much and stop us from getting two of our cities back while also leaving us with a great amount of Econ to work with next turn.
but are we building it fast or slow? I want that canal. India-kun awaits,
Building a dam fast isn't a terribly good idea, IMO, and we do desperately need that influence action. I haven't caught up enough to really get back into the math of it (plus, why are some of these things in fractions?? What's the overflow chart look like now?) But I'm reasonably sure we can afford it.
we do desperately need that influence action
Agree that building the dam fast, since it's our first dam, is possibly not a great choice. But at the same time you can't build a dam slow. That just results in parts of it being broken down by the river it's damming.

It's useful but not urgent; and yes I've read the relevant passages.
It's only desperately needed/urgent if the SP start acting in a troublesome fashion.
At present it's merely useful.

Also, @Academia Nut, where is the SP? Are they at all close to Tinriver?

Relatively slow for now, we've got a lot on our plate.
Not really. The disease is ending, the nomads lost, no one is at war with us yet. We don't have a lot on our plate, for all that the SP might be troublesome in the future & our western subordinates might leave us in the future & more roads would be nice to have.
On a side note, what does the number next to those wonderfully pithy sayings even mean?
The Dice Rolls on our predictions. Low means the Priests are full of it and just trying to push their own agenda; note how rather explicit they usually are. Medium is stock fortune cookies. High...

High is good, we think. I cannot recall actually hitting 90+ yet.
The one about helping our neighbours was 90+.
And that went...I am not sure how to rate that one.

We saw no immediate returns. We found out Monotheists were a thing, but if we had not sent our mercenaries over, we would not have "caught the bug" so to speak.

Turn later, it did infect them with the Horseman Plague, so...

The Dice Rolls on our predictions. Low means the Priests are full of it and just trying to push their own agenda; note how rather explicit they usually are. Medium is stock fortune cookies. High...

High is good, we think. I cannot recall actually hitting 90+ yet.
A 100 crit was the God Fist apparently, based on what others have said.
And that went...I am not sure how to rate that one.

We saw no immediate returns. We found out Monotheists were a thing, but if we had not sent our mercenaries over, we would not have "caught the bug" so to speak.

Turn later, it did infect them with the Horseman Plague, so...


I honestly don't see it as a prediction, but merely very good advice. Unfortunately, the events spoiled our diplomatic effort.
[X][Main] Great Dam
[X][Secondary] Great Dam
[X][Secondary] Great Dam x2
[X][Secondary] Great Dam x3
[X][Secondary] Great Dam x4
[X][Secondary] Change Policy - Passive (Forestry + Forestry -> Infrastructure + Infrastructure)
[X][Guild Main] Plant Poppies
[X][Guild Main] Build Docks
[X][Guild Secondary] Expand Snail Cultivation
I honestly don't see it as a prediction, but merely very good advice. Unfortunately, the events spoiled our diplomatic effort.
Which is why I am not sure how to rate high rolls in general. They led us....somewhere and now we are here. I mean we have had enough experience with low rolls to know what they mean but with high we are not exactly sure.

We should probably full Influence Tinriver just in case.
That just results in parts of it being broken down by the river it's damming.
If you build a dam like a smart man, this should never be an issue, ever. People don't build dams in moving water unless they're idiots or beavers, and beavers aren't people.

When you build dams you reroute the river around the dam site before building it. When you're done, you tear out your dike and the reservoir fills. The rerouting dike is usually placed so that it becomes emergency overflow for the reservoir.