Good point. @Academia Nut i don't suppose that means we get one less Temp Econ Damage from this round, and are at {8}?

Already accounted for. Redshore counts as 2 cities.

Next turn we choose our main actions. During that update, the original 10* temp econ damage (TED) from the initial plague hit disappears, even if more temp econ damage is caused that phase. The phase after that, the 6 TED from the refugees we just took, and the 7 from the Isolated Economy damage both disappear.
Likewise, if we did take the mass levy option and remove isolated economy, then next phase we'd recover the 10* TED from the initial hit?

Next turn you regain 1 point of temp damage, but your resistance is reset so you can tank more of it. The next phase after that you recover 7 points of temp damage, but probably take more along the way.

have any of our Spiritbonded died of the plague? Because if exposure to horses isn't what grants immunity, it's gotta mean that...

Some have, yes. You don't actually know how badly the plague is hitting the nomads, just that they seem less affected, but by all accounts he has a policy of "Fire, and lots of it!" when encountering any settlement, and they may have some form of quarantine procedure for the few skilled slaves they take, so they may simply have never been exposed.
[X] [War] Scramble everyone (Sends warriors east, Switches to Mass Levy policy and removes Isolated Economy status)
[X] [React] Keep looking for a cure! (Sec Study Health)

Congratulations! We have purity, a trait that probably could have been avoided if we hadn't ignored the monotheists.
And put ourselves at -1 Stab?
Let me ask another question, then; if we switch to Mass Levy to remove Isolated Economy, then how much time do we have?
Out of curiosity, why does everyone think we will be defeated here? We have three mercenary companies and a bunch of our own troops, which probably carry martial in to 20-30s. Presumably, we can fight from defensible hardpoints at least some of the time, which reduces the nomad ability to harass. Even if it didn't, we should have enough of a numbers advantage to trade even unfavorable blows for a while.

So why does this imply defeat in detail?
Because we are going to be loosing soldiers to the plague like flies while the Nomads are apparently somewhat immune.
They can just bog us down and let us rot to death in front of them.
Man, most people are probably going to hate the trait because of connotations that people not us are 'impure,' but I really like the part of it where it equally points towards being physically clean as an incredibly important thing and believe that it can be evolved into a more sanitation based trait. I also remember that new traits tend to be significantly less than ideal... and that people keep forgetting that.

I'll leave the vote to others. I don't feel particularly strongly about the React, and I know which one of the war is going to pass.
Folks: think about the lowland from a logistic perspective:

1) We do not have a canal to rapidly reinforce our holding.
2) Our armies can only live if they can get to cities on the lowland.
3) The only city that we know of are in Xohyr, the capital of Txolla.
4) We do not have enough cavalry to counter the threat. If our armies are annihilated on the field. nothing can save us.

[X] [React] The economy, fools! (Sec Expand Econ, cannot be taken with Mass Levy active)

I am not even sure if I want to take this one.
[X] [War] They're on their own(-1 Stability, -1 Legitimacy, ???)
Out of curiosity, why does everyone think we will be defeated here? We have three mercenary companies and a bunch of our own troops, which probably carry martial in to 20-30s. Presumably, we can fight from defensible hardpoints at least some of the time, which reduces the nomad ability to harass. Even if it didn't, we should have enough of a numbers advantage to trade even unfavorable blows for a while.

So why does this imply defeat in detail?

Generally I don't see why our lowland cities at least wouldn't hold out for quite a while even if the countryside is wrecked. Since the nomads are religiously motivated to destroy cities this would force them into a siege situation they're not very suited for and put them in a perfect position for getting hit by the plagues.
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Just going to butt in and say something controversial:
Purity is a pretty good trait.

Maybe it's 'not-Ymaryn' and evil, but it helps with the biggest, most pressing problem- the super plague. It helps with our empire's survival.
I think the focus on morality in this crisis is a bit too much. In the end it's us, the players, who most strongly shape People's morality.
Even if People's values shift towards xenophobia, it won't influence US. We will still want an altruistic, freedom loving society.

This empire is currently our only vehicle for change in this imaginary world.
If we lose it to the point of annihilation, we won't be changing anything for the better.

Short term evil for long-term good is not so bad, unless you think it will corrupt the players.
I was thinking more that a single dice roll can just shatter a country apart just like that.
It's a 1/100 chance, not exactly small considering how many turns and how many countries are being rolled for.
Note that rolling one check every 10 years (at the main turn and the midturn) will have one critical failure in 1000 years. Having a civ collapse from that seems quite reasonable compared to historic standards.
[X] [War] Scramble what warriors are available (Sends a Sec War Mission and Mercenary Companies to the east)
[X] [React] Stamp down on those tearing the kingdom apart! (Sec Restore Order)

Stability plz no
Folks: think about the lowland from a logistic perspective:

1) We do not have a canal to rapidly reinforce our holding.
2) Our armies can only live if they can get to cities on the lowland.
3) The only city that we know of are in Xohyr, the capital of Txolla.
4) We do not have enough cavalry to counter the threat. If our armies are annihilated on the field. nothing can save us.
The problem is that they are just going to keep coming and enslaving our people to power their Waaaugh!

We have to try something :/
Congratulations! We have purity, a trait that probably could have been avoided if we hadn't ignored the monotheists.
We are going through a plague. Purity is an entirely reasonable trait to have gained regardless.

And I for one am quite happy with this trait. It is going to help keep us alive int eh plague, which is of critical importance.
And afterwords? Well, I'm not too fond of how it warps out national character, but boy do we need the extra disease resistance with our city-heavy approach.
I only hate purity because it hurts Monotheists
HOW DO THEY CONVERT TO MONOTHESTIC WORSHIP of FYTTH WAIFU if they are killing all the monotheists?
[X] [War] They're on their own(-1 Stability, -1 Legitimacy, ???)
[X] [React] The economy, fools! (Sec Expand Econ, cannot be taken with Mass Levy active)
That would probably hit our Lord's Loyalty trait hard.

There is also the chance that they will just keep going and run right over Txolla to reach us.
Better to lose Lord's Loyalty than to lose all of our mercenary companies. The Thunder Twins are too far away for our troops to assist them effectively, are not nearly as fortified as our core, and lack the Sacred Forest bonus to fighting in forest environs. While the Thunder Speakers may be situated on defensive terrain, the Thunder Horse only occupies floodplain. The hills and mountains were occupied by the Mountain Horse.

And there is still a good chance that the nomads will attack the Harmurri or the Highland Kingdom before attacking the core proper.
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Out of curiosity, why does everyone think we will be defeated here? We have three mercenary companies and a bunch of our own troops, which probably carry martial in to 20-30s. Presumably, we can fight from defensible hardpoints at least some of the time, which reduces the nomad ability to harass. Even if it didn't, we should have enough of a numbers advantage to trade even unfavorable blows for a while.

So why does this imply defeat in detail?

Nomads with heroic khan in plains. If we were in our home hills or meeting them in Mountain Horse mountains, it would be entirely different war; as is, they can quite literally run circles around our army.
More Spiritblooded should help with communications at least, although we are going to lose cav vs cav conquest.

Oh, and by the way? This in inevitable part of historical civs. This is going to happen again eventually.

New Spiritual Value Gained!
Only through physical purity can spiritual purity be attained. There can however be no mercy for those who would contaminate the pure.
Pros: Bonuses to resisting disease and foreign influences
Cons: The impure and unclean must be eliminated
> bonus to resisting foreign influences

yeeah, I am really annoyed I didn't push for protecting them.
I am seeing fun times with PiA+this ahead...

Then again, it is first-level value. They tend to suck.
As long as we take actions which deal with the whole "cleanse purge eliminate" later on (god I wish I could trust other voters to not go full racist becuase of momentary convenience), it's not really that big a deal.
Already accounted for. Redshore counts as 2 cities.

Next turn you regain 1 point of temp damage, but your resistance is reset so you can tank more of it. The next phase after that you recover 7 points of temp damage, but probably take more along the way.

Some have, yes. You don't actually know how badly the plague is hitting the nomads, just that they seem less affected, but by all accounts he has a policy of "Fire, and lots of it!" when encountering any settlement, and they may have some form of quarantine procedure for the few skilled slaves they take, so they may simply have never been exposed.
Oh dear. Makes sense i guess though :/ Still, means a floor of 4 TED a phase if we keep isolated economy...

Yeah, that makes more sense with the reset. Wouldn't it be 13 points the phase after that, between Isolated Economy damage and Refugees?

Also, does the "or a phase without TED" apply to the resistance resetting? I.e. if we don't take TED this phase, we'd recover 1 TED, but would we also reset our resistance?
He's actually Heroic Mystic, Heroic Admin, Average Diplo, Poor Martial.

And he came from a low-class family, too! Geeze, they're gonna tell stories about this guy if the libraries are not burned to the ground.

[X] [War] Scramble everyone (Sends warriors east, Switches to Mass Levy policy and removes Isolated Economy status)
[X] [React] We need more fast scouts to counter the nomads! (Sec More Spiritbonded)

We can't not go to war here. Better to throw everything we can into the grinder, try to hold them in Txolla, and pray that the plague burns itself out before Plague Rotted Economy can destroy us.